
112 lines
4.8 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2011 Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
'jquery', // $
'jquery.ajaxJSON', // ajaxJSON, defaultAjaxError
'compiled/jquery.rails_flash_notifications', // flashError
], function(INST, I18n, $, htmlEscape) {
INST.errorCount = 0;
window.onerror = function (msg, url, line, column, errorObj) {
INST.errorCount += 1;
// puts the little red box when something bad happens in ajax.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#instructure_ajax_error_result").defaultAjaxError(function(event, request, settings, error, debugOnly) {
if (error === 'abort') return;
var status = "0";
var text = I18n.t('no_text', "No text");
try {
status = request.status;
text = request.responseText;
} catch(e) {}
$.ajaxJSON(location.protocol + '//' + + "/simple_response.json?rnd=" + Math.round(Math.random() * 9999999), 'GET', {}, function() {
if ($.ajaxJSON.isUnauthenticated(request)) {
var message = htmlEscape(I18n.t('errors.logged_out', "You are not currently logged in, possibly due to a long period of inactivity."))
message += "<br\/><a href='/login' target='_new'>" + htmlEscape(I18n.t('links.login', 'Login')) + "<\/a>";
$.flashError({ html: message }, 30000);
} else if (status != 409) {
ajaxErrorFlash(I18n.t('errors.unhandled', "Oops! The last request didn't work out."), request);
}, function() {
ajaxErrorFlash(I18n.t('errors.connection_lost', "Connection to %{host} was lost. Please make sure you're connected to the Internet and try again.", {host:}), request);
}, {skipDefaultError: true});
var $obj = $(this);
var ajaxErrorFlash = function(message, xhr) {
var i = $obj[0];
if(!i) { return; }
var d = i.contentDocument ||
(i.contentWindow && i.contentWindow.document) ||
var $body = $(d).find("body");
$body.html($("<h1 />").text(I18n.t('error_heading', 'Ajax Error: %{status_code}', {status_code: status})));
var pre = "";
message = htmlEscape(message);
if(debugOnly) {
message += "<br\/><span style='font-size: 0.7em;'>(Development Only)<\/span>";
if(debugOnly || INST.environment != "production") {
message += "<br\/><a href='#' class='last_error_details_link'>" + htmlEscape(I18n.t('links.details', 'details...')) + "<\/a>";
$.flashError({ html: message });
window.ajaxErrorFlash = ajaxErrorFlash;
var data = $.ajaxJSON.findRequest(request);
data = data || {};
if( {
data.params = "";
for(var name in {
data.params += "&" + name + "=" +[name];
var username = "";
try {
username = $("#identity .user_name").text();
} catch(e) { }
if(INST.ajaxErrorURL) {
var txt= "&Msg=" + escape(text) +
"&StatusCode=" + escape(status) +
"&URL=" + escape(data.url || "unknown") +
"&Page=" + escape(location.href) +
"&Method=" + escape(data.submit_type || "unknown") +
"&UserName=" + escape(username) +
"&Platform=" + escape(navigator.platform) +
"&UserAgent=" + escape(navigator.userAgent) +
"&Params=" + escape(data.params || "unknown");
$("body").append("<img style='position: absolute; left: -1000px; top: 0;' src='" + htmlEscape(INST.ajaxErrorURL + txt.substring(0, 2000)) + "' />");
$(".last_error_details_link").live('click', function(event) {
$(".close_instructure_ajax_error_box_link").click(function(event) {