285 lines
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285 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2011 Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
'jquery.instructure_forms' /* errorBox */,
'jquery.instructure_misc_helpers' /* /\.detect/ */,
'jquery.templateData' /* fillTemplateData */
], function(I18n, $, _, htmlEscape, SlickGrid) {
var GradebookUploader = {
var gradebookGrid,
$gradebook_grid = $("#gradebook_grid"),
gridData = {
columns: [
name:I18n.t('student', "Student"),
formatter: StudentNameFormatter
options: {
enableAddRow: false,
enableColumnReorder: false,
asyncEditorLoading: true
data: []
delete uploadedGradebook.missing_objects;
delete uploadedGradebook.original_submissions;
$.each(uploadedGradebook.assignments, function(){
var col = {
id: this.id,
name: htmlEscape(this.title),
field: this.id,
editor: GradeCellEditor,
formatter: simpleGradeCellFormatter,
active: true,
original_id: this.original_id
if (this.original_id) {
col.cssClass = "active changed"
} else {
col.cssClass = "active new"
col.setValueHandler = function(value, assignment, student){
if (student[assignment.id]) {
student[assignment.id].grade = value;
//there was already an uploaded submission for this assignment, update it
} else {
//they did not upload a score for this assignment. create a submission and link it.
var submission = {
grade: value,
assignment_id: assignment.id
var arrayLength = student.submissions.push(submission);
student[assignment.id] = student.submissions[arrayLength - 1];
$.each(uploadedGradebook.students, function(){
var row = {
student : this,
id : this.id
$.each(this.submissions, function(){
row[this.assignment_id] = this;
row.active = true;
// if there are still assignments with changes detected.
if (gridData.columns.length > 1) {
if (uploadedGradebook.unchanged_assignments) {
$gradebook_grid.height( $(window).height() - $gradebook_grid.offset().top - 50 );
gradebookGrid = new SlickGrid($gradebook_grid, gridData.data, gridData.columns, gridData.options);
gradebookGrid.onColumnHeaderClick = function(columnDef) { /*do nothing*/};
else {
handleThingsNeedingToBeResolved: function(){
var needingReview = {},
possibilitiesToMergeWith = {};
// first, figure out if there is anything that needs to be resolved
$.each(["student", "assignment"], function(i, thing){
var $template = $("#" + thing + "_resolution_template").remove(),
$select = $template.find("select");
needingReview[thing] = [];
$.each(uploadedGradebook[thing+"s"], function(){
if (!this.original_id) {
if (needingReview[thing].length) {
$(this).next(".points_possible_section").css({opacity: 0});
if($(this).val() > 0) { //if the thing that was selected is an id( not ignore or add )
$("#" + thing + "_resolution_template select option").removeAttr("disabled");
$("#" + thing + "_resolution_template select").each(function(){
$("#" + thing + "_resolution_template select").not(this).find("option[value='" + $(this).val() + "']").attr("disabled", true);
else if ( $(this).val() === "new" ) {
$(this).next(".points_possible_section").css({opacity: 1});
$.each(uploadedGradebook.missing_objects[thing + 's'], function() {
$('<option value="' + this.id + '" >' + htmlEscape(this.name || this.title) + '</option>').appendTo($select);
$.each(needingReview[thing], function(i, record){
iterator: record.id,
data: {
name: record.name,
title: record.title,
points_possible: record.points_possible
.appendTo("#gradebook_importer_resolution_section ." + thing + "_section table tbody")
record.points_possible = $(this).val();
$("#gradebook_importer_resolution_section, #gradebook_importer_resolution_section ." + thing + "_section").show();
// end figuring out if thigs need to be resolved
if ( needingReview.student.length || needingReview.assignment.length ) {
// if there are things that need to be resolved, set up stuff for that form
var returnFalse = false;
if( !$(this).val() ) {
returnFalse = true;
$(this).errorBox(I18n.t('errors.select_an_option', "Please select an option"));
return false;
if(returnFalse) return false;
var $select = $(this),
parts = $select.attr("name").split("_"),
thing = parts[0],
id = parts[1],
val = $select.val();
case "new":
//do nothing
case "ignore":
//remove the entry from the uploaded gradebook
for (var i in uploadedGradebook[thing+"s"]) {
if (id == uploadedGradebook[thing+"s"][i].id) {
uploadedGradebook[thing+"s"].splice(i, 1);
var obj = _.detect(uploadedGradebook[thing+"s"], function(thng){
return id == thng.id;
obj.id = obj.original_id = val;
if (thing === 'assignment') {
// find the original grade for this assignment for each student
$.each(uploadedGradebook['students'], function() {
var student = this;
var submission = _.detect(student.submissions, function(thng) {
return thng.assignment_id == id;
submission.assignment_id = val;
var original_submission = _.detect(uploadedGradebook.original_submissions, function(sub) {
return sub.user_id == student.id && sub.assignment_id == val;
if (original_submission) {
submission.original_grade = original_submission.score;
} else if (thing === 'student') {
// find the original grade for each assignment for this student
$.each(obj.submissions, function() {
var submission = this;
var original_submission = _.detect(uploadedGradebook.original_submissions, function(sub) {
return sub.user_id == obj.id && sub.assignment_id == submission.assignment_id;
if (original_submission) {
submission.original_grade = original_submission.score;
// remove assignments that have no changes
var indexes_to_delete = [];
$.each(uploadedGradebook.assignments, function(index){
if(uploadedGradebook.assignments[index].original_id && _.all(uploadedGradebook.students, function(student){
var submission = student.submissions[index];
return submission.original_grade == submission.grade || (!submission.original_grade && !submission.grade);
})) {
_.each(indexes_to_delete.reverse(), function(index) {
uploadedGradebook.assignments.splice(index, 1);
$.each(uploadedGradebook.students, function() {
this.submissions.splice(index, 1);
if (indexes_to_delete.length != 0) {
uploadedGradebook.unchanged_assignments = true;
else {
// if there is nothing that needs to resolved, just skip to initialize slick grid.
return GradebookUploader;