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# Copyright (C) 2014 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require 'cgi'
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
require 'json'
require_dependency 'canvadocs/session'
module Canvadocs
RENDER_O365 = 'office_365'
RENDER_BOX = 'box_view'
RENDER_CROCODOC = 'crocodoc'
RENDER_PDFJS = 'pdfjs'
# Public: A small ruby client that wraps the Box View api.
# Examples
# Canvadocs::API.new(:token => <token>)
class API
attr_accessor :token, :http, :url
# Public: The base part of the url that is the same for all api requests.
BASE_URL = "https://view-api.box.com/1"
# Public: Initialize a Canvadocs api object
# opts - A hash of options with which to initialize the object
# :token - The api token to use to authenticate requests. Required.
# Examples
# crocodoc = Canvadocs::API.new(:token => <token>)
# # => <Canvadocs::API:<id>>
def initialize(opts)
self.token = opts[:token]
_, @url = CanvasHttp.validate_url(opts[:base_url] || BASE_URL)
@http = CanvasHttp.connection_for_uri(@url)
# -- Documents --
# Public: Create a document with the file at the given url.
# obj - a url string
# params - other post params
# Examples
# upload("http://www.example.com/test.doc")
# # => { "id": 1234, "status": "queued" }
# Returns a hash containing the document's id and status
def upload(obj, extra_params = {})
params = if obj.is_a?(File)
{ file: obj }.merge(extra_params)
raise Canvadocs::Error, "TODO: support raw files"
{ url: obj.to_s }.merge(extra_params)
raw_body = api_call(:post, "documents", params)
# Public: Delete a document.
# id - a single document id to delete
def delete(id)
api_call(:delete, "documents/#{id}")
# -- Sessions --
# Public: Create a session, which is a unique id with which you can view
# the document. Sessions expire 60 minutes after they are generated.
# id - The id of the document for the session
# Examples
# session(1234)
# # => { "id": "CFAmd3Qjm_2ehBI7HyndnXKsDrQXJ7jHCuzcRv" }
# Returns a hash containing the session id
def session(document_id, opts={})
raw_body = api_call(:post, "sessions",
opts.merge(:document_id => document_id))
# Public: Get the url for the viewer for a session.
# session_id - The id of the session (see #session)
# Examples
# view("CFAmd3Qjm_2ehBI7HyndnXKsDrQXJ7jHCuzcRv_V4FAgbSmaBkF")
# # => https://view-api.box.com/1/sessions/#{session_id}/view?theme=dark"
# Returns a url string for viewing the session
def view(session_id)
# -- API Glue --
# Internal: Setup the api call, format the parameters, send the request,
# parse the response and return it.
# method - The http verb to use, currently :get or :post
# endpoint - The api endpoint to hit. this is the part after
# +base_url+. please do not include a beginning slash.
# params - Parameters to send with the api call
# Examples
# api_call(:post,
# "documents",
# { url: "http://www.example.com/test.doc" })
# # => { "id": 1234 }
# Returns the json parsed response body of the call
def api_call(method, endpoint, params={})
# dispatch to the right method, with the full path (/api/v2 + endpoint)
request = self.send("format_#{method}", "#{@url.path}/#{endpoint}", params)
request["Authorization"] = "Token #{token}"
response = @http.request(request)
unless response.code =~ /\A20./
raise Canvadocs::Error, "HTTP Error #{response.code}: #{response.body}"
# Internal: Format and create a Net::HTTP get request, with query
# parameters.
# path - the path to get
# params - the params to add as query params to the path
# Examples
# format_get("/api/v2/document/status",
# { :token => <token>, :uuids => <uuids> })
# # => <Net::HTTP::Get:<id>> for
# # "/api/v2/document/status?token=<token>&uuids=<uuids>"
# Returns a Net::HTTP::Get object for the path with query params
def format_get(path, params)
query = params.map { |k,v| "#{k}=#{CGI::escape(v.to_s)}" }.join("&")
# Internal: Format and create a Net::HTTP post request, with form
# parameters.
# path - the path to get
# params - the params to add as form params to the path
# Examples
# format_post("/api/v2/document/upload",
# { :token => <token>, :url => <url> })
# # => <Net::HTTP::Post:<id>>
# Returns a Net::HTTP::Post object for the path with json-formatted params
def format_post(path, params)
Net::HTTP::Post.new(path).tap { |req|
req["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
req.body = params.to_json
class Error < StandardError; end
def self.config
def self.enabled?
def self.annotations_supported?
enabled? && Canvas::Plugin.value_to_boolean(config["annotations_supported"])
# annotations_supported? calls enabled?
def self.hijack_crocodoc_sessions?
annotations_supported? && Canvas::Plugin.value_to_boolean(config["hijack_crocodoc_sessions"])