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206 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper.rb')
describe Canvas do
describe ".timeout_protection" do
it "should wrap the block in a timeout" do
Setting.set("service_generic_timeout", "2")
expect(Timeout).to receive(:timeout).with(2).and_yield
ran = false
Canvas.timeout_protection("spec") { ran = true }
expect(ran).to eq true
# service-specific timeout
Setting.set("service_spec_timeout", "1")
expect(Timeout).to receive(:timeout).with(1).and_yield
ran = false
Canvas.timeout_protection("spec") { ran = true }
expect(ran).to eq true
it "should raise on timeout if raise_on_timeout option is specified" do
expect(Timeout).to receive(:timeout).and_raise(Timeout::Error)
expect { Canvas.timeout_protection("spec", raise_on_timeout: true) {} }.to raise_error(Timeout::Error)
it "should use the timeout argument over the generic default" do
expect(Timeout).to receive(:timeout).with(23)
Canvas.timeout_protection("foo", fallback_timeout_length: 23)
it "should use the settings timeout over the timeout argument" do
Setting.set("service_foo_timeout", "1")
expect(Timeout).to receive(:timeout).with(1)
Canvas.timeout_protection("foo", fallback_timeout_length: 23)
if Canvas.redis_enabled?
it "should skip calling the block after X failures" do
Setting.set("service_spec_cutoff", "2")
expect(Timeout).to receive(:timeout).with(15).twice.and_raise(Timeout::Error)
Canvas.timeout_protection("spec") {}
Canvas.timeout_protection("spec") {}
ran = false
# third time, won't call timeout
Canvas.timeout_protection("spec") { ran = true }
expect(ran).to eq false
# verify the redis key has a ttl
key = "service:timeouts:spec:error_count"
expect(Canvas.redis.get(key)).to eq "2"
expect(Canvas.redis.ttl(key)).to be_present
# delete the redis key and it'll try again
expect(Timeout).to receive(:timeout).with(15).and_yield
Canvas.timeout_protection("spec") { ran = true }
expect(ran).to eq true
it "should raise on cutoff if raise_on_timeout option is specified" do
key = "service:timeouts:spec:error_count"
Canvas.redis.set(key, 42)
expect { Canvas.timeout_protection("spec", raise_on_timeout: true) {} }.
to raise_error(Timeout::Error)
expect(Canvas.redis.get(key)).to eq "42"
it "calls percent_short_circuit_timeout when set to do so" do
Setting.set("service_spec_timeout_protection_method", "percentage")
expect(Canvas).to receive(:percent_short_circuit_timeout).once
Canvas.timeout_protection("spec") {}
if Canvas.redis_enabled?
describe '.lookup_cache_store' do
it "has the switchman namespace when using the pre-existing data redis" do
store = Canvas.lookup_cache_store({ 'cache_store' => 'redis_store' }, Rails.env)
expect(store.options[:namespace]).not_to be_nil
expect(store.data).to eq (Canvas.redis.__getobj__)
describe ".short_circuit_timeout" do
it "should wrap the block in a timeout" do
expect(Timeout).to receive(:timeout).with(15).and_yield
ran = false
Canvas.short_circuit_timeout(Canvas.redis, "spec", 15) { ran = true }
expect(ran).to eq true
it "should skip calling the block after X failures" do
Setting.set("service_spec_cutoff", "2")
expect(Timeout).to receive(:timeout).with(15).twice.and_raise(Timeout::Error)
expect { Canvas.short_circuit_timeout(Canvas.redis, "spec", 15) {} }.
to raise_error(Timeout::Error)
expect { Canvas.short_circuit_timeout(Canvas.redis, "spec", 15) {} }.
to raise_error(Timeout::Error)
ran = false
# third time, won't call timeout
expect { Canvas.short_circuit_timeout(Canvas.redis, "spec", 15) { ran = true } }.
to raise_error(Timeout::Error)
expect(ran).to eq false
# verify the redis key has a ttl
key = "service:timeouts:spec:error_count"
expect(Canvas.redis.get(key)).to eq "2"
expect(Canvas.redis.ttl(key)).to be_present
# delete the redis key and it'll try again
expect(Timeout).to receive(:timeout).with(15).and_yield
Canvas.short_circuit_timeout(Canvas.redis, "spec", 15) { ran = true }
expect(ran).to eq true
it "should raise TimeoutCutoff when the cutoff is reached" do
Setting.set("service_spec_cutoff", "2")
key = "service:timeouts:spec:error_count"
Canvas.redis.set(key, 42)
expect { Canvas.short_circuit_timeout(Canvas.redis, "spec", 15) { } }.
to raise_error(Canvas::TimeoutCutoff)
expect(Canvas.redis.get(key)).to eq "42"
describe ".percent_short_circuit_timeout" do
it "should raise TimeoutCutoff when the protection key is present" do
Canvas.redis.set("service:timeouts:spec:percent_counter:protection_activated", "true")
Canvas.redis.expire("service:timeouts:spec:percent_counter:protection_activated", 1)
expect { Canvas.percent_short_circuit_timeout(Canvas.redis, "spec", 15) {}}.
to raise_error(Canvas::TimeoutCutoff)
it "raise TimeoutCutoff when the failure rate is too high" do
counter = Canvas::FailurePercentCounter.new(Canvas.redis,
expect(counter).to receive(:failure_rate).and_return(0.2)
expect(Canvas::FailurePercentCounter).to receive(:new).and_return(counter)
expect { Canvas.percent_short_circuit_timeout(Canvas.redis, "spec", 15) {}}.
to raise_error(Canvas::TimeoutCutoff)
it "wraps the block in a timeout" do
expect(Timeout).to receive(:timeout).with(15).and_yield
ran = false
Canvas.percent_short_circuit_timeout(Canvas.redis, "spec", 15) { ran = true }
expect(ran).to eq true
it "increments the counter when the block is called" do
counter = Canvas::FailurePercentCounter.new(Canvas.redis,
expect(counter).to receive(:failure_rate).and_return(0.0)
expect(counter).to receive(:increment_count)
expect(Canvas::FailurePercentCounter).to receive(:new).and_return(counter)
Canvas.percent_short_circuit_timeout(Canvas.redis, "spec", 15) { }
it "raises Timeout::Error on timeout" do
expect(Timeout).to receive(:timeout).and_raise(Timeout::Error)
expect { Canvas.percent_short_circuit_timeout(Canvas.redis, "spec", 15) {} }.
to raise_error(Timeout::Error)
it "increments the failure count on timeout" do
expect(Timeout).to receive(:timeout).and_raise(Timeout::Error)
counter = Canvas::FailurePercentCounter.new(Canvas.redis,
expect(counter).to receive(:failure_rate).and_return(0.0)
expect(counter).to receive(:increment_count)
expect(counter).to receive(:increment_failure)
expect(Canvas::FailurePercentCounter).to receive(:new).and_return(counter)
expect { Canvas.percent_short_circuit_timeout(Canvas.redis, "spec", 15) {} }.
to raise_error(Timeout::Error)
it "sets the protection activated key if failure rate too high" do
counter = Canvas::FailurePercentCounter.new(Canvas.redis,
expect(counter).to receive(:failure_rate).and_return(0.2)
expect(Canvas::FailurePercentCounter).to receive(:new).and_return(counter)
expect { Canvas.percent_short_circuit_timeout(Canvas.redis, "spec", 15) {} }.
to raise_error(Timeout::Error)
key = "service:timeouts:spec:percent_counter:protection_activated"
expect(Canvas.redis.get(key)).to eq "true"
expect(Canvas.redis.ttl(key)).to be_present