31 lines
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31 lines
1.4 KiB
<%# cache expires at the top of the next hour %>
<% cache(['mini_calendar_render', current.to_s, first_day.to_s].cache_key, :expires_in => (3600 - (Time.now.to_i % 3600)).seconds) do %>
<div class="mini_month" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="mini-cal-header">
<span role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="prev_month_link"><i class="icon-arrow-open-left"></i></span>
<span role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="next_month_link"><i class="icon-arrow-open-right"></i></span>
<span class="mini-cal-month-and-year">
<span class="month_name"><%= I18n.t('date.month_names')[current.month] %></span>
<span class="year_number"><%= current.year %></span>
<div style="display: none;">
<span class="month_number"><%= current.month %></span>
<% today = Time.zone.today %>
<table class="mini_calendar" cellspacing="0">
<% day = first_day %>
<% 6.times do %>
<tr class="mini_calendar_week">
<% 7.times do %>
<td id="<%= day.strftime("mini_day_%Y_%m_%d") %>" class="mini_calendar_day day <%= day.month == current.month ? 'current_month' : 'other_month' %><%= day == today ? ' today' : '' %> <%= day.strftime("date_%m_%d_%Y") %>">
<span class="day_number" title="<%= day.strftime "%m/%d/%Y" %>"><%= day.day %></span>
<% day = day.next %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>