45 lines
1.8 KiB
45 lines
1.8 KiB
I18n.scoped 'AssignmentMuter', (I18n) ->
class @AssignmentMuter
constructor: (@$link, @assignment, @url) ->
@$link = $(@$link)
@$link.click (event) =>
if @assignment.muted then @confirmUnmute() else @showDialog()
updateLink: =>
@$link.text(if @assignment.muted then I18n.t('unmute_assignment', 'Unmute Assignment') else I18n.t('mute_assignment', 'Mute Assignment'))
showDialog: =>
@$dialog = $(Template('mute_dialog')).dialog
buttons: [{
text: I18n.t('mute_assignment', 'Mute Assignment')
'data-text-while-loading': I18n.t('muting_assignment', 'Muting Assignment...')
click: =>
@$dialog.disableWhileLoading $.ajaxJSON(@url, 'put', { status : true }, @afterUpdate)
close: => @$dialog.remove()
resizable: false
width: 400
afterUpdate: (serverResponse) =>
@assignment.muted = serverResponse.assignment.muted
$.publish('assignment_muting_toggled', [@assignment])
confirmUnmute: =>
@$dialog = $('<div />')
.text(I18n.t('unmute_dialog', "This assignment is currently muted. That means students can't see their grades and feedback. Would you like to unmute now?"))
buttons: [{
text: I18n.t('unmute_button', 'Unmute Assignment')
'data-text-while-loading': I18n.t('unmuting_assignment', 'Unmuting Assignment...')
click: =>
@$dialog.disableWhileLoading $.ajaxJSON(@url, 'put', { status : false }, @afterUpdate)
close: => @$dialog.remove()
resizable: false
title: I18n.t("unmute_assignment", "Unmute Assignment")
width: 400