
512 lines
20 KiB

'jquery' /* $ */
], function(I18n, $) {
var calcCmd = {};
(function() {
var methods = {};
var predefinedVariables = {};
var variables = {};
var lastComputedResult;
var expressions = [
{regex: /\s+/, token: 'whitespace'},
{regex: /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*/, token: 'variable'},
{regex: /[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+/, token: 'number'},
{regex: /\+/, token: 'add'},
{regex: /\-/, token: 'subtract'},
{regex: /\*/, token: 'multiply'},
{regex: /\//, token: 'divide'},
{regex: /\(/, token: 'open_paren'},
{regex: /\)/, token: 'close_paren'},
{regex: /\,/, token: 'comma'},
{regex: /\^/, token: 'power'},
{regex: /\=/, token: 'equals'}
var parseToken = function(command, index) {
var value = command.substring(index);
var item = {};
for(var idx in expressions) {
var expression = expressions[idx];
var match = value.match(expression.regex);
if(match && match[0] && value.indexOf(match[0]) == 0) {
item.token = expression.token;
item.value = match[0];
item.newIndex = index + match[0].length;
return item;
return null;
var parseSyntax = function(command) {
var index = 0;
var result = [];
while(index < command.length) {
var item = parseToken(command, index);
if(!item) {
throw("unrecognized token at " + index);
index = item.newIndex;
return result;
var syntaxIndex = 0;
var parseArgument = function(syntax) {
var result = null;
switch(syntax[syntaxIndex].token) {
case 'number':
result = syntax[syntaxIndex];
case 'subtract':
if(syntax[syntaxIndex + 1] && (syntax[syntaxIndex + 1].token == 'number' || syntax[syntaxIndex + 1].token == 'variable')) {
syntax[syntaxIndex + 1].value = "-" + syntax[syntaxIndex + 1].value;
result = syntax[syntaxIndex];
} else {
throw("expecting a number at " + syntax[syntaxIndex].newIndex);
case 'variable':
if(syntax[syntaxIndex + 1] && syntax[syntaxIndex + 1].token == 'open_paren') {
result = syntax[syntaxIndex];
result.token = 'method'
result.arguments = []
var ender = 'comma';
syntaxIndex = syntaxIndex + 2;
if(syntax[syntaxIndex].token == 'close_paren') {
ender = 'close_paren';
while(ender == 'comma') {
result.arguments.push(parseExpression(syntax, ['comma', 'close_paren']));
ender = syntax[syntaxIndex].token;
if(ender != 'close_paren') {
throw("expecting close parenthesis at " + syntax[syntaxIndex].newIndex);
} else {
result = syntax[syntaxIndex];
case 'open_paren':
result = syntax[syntaxIndex];
result.token = 'parenthesized_expression';
result.expression = parseExpression(syntax, ['close_paren']);
if(!result) {
var index = (syntax && syntax[syntaxIndex] && syntax[syntaxIndex].newIndex) || 0;
var type = (syntax && syntax[syntaxIndex] && syntax[syntaxIndex].token) || "nothing"
throw("expecting a value at " + index + ", got a " + type);
return result;
var parseModifier = function(syntax) {
switch(syntax[syntaxIndex].token) {
case 'add':
return syntax[syntaxIndex++];
case 'subtract':
return syntax[syntaxIndex++];
case 'multiply':
return syntax[syntaxIndex++];
case 'divide':
return syntax[syntaxIndex++];
case 'power':
return syntax[syntaxIndex++];
var value = (syntax && syntax[syntaxIndex] && syntax[syntaxIndex].token) || 'value';
var index = (syntax && syntax[syntaxIndex] && syntax[syntaxIndex].newIndex) || 0;
throw("unexpected " + value + " at " + index);
var parseExpression = function(syntax, enders) {
var result = {
token: 'expression',
newIndex: syntax[syntaxIndex].newIndex
result.expressionItems = []
if(syntaxIndex > syntax.length) {
return result;
var ended = false;
while(syntaxIndex < syntax.length && !ended) {
for(var idx in enders) {
if(syntax[syntaxIndex].token == enders[idx]) {
ended = true;
if(!ended) {
return result;
var parseFullExpression = function(syntax) {
var newSyntax = [];
for(var idx in syntax) {
if(syntax[idx].token != 'whitespace') {
syntax = newSyntax;
var result = null;
syntaxIndex = 0;
if(syntax[syntaxIndex].token == 'variable' && syntax.length > 1 && syntax[syntaxIndex + 1].token == 'equals') {
result = {
token: 'variable_assignment',
newIndex: syntax[syntaxIndex].newIndex
result.variable = syntax[syntaxIndex];
if(syntax.length > 2) {
syntaxIndex = 2;
result.assignmentExpression = parseExpression(syntax);
} else {
throw("Expecting value at " + syntax[syntaxIndex + 1].newIndex);
} else {
result = parseExpression(syntax);
return result;
var computeExpression = function(tree) {
var round0 = tree.expressionItems;
var round1 = [round0[0]];
for(var idx = 1; idx < round0.length; idx += 2) {
var item = round0[idx];
if(item.token == 'power') {
var left = round1.pop();
var right = round0[idx + 1];
round1.push(numberItem(Math.pow(compute(left), compute(right))));
} else {
round1.push(round0[idx + 1]);
var round2 = [round1[0]];
for(var idx = 1; idx < round1.length; idx += 2) {
var item = round1[idx];
if(item.token == 'multiply') {
var left = round2.pop();
var right = round1[idx + 1];
round2.push(numberItem(compute(left) * compute(right)));
} else if(item.token == 'divide') {
var left = round2.pop();
var right = round1[idx + 1];
round2.push(numberItem(compute(left) / compute(right)));
} else {
round2.push(round1[idx + 1]);
var round3 = [round2[0]];
for(var idx = 1; idx < round2.length; idx += 2) {
var item = round2[idx];
if(item.token == 'add') {
var left = round3.pop();
var right = round2[idx + 1];
round3.push(numberItem(compute(left) + compute(right)));
} else if(item.token == 'subtract') {
var left = round3.pop();
var right = round2[idx + 1];
round3.push(numberItem(compute(left) - compute(right)));
} else {
round3.push(round2[idx + 1]);
if(round3.length === 0) {
throw("expressions should have at least one value");
} else if(round3.length > 1) {
throw("unexpected modifier: " + round3[1].token);
} else {
return compute(round3[0]);
var numberItem = function(number) {
return {
token: 'number',
value: number,
calculatedValue: number
var compute = function(tree) {
switch(tree.token) {
case 'number':
return parseFloat(tree.value);
case 'expression':
return computeExpression(tree);
case 'parenthesized_expression':
return compute(tree.expression);
case 'variable_assignment':
if(tree.variable.value == '_') {
throw("the variable '_' is reserved");
variables[tree.variable.value] = compute(tree.assignmentExpression);
return variables[tree.variable.value];
case 'variable':
if(tree.value == '_') {
return lastComputedResult || 0;
if(tree.value.indexOf("-") == 0) { // the variable is negative, e.g. '-x'
var absolute = tree.value.replace(/^\-/, "")
var value = predefinedVariables && predefinedVariables[absolute];
value = value || (variables && variables[absolute]);
value = -value;
} else {
var value = predefinedVariables && predefinedVariables[tree.value];
value = value || (variables && variables[tree.value]);
if (value == undefined) {
throw("undefined variable " + tree.value);
return value;
case 'method':
var args = []
for(var idx in tree.arguments) {
var value = compute(tree.arguments[idx]);
tree.arguments[idx].computedValue = value;
if(methods[tree.value]) {
return methods[tree.value].apply(null, args);
} else {
throw("unrecognized method " + tree.value);
throw("Unexpected token type: " + tree.token);
calcCmd.clearMemory = function() {
variables = {};
lastComputedResult = null;
var cached_trees = {};
calcCmd.compute = function(command) {
var result = {};
command = command.toString();
result.command = command;
tree = cached_trees[command];
if(tree) {
result.syntax = tree.syntax;
result.tree = tree.tree;
} else {
result.syntax = parseSyntax(command);
result.tree = parseFullExpression(result.syntax);
cached_trees[command] = result;
result.computedValue = compute(result.tree);
lastComputedResult = result.computedValue;
return result;
calcCmd.computeValue = function(command) {
return calcCmd.compute(command).computedValue;
var isFunction = function(arg) {
return true;
calcCmd.addFunction = function(methodName, method, description, examples) {
if(typeof(methodName) == 'string' && isFunction(method)) {
method.friendlyName = methodName;
method.description = description;
if(typeof(examples) == 'string') {
examples = [examples];
method.examples = examples;
methods[methodName] = method;
return true;
return false;
calcCmd.addPredefinedVariable = function(variableName, value, description) {
value = parseFloat(value);
if(typeof(variableName) == 'string' && (value || value == 0)) {
predefinedVariables[variableName] = value;
calcCmd.functionDescription = function(method) {
if(methods[method]) {
return methods[method].description || I18n.t('no_description', "No description found for the function, %{functionName}", {functionName: method});
} else {
return I18n.t('unrecognized', "%{functionName} is not a recognized function", {functionName: method});
calcCmd.functionExamples = function(method) {
if(methods[method]) {
return methods[method].examples || [];
} else {
return [];
calcCmd.functionList = function() {
var result = [];
for(var idx in methods) {
var method = methods[idx];
result.push([idx, method.description || I18n.t('default_description', "No description given")]);
result.sort(function(a, b) {
if(a[0] > b[0]) {
return 1;
} else if(a[0] < b[0]) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
return result;
(function() {
var p = function(name, value, description) { calcCmd.addPredefinedVariable(name, value, description); }
var f = function(name, func, description, example) { calcCmd.addFunction(name, func, description, example); }
p('pi', Math.PI );
p('e', Math.exp(1));
f('abs', function(val) { return Math.abs(val) }, I18n.t('abs.description', "Returns the absolute value of the given value"), "abs(x)");
f('asin', function(x) { return Math.asin(x); }, I18n.t('asin.description', "Returns the arcsin of the given value"), "asin(x)");
f('acos', function(x) { return Math.acos(x); }, I18n.t('acos.description', "Returns the arccos of the given value"), "acos(x)");
f('atan', function(x) { return Math.atan(x); }, I18n.t('atan.description', "Returns the arctan of the given value"), "atan(x)");
f('log', function(x, base) { return (Math.log(x) / Math.log(base || 10)); }, I18n.t('log.description', "Returns the log of the given value with an optional base"), "log(x, [base])");
f('ln', function(x) { return Math.log(x); }, I18n.t('ln.description', "Returns the natural log of the given value"), "ln(x)");
f('rad_to_deg', function(x) { return x * 180 / Math.PI; }, I18n.t('rad_to_deg.description', "Returns the given value converted from radians to degrees"), "rad_to_deg(radians)");
f('deg_to_rad', function(x) { return x * Math.PI / 180; }, I18n.t('deg_to_rad.description', "Returns the given value converted from degrees to radians"), "deg_to_rad(degrees)");
f('sin', function(x) { return Math.sin(x); }, I18n.t('sin.description', "Returns the sine of the given value"), "sin(radians)");
f('cos', function(x) { return Math.cos(x); }, I18n.t('cos.description', "Returns the cosine of the given value"), "cos(radians)" );
f('tan', function(x) { return Math.tan(x); }, I18n.t('tan.description', "Returns the tangent of the given value"), "tan(radians)");
f('sec', function(x) { return 1 / Math.cos(x); }, I18n.t('sec.description', "Returns the secant of the given value"), "sec(radians)");
f('cosec', function(x) { return 1 / Math.sin(x); }, I18n.t('cosec.description', "Returns the cosecant of the given value"), "cosec(radians)" );
f('cotan', function(x) { return 1 / Math.tan(x); }, I18n.t('cotan.description', "Returns the cotangent of the given value"), "cotan(radians)");
f('pi', function(x) { return Math.PI; }, I18n.t('pi.description', "Returns the computed value of pi"), "pi()");
f('if', function(bool, pass, fail) { return bool ? pass : fail; }, I18n.t('if.description', "Evaluates the first argument, returns the second argument if it evaluates to a non-zero value, otherwise returns the third value"), "if(bool,success,fail)");
var make_list = function(args) {
if(args.length == 1 && (args[0] instanceof Array)) {
return args[0];
} else {
return args;
f('max', function() {
var args = make_list(arguments)
var max = args[0];
for(var idx = 0; idx < args.length; idx++) { //in arguments) {
max = Math.max(max, args[idx]);
return max;
}, I18n.t('max.description', "Returns the highest value in the list"), ["max(a,b,c...)", "max(list)"]);
f('min', function() {
var args = make_list(arguments);
var min = args[0];
for(var idx = 0; idx < args.length; idx++) { //in arguments) {
min = Math.min(min, args[idx]);
return min;
}, I18n.t('min.description', "Returns the lowest value in the list"), ["min(a,b,c...)", "min(list)"]);
f('sqrt', function(x) { return Math.sqrt(x); }, I18n.t('sqrt.description', "Returns the square root of the given value"), "sqrt(x)");
f('sort', function(x) {
var args = make_list(arguments);
var list = [];
for(var idx = 0; idx < args.length; idx++) {
return list.sort(function(a, b) {return a - b;});
}, I18n.t('sort.description', "Returns the list of values, sorted from lowest to highest"), ["sort(a,b,c...)", "sort(list)"]);
f('reverse', function(x) {
var args = make_list(arguments);
var list = [];
for(var idx = 0; idx < args.length; idx++) {
return list;
}, I18n.t('reverse.description', "Reverses the order of the list of values"), ["reverse(a,b,c...)", "reverse(list)"]);
f('first', function() { return make_list(arguments)[0]; }, I18n.t('first.description', "Returns the first value in the list"), ["first(a,b,c...)", "first(list)"]);
f('last', function() {
var args = make_list(arguments);
return args[args.length - 1];
}, I18n.t('last.description', "Returns the last value in the list"), ["last(a,b,c...)", "last(list)"]);
f('at', function(list, x) { return list[x]; }, I18n.t('at.description', "Returns the indexed value in the given list"), "at(list,index)" );
f('rand', function(x) { return (Math.random() * (x || 1)); }, I18n.t('rand.description', "Returns a random number between zero and the range specified, or one if no number is given"), "rand(x)");
f('length', function() { return make_list(arguments).length; }, I18n.t('length.description', "Returns the number of arguments in the given list"), ["length(a,b,c...)", "length(list)"]);
var sum = function(list) {
var total = 0;
for(var idx = 0; idx < list.length; idx++) { // in list) {
if(list[idx]) {
total += list[idx];
return total;
f('mean', function() {
var args = make_list(arguments);
return sum(args) / args.length;
}, I18n.t('mean.description', "Returns the average mean of the values in the list"), ["mean(a,b,c...)", "mean(list)"]);
f('median', function() {
var args = make_list(arguments);
var list = [];
for(var idx = 0; idx < args.length; idx++) {
var list = list.sort(function(a, b) {
return parseFloat(a) - parseFloat(b);
if(list.length % 2 == 1) {
return list[Math.floor(list.length / 2)];
} else {
return ((list[Math.round(list.length / 2)] + list[Math.round(list.length / 2) - 1]) / 2);
}, I18n.t('median.description', "Returns the median for the list of values"), ["median(a,b,c...)", "median(list)"]);
f('range', function() {
var args = make_list(arguments);
var list = [];
for(var idx = 0; idx < args.length; idx++) {
var list = list.sort();
return list[list.length - 1] - list[0];
}, I18n.t('range.description', "Returns the range for the list of values"), ["range(a,b,c...)", "range(list)"]);
f('count', function() { return make_list(arguments).length; }, I18n.t('count.description', "Returns the number of items in the list"), ["count(a,b,c...)", "count(list)"]);
f('sum', function() { return sum(make_list(arguments)); }, I18n.t('sum.description', "Returns the sum of the list of values"), ["sum(a,b,c...)", "sum(list)"]);
var factorials = {};
var fact = function(n) {
n = Math.max(parseInt(n), 0);
if(n == 0 || n == 1) {
return 1;
} else if(n > 170) {
return Infinity;
} else if(factorials[n]) {
return factorials[n];
} else {
return n * fact(n - 1);
f('fact', function(n) { return fact(n); }, I18n.t('fact.description', "Returns the factorial of the given number"), "fact(n)");
f('perm', function(n, k) { return fact(n) / fact(n - k); }, I18n.t('perm.description', "Returns the permutation result for the given values"), "perm(n, k)");
f('comb', function(n, k) { return fact(n) / (fact(k) * fact(n - k)); }, I18n.t('comb.description', "Returns the combination result for the given values"), "comb(n, k)");
f('ceil', function(x) { return Math.ceil(x); }, I18n.t('ceil.description', "Returns the ceiling for the given value"), "ceil(x)");
f('floor', function(x) { return Math.floor(x); }, I18n.t('floor.description', "Returns the floor for the given value"), "floor(x)");
f('round', function(x) { return Math.round(x); }, I18n.t('round.description', "Returns the given value rounded to the nearest whole number"), "round(x)");
f('e', function(x) { return Math.exp(x || 1); }, I18n.t('e.description', "Returns the value for e"), "e()");
return calcCmd;