
592 lines
24 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <>.
# @API Roles
# API for managing account- and course-level roles, and their associated permissions.
# @model RolePermissions
# {
# "id": "RolePermissions",
# "description": "",
# "properties": {
# "enabled": {
# "description": "Whether the role has the permission",
# "example": true,
# "type": "boolean"
# },
# "locked": {
# "description": "Whether the permission is locked by this role",
# "example": false,
# "type": "boolean"
# },
# "readonly": {
# "description": "Whether the permission can be modified in this role (i.e. whether the permission is locked by an upstream role).",
# "example": false,
# "type": "boolean"
# },
# "explicit": {
# "description": "Whether the value of enabled is specified explicitly by this role, or inherited from an upstream role.",
# "example": true,
# "type": "boolean"
# },
# "prior_default": {
# "description": "The value that would have been inherited from upstream if the role had not explicitly set a value. Only present if explicit is true.",
# "example": false,
# "type": "boolean"
# }
# }
# }
# @model Role
# {
# "id": 1,
# "description": "",
# "properties": {
# "label": {
# "description": "The label of the role.",
# "example": "New Role",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "role": {
# "description": "The label of the role. (Deprecated alias for 'label')",
# "example": "New Role",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "base_role_type": {
# "description": "The role type that is being used as a base for this role. For account-level roles, this is 'AccountMembership'. For course-level roles, it is an enrollment type.",
# "example": "AccountMembership",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "account": {
# "description": "JSON representation of the account the role is in.",
# "example": "{\"id\"=>1019, \"name\"=>\"CGNU\", \"parent_account_id\"=>73, \"root_account_id\"=>1, \"sis_account_id\"=>\"cgnu\"}",
# "$ref": "Account"
# },
# "workflow_state": {
# "description": "The state of the role: 'active', 'inactive', or 'built_in'",
# "example": "active",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "permissions": {
# "description": "A dictionary of permissions keyed by name (see permissions input parameter in the 'Create a role' API).",
# "example": "{\"read_course_content\"=>{\"enabled\"=>true, \"locked\"=>false, \"readonly\"=>false, \"explicit\"=>true, \"prior_default\"=>false}, \"read_course_list\"=>{\"enabled\"=>true, \"locked\"=>true, \"readonly\"=>true, \"explicit\"=>false}, \"read_question_banks\"=>{\"enabled\"=>false, \"locked\"=>true, \"readonly\"=>false, \"explicit\"=>true, \"prior_default\"=>false}, \"read_reports\"=>{\"enabled\"=>true, \"locked\"=>false, \"readonly\"=>false, \"explicit\"=>false}}",
# "type": "map",
# "key": { "type": "string" },
# "value": { "$ref": "RolePermissions" }
# }
# }
# }
class RoleOverridesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :require_context
before_filter :require_role, :only => [:activate_role, :remove_role, :update, :show]
before_filter :set_js_env_for_current_account
# @API List roles
# List the roles available to an account.
# @argument account_id [Required, String]
# The id of the account to retrieve roles for.
# @argument state[] [String, "active"|"inactive"]
# Filter by role state. If this argument is omitted, only 'active' roles are
# returned.
# @returns [Role]
def api_index
if authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :manage_role_overrides)
route = polymorphic_url([:api, :v1, @context, :roles])
states = params[:state].to_a.reject{ |s| %w(active inactive).exclude?(s) }
states = %w(active) if states.empty?
roles = []
roles += Role.visible_built_in_roles if states.include?('active')
roles += @context.roles.where(:workflow_state => states).order(:id).all
roles = Api.paginate(roles, self, route)
render :json => roles.collect{|role| role_json(@context, role, @current_user, session)}
def index
if authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :manage_role_overrides)
account_role_data = []
@context.available_account_roles.each do |role|
account_role_data << role_json(@context, role, @current_user, session)
course_role_data = []
@context.available_course_roles.each do |role|
course_role_data << role_json(@context, role, @current_user, session)
:ACCOUNT_ROLES => account_role_data,
:COURSE_ROLES => course_role_data,
:ACCOUNT_PERMISSIONS => account_permissions(@context),
:COURSE_PERMISSIONS => course_permissions(@context),
:IS_SITE_ADMIN => @context.site_admin?
@active_tab = 'permissions'
# @API Get a single role
# Retrieve information about a single role
# @argument account_id [Required, String]
# The id of the account containing the role
# @argument role_id [Required, Integer]
# The unique identifier for the role
# @argument role [String, Deprecated]
# The name for the role
# @returns Role
def show
if authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :manage_role_overrides)
render :json => role_json(@context, @role, @current_user, session)
include Api::V1::Role
# @API Create a new role
# Create a new course-level or account-level role.
# @argument label [String, Required]
# Label for the role.
# @argument role [String, Deprecated]
# Deprecated alias for label.
# @argument base_role_type [String, "AccountMembership"|"StudentEnrollment"|"TeacherEnrollment"|"TaEnrollment"|"ObserverEnrollment"|"DesignerEnrollment"]
# Specifies the role type that will be used as a base
# for the permissions granted to this role.
# Defaults to 'AccountMembership' if absent
# @argument permissions[<X>][explicit] [Boolean]
# @argument permissions[<X>][enabled] [Boolean]
# If explicit is 1 and enabled is 1, permission <X> will be explicitly
# granted to this role. If explicit is 1 and enabled has any other value
# (typically 0), permission <X> will be explicitly denied to this role. If
# explicit is any other value (typically 0) or absent, or if enabled is
# absent, the value for permission <X> will be inherited from upstream.
# Ignored if permission <X> is locked upstream (in an ancestor account).
# May occur multiple times with unique values for <X>. Recognized
# permission names for <X> are:
# [For Account-Level Roles Only]
# become_user -- Become other users
# manage_account_memberships -- Add/remove other admins for the account
# manage_account_settings -- Manage account-level settings
# manage_alerts -- Manage global alerts
# manage_courses -- Manage ( add / edit / delete ) courses
# manage_developer_keys -- Manage developer keys
# manage_global_outcomes -- Manage learning outcomes
# manage_jobs -- Manage background jobs
# manage_role_overrides -- Manage permissions
# manage_storage_quotas -- Set storage quotas for courses, groups, and users
# manage_sis -- Import and manage SIS data
# manage_site_settings -- Manage site-wide and plugin settings
# manage_user_logins -- Modify login details for users
# read_course_content -- View course content
# read_course_list -- View the list of courses
# read_messages -- View notifications sent to users
# site_admin -- Use the Site Admin section and admin all other accounts
# view_error_reports -- View error reports
# view_statistics -- View statistics
# manage_feature_flags -- Enable or disable features at an account level
# [For both Account-Level and Course-Level roles]
# Note: Applicable enrollment types for course-level roles are given in brackets:
# S = student, T = teacher, A = TA, D = designer, O = observer.
# Lower-case letters indicate permissions that are off by default.
# A missing letter indicates the permission cannot be enabled for the role
# or any derived custom roles.
# change_course_state -- [ TaD ] Change course state
# comment_on_others_submissions -- [sTAD ] View all students' submissions and make comments on them
# create_collaborations -- [STADo] Create student collaborations
# create_conferences -- [STADo] Create web conferences
# manage_admin_users -- [ Tad ] Add/remove other teachers, course designers or TAs to the course
# manage_assignments -- [ TADo] Manage (add / edit / delete) assignments and quizzes
# manage_calendar -- [sTADo] Add, edit and delete events on the course calendar
# manage_content -- [ TADo] Manage all other course content
# manage_files -- [ TADo] Manage (add / edit / delete) course files
# manage_grades -- [ TA ] Edit grades
# manage_groups -- [ TAD ] Manage (create / edit / delete) groups
# manage_interaction_alerts -- [ Ta ] Manage alerts
# manage_outcomes -- [sTaDo] Manage learning outcomes
# manage_sections -- [ TaD ] Manage (create / edit / delete) course sections
# manage_students -- [ TAD ] Add/remove students for the course
# manage_user_notes -- [ TA ] Manage faculty journal entries
# manage_rubrics -- [ TAD ] Edit assessing rubrics
# manage_wiki -- [ TADo] Manage wiki (add / edit / delete pages)
# read_forum -- [STADO] View discussions
# moderate_forum -- [sTADo] Moderate discussions (delete/edit others' posts, lock topics)
# post_to_forum -- [STADo] Post to discussions
# read_question_banks -- [ TADo] View and link to question banks
# read_reports -- [ TAD ] View usage reports for the course
# read_roster -- [STADo] See the list of users
# read_sis -- [sTa ] Read SIS data
# send_messages -- [STADo] Send messages to individual course members
# send_messages_all -- [sTADo] Send messages to the entire class
# view_all_grades -- [ TAd ] View all grades
# view_group_pages -- [sTADo] View the group pages of all student groups
# Some of these permissions are applicable only for roles on the site admin
# account, on a root account, or for course-level roles with a particular base role type;
# if a specified permission is inapplicable, it will be ignored.
# Additional permissions may exist based on installed plugins.
# @argument permissions[<X>][locked] [Boolean]
# If the value is 1, permission <X> will be locked downstream (new roles in
# subaccounts cannot override the setting). For any other value, permission
# <X> is left unlocked. Ignored if permission <X> is already locked
# upstream. May occur multiple times with unique values for <X>.
# @example_request
# curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/<account_id>/roles.json' \
# -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
# -F 'label=New Role' \
# -F 'permissions[read_course_content][explicit]=1' \
# -F 'permissions[read_course_content][enabled]=1' \
# -F 'permissions[read_course_list][locked]=1' \
# -F 'permissions[read_question_banks][explicit]=1' \
# -F 'permissions[read_question_banks][enabled]=0' \
# -F 'permissions[read_question_banks][locked]=1'
# @returns Role
def add_role
return unless authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :manage_role_overrides)
name = api_request? ? (params[:label].presence || params[:role]) : params[:role_type]
return render :json => {:message => "missing required parameter 'role'" }, :status => :bad_request if api_request? && name.blank?
base_role_type = params[:base_role_type] || Role::DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_TYPE
role = => name)
role.base_role_type = base_role_type
role.workflow_state = 'active'
role.deleted_at = nil
if !
if api_request?
render :json => role.errors, :status => :bad_request
flash[:error] = t(:update_failed_notice, 'Role creation failed')
redirect_to named_context_url(@context, :context_permissions_url, :account_roles => params[:account_roles])
unless api_request?
redirect_to named_context_url(@context, :context_permissions_url, :account_roles => params[:account_roles])
# allow setting permissions immediately through API
set_permissions_for(role, @context, params[:permissions])
# Add base_role_type_label for this role
json = role_json(@context, role, @current_user, session)
if base_role = RoleOverride.enrollment_type_labels.find{|br| br[:base_role_name] == base_role_type}
json["base_role_type_label"] = base_role[:label].call
render :json => json
# @API Deactivate a role
# Deactivates a custom role. This hides it in the user interface and prevents it
# from being assigned to new users. Existing users assigned to the role will
# continue to function with the same permissions they had previously.
# Built-in roles cannot be deactivated.
# @argument role_id [Required, Integer]
# The unique identifier for the role
# @argument role [String, Deprecated]
# The name for the role
# @returns Role
def remove_role
if authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :manage_role_overrides)
if @role.inactive?
return render :json => {:message => t('cannot_deactivate_inactive_role', "Cannot deactivate an already inactive role")}, :status => :bad_request
elsif @role.built_in?
return render :json => {:message => t('cannot_remove_built_in_role', "Cannot remove a built-in role")}, :status => :bad_request
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to named_context_url(@context, :context_permissions_url, :account_roles => params[:account_roles]) }
format.json { render :json => role_json(@context, @role, @current_user, session) }
# @API Activate a role
# Re-activates an inactive role (allowing it to be assigned to new users)
# @argument role_id [Required, Integer]
# The unique identifier for the role
# @argument role [Deprecated, String]
# The name for the role
# @returns Role
def activate_role
if authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :manage_role_overrides)
if @role.inactive?
render :json => role_json(@context, @role, @current_user, session)
render :json => {:message => t('no_role_found', "Role not found")}, :status => :bad_request
# @API Update a role
# Update permissions for an existing role.
# Recognized roles are:
# * TeacherEnrollment
# * StudentEnrollment
# * TaEnrollment
# * ObserverEnrollment
# * DesignerEnrollment
# * AccountAdmin
# * Any previously created custom role
# @argument label [String]
# The label for the role. Can only change the label of a custom role that belongs directly to the account.
# @argument permissions[<X>][explicit] [Boolean]
# @argument permissions[<X>][enabled] [Boolean]
# These arguments are described in the documentation for the
# {api:RoleOverridesController#add_role add_role method}.
# @example_request
# curl https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/roles/2 \
# -X PUT \
# -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
# -F 'label=New Role Name' \
# -F 'permissions[manage_groups][explicit]=1' \
# -F 'permissions[manage_groups][enabled]=1' \
# -F 'permissions[manage_groups][locked]=1' \
# -F 'permissions[send_messages][explicit]=1' \
# -F 'permissions[send_messages][enabled]=0'
# @returns Role
def update
return unless authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :manage_role_overrides)
if (name = params[:label].presence) && @role.label != name
if @role.built_in?
return render :json => {:message => "cannot update the 'label' for a built-in role" }, :status => :bad_request
elsif @role.account != @context
return render :json => {:message => "cannot update the 'label' for an inherited role" }, :status => :bad_request
else = name
return render :json => @role.errors, :status => :bad_request
set_permissions_for(@role, @context, params[:permissions])
render :json => role_json(@context, @role, @current_user, session)
def create
if authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :manage_role_overrides)
if (params[:account_roles] || @context == Account.site_admin)
roles = @context.available_account_roles(true)
roles = @context.available_course_roles(true)
if params[:permissions]
RoleOverride.permissions.keys.each do |key|
if params[:permissions][key]
roles.each do |role|
if settings = params[:permissions][key][]
override = settings[:override] == 'checked' if ['checked', 'unchecked'].include?(settings[:override])
locked = settings[:locked] == 'true' if settings[:locked]
RoleOverride.manage_role_override(@context, role, key.to_s, :override => override, :locked => locked)
flash[:notice] = t 'notices.saved', "Changes Saved Successfully."
redirect_to named_context_url(@context, :context_permissions_url, :account_roles => params[:account_roles])
# Summary:
# Adds ENV.CURRENT_ACCOUNT with the account we are working with.
def set_js_env_for_current_account
js_env :CURRENT_ACCOUNT => @context
# Internal: Get role from params or return error. Used as before filter.
# Returns found role or false (to halt execution).
def require_role
@role = @context.get_role_by_id(params[:id])
@role ||= @context.get_role_by_name(params[:id]) # for backwards-compatibility :/
unless @role && !@role.deleted?
if api_request?
render :json => {
:message => "role not found" },
:status => 404
redirect_to named_context_url(@context, :context_permissions_url,
:account_roles => params[:account_roles])
return false
protected :require_role
# Internal: Loop through and set permission on role given in params.
# role - The role to set permissions for.
# context - The current context.
# permissions - The permissions from the request params.
# Returns nothing.
def set_permissions_for(role, context, permissions)
return unless permissions.present?
if role.course_role?
manageable_permissions = RoleOverride.manageable_permissions(context, role.base_role_type)
manageable_permissions = RoleOverride.manageable_permissions(context)
manageable_permissions.keys.each do |permission|
if settings = permissions[permission]
if !value_to_boolean(settings[:readonly])
if settings.has_key?(:enabled) && value_to_boolean(settings[:explicit])
override = value_to_boolean(settings[:enabled])
locked = value_to_boolean(settings[:locked]) if settings.has_key?(:locked)
RoleOverride.manage_role_override(context, role, permission.to_s,
:override => override, :locked => locked)
protected :set_permissions_for
def course_permissions(context)
site_admin = {:group_name => t('site_admin_permissions', "Site Admin Permissions"), :group_permissions => []}
account = {:group_name => t('account_permissions', "Account Permissions"), :group_permissions => []}
course = {:group_name => t('course_permissions', "Course & Account Permissions"), :group_permissions => []}
RoleOverride.manageable_permissions(context).each do |p|
hash = {:label => p[1][:label].call, :permission_name => p[0]}
# Check to see if the base role name is in the list of other base role names in p[1]
is_course_permission = !(Role::ENROLLMENT_TYPES & p[1][:available_to]).empty?
if p[1][:account_only]
if p[1][:account_only] == :site_admin
site_admin[:group_permissions] << hash if is_course_permission
account[:group_permissions] << hash if is_course_permission
course[:group_permissions] << hash if is_course_permission
res = []
res << site_admin if site_admin[:group_permissions].any?
res << account if account[:group_permissions].any?
res << course if course[:group_permissions].any?
res.each{|pg| pg[:group_permissions] = pg[:group_permissions].sort_by{|p|p[:label]} }
# Returns a hash with the avalible permissions grouped by groups of permissions. Permission hash looks like this
# ie:
# {
# :group_name => "Example Name",
# :group_permissions => [
# {
# :label => "Some Label"
# :permission_name => "Some Permission Name"
# },
# {
# :label => "Some Label"
# :permission_name => "Some Permission Name"
# }
# ]
# context - the current context
def account_permissions(context)
# Add group_names
site_admin = {:group_name => t('site_admin_permissions', "Site Admin Permissions"), :group_permissions => []}
account = {:group_name => t('account_permissions', "Account Permissions"), :group_permissions => []}
course = {:group_name => t('course_permissions', "Course & Account Permissions"), :group_permissions => []}
admin_tools = {:group_name => t('admin_tools_permissions', "Admin Tools"), :group_permissions => []}
# Add group_permissions
RoleOverride.manageable_permissions(context).each do |p|
hash = {:label => p[1][:label].call, :permission_name => p[0]}
if p[1][:account_only]
if p[1][:account_only] == :site_admin
site_admin[:group_permissions] << hash
elsif p[1][:admin_tool]
admin_tools[:group_permissions] << hash
account[:group_permissions] << hash
course[:group_permissions] << hash
res = []
res << site_admin if site_admin[:group_permissions].any?
res << account if account[:group_permissions].any?
res << admin_tools if admin_tools[:group_permissions].any?
res << course if course[:group_permissions].any?
res.each{|pg| pg[:group_permissions] = pg[:group_permissions].sort_by{|p|p[:label]} }