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# Copyright (C) 2011 Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# @API Assignments
# API for accessing assignment information.
# @object Assignment
# {
# // the ID of the assignment
# id: 4,
# // the name of the assignment
# name: "some assignment",
# // the assignment description, in an HTML fragment
# description: "<p>Do the following:</p>...",
# // the due date for the assignment. returns null if not present.
# due_at: "2012-07-01T23:59:00-06:00",
# // the lock date (assignment is locked after this date). returns
# // null if not present.
# lock_at: "2012-07-01T23:59:00-06:00",
# // the unlock date (assignment is unlocked after this date)
# // returns null if not present
# unlock_at: "2012-07-01T23:59:00-06:00",
# // the ID of the course the assignment belongs to
# course_id: 123,
# // the URL to the assignment's web page
# html_url: "http://canvas.example.com/courses/123/assignments/4",
# // the ID of the assignment's group
# assignment_group_id: 2,
# // Allowed file extensions, which take effect if submission_types
# // includes "online_upload".
# allowed_extensions: [ "docx", "ppt" ],
# // Boolean flag indicating whether or not Turnitin has been enabled
# // for the assignment.
# // NOTE: This flag will not appear unless your account has the
# // Turnitin plugin available
# turnitin_enabled: true,
# // Settings to pass along to turnitin to control what kinds of matches
# // should be considered.
# // originality_report_visibility can be 'immediate', 'after_grading', or 'after_due_date'
# // exclude_small_matches_type can be null, 'percent', 'words'
# // exclude_small_matches_value:
# // - if type is null, this will be null also
# // - if type is 'percent', this will be a number between 0 and 100
# // representing match size to exclude as a percentage of the document size.
# // - if type is 'words', this will be number > 0 representing how many
# // words a match must contain for it to be considered
# // NOTE: This flag will not appear unless your account has the
# // Turnitin plugin available
# turnitin_settings: {
# originality_report_visibility => 'after_grading',
# s_paper_check => false,
# internet_check => false,
# journal_check => false,
# exclude_biblio => false,
# exclude_quoted => false,
# exclude_small_matches_type => 'percent',
# exclude_small_matches_value => 50,
# },
# // If this is a group assignment, boolean flag indicating whether or
# // not students will be graded individually.
# grade_group_students_individually: false,
# // (Optional) assignment's settings for external tools if
# // submission_types include "external_tool".
# // Only url and new_tab are included.
# // Use the "External Tools" API if you need more information about
# // an external tool.
# external_tool_tag_attributes: {
# // URL to the external tool
# url: "http://instructure.com",
# // Whether or not there is a new tab for the external tool
# new_tab: false,
# // the identifier for this tool_tag
# resource_link_id: 'ab81173af98b8c33e66a'
# },
# // Boolean indicating if peer reviews are required for this assignment
# peer_reviews: false,
# // Boolean indicating peer reviews are assigned automatically.
# // If false, the teacher is expected to manually assign peer reviews.
# automatic_peer_reviews: false,
# // Integer representing the amount of reviews each user is assigned.
# // NOTE: This key is NOT present unless you have automatic_peer_reviews
# // set to true.
# peer_review_count: 0,
# // String representing a date the reviews are due by. Must be a date
# // that occurs after the default due date. If blank, or date is not
# // after the assignment's due date, the assignment's due date will
# // be used.
# // NOTE: This key is NOT present unless you have automatic_peer_reviews
# // set to true.
# peer_reviews_assign_at: "2012-07-01T23:59:00-06:00",
# // the ID of the assignment’s group set (if this is a group assignment)
# group_category_id: 1,
# // if the requesting user has grading rights, the number of submissions that need grading.
# needs_grading_count: 17,
# // the sorting order of the assignment in the group
# position: 1,
# // the URL to the Canvas web UI page for the assignment
# html_url: "https://...",
# // whether the assignment is muted
# muted: false,
# // the maximum points possible for the assignment
# points_possible: 12,
# // the types of submissions allowed for this assignment
# // list containing one or more of the following:
# // "discussion_topic", "online_quiz", "on_paper", "none",
# // "external_tool", "online_text_entry", "online_url", "online_upload"
# // "media_recording"
# submission_types: ["online_text_entry"],
# // The type of grading the assignment receives; one of "pass_fail",
# // "percent", "letter_grade", "points"
# grading_type: "points",
# // (Optional) explanation of lock status
# lock_explanation: "This assignment is locked until September 1 at 12:00am",
# // (Optional) whether anonymous submissions are accepted (applies only to quiz assignments)
# anonymous_submissions: false,
# // (Optional) the DiscussionTopic associated with the assignment, if applicable
# discussion_topic: { ... },
# // (Optional) Boolean indicating if assignment will be frozen when it is copied.
# // NOTE: This field will only be present if the AssignmentFreezer
# // plugin is available for your account.
# freeze_on_copy: false,
# // (Optional) Boolean indicating if assignment is frozen for the calling user.
# // NOTE: This field will only be present if the AssignmentFreezer
# // plugin is available for your account.
# frozen: false,
# // (Optional) Array of frozen attributes for the assignment.
# // Only account administrators currently have permission to
# // change an attribute in this list. Will be empty if no attributes
# // are frozen for this assignment.
# // Possible frozen attributes are: title, description, lock_at,
# // points_possible, grading_type, submission_types, assignment_group_id,
# // allowed_extensions, group_category_id, notify_of_update, peer_reviews
# // NOTE: This field will only be present if the AssignmentFreezer
# // plugin is available for your account.
# frozen_attributes: [ "title" ],
# // (Optional) If true, the rubric is directly tied to grading the assignment.
# // Otherwise, it is only advisory. Included if there is an associated rubric.
# use_rubric_for_grading: true,
# // (Optional) An object describing the basic attributes of the rubric, including
# // the point total. Included if there is an associated rubric.
# rubric_settings: {
# points_possible: 12
# },
# // (Optional) A list of scoring criteria and ratings for each rubric criterion.
# // Included if there is an associated rubric.
# rubric: [
# {
# "points": 10,
# "id": "crit1",
# "description": "Criterion 1",
# "ratings": [
# {
# "points": 10,
# "id": "rat1",
# "description": "Full marks"
# },
# {
# "points": 7,
# "id": "rat2",
# "description": "Partial answer"
# },
# {
# "points": 0,
# "id": "rat3",
# "description": "No marks"
# }
# ]
# },
# {
# "points": 2,
# "id": "crit2",
# "description": "Criterion 2",
# "ratings": [
# {
# "points": 2,
# "id": "rat1",
# "description": "Pass"
# },
# {
# "points": 0,
# "id": "rat2",
# "description": "Fail"
# }
# ]
# }
# ]
# }
class AssignmentsApiController < ApplicationController
before_filter :require_context
include Api::V1::Assignment
include Api::V1::AssignmentOverride
# @API List assignments
# Returns the list of assignments for the current context.
# @returns [Assignment]
def index
if authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :read)
@assignments = @context.active_assignments.find(:all,
:include => [:assignment_group, :rubric_association, :rubric],
:order => "assignment_groups.position, assignments.position")
hashes = @assignments.map { |assignment|
assignment_json(assignment, @current_user, session) }
render :json => hashes.to_json
# @API Get a single assignment
# Returns the assignment with the given id.
# @returns Assignment
def show
if authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :read)
@assignment = @context.active_assignments.find(params[:id],
:include => [:assignment_group, :rubric_association, :rubric])
@assignment.context_module_action(@current_user, :read) unless @assignment.locked_for?(@current_user, :check_policies => true)
render :json => assignment_json(@assignment, @current_user, session)
# @API Create an assignment
# Create a new assignment for this course. The assignment is created in the
# active state.
# @argument assignment[name] The assignment name.
# @argument assignment[position] [Integer]
# The position of this assignment in the group when displaying
# assignment lists.
# @argument assignment[submission_types] [Array]
# List of supported submission types for the assignment.
# Unless the assignment is allowing online submissions, the array should
# only have one element.
# If not allowing online submissions, your options are:
# "online_quiz"
# "none"
# "on_paper"
# "online_quiz"
# "discussion_topic"
# "external_tool"
# If you are allowing online submissions, you can have one or many
# allowed submission types:
# "online_upload"
# "online_media_recording"
# "online_text_entry"
# "online_url"
# "online_media_recording" Only valid when the Kaltura plugin is enabled.
# @argument assignment[allowed_extensions] [Array]
# Allowed extensions if submission_types includes "online_upload"
# Example:
# allowed_extensions: ["docx","ppt"]
# @argument assignment[turnitin_enabled] [Optional,Boolean]
# Only applies when the Turnitin plugin is enabled for a course and
# the submission_types array includes "online_upload".
# Toggles Turnitin submissions for the assignment.
# Will be ignored if Turnitin is not available for the course.
# @argument assignment[turnitin_settings] [Optional]
# Settings to send along to turnitin. See Assignment object definition for
# format.
# @argument assignment[peer_reviews] [Optional,Boolean]
# If submission_types does not include external_tool,discussion_topic,
# online_quiz, or on_paper, determines whether or not peer reviews
# will be turned on for the assignment.
# @argument assignment[automatic_peer_reviews] [Optional,Boolean]
# Whether peer reviews will be assigned automatically by Canvas or if
# teachers must manually assign peer reviews. Does not apply if peer reviews
# are not enabled.
# @argument assignment[notify_of_update] [Optional,Boolean]
# If true, Canvas will send a notification to students in the class
# notifying them that the content has changed.
# @argument assignment[group_category_id] [Optional,Integer]
# If present, the assignment will become a group assignment assigned
# to the group.
# @argument assignment[grade_group_students_individually] [Optional,Integer]
# If this is a group assignment, teachers have the options to grade
# students individually. If false, Canvas will apply the assignment's
# score to each member of the group. If true, the teacher can manually
# assign scores to each member of the group.
# @argument assignment[external_tool_tag_attributes] [Optional]
# Hash of attributes if submission_types is ["external_tool"]
# Example:
# external_tool_tag_attributes: {
# // url to the external tool
# url: "http://instructure.com",
# // create a new tab for the module, defaults to false.
# new_tab: false
# }
# @argument assignment[points_possible] [Float] The maximum points possible on
# the assignment.
# @argument assignment[grading_type] [Optional, "pass_fail"|"percent"|"letter_grade"|"points"]
# The strategy used for grading the assignment.
# The assignment is ungraded if this field is omitted.
# @argument assignment[due_at] [Timestamp]
# The day/time the assignment is due.
# Accepts times in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2011-10-21T18:48Z.
# @argument assignment[lock_at] [Timestamp]
# The day/time the assignment is locked after.
# Accepts times in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2011-10-21T18:48Z.
# @argument assignment[unlock_at] [Timestamp]
# The day/time the assignment is unlocked.
# Accepts times in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2011-10-21T18:48Z.
# @argument assignment[description] [String]
# The assignment's description, supports HTML.
# @argument assignment[assignment_group_id] [Integer]
# The assignment group id to put the assignment in.
# Defaults to the top assignment group in the course.
# @argument assignment[muted] [Boolean]
# Whether this assignment is muted.
# A muted assignment does not send change notifications
# and hides grades from students.
# Defaults to false.
# @argument assignment[assignment_overrides] [Optional, [AssignmentOverride]]
# List of overrides for the assignment.
# NOTE: The assignment overrides feature is in beta.
# @returns Assignment
def create
@assignment = @context.assignments.build
if authorized_action(@assignment, @current_user, :create)
# @API Edit an assignment
# Modify an existing assignment. See the documentation for assignment
# creation.
# If the assignment[assignment_overrides] key is absent, any existing
# overrides are kept as is. If the assignment[assignment_overrides] key is
# present, existing overrides are updated or deleted (and new ones created,
# as necessary) to match the provided list.
# NOTE: The assignment overrides feature is in beta.
# @returns Assignment
def update
@assignment = @context.assignments.find(params[:id])
if authorized_action(@assignment, @current_user, :update)
def save_and_render_response
if update_and_save_assignment(@assignment, params[:assignment])
render :json => assignment_json(@assignment, @current_user, session).to_json, :status => 201
# TODO: we don't really have a strategy in the API yet for returning
# errors.
render :json => "error".to_json, :status => 400
def update_and_save_assignment(assignment, params)
return if params.nil?
old_assignment = assignment.new_record? ? nil : assignment.clone
old_assignment.id = assignment.id if old_assignment.present?
overrides = deserialize_overrides(params.delete(:assignment_overrides))
return if overrides && !overrides.is_a?(Array)
update_api_assignment( assignment, params, false )
if overrides
assignment.transaction do
# TODO: We need to handle notifications better here. We want to send
# notifications if the "notify_of_update" field is passed, but *after*
# the assignment overrides have been created.
batch_update_assignment_overrides(assignment, overrides)
return true
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
return false