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class Quizzes::QuizSubmissionService
attr_accessor :participant
# @param [QuizParticipant] participant
# The person that wants to take the quiz. This could be:
# - a student
# - a teacher/quiz author who wants to preview the quiz.
# Note that the participant's user_code must be set in this case.
# - an anonymous user taking a public course's quiz
def initialize(participant)
self.participant = participant
# Create a QuizSubmission, or re-generate an existing one if viable.
# Semantically, creating a QS means taking a Quiz, and re-generating it means
# re-trying it (doing another attempt.) See QuizSubmission#retriable? for
# regeneration conditions.
# @param [Quiz] quiz
# The Quiz to take.
# @throw RequestError(403) if the student isn't allowed to take the quiz
# @throw RequestError(403) if the user is not logged in and the Quiz isn't public
# See #assert_takeability! for further errors that might be thrown.
# See #assert_retriability! for further errors that might be thrown.
# @return [QuizSubmission]
# The (re)generated QS.
def create(quiz)
unless quiz.grants_right?(participant.user, :submit)
reject! 'you are not allowed to participate in this quiz', 403
assert_takeability! quiz
# Look up an existing QS, and if one exists, make sure it is retriable.
assert_retriability! quiz.quiz_submissions.order(:created_at).for_participant(participant).first
quiz.generate_submission_for_participant participant
# Create a "preview" Quiz Submission that doesn't count towards the quiz stats.
# Only quiz authors can launch the preview mode.
# @param [Quiz] quiz
# The Quiz to be previewed.
# @param [Hash] session
# The Rails session. Used for testing access permissions.
# @throw RequestError(403) if the user isn't privileged to update the Quiz
# @return [QuizSubmission]
# The newly created preview QS.
def create_preview(quiz, session)
unless quiz.grants_right?(participant.user, session, :update)
reject! 'you are not allowed to preview this quiz', 403
quiz.generate_submission(participant.user_code, true)
# Complete the quiz submission by marking it as complete and grading it. When
# the quiz submission has been marked as complete, no further modifications
# will be allowed.
# @param [QuizSubmission] quiz_submission
# The QS to complete.
# @param [Integer] attempt
# The QuizSubmission#attempt that is requested to be completed. This must
# match the quiz_submission's current attempt index.
# @throw RequestError(403) if the participant can't take the quiz
# @throw RequestError(400) if the QS is already complete
# Further errors might be thrown from the following methods:
# - #assert_takeability!
# - #assert_retriability!
# - #validate_token!
# - #ensure_latest_attempt!
# @return [QuizSubmission]
# The QS that was completed.
def complete(quiz_submission, attempt)
quiz = quiz_submission.quiz
unless quiz.grants_right?(participant.user, :submit)
reject! 'you are not allowed to complete this quiz submission', 403
# Participant must be able to take the quiz...
assert_takeability! quiz
# And be the owner of the quiz submission:
validate_token! quiz_submission, participant.validation_token
# The QS must be completable:
unless quiz_submission.untaken?
reject! 'quiz submission is already complete', 400
# And we need a valid attempt index to work with.
ensure_latest_attempt! quiz_submission, attempt
# Modify question scores and comments for a student's quiz submission.
# @param [Hash] scoring_data
# So this is the set that contains the modifications you want to apply.
# The format is well-documented in the QuizSubmissionsApi#update endpoint,
# so check it out there.
# @option [Integer] attempt
# The attempt the modifications are for. This needs to map to a valid and
# _complete_ quiz submission attempt.
# @option [Float] scoring_data.fudge_points
# Amount of points to fudge the totalscore by.
# @option [Hash] scoring_data.questions
# Question scores and comments. The key is the question id.
# @option [Float] scoring_data.questions.score
# Question score. Nil, or lack of, represents no change.
# @option [String] scoring_data.questions.comment
# Question/answer comment. Nil, or lack of, represents no change. Empty
# string means remove any previous comments.
# @return [nil] nothing of significance
# @throw RequestError(403) if the participant user isn't a teacher
# @throw RequestError(400) if the attempt isn't valid, or isn't complete
# @throw RequestError(400) if a question score is funny
def update_scores(quiz_submission, attempt, scoring_data)
unless quiz_submission.grants_right?(participant.user, :update_scores)
reject! 'you are not allowed to update scores for this quiz submission', 403
if !attempt
reject! 'invalid attempt', 400
version = quiz_submission.versions.get(attempt.to_i)
if version.nil?
reject! 'invalid attempt', 400
elsif !version.model.completed?
reject! 'quiz submission attempt must be complete', 400
# map the scoring data to the legacy format of QuizSubmission#update_scores
legacy_params = {}.with_indifferent_access
legacy_params[:submission_version_number] = attempt.to_i
if scoring_data[:fudge_points].present?
legacy_params[:fudge_points] = scoring_data[:fudge_points].to_f
if scoring_data[:questions].is_a?(Hash)
scoring_data[:questions].each_pair do |question_id, question_data|
question_id = question_id.to_i
score, comment = question_data[:score], question_data[:comment]
if score.present?
legacy_params["question_score_#{question_id}".to_sym] = begin
reject! 'question score must be an unsigned decimal', 400
# nil represents lack of change to a comment, '' means no comment
unless comment.nil?
legacy_params["question_comment_#{question_id}".to_sym] = comment.to_s
unless legacy_params.except(:submission_version_number).empty?
# Provide an answer to a question, or flag it, while taking a quiz. A snapshot
# of the QS will be made with the new answer state.
# @param [Hash] question_record
# The "answer record" for the question in the QS's submission_data. This
# can be obtained using the QuizQuestion::AnswerSerializers for a given QQ.
# @param [QuizSubmission] quiz_submission
# The QS we're manipulating (answering/flagging.)
# @param [Integer] attempt
# The attempt index this answer/modification applies to. This must match
# the quiz_submission's current attempt index.
# @throw RequestError(403) if the participant can't update the QS (ie, not the owner)
# @throw RequestError(400) if the QS is complete or overdue
# Further errors might be thrown from the following methods:
# - #assert_takeability!
# - #assert_retriability!
# - #validate_token!
# - #ensure_latest_attempt!
# @return [Hash] the recently-adjusted submission_data set
def update_question(question_record, quiz_submission, attempt, snapshot=true)
unless quiz_submission.grants_right?(participant.user, :update)
reject! 'you are not allowed to update questions for this quiz submission', 403
if quiz_submission.completed?
reject! 'quiz submission is already complete', 400
elsif quiz_submission.overdue?
reject! 'quiz submission is overdue', 400
assert_takeability! quiz_submission.quiz
validate_token! quiz_submission, participant.validation_token
ensure_latest_attempt! quiz_submission, attempt
quiz_submission.backup_submission_data question_record.merge({
validation_token: participant.validation_token,
cnt: snapshot ? 5 : 1 # force generation of snapshot
# Abort the current service request with an error similar to an API error.
# See Api#reject! for usage.
def reject!(cause, status)
raise RequestError.new(cause, status)
# Verify that none of the following Quiz restrictions are preventing the Quiz
# from being taken by a client:
# - the Quiz being locked
# - the Quiz access code
# - the Quiz active IP filter
# @param [Quiz] quiz
# The Quiz we're attempting to take.
# @param [QuizParticipant] participant
# The person trying to take the quiz.
# @param [String] participant.access_code
# The Access Code provided by the participant.
# @param [String] participant.ip_address
# The IP address of the participant.
# @throw RequestError(400) if the Quiz is locked
# @throw RequestError(501) if the Quiz has the "can't go back" flag on
# @throw RequestError(403) if the access code is invalid
# @throw RequestError(403) if the IP address isn't covered
def assert_takeability!(quiz, participant = self.participant)
if quiz.locked?
reject! 'quiz is locked', 400
# [Transient:CNVS-10224] - support for CGB-OQAAT quizzes
if quiz.cant_go_back
reject! 'that type of quizzes is not supported yet', 501
if quiz.access_code.present? && quiz.access_code != participant.access_code
reject! 'invalid access code', 403
if quiz.ip_filter && !quiz.valid_ip?(participant.ip_address)
reject! 'IP address denied', 403
# Verify the given QS is retriable.
# @throw RequestError(409) if the QS is not new and can not be retried
# See QuizSubmission#retriable?
def assert_retriability!(quiz_submission)
if quiz_submission.present? && !quiz_submission.retriable?
reject! 'a quiz submission already exists', 409
def validate_token!(quiz_submission, validation_token)
unless quiz_submission.valid_token?(validation_token)
reject! 'invalid token', 403
# Ensure that the QS attempt index is specified and is the latest one, unless
# it's a preview QS.
# The reason we require an attempt to be explicitly specified and that
# it must match the latest one is to avoid cases where the student leaves
# an open session for an earlier attempt which might try to auto-submit
# or backup answers, and those shouldn't overwrite the latest attempt's
# data.
# @param [QuizSubmission] quiz_submission
# @param [Integer|String] attempt
# The attempt to validate.
# @throw RequestError(400) if attempt isn't a valid integer
# @throw RequestError(400) if attempt is invalid (ie, isn't the latest one)
def ensure_latest_attempt!(quiz_submission, attempt)
attempt = Integer(attempt) rescue nil
if !attempt
reject! 'invalid attempt', 400
elsif !quiz_submission.preview? && quiz_submission.attempt != attempt
reject! "attempt #{attempt} can not be modified", 400