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# Copyright (C) 2015 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <>.
class Attachments::Verification
# Attachment verifiers are tokens that can be added to attachment URLs that give
# the holder of the URL the ability to read an attachment without having an
# authenticated session. Verifiers capture in them the user id of the current user,
# the context where the user is viewing the content, and an expiration date.
# map from ctx_perm to a hash that maps from file permissions to context permissions
# e.g., grant :read and :download on the file if the context grants :read
:r_rd => { :read => :read, :download => :read }.freeze
attr_reader :attachment
def initialize(attachment)
@attachment = attachment
# Creates a signed verifier for the attachment and specified user. This verifier
# can be used in attachment URLs to create a signed URL for access in
# non-authenticated scenarios (such as via the API, mobile, etc).
# @param user (User) - The user granted access to the attachment
# @param opts[context] (String) - The context where the verifier is created. This is optional
# but strongly recommended for debugging. It is required when using +permission_map_id+.
# Normally it will be the asset_string of an AR object.
# @params opts[permission_map_id] - Key of a PERMISSION_MAPS entry used to derive file permissions
# from context permissions, useful where verifiers grant access to a file that would ordinarily
# not be accessible, such as file attachments in user context. If omitted, permissions will be
# tested directly on the file.
# @param opts[expires] (Time) - When the verifier should expire. Omit for no expiration
# Returns the verifier as a string.
def verifier_for_user(user, opts = {})
body = {
id: attachment.global_id,
ctx: opts[:context]
if user
body[:user_id] = user.global_id
pm = opts[:permission_map_id]
body[:pm] = pm.to_s if pm && PERMISSION_MAPS.key?(pm)
Canvas::Security.create_jwt(body, opts[:expires])
# Decodes a verifier and asserts its validity (but does not check permissions!). You
# probably want to use `valid_verifier_for_permission?`.
# @param verifier (String) - The verifier
# Returns nil if the verifier could not be decoded for whatever reason, and returns
# a Hash of the body contents if it can.
def decode_verifier(verifier)
body = Canvas::Security.decode_jwt(verifier)
if body[:id] != attachment.global_id
Rails.logger.warn("Attachment verifier token id mismatch. token id: #{body[:id]}, attachment id: #{attachment.global_id}, token: #{verifier}")
return nil
rescue Canvas::Security::TokenExpired
Rails.logger.warn("Attachment verifier token expired: #{verifier}")
return nil
rescue Canvas::Security::InvalidToken
Rails.logger.warn("Attachment verifier token invalid: #{verifier}")
return nil
return body
# Decodes a verifier and checks the user of the verifier has permission to access
# the attachment.
# @param verifier (String) - The verifier
# @param permission (Symbol) - Either :read or :download
# Returns a boolean
def valid_verifier_for_permission?(verifier, permission, session = {})
# Support for legacy verifiers.
if verifier == attachment.uuid
return true
body = decode_verifier(verifier)
if body.nil?
return false
# tokens that don't specify a user or permissions map have no further permissions checking
if !body[:user_id] && !body[:pm]
return true
user = body[:user_id] && User.find(body[:user_id])
if body[:ctx] && body[:pm]
return check_custom_permission(user, session, permission, body[:ctx], body[:pm].to_sym)
attachment.grants_right?(user, session, permission)
def check_custom_permission(user, session, permission, context_asset_string, permission_map_id)
permission_map = PERMISSION_MAPS[permission_map_id]
return false unless permission_map
context = Context.find_asset_by_asset_string(context_asset_string)
return false unless context
context.grants_right?(user, session, permission_map[permission])