
330 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <>.
# @API Enrollments
# API for creating and viewing course enrollments
class EnrollmentsApiController < ApplicationController
before_filter :get_course_from_section, :require_context
@@errors = {
:missing_parameters => 'No parameters given',
:missing_user_id => "Can't create an enrollment without a user. Include enrollment[user_id] to create an enrollment",
:bad_type => 'Invalid type'
@@valid_types = %w{StudentEnrollment TeacherEnrollment TaEnrollment ObserverEnrollment}
include Api::V1::User
# @API List enrollments
# Depending on the URL given, return either (1) all of the enrollments in
# a course, (2) all of the enrollments in a section or (3) all of a user's
# enrollments. This includes student, teacher, TA, and observer enrollments.
# If a user has multiple enrollments in a context (e.g. as a teacher
# and a student or in multiple course sections), each enrollment will be
# listed separately.
# note: Currently, only an admin user can return other users' enrollments. A
# user can, however, return his/her own enrollments.
# @argument type[] A list of enrollment types to return. Accepted values are 'StudentEnrollment', 'TeacherEnrollment', 'TaEnrollment', and 'ObserverEnrollment.' If omitted, all enrollment types are returned.
# @argument state[] Filter by enrollment state. Accepted values are 'active', 'invited', and 'creation_pending', 'deleted', 'rejected', 'completed', and 'inactive'. If omitted, 'active' and 'invited' enrollments are returned.
# @response_field id The unique id of the enrollment.
# @response_field course_id The unique id of the course.
# @response_field course_section_id The unique id of the user's section.
# @response_field enrollment_state The state of the user's enrollment in the course.
# @response_field limit_privileges_to_course_section User can only access his or her own course section.
# @response_field root_account_id The unique id of the user's account.
# @response_field type The type of the enrollment.
# @response_field user_id The unique id of the user.
# @response_field html_url The URL to the Canvas web UI page for this course enrollment.
# @response_field grades[html_url] The URL to the Canvas web UI page for the user's grades, if this is a student enrollment.
# @response_field grades[current_grade] The user's current grade in the class. Only included if user has permissions to view this grade.
# @response_field grades[final_grade] The user's final grade for the class. Only included if user has permissions to view this grade.
# @response_field user[id] The unique id of the user.
# @response_field user[login_id] The unique login of the user.
# @response_field user[name] The name of the user.
# @response_field user[short_name] The short name of the user.
# @response_field user[sortable_name] The sortable name of the user.
# @example_response
# [
# {
# "id": 1,
# "course_id": 1,
# "course_section_id": 1,
# "enrollment_state": "active",
# "limit_privileges_to_course_section": true,
# "root_account_id": 1,
# "type": "StudentEnrollment",
# "user_id": 1,
# "html_url": "https://...",
# "grades": {
# "html_url": "https://...",
# },
# "user": {
# "id": 1,
# "login_id": "",
# "name": "Justin Bieber",
# "short_name": "Justin B.",
# "sortable_name": "Bieber, Justin"
# }
# },
# {
# "id": 2,
# "course_id": 1,
# "course_section_id": 2,
# "enrollment_state": "active",
# "limit_privileges_to_course_section": false,
# "root_account_id": 1,
# "type": "TeacherEnrollment",
# "user_id": 2,
# "html_url": "https://...",
# "grades": {
# "html_url": "https://...",
# },
# "user": {
# "id": 2,
# "login_id": "",
# "name": "Señor Chang",
# "short_name": "S. Chang",
# "sortable_name": "Chang, Señor"
# }
# },
# {
# "id": 3,
# "course_id": 1,
# "course_section_id": 2,
# "enrollment_state": "active",
# "limit_privileges_to_course_section": false,
# "root_account_id": 1,
# "type": "StudentEnrollment",
# "user_id": 2,
# "html_url": "https://...",
# "grades": {
# "html_url": "https://...",
# },
# "user": {
# "id": 2,
# "login_id": "",
# "name": "Señor Chang",
# "short_name": "S. Chang",
# "sortable_name": "Chang, Señor"
# }
# }
# ]
def index
@conditions = {}.tap { |c|
c[:type] = params[:type] if params[:type].present?
c[:workflow_state] = params[:state] if params[:state].present?
c[:course_section_id] = if @section.present?
endpoint_scope = (@context.is_a?(Course) ? (@section.present? ? "section" : "course") : "user")
scope_arguments = { :conditions => @conditions,
:order => 'enrollments.type ASC, users.sortable_name ASC',
:include => {:user => [], :course => [], :course_section => []} }
if user_json_is_admin?
scope_arguments[:include][:user] = :pseudonyms
return unless enrollments = @context.is_a?(Course) ?
course_index_enrollments(scope_arguments) :
enrollments = Api.paginate(
self, send("api_v1_#{endpoint_scope}_enrollments_path"))
includes = [:user] + Array(params[:include])
render :json => { |e| enrollment_json(e, @current_user, session, includes) }
# @API Enroll a user
# Create a new user enrollment for a course or section.
# @argument enrollment[user_id] [String] The ID of the user to be enrolled in the course.
# @argument enrollment[type] [String] [StudentEnrollment|TeacherEnrollment|TaEnrollment|ObserverEnrollment] Enroll the user as a student, teacher, TA, or observer. If no value is given, 'StudentEnrollment' will be used.
# @argument enrollment[enrollment_state] [String] [Optional, active|invited] [String] If set to 'active,' student will be immediately enrolled in the course. Otherwise they will be required to accept a course invitation. Default is 'invited.'
# @argument enrollment[course_section_id] [Integer] [Optional] The ID of the course section to enroll the student in. If the section-specific URL is used, this argument is redundant and will be ignored
# @argument enrollment[limit_privileges_to_course_section] [Boolean] [Optional] If a teacher or TA enrollment, teacher/TA will be restricted to the section given by course_section_id.
# @argument enrollment[notify] [Boolean] [Optional] If false (0 or "false"), a notification will not be sent to the enrolled user. Notifications are sent by default.
def create
# error handling
errors = []
if params[:enrollment].blank?
errors << @@errors[:missing_parameters] if params[:enrollment].blank?
errors << @@errors[:bad_type] if params[:enrollment][:type].present? && !@@valid_types.include?(params[:enrollment][:type])
errors << @@errors[:missing_user_id] unless params[:enrollment][:user_id].present?
unless errors.blank?
render(:json => { :message => errors.join(', ') }, :status => 403) && return
# create enrollment
type = params[:enrollment].delete(:type)
params[:enrollment][:no_notify] = true unless params[:enrollment][:notify].nil? && value_to_boolean(params[:enrollment][:notify])
type = 'StudentEnrollment' unless @@valid_types.include?(type)
unless @current_user.can_create_enrollment_for?(@context, session, type)
render_unauthorized_action(@context) && return
params[:enrollment][:course_section_id] = if @section.present?
if params[:enrollment][:course_section_id].present?
params[:enrollment][:section] = params[:enrollment].delete(:course_section_id)
user = api_find(User, params[:enrollment].delete(:user_id))
@enrollment = @context.enroll_user(user, type, params[:enrollment].merge(:allow_multiple_enrollments => true))
@enrollment.valid? ?
render(:json => enrollment_json(@enrollment, @current_user, session).to_json) :
render(:json => @enrollment.errors.to_json)
# @API Conclude an enrollment
# Delete or conclude an enrollment.
# @argument task [conclude|delete] [String] The action to take on the enrollment.
# @example_request
# curl https://<canvas>/api/v1/courses/:course_id/enrollments/:enrollment_id \
# -F 'task=conclude'
# @example_response
# {
# "root_account_id": 15,
# "id": 75,
# "user_id": 4,
# "course_section_id": 12,
# "limit_privileges_to_course_section": false,
# "enrollment_state": "completed",
# "course_id": 12,
# "type": "StudentEnrollment",
# "html_url": "",
# "grades": { "html_url": "" },
# "associated_user_id": null,
# "updated_at": "2012-04-18T23:08:51Z"
# }
def destroy
@enrollment = Enrollment.find(params[:id])
task = %w{conclude delete}.include?(params[:task]) ? params[:task] : 'conclude'
unless @enrollment.send("can_be_#{task}d_by", @current_user, @context, session)
return render_unauthorized_action(@context)
task = 'destroy' if task == 'delete'
if @enrollment.send(task)
render :json => enrollment_json(@enrollment, @current_user, session)
render :json => @enrollment.errors.to_json, :status => :bad_request
# Internal: Collect course enrollments that @current_user has permissions to
# read.
# scope_arguments - A hash to be passed as :conditions to an AR scope.
# Allowed keys are any keys allowed in :conditions.
# Returns an ActiveRecord scope of enrollments on success, false on failure.
def course_index_enrollments(scope_arguments)
if authorized_action(@context, @current_user, :read_roster)
scope = @context.enrollments_visible_to(@current_user, :type => :all, :include_priors => true).scoped(scope_arguments)
unless scope_arguments[:conditions].include?(:workflow_state)
scope = scope.scoped(:conditions => ['enrollments.workflow_state NOT IN (?)', ['rejected', 'completed', 'deleted', 'inactive']])
# Internal: Collect user enrollments that @current_user has permissions to
# read.
# scope_arguments - A hash to be passed as :conditions to an AR scope.
# Allowed keys are any keys allowed in :conditions.
# Returns an ActiveRecord scope of enrollments on success, false on failure.
def user_index_enrollments(scope_arguments)
user = api_find(User, params[:user_id])
# if user is requesting for themselves, just return all of their
# enrollments without any extra checking.
if user == @current_user
enrollments = if params[:state].present?
:conditions => conditions_for_self))
return enrollments
# otherwise check for read_roster rights on all of the requested
# user's accounts
approved_accounts = user.associated_root_accounts.inject([]) do |accounts, ra|
accounts << if ra.grants_right?(@current_user, session, :read_roster)
# if there aren't any ids in approved_accounts, then the user doesn't have
# permissions.
render_unauthorized_action(@user) and return false if approved_accounts.empty?
scope_arguments[:conditions].merge!({ 'enrollments.root_account_id' => approved_accounts })
# by default, return active and invited courses. don't use the existing
# current_and_invited_enrollments scope because it won't return enrollments
# on unpublished courses.
scope_arguments[:conditions][:workflow_state] ||= %w{active invited}
# Internal: Collect type, section, and state info from params and format them
# for use in a request for the requester's own enrollments.
# Returns a hash or array.
def conditions_for_self
type, state = params.values_at(:type, :state)
conditions = [[], {}]
if type.present?
conditions[0] << 'enrollments.type IN (:type)'
conditions[1][:type] = type
if state.present? do |s|
conditions[0] << User::ENROLLMENT_CONDITIONS[s]
if @section.present?
conditions[0] << 'enrollments.course_section_id = :course_section_id'
conditions[1][:course_section_id] =
conditions[0] = conditions[0].join(' AND ')