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# Copyright (C) 2011 - 2017 Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# @API Planner override
# API for creating, accessing and updating planner override. PlannerOverrides are used
# to control the visibility of objects displayed on the Planner.
# @model PlannerOverride
# {
# "id": "PlannerOverride",
# "description": "User-controlled setting for whether an item should be displayed on the planner or not",
# "properties": {
# "id": {
# "description": "The ID of the planner override",
# "example": 234,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "plannable_type": {
# "description": "The type of the associated object for the planner override",
# "example": "Assignment",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "plannable_id": {
# "description": "The id of the associated object for the planner override",
# "example": 1578941,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "user_id": {
# "description": "The id of the associated user for the planner override",
# "example": 1578941,
# "type": "integer"
# },
# "workflow_state": {
# "description": "The current published state of the item, synced with the associated object",
# "example": "published",
# "type": "string"
# },
# "visible": {
# "description": "Controls whether or not the associated plannable item is displayed on the planner",
# "example": false,
# "type": "boolean"
# },
# "deleted_at": {
# "description": "The datetime of when the planner override was deleted, if applicable",
# "example": "2017-05-09T10:12:00Z",
# "type": "datetime"
# }
# }
# }
class PlannerOverridesController < ApplicationController
include Api::V1::PlannerItem
before_action :require_user
# @API List planner items
# Retrieve the list of objects to be shown on the planner for the current user
# with the associated planner override to override an item's visibility if set.
# @argument date [Date]
# Only return items since the given date.
# The value should be formatted as: yyyy-mm-dd or ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
# @example_response
# [
# {
# 'type': 'grading', // an assignment that needs grading
# 'assignment': { .. assignment object .. },
# 'ignore': '.. url ..',
# 'ignore_permanently': '.. url ..',
# 'visible_in_planner': true
# 'html_url': '.. url ..',
# 'needs_grading_count': 3, // number of submissions that need grading
# 'context_type': 'course', // course|group
# 'course_id': 1,
# 'group_id': null,
# },
# {
# 'type' => 'submitting', // an assignment that needs submitting soon
# 'assignment' => { .. assignment object .. },
# 'ignore' => '.. url ..',
# 'ignore_permanently' => '.. url ..',
# 'visible_in_planner': true
# 'html_url': '.. url ..',
# 'context_type': 'course',
# 'course_id': 1,
# },
# {
# 'type' => 'submitting', // a quiz that needs submitting soon
# 'quiz' => { .. quiz object .. },
# 'ignore' => '.. url ..',
# 'ignore_permanently' => '.. url ..',
# 'visible_in_planner': true
# 'html_url': '.. url ..',
# 'context_type': 'course',
# 'course_id': 1,
# },
# ]
def items_index
render :json => assignments_for_user
# @API List planner overrides
# Retrieve a planner override for the current user
# @returns [PlannerOverride]
def index
render :json => PlannerOverride.for_user(@current_user)
# @API Show a planner override
# Retrieve a planner override for the current user
# @returns PlannerOverride
def show
planner_override = PlannerOverride.find(params[:override_id])
if planner_override.present?
render json: planner_override
# @API Update a planner override
# Update a planner override's visibilty for the current user
# @returns PlannerOverride
def update
planner_override = PlannerOverride.find(params[:override_id])
planner_override.visible = value_to_boolean(params[:visible])
if planner_override.save
render json: planner_override, status: :updated
render json: planner_override.errors, status: :bad_request
# @API Create a planner override
# Create a planner override for the current user
# @returns PlannerOverride
def create
planner_override = PlannerOverride.new(plannable_type: params[:plannable_type],
plannable_id: params[:plannable_id],
visible: value_to_boolean(params[:visible]),
user: @current_user)
if planner_override.save
render json: planner_override, status: :created
render json: planner_override.errors, status: :bad_request
# @API Delete a planner override
# Delete a planner override for the current user
# @returns PlannerOverride
def destroy
planner_override = PlannerOverride.find(params[:override_id])
if planner_override.destroy
render json: planner_override, status: :deleted
render json: planner_override.errors, status: :bad_request
def assignments_for_user
grading = @current_user.assignments_needing_grading(include_ignored: true).map { |a| planner_item_json(a, @current_user, session, 'grading') }
submitting = @current_user.assignments_needing_submitting(include_ignored: true, include_ungraded: true, limit: ToDoListPresenter::ASSIGNMENT_LIMIT).map { |a|
planner_item_json(a, @current_user, session, 'submitting')
submitting += @current_user.ungraded_quizzes_needing_submitting(include_ignored: true).map { |q| planner_item_json(q, @current_user, session, 'submitting') }
submitting.sort_by! { |j| (j[:assignment] || j[:quiz])[:due_at] || CanvasSort::Last }
moderation = @current_user.assignments_needing_moderation(include_ignored: true).map { |a|
planner_item_json(a, @current_user, session, 'moderation')
(grading + submitting + moderation)
def require_user
render_unauthorized_action if !@current_user || !@domain_root_account.feature_enabled?(:student_planner)