closes OUT-2899
test plan:
- in a course, create an outcome
- create 5 assignments aligned to that outcome
- as a student, submit to all the assignments
- as a teacher, provide a rubric assessment to all submissions
- in a separate browser tab, confirm that 5 results show up
(so no skipped results and no repeating results), in result id
order, using two different pagination approaches (replace
"1" with the actual course id and prefix each call with
the domain being tested, like http://canvas.docker):
* 2 results per page
* 10 results per page
Change-Id: I963c6c89e395e2a9de9914152cbd92f375ce8b4d
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Matthew Berns <>
QA-Review: Brian Watson <>
Product-Review: Neil Gupta <>