531 lines
11 KiB
531 lines
11 KiB
@import environment.sass
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#gradebook_header a.ui-selectmenu:hover,
#gradebook_header a.ui-selectmenu:focus
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.ui-selectmenu-menu a:focus
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&:hover, &:focus
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margin-left: 8px
width: 7px
display: none
width: 100%
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margin-left: 330px
width: 329px
width: 75%
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position: relative
#submissions_container, #left_side_inner, iframe, #doc_preview_holder, #iframe_holder, #resize_overlay
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h3, .h3
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z-index: 2
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&:hover, &:focus
opacity: 1
h2, .h2
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// overflow-y: hidden
// .webkit &
margin-left: 0 /*for some reason webkit leaves a gap next to the scroll bar if this has margin-left: 8px but it works fine without it */
#rubric_full h2, #rubric_full .h2, #grading h2, #grading .h2
margin-top: 0 !important
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right: 1px
top: 0px
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border-bottom: 7px solid #bbb
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padding-right: 24px
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top: 0
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top: 50%
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cursor: pointer
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display: none
margin-top: 0
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// reverse the effect that the padding on #add_a_comment has so that #media_media_recording can take up the whole width
margin: 0 -2px
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margin-bottom: 2px
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// this is a hack because windows based browsers do not allow me to set the width of a file input.
// so I just have to make it smaller font so that it fits.
font-size: 8.5px
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font-size: 13px
html > body #add_a_comment textarea
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body .ui-selectmenu-dropdown
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background-image: url("/images/inst_combo/trigger.gif") !important
background-position: 0 0
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body .ui-selectmenu-dropdown:hover .ui-selectmenu-icon, body .ui-state-active .ui-selectmenu-icon
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li a, .ui-selectmenu-status
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.ui-selectmenu-item-focus .ui-selectmenu-item-footer
top: 2px !important
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left: -3px
// +opacity(0.8)
background: no-repeat
background-image: url("/images/three_state_checkbox.gif") !important
.graded &
background-position: 0 -120px
.not_graded &
background-position: 0 -65px
.not_submitted &
background-position: 0 -12px
.resubmitted &
background-position: 0 -175px
margin-top: 3px
border-top: 1px solid #999999
padding: 3px 0
border-bottom: 1px solid #999999
padding-top: 0
font-size: 12px
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color: #d12f19
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font-weight: bold
color: #EB9A00
font-weight: bold
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font-weight: bold
width: 99%
font-weight: bold
overflow: auto
padding: 1px 16px 1px 19px
position: relative
position: absolute
top: 0
right: 20px
font-size: 9px
&.submission_error, &.submission_pending
padding: 1px
font-size: 9px
display: block
background: url("/images/download.png") no-repeat top right
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padding: 0
padding: 0
margin: 0
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line-height: 21px
font-weight: bold
position: absolute
left: 50%
margin-left: -150px
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text-align: center