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# Copyright (C) 2018 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
module BasicLTI
class QuizzesNextSubmissionReverter
def initialize(submission, launch_url, grader_id)
@submission = submission
@launch_url = launch_url
@grader_id = grader_id
# this method builds two versions/layers
# 1: masking version, filtering target attempt from submission history
# this can reuse a version if the previous version has a same url (attempt identifier)
# 2: version to be reverted, making sure the submission has a score from the
# previous attempt
def revert_attempt
# do nothing if there is no version for the requested attempt (identified by @launch_url)
return true unless valid_revert?
# we want to revert submission to the last attempt
def valid_revert?
return false if @submission.blank? || @launch_url.blank? || target_attempt_version.blank?
# can be reverted if submission has versions
return false if @submission.versions.blank?
# earlier attempt(version) cannot be reopened
target_attempt_version[:url] == @launch_url
def revert_to_last_attempt
# if version_to_be_reverted is nil, we don't want to revert to any version
# @submission.submission_type = nil will protect an attempt from loading
return if version_to_be_reverted.blank?
# this will create an active/open version (to avoid overwriting the masking
# version, created in #update_submission)
# the acive/open version is sync'ed with submission.
# In this scenario, the open version is the version to be reverted.
@submission.with_versioning(:explicit => true) { @submission.save! }
# grade is a derived field, will be calculated automatically on saving
except: [:grade]
# the latest attempt (identified by @launch_url) version
def target_attempt_version
# the version we want to revert to
def version_to_be_reverted
def fetch_versions
return @_fetch_versions if @_fetch_versions.present?
# the latest version of the previous attempt (we want to revert to)
prev_attempt_version = nil
# the latest version of current attempt (identified by @launch_url)
cur_attempt_version = nil
unsubmitted_version = nil
attempt_hash.each do |h|
x, y, z = process_submission_hash(h)
unsubmitted_version = x || unsubmitted_version
prev_attempt_version = y || prev_attempt_version
cur_attempt_version = z || cur_attempt_version
# revert the submission to a version of the last attempt, or
# unsubmitted version if there is no other attempts
@_fetch_versions = [prev_attempt_version || unsubmitted_version, cur_attempt_version]
def process_submission_hash(h)
url = h[:url]
submitted_at = h[:submitted_at]
# see QuizzesNextVersionedSubmission, a unsubmitted version (1st version) was created there
# if the submission has only one version, and we want to reopen it,
# we want to revert the submission to unsubmitted.
unsubmitted_version = h if h[:number] == 1 && submitted_at.blank?
prev_attempt_version = nil
cur_attempt_version = nil
if url != @launch_url && valid_version?(h)
prev_attempt_version = h
elsif valid_version?(h)
cur_attempt_version = h
[unsubmitted_version, prev_attempt_version, cur_attempt_version]
def valid_version?(h)
url = h[:url]
score = h[:score]
url.present? && score.present?
def attempt_hash
@_attempt_hash ||= begin
vs = @submission.versions.map do |v|
h = YAML.safe_load(v.yaml).with_indifferent_access
{ url: h[:url], submitted_at: h[:submitted_at], number: v.number, updated_at: h[:updated_at], score: h[:score] }
# we want versions in this order to be used in #fetch_versions
vs.sort_by{ |x| [x[:submitted_at] || x[:updated_at], x[:number]] }
# this creates a masking version, masking all versions from the target attempt
# if the lastest version is from the same attempt, we can be smart to overwrite the version,
# instead of creating a new version
def update_submission
@submission.score = nil
@submission.graded_at = @submission.submitted_at
@submission.grade_matches_current_submission = false
@submission.grader_id = @grader_id
@submission.submission_type = nil
# don't add a new version if the open version is from the same attempt
return @submission.save! if @submission.url == @launch_url
@submission.url = @launch_url
@submission.with_versioning(:explicit => true) { @submission.save! }