682 lines
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682 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2022 - present Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
export type Enrollment = Readonly<{
associated_user_id: null | string
course_id: string
course_integration_id: null | string
course_section_id: string
created_at: string
end_at: null | string
enrollment_state: 'active' | 'inactive' | 'completed' | 'invited'
html_url: string
id: string
last_activity_at: null | string
last_attended_at: null | string
limit_privileges_to_course_section: boolean
role_id: string
root_account_id: string
section_integration_id: null | string
sis_account_id: null | string
sis_course_id: null | string
sis_import_id: null | string
sis_section_id: null | string
sis_user_id: null | string
start_at: null | string
total_activity_time: number
type: 'StudentEnrollment' | 'StudentViewEnrollment'
updated_at: string
user_id: string
grades: {
html_url: string
current_grade: null | number
current_score: null | number
final_grade: null | number
final_score: null | number
unposted_current_score: null | number
unposted_current_grade: null | number
unposted_final_score: null | number
unposted_final_grade: null | number
workflow_state: WorkflowState
export type Student = Readonly<{
avatar_url?: string
created_at: string
email: null | string
group_ids: string[]
id: string
integration_id: null | string
login_id: string
short_name: string
sis_import_id: null | string
sis_user_id: null | string
}> & {
enrollments: Enrollment[]
first_name: string
last_name: string
name: string
index: number
section_ids: string[]
} & Partial<{
anonymous_name: string
computed_current_score: number
computed_final_score: number
cssClass: string
displayName: string
initialized: boolean
isConcluded: boolean
isInactive: boolean
loaded: boolean
sections: string[]
sortable_name: string
total_grade: number
export type StudentMap = {
[studentId: string]: Student
export type StudentGroup = Partial<
avatar_url: null | string
concluded: boolean
context_type: string
course_id: string
created_at: string
description: null | string
group_category_id: string
has_submission: boolean
id: string
is_public: boolean
join_level: string
leader: null | string
max_membership: null | string
members_count: string
name: string
role: null | string
sis_group_id: null | string
sis_import_id: null | string
storage_quota_mb: string
'id' | 'name'
export type StudentGroupCategory = Readonly<{
allows_multiple_memberships: boolean
auto_leader: null | string
context_type: string
course_id: string
created_at: string
group_limit: null
groups: StudentGroup[]
id: string
is_member: boolean
name: string
protected: boolean
role: null | string
self_signup: null | string
sis_group_category_id: null | string
sis_import_id: null | string
export type StudentGroupMap = {
[id: string]: StudentGroup
export type StudentGroupCategoryMap = {
[id: string]: StudentGroupCategory
export type DueDate = Readonly<{
due_at: string | null
grading_period_id: string | null
in_closed_grading_period: boolean
export type UserDueDateMap = {
[user_id: string]: DueDate
export type AssignmentUserDueDateMap = {
[assignment_id: string]: UserDueDateMap
export type Override = Readonly<{
title: string
id: string
due_at: string | null
course_section_id: string | null
export type Assignment = Readonly<{
allowed_attempts: number
created_at: string
id: string
html_url: string
allowed_extensions: string[]
annotatable_attachment_id: null | string
anonymous_grading: boolean
anonymous_instructor_annotations: boolean
anonymous_peer_reviews: boolean
assessment_requests?: AssessmentRequest[]
assignment_group_id: string
automatic_peer_reviews: boolean
can_duplicate: boolean
course_id: string
checkpoints: Checkpoint[]
discussion_topic: DiscussionTopic
due_date_required: boolean
final_grader_id: null | string
grade_group_students_individually: boolean
graded_submissions_exist: boolean
grader_comments_visible_to_graders: boolean
grader_count: number
grader_names_visible_to_final_grader: boolean
graders_anonymous_to_graders: boolean
grades_published: boolean
grading_standard_id: string | null
grading_type: GradingType
group_category_id: string | null
has_overrides: boolean
has_sub_assignments: boolean
has_submitted_submissions: boolean
hide_in_gradebook: boolean
important_dates: boolean
integration_data: any
integration_id: null | string
intra_group_peer_reviews: boolean
is_quiz_assignment: boolean
lock_at: null | string
locked_for_user: boolean
lti_context_id: string
max_name_length: number
moderated_grading: boolean
module_ids?: string[]
module_positions: number[]
muted: boolean
name: string
omit_from_final_grade: boolean
only_visible_to_overrides: boolean
original_assignment_id: null | string
original_assignment_name: null | string
original_course_id: null | string
original_lti_resource_link_id: null | string
original_quiz_id: null | string
peer_reviews: boolean
points_possible: number
position: number
post_to_sis: boolean
published: boolean
require_lockdown_browser: boolean
secure_params: string
sis_assignment_id: null | string
submission_types: string[]
submissions_download_url: string
unlock_at: null | string
unpublishable: boolean
updated_at: string
visible_to_everyone: boolean
workflow_state: WorkflowState
}> & {
anonymize_students: boolean
assignment_visibility: string[]
post_manually: boolean
} & Partial<{
assignment_group: AssignmentGroup
due_at: string | null
effectiveDueDates: UserDueDateMap
inClosedGradingPeriod: boolean
overrides: Override[]
export type AssignmentMap = {
[assignmentId: string]: Assignment
export type AssignmentGroup = Readonly<{
assignments: Assignment[]
group_weight: number
id: string
integration_data: unknown
name: string
position: number
rules: {
drop_lowest?: number
drop_highest?: number
never_drop?: string[]
sis_source_id: null | string
export type AssignmentGroupMap = {
[id: string]: AssignmentGroup
export type AssessmentRequest = Readonly<{
anonymous_id?: string
user_id?: string
user_name?: string
available: boolean
workflow_state?: string
export type AssignedAssessments = {
assetId: string
workflowState: string
assetSubmissionType: string | null
anonymizedUser?: {
displayName: string
_id: string
} | null
anonymousId?: string | null
export type AttachmentData = Readonly<{
attachment: Attachment
export type Attachment = {
canvadoc_url?: string
comment_id?: string
content_type: string
created_at: string
crocodoc_url?: string
display_name: string
filename: string
hijack_crocodoc_session?: boolean
id: string
mime_class: string
provisional_canvadoc_url?: null | string
provisional_crocodoc_url?: null | string
submitted_to_crocodoc?: boolean
submitter_id: string
updated_at: string
upload_status: 'pending' | 'failed' | 'success'
url?: string
view_inline_ping_url?: string
viewed_at: string
word_count: number
workflow_state: 'pending_upload' | 'processing'
export type Module = Readonly<{
id: string
name: string
position: number
export type ModuleMap = {
[id: string]: Module
export type Section = Readonly<{
course_id: string
created_at: string
end_at: null | string
id: string
integration_id: null | string
name: string
nonxlist_course_id: null | string
restrict_enrollments_to_section_dates: null | boolean
sis_course_id: null | string
sis_import_id: null | string
sis_section_id: null | string
start_at: null | string
export type SectionMap = {
[id: string]: Section
export type GradingType =
| 'points'
| 'percent'
| 'letter_grade'
| 'gpa_scale'
| 'pass_fail'
| 'not_graded'
export type SubmissionType =
| null
| 'basic_lti_launch'
| 'discussion_topic'
| 'external_tool'
| 'media_recording'
| 'on_paper'
| 'online_quiz'
| 'online_text_entry'
| 'online_upload'
| 'online_url'
| 'wiki_page'
export type WorkflowState =
| 'assigned'
| 'completed'
| 'deleted'
| 'graded'
| 'not_graded'
| 'pending_review'
| 'published'
| 'settings_only'
| 'submitted'
| 'unpublished'
| 'unsubmitted'
| 'untaken'
export type SimilarityScore = {
similarityScore: number
status: 'error' | 'pending' | 'scored'
export type TurnitinAsset = {
status: string
provider: string
similarity_score?: number
state?: string
public_error_message?: string
export type Submission = Readonly<{
anonymous_id?: string
assignment_id: string
assignment_visible?: boolean
attempt: number | null
cached_due_date: null | string
custom_grade_status_id: null | string
drop?: boolean
entered_grade: null | string
entered_score: null | number
grade_matches_current_submission: boolean
gradeLocked: boolean
grading_period_id: string
grading_type: GradingType
has_originality_report: boolean
has_postable_comments: boolean
id: string
late_policy_status: null | LatePolicyStatus
late: boolean
missing: boolean
points_deducted: null | string | number
provisional_grade_id: string
redo_request: boolean
score: null | number
seconds_late: number
similarityInfo: null | SimilarityScore
submission_type: SubmissionType
url?: null | string
user_id: string
versioned_attachments?: any
word_count: null | number
workflow_state: WorkflowState
}> & {
assignedAssessments?: AssignedAssessments[]
attempt?: number
excused: boolean
external_tool_url?: string
grade: string | null
graded_at: string | null
gradingType: GradingType
has_originality_score?: any
hidden: boolean
posted_at: null | Date
proxy_submitter?: string
rawGrade: string | null
submission_comments: SubmissionComment[]
submitted_at: null | Date
turnitin_data?: TurnitinAsset & {
// TODO: refactor to separate out the dynamic object
[key: string]: any
updated_at: string
final_provisional_grade?: string
export type MissingSubmission = {
assignment_id: string
user_id: string
excused: boolean
late: boolean
missing: boolean
seconds_late: number
} & Partial<Submission>
export type AssignmentUserSubmissionMap = {
[assignmentId: string]: {
[userId: string]: Submission
export type UserSubmissionGroup = {
user_id: string
section_id: string
submissions: Submission[]
export type MediaTrack = {
id: string
locale: string
content: string
kind: string
src?: string
label?: string
language?: string
type?: string
export type MediaSource = {
height: string
url: string
content_type: string
width: string
label?: string
src?: string
export type MediaObject = {
id: string
media_type?: string
title?: string
media_sources: MediaSource[]
media_tracks: MediaTrack[]
export type SubmissionComment = Readonly<{
anonymous_id: string
attachments: Attachment[]
attempt?: number
author_id: string
avatar_path: string
cached_attachments: Attachment[]
comment: string
created_at: string
display_updated_at?: string
draft: boolean
edited_at: null | string
group_comment_id: string
id: string
is_read?: boolean
media_comment_id: string
media_comment_type: string
media_object?: MediaObject
publishable: boolean
submission_comment: SubmissionComment
updated_at: string
author?: {
id: string
display_name: string
avatar_image_url: string
html_url: string
}> & {
author_name: string
posted_at: string
export type SubmissionCommentData = {
group_comment: 1 | 0
text_comment: string
attempt?: number
export type GradingPeriod = Readonly<{
close_date: string
end_date: string
id: string
is_closed: boolean
is_last: boolean
permissions: {
read: boolean
update: boolean
create: boolean
delete: boolean
start_date: string
title: string
weight: number | null
export type SubmissionAttemptsComments = {
attempts: {
[key: string]: SubmissionComment[]
export type GradingPeriodSet = Readonly<{
account_id: string
course_id: string | null
created_at: string
display_totals_for_all_grading_periods: boolean
enrollment_term_ids: string[]
grading_periods: GradingPeriod[]
id: string
permissions: unknown
root_account_id: string
title: string
updated_at: string
weighted: boolean
workflow_state: WorkflowState
export type GradingPeriodSetGroup = {
grading_period_sets: GradingPeriodSet[]
export type LatePolicyStatus = 'missing' | 'late' | 'extended'
// /api/v1/users/self/history
export type HistoryEntry = Readonly<{
asset_code: string
asset_name: string
asset_icon: string
asset_readable_category: string
visited_url: string
visited_at: string
context_name: string
// '/api/v1/accounts'
export type Account = Readonly<{
id: string
name: string
// '/api/v1/users/self/favorites/courses?include[]=term&include[]=sections&sort=nickname',
export type Course = Readonly<{
id: string
name: string
workflow_state: string
enrollment_term_id: number
term: {
name: string
homeroom_course: boolean
sis_course_id: string | null
sections: [
id: string
name: string
// '/api/v1/users/self/tabs',
type TabCountsObj = Readonly<{
[key: string]: number | undefined
export type ProfileTab = Readonly<{
id: string
label: string
html_url: string
counts: TabCountsObj
// '/api/v1/users/self/groups?include[]=can_access',
export type AccessibleGroup = Readonly<{
id: string
name: string
can_access?: boolean
concluded: boolean
// '/help_links',
export type HelpLink = Readonly<{
id: string
url: string
text: string
subtext?: string
feature_headline?: string
is_featured?: boolean
is_new?: boolean
no_new_window?: boolean
// '/api/v1/release_notes/latest'
export type ReleaseNote = {
id: string
title: string
description: string
url: string
date: string
new: boolean
export type DiscussionTopic = {
reply_to_entry_required_count: number
export type Checkpoint = {
due_at: string | null
name: string
only_visible_to_overrides: boolean
overrides: CheckpointOverride[]
points_possible: number
tag: string
export type CheckpointOverride = {
all_day: boolean
all_day_date: string
assignment_id: string
due_at: string
id: string
student_ids: string[]
title: string
unassign_item: boolean