132 lines
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132 lines
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# frozen_string_literal: true
# Copyright (C) 2021 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require 'spec_helper'
describe MessageBus do
TEST_MB_NAMESPACE = "test-only"
around(:each) do |example|
old_interval = MessageBus.worker_process_interval_lambda
# let's not waste time with queue throttling in tests
MessageBus.worker_process_interval = -> { 0.01 }
MessageBus.worker_process_interval = old_interval unless old_interval.nil?
before(:each) do
skip("pulsar config required to test") unless MessageBus.enabled?
after(:each) do
describe ".reset!" do
it "still nils out the client, even if the client is closed already" do
client = MessageBus.client
allow(client).to receive(:close) do
raise ::Pulsar::Error::AlreadyClosed
expect { MessageBus.reset! }.to_not raise_error
new_client = MessageBus.client
expect(new_client).to_not eq(client)
it "can send messages and then later receive messages" do
topic_name = "lazily-created-topic-#{SecureRandom.hex(16)}"
subscription_name = "subscription-#{SecureRandom.hex(4)}"
producer = MessageBus.producer_for(TEST_MB_NAMESPACE, topic_name)
log_values = { test_key: "test_val" }
consumer = MessageBus.consumer_for(TEST_MB_NAMESPACE, topic_name, subscription_name)
msg = consumer.receive(1000)
# normally you would process the message before acknowledging it
# but we're trying to keep the external state as clean as possible in the tests.
expect(JSON.parse(msg.data)['test_key']).to eq("test_val")
it "can send a single message resiliant to timeout" do
topic_name = "lazily-created-topic-#{SecureRandom.hex(17)}"
subscription_name = "subscription-#{SecureRandom.hex(5)}"
call_count = 0
original_producer_for = MessageBus.method(:producer_for)
allow(MessageBus).to receive(:producer_for) do |namespace, topic_name|
call_count += 1
raise(::Pulsar::Error::Timeout, "Big Ops Fail") if call_count <= 1
original_producer_for.call(namespace, topic_name)
MessageBus.send_one_message(TEST_MB_NAMESPACE, topic_name, { test_my_key: "test_my_val" }.to_json)
MessageBus.production_worker.stop! # make sure we actually get through shipping the messages
consumer = MessageBus.consumer_for(TEST_MB_NAMESPACE, topic_name, subscription_name)
msg = consumer.receive(1000)
# normally you would process the message before acknowledging it
# but we're trying to keep the external state as clean as possible in the tests.
expect(JSON.parse(msg.data)['test_my_key']).to eq("test_my_val")
it "only parses the YAML one time as long as it doesn't change" do
# make sure we aren't parsing every time
expect(YAML).to receive(:safe_load).at_most(:twice).and_call_original
original_config = nil
5.times { original_config = MessageBus.config }
# force the config to change, so we get a second yaml parse
yaml = "NOT_THE_ORIGINAL: config"
allow(DynamicSettings).to receive(:find).and_return({ 'pulsar.yml' => yaml })
other_config = nil
5.times { other_config = MessageBus.config }
# make sure that the contents change when the dynamic settings change
expect(other_config).to_not eq(original_config)
describe "connection caching" do
it "caches a single producer connection until you force it" do
topic_name = "cachable-created-topic-#{SecureRandom.hex(16)}"
producer = MessageBus.producer_for(TEST_MB_NAMESPACE, topic_name)
producer2 = MessageBus.producer_for(TEST_MB_NAMESPACE, topic_name)
producer3 = MessageBus.producer_for(TEST_MB_NAMESPACE, topic_name)
expect(producer.class).to eq(Pulsar::Producer)
expect(producer3).to be(producer)
expect(producer2).to be(producer)
producer4 = MessageBus.producer_for(TEST_MB_NAMESPACE, topic_name, force_fresh: true)
expect(producer4).to_not be(producer)
producer5 = MessageBus.producer_for(TEST_MB_NAMESPACE, topic_name)
expect(producer5).to be(producer4)
it "caches consumers, but only for the same subscription" do
topic_name = "cachable-created-topic-#{SecureRandom.hex(16)}"
subscription_name_1 = "subscription-1-#{SecureRandom.hex(4)}"
subscription_name_2 = "subscription-2-#{SecureRandom.hex(4)}"
consumer1 = MessageBus.consumer_for(TEST_MB_NAMESPACE, topic_name, subscription_name_1)
consumer2 = MessageBus.consumer_for(TEST_MB_NAMESPACE, topic_name, subscription_name_1)
consumer3 = MessageBus.consumer_for(TEST_MB_NAMESPACE, topic_name, subscription_name_2)
consumer4 = MessageBus.consumer_for(TEST_MB_NAMESPACE, topic_name, subscription_name_2)
expect(consumer1).to be(consumer2)
expect(consumer3).to be(consumer4)
expect(consumer1).to_not be(consumer3)