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# Copyright (C) 2012 Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# @API Modules
# Modules are collections of learning materials useful for organizing courses
# and optionally providing a linear flow through them. Module items can be
# accessed linearly or sequentially depending on module configuration. Items
# can be unlocked by various criteria such as reading a page or achieving a
# minimum score on a quiz. Modules themselves can be unlocked by the completion
# of other Modules.
# @object Module
# {
# // the unique identifier for the module
# id: 123,
# // the state of the module: active, deleted
# workflow_state: active,
# // the position of this module in the course (1-based)
# position: 2,
# // the name of this module
# name: "Imaginary Numbers and You",
# // (Optional) the date this module will unlock
# unlock_at: "2012-12-31T06:00:00-06:00",
# // Whether module items must be unlocked in order
# require_sequential_progress: true,
# // IDs of Modules that must be completed before this one is unlocked
# prerequisite_module_ids: [121, 122],
# // The number of items in the module
# items_count: 10,
# // The API URL to retrive this module's items
# items_url: 'https://canvas.example.com/api/v1/modules/123/items',
# items: [ ... ]
# // The contents of this module, as an array of Module Items.
# // (Present only if requested via include[]=items
# // AND the module is not deemed too large by Canvas.)
# // The state of this Module for the calling user
# // one of 'locked', 'unlocked', 'started', 'completed'
# // (Optional; present only if the caller is a student)
# state: 'started',
# // the date the calling user completed the module
# // (Optional; present only if the caller is a student)
# completed_at: nil
# }
class ContextModulesApiController < ApplicationController
before_filter :require_context
include Api::V1::ContextModule
# @API List modules
# List the modules in a course
# @argument include[] ["items"] Return module items inline if possible.
# This parameter suggests that Canvas return module items directly
# in the Module object JSON, to avoid having to make separate API
# requests for each module when enumerating modules and items. Canvas
# is free to omit 'items' for any particular module if it deems them
# too numerous to return inline. Callers must be prepared to use the
# {api:ContextModuleItemsApiController#index List Module Items API}
# if items are not returned.
# @example_request
# curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
# https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/222/modules
# @returns [Module]
def index
if authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :read)
route = polymorphic_url([:api_v1, @context, :context_modules])
scope = @context.modules_visible_to(@current_user)
modules = Api.paginate(scope, self, route)
modules_and_progressions = if @context.grants_right?(@current_user, session, :participate_as_student)
modules.map { |m| [m, m.evaluate_for(@current_user, true)] }
modules.map { |m| [m, nil] }
render :json => modules_and_progressions.map { |mod, prog| module_json(mod, @current_user, session, prog, Array(params[:include])) }
# @API Show module
# Get information about a single module
# @argument include[] ["items"] Return module items inline if possible.
# Please refer to the caveats outlined in the {api:ContextModulesApiController#index List modules endpoint}.
# @example_request
# curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
# https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/222/modules/123
# @returns Module
def show
if authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :read)
mod = @context.modules_visible_to(@current_user).find(params[:id])
prog = @context.grants_right?(@current_user, session, :participate_as_student) ? mod.evaluate_for(@current_user, true) : nil
render :json => module_json(mod, @current_user, session, prog, Array(params[:include]))
# @undocumented API Update multiple modules
# Update multiple modules in an account.
# @argument module_ids[] List of ids of modules to update.
# @argument event The action to take on each module. Must be 'delete'.
# @response_field completed A list of IDs for modules that were updated.
# @example_request
# curl https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/modules \
# -X PUT \
# -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
# -d 'event=delete' \
# -d 'module_ids[]=1' \
# -d 'module_ids[]=2'
# @example_response
# {
# "completed": [1, 2]
# }
def batch_update
if authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :manage_content)
event = params[:event]
return render(:json => { :message => 'need to specify event' }, :status => :bad_request) unless event.present?
return render(:json => { :message => 'invalid event' }, :status => :bad_request) unless %w(publish unpublish delete).include? event
return render(:json => { :message => 'must specify module_ids[]' }, :status => :bad_request) unless params[:module_ids].present?
module_ids = Api.map_non_sis_ids(Array(params[:module_ids]))
modules = @context.context_modules.not_deleted.find_all_by_id(module_ids)
return render(:json => { :message => 'no modules found' }, :status => :not_found) if modules.empty?
completed_ids = []
modules.each do |mod|
case event
when 'publish'
unless mod.active?
when 'unpublish'
mod.unpublish unless mod.unpublished?
when 'delete'
completed_ids << mod.id
render :json => { :completed => completed_ids }
# @API Create a module
# Create and return a new module
# @argument module[name] [Required] The name of the module
# @argument module[unlock_at] [Optional] The date the module will unlock
# @argument module[position] [Optional] The position of this module in the course (1-based)
# @argument module[require_sequential_progress] [Optional] Whether module items must be unlocked in order
# @argument module[prerequisite_module_ids][] [Optional] IDs of Modules that must be completed before this one is unlocked
# Prerequisite modules must precede this module (i.e. have a lower position value), otherwise they will be ignored
# @example_request
# curl https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/modules \
# -X POST \
# -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
# -d 'module[name]=module' \
# -d 'module[position]=2' \
# -d 'module[prerequisite_module_ids][]=121' \
# -d 'module[prerequisite_module_ids][]=122'
# @returns Module
def create
if authorized_action(@context.context_modules.new, @current_user, :create)
return render :json => {:message => "missing module parameter"}, :status => :bad_request unless params[:module]
return render :json => {:message => "missing module name"}, :status => :bad_request unless params[:module][:name].present?
module_parameters = params[:module].slice(:name, :unlock_at, :require_sequential_progress)
@module = @context.context_modules.build(module_parameters)
if ids = params[:module][:prerequisite_module_ids]
@module.prerequisites = ids.map{|id| "module_#{id}"}.join(',')
if @domain_root_account.enable_draft?
@module.workflow_state = 'unpublished'
@module.workflow_state = 'active'
if @module.save && set_position
render :json => module_json(@module, @current_user, session, nil)
render :json => @module.errors.to_json, :status => :bad_request
# @API Update a module
# Update and return an existing module
# @argument module[name] [Optional] The name of the module
# @argument module[unlock_at] [Optional] The date the module will unlock
# @argument module[position] [Optional] The position of the module in the course (1-based)
# @argument module[require_sequential_progress] [Optional] Whether module items must be unlocked in order
# @argument module[prerequisite_module_ids][] [Optional] IDs of Modules that must be completed before this one is unlocked
# Prerequisite modules must precede this module (i.e. have a lower position value), otherwise they will be ignored
# @argument module[published] [Optional] Whether the module is published and visible to students
# @example_request
# curl https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/modules/<module_id> \
# -X PUT \
# -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
# -d 'module[name]=module' \
# -d 'module[position]=2' \
# -d 'module[prerequisite_module_ids][]=121' \
# -d 'module[prerequisite_module_ids][]=122'
# @returns Module
def update
@module = @context.context_modules.not_deleted.find(params[:id])
if authorized_action(@module, @current_user, :update)
return render :json => {:message => "missing module parameter"}, :status => :bad_request unless params[:module]
module_parameters = params[:module].slice(:name, :unlock_at, :require_sequential_progress)
if ids = params[:module][:prerequisite_module_ids]
if ids.blank?
module_parameters[:prerequisites] = []
module_parameters[:prerequisites] = ids.map{|id| "module_#{id}"}.join(',')
if params[:module].has_key?(:published)
if value_to_boolean(params[:module][:published])
if @module.update_attributes(module_parameters) && set_position
render :json => module_json(@module, @current_user, session, nil)
render :json => @module.errors.to_json, :status => :bad_request
# @API Delete module
# Delete a module
# @example_request
# curl https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/modules/<module_id> \
# -X Delete \
# -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
# @returns Module
def destroy
@module = @context.context_modules.not_deleted.find(params[:id])
if authorized_action(@module, @current_user, :delete)
render :json => module_json(@module, @current_user, session, nil)
def set_position
return true unless @module && params[:module][:position]
if @module.insert_at_position(params[:module][:position], @context.context_modules.not_deleted)
# see ContextModulesController#reorder
@context.context_modules.not_deleted.each{|m| m.save_without_touching_context }
return true
@module.errors.add(:position, t(:invalid_position, "Invalid position"))
return false