refs COMMS-555 COMMS-553 CORE-743
test plan setup:
- we will need at least 2 courses: a regular course and a master course
- for one of those courses, create multiple pages of announcements:
- open rails console (`rails c`)
- set the variable `c` to a course to create announcements in
- example: `c = Course.find(5)`
- set the variable `u` to a user that can create the announcements
- example: `u = c.teachers.first`
- set the variable `m` to a string that is at least several sentences
long to properly test the UI
- create a few hundred announcements using teh above variables to
properly test pagination, using something like this:
`(1..300).each { Announcement.create!(user: u, course: c,
message: m, title: 'foo bar') }`
- create at least one announcement that is delayed in the future
(checkbox on create page)
- have at least one student account that creates a bunch of replies on
one of the announcements
test plan:
- note that the sections shown might not be accurate yet
- check that the right user avatar shows next to each announcement
- on the delayed announcement, check that it shows "Delayed until"
instead of "Posted on" for the date label
- on the course with multiple pages of announcements, check that
pagination works
- for the post with replies, ensure that other users see the correct
unread/total count
- note that clicking on the body or title of an announcement goes to
that announcement's page
- check that on the student view, there are no checkboxes next to
individual announcements
- note that on the master course, the lock button is still there and
it's still clickable
Change-Id: I762385a0fa41d76c13fd918bcc1b8d62625c3ca8
Reviewed-by: Steven Burnett <>
Reviewed-by: Aaron Kc Hsu <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Venk Natarajan <>
Product-Review: Matt Goodwin <>