54 lines
1.9 KiB
54 lines
1.9 KiB
define [
], (I18n, $, assignmentDetailsDialogTemplate) ->
class AssignmentDetailsDialog
constructor: ({@assignment, @students}) ->
{scores, locals} = @compute()
tally = 0
width = 0
totalWidth = 100
$.extend locals,
showDistribution: locals.average && @assignment.points_possible
noneLeftWidth: width = totalWidth * (locals.min / @assignment.points_possible)
noneLeftLeft: (tally += width) - width
someLeftWidth: width = totalWidth * ((locals.average - locals.min) / @assignment.points_possible)
someLeftLeft: (tally += width) - width
someRightWidth: width = totalWidth * ((locals.max - locals.average) / @assignment.points_possible)
someRightLeft: (tally += width) - width
noneRightWidth: width = totalWidth * ((@assignment.points_possible - locals.max) / @assignment.points_possible)
noneRightLeft: (tally += width) - width
width: 500
close: -> $(this).remove()
compute: (opts={
students: @students
assignment: @assignment
{students, assignment} = opts
scores = (student["assignment_#{assignment.id}"].score for idx, student of students when student["assignment_#{assignment.id}"]?.score?)
locals =
assignment: assignment
cnt: scores.length
max: @nonNumericGuard Math.max scores...
min: @nonNumericGuard Math.min scores...
average: do (scores) =>
total = 0
total += score for score in scores
@nonNumericGuard Math.round(total / scores.length)
scores: scores
locals: locals
nonNumericGuard: (number) =>
if isFinite(number) and not isNaN(number)
I18n.t('no_graded_submissions', "No graded submissions")