
591 lines
27 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
# Copyright (C) 2020 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <>.
module DataFixup::PopulateRootAccountIdOnModels
# migration_tables should be a hash of a model and the association that has access to the root_account on that model
# migration_tables should not need to be ordered, the job will try to determine if the required association
# backfill has been completed, and wait to run it later when the requirements have completed if necessary.
# You can use an array of associations if needed. The column name will be assumed to be root_account_id
# unless the association is a hash. Column names will be used in the order they are provided.
# Ex: migration_tables = {
# Submission => [{assignment: [:root_account_id, :id]}, :user],
# OriginalityReport => :submission
# }
# If you have a table where you want to use a polymorphic association, but you want to skip one of
# the associated tables, you'll want to use the long form of the polymorphic association and skip
# the association you don't want
# Ex: migration_tables = {Attachment => :context} would turn in to
# Attachment => [:account, :assessment_question, :assignment, :attachment, :content_export,
# :content_migration, :course, :eportfolio, :epub_export, :gradebook_upload, :group, :submission,
# :purgatory, {:context_folder=>"Folder", :context_sis_batch=>"SisBatch",
# :context_outcome_import=>"OutcomeImport", :context_user=>"User", :quiz=>"Quizzes::Quiz",
# :quiz_statistics=>"Quizzes::QuizStatistics", :quiz_submission=>"Quizzes::QuizSubmission"}] normally, but
# if we want to avoid the users association, we could put it in the hash as
# Attachment => [:account, :assessment_question, :assignment, :attachment, :content_export,
# :content_migration, :course, :eportfolio, :epub_export, :gradebook_upload, :group, :submission,
# :purgatory, {:context_folder=>"Folder", :context_sis_batch=>"SisBatch",
# :context_outcome_import=>"OutcomeImport", :quiz=>"Quizzes::Quiz",
# :quiz_statistics=>"Quizzes::QuizStatistics", :quiz_submission=>"Quizzes::QuizSubmission"}]
# You can also overwrite one table from a polymorphic association in the case where you might need a
# different column from one of the polymorphic tables. To do this, put the overwriting table at the end
# For example, Group can have a context of account or course. Account root accounts can come from
# root_account_id or id
# Ex: migration_tables = {Group => [:context, {account: [:root_account_id, :id]}]}
# (Note that this specific example is handled by the association resolver now, so Account associations will
# automatically have [:root_account_id, :id])
# NOTE: This code will NOT work with any models that need to have multiple root account ids
# or any models that do not have a root_account_id column.
def self.migration_tables
AccessToken => :developer_key,
AccountUser => :account,
AssessmentQuestion => :assessment_question_bank,
AssessmentQuestionBank => :context,
AssetUserAccess => [:context_course, :context_group, { context_account: Account.resolved_root_account_id_sql }],
AssignmentGroup => :context,
AssignmentOverride => [:assignment, :quiz],
AssignmentOverrideStudent => [:assignment, :quiz],
# Attachment is handled differently than other fix ups, it is triggered in the populate_overrides
Attachment => [],
AttachmentAssociation => %i[course group submission attachment], # attachment is last, only used if context is a ConversationMessage
CalendarEvent => %i[context_course context_group context_course_section],
CommunicationChannel => [], # has override
ContentMigration => %i[account course group],
ContentParticipation => :content,
ContentParticipationCount => :course,
ContentShare => [:course, :group],
ContextExternalTool => :context,
ContextModule => :context,
ContextModuleProgression => :context_module,
CourseAccountAssociation => :account,
CustomGradebookColumn => :course,
CustomGradebookColumnDatum => :custom_gradebook_column,
ContentTag => :context,
DeveloperKey => :account,
DeveloperKeyAccountBinding => :account,
DiscussionEntry => :discussion_topic,
DiscussionEntryParticipant => :discussion_entry,
DiscussionTopic => :context,
DiscussionTopicParticipant => :discussion_topic,
EnrollmentState => :enrollment,
Favorite => :context,
Folder => %i[account course group],
GradingPeriod => :grading_period_group,
GradingPeriodGroup => [{ root_account: Account.resolved_root_account_id_sql }, :course],
GradingStandard => :context,
GroupCategory => :context,
GroupMembership => :group,
LatePolicy => :course,
LearningOutcome => [], # no associations, only dependencies
LearningOutcomeGroup => :context,
LearningOutcomeQuestionResult => :learning_outcome_result,
LearningOutcomeResult => :context,
Lti::LineItem => :assignment,
Lti::ResourceLink => :context_external_tool,
Lti::Result => :line_item,
MasterCourses::ChildContentTag => :child_subscription,
MasterCourses::ChildSubscription => :child_course,
MasterCourses::MasterContentTag => :master_template,
MasterCourses::MasterMigration => :master_template,
MasterCourses::MasterTemplate => :course,
MasterCourses::MigrationResult => :master_migration,
OriginalityReport => :submission,
OutcomeProficiency => :account,
OutcomeProficiencyRating => :outcome_proficiency,
PostPolicy => :course,
Quizzes::Quiz => :course,
Quizzes::QuizGroup => :quiz,
Quizzes::QuizQuestion => :quiz,
Quizzes::QuizSubmission => :quiz,
Quizzes::QuizSubmissionEvent => :quiz_submission,
Role => :account,
RoleOverride => :account,
Rubric => :context,
RubricAssessment => :rubric,
RubricAssociation => :context,
Score => :enrollment,
ScoreStatistic => :assignment,
Submission => :assignment,
SubmissionComment => :course,
SubmissionVersion => :course,
User => [],
UserAccountAssociation => :account,
WebConference => :context,
WebConferenceParticipant => :web_conference,
Wiki => [:course, :group],
WikiPage => :context,
# these are non-association dependencies, mostly used for override backfills
def self.dependencies
AssetUserAccess => [:attachment, :calendar_event],
Attachment => %i[account assessment_question assignment course group submission],
CommunicationChannel => :user,
LearningOutcome => :content_tag,
User => :user_account_association,
# for special case tables that populate root_account_id in a different
# way than the normal tables above, but still would like access to the
# job cycle this backfill provides
# Each key points to a code module. This module is expected to have a
# `populate` method that takes `(min, max)`.
# Tables that are listed here must be also listed in the `migration_tables`
# hash above, and may list their non-association dependencies in the
# `dependencies` hash above.
def self.populate_overrides
AssetUserAccess => DataFixup::PopulateRootAccountIdOnAssetUserAccesses,
Attachment => DataFixup::PopulateRootAccountIdOnAttachments,
CommunicationChannel => DataFixup::PopulateRootAccountIdsOnCommunicationChannels,
LearningOutcome => DataFixup::PopulateRootAccountIdsOnLearningOutcomes,
User => DataFixup::PopulateRootAccountIdsOnUsers,
# table has `root_account_ids` column, not `root_account_id`
# tables listed here should override the populate method above
def self.multiple_root_account_ids_tables
# In case we run into other tables that can't fully finish being filled with
# root account ids, and they have children who need them to consider them as full.
def self.unfillable_criteria
# Arguments to where()
@unfillable_criteria ||= {
DeveloperKey => "account_id IS NULL",
}.transform_values { |criteria| [criteria].flatten(1) }.freeze
# A better alternative to the above, perhaps not possible in all cases, is to
# actually fill it with a dummy root_account of "0". This unlocks
# dependencies and simplifies our checking of what is done because the
# unfillable row is actually filled with a value.
# NOTE: also used in check_if_table_has_root_account() with where(root_account_id: nil)
# to check if table is unfilled; be aware of potential performance problems on this check
def self.fill_with_zeros_criteria
# Arguments to where()
@fill_with_zeros_criteria ||= {
CalendarEvent => { context_type: "User", effective_context_code: nil },
LearningOutcomeGroup => "context_id IS NULL",
ContentMigration => { context_type: "User" },
}.transform_values { |criteria| [criteria].flatten(1) }.freeze
# These must be simple associations or specific polymorphic associations ("course" not "context")
# For non-=full table detection to work right, these should be associations already covered by
# `migration_tables` or `dependencies`. See also scope_for_association_does_not_exist.
# Multiple root account tables ("root_account_ids" not "root_account_id") not supported.
def self.nonexistent_associations_to_fill_with_zeros
@nonexistent_associations_to_fill_with_zeros ||= {
CalendarEvent => %i[context_course context_group context_course_section],
def self.ignore_cross_shard_associations_tables
ContentMigration, # there are a very small number cross-shard associations for some reason; we can ignore them
Wiki, # complicated because it is a has_one instead of a belongs_to; really shouldn't have cross-shard associations anyway
# tables that have been filled for a while already
DONE_TABLES = [Account, Assignment, Course, CourseSection, Enrollment, EnrollmentTerm, Group].freeze
def self.send_later_backfill_strand(job, *args)
delay_if_production(priority: Delayed::MAX_PRIORITY,
n_strand: ["root_account_id_backfill",]).__send__(job, *args)
clean_and_filter_tables.each do |table, assoc|
table.find_ids_in_ranges(batch_size: 100_000) do |min, max|
# default populate method
unless assoc.empty?
send_later_backfill_strand(:populate_root_account_ids, table, assoc, min, max)
if fill_with_zeros_criteria.key?(table)
send_later_backfill_strand(:fill_with_zeros, table, min, max)
if nonexistent_associations_to_fill_with_zeros.key?(table)
send_later_backfill_strand(:fill_nonexistent_associations_with_zeros, table, min, max)
if populate_overrides.key?(table)
# allow for one or more override methods of population
Array(populate_overrides[table]).each do |override_module|
next unless override_module.respond_to?(:populate)
next if table.where(get_column_name(table) => nil).none?
send_later_backfill_strand(:populate_root_account_ids_override, table, override_module, min, max)
next unless populate_overrides.key?(table)
Array(populate_overrides[table]).each do |override_module|
next unless override_module.respond_to?(:populate_table) &&
next unless override_module.run_populate_table?
send_later_backfill_strand(:populate_root_account_ids_override_table, table, override_module)
# Returns a Hash of model class => associations where root account ID
# can be found. Also normalizes the associations hash, expands polymorphic
# associations, and assumes root_account_id is the column name unless specified.
# Also checks table dependencies to see if it can begin backfilling, whether
# those dependencies are associations on the table or just other tables.
# Start with {Group => {context: [:root_account_id, :id], ContextModule => :context} will yield
# { Group => { course: [:root_account_id, :id], account: [:root_account_id, :id] },
# ContextModule => {course: :root_account_id} }
def self.clean_and_filter_tables
tables_in_progress = in_progress_tables
incomplete_tables = []
complete_tables = []
migration_tables.each_with_object({}) do |(table, assoc), memo|
(incomplete_tables << table) && next unless table.column_names.include?(get_column_name(table))
next if (tables_in_progress + complete_tables + DONE_TABLES).include?(table)
association_hash = hash_association(assoc)
direct_relation_associations = replace_polymorphic_associations(table, association_hash)
check_if_table_has_root_account(table, direct_relation_associations.keys) ? (complete_tables << table) && next : incomplete_tables << table
all_dependencies = direct_relation_associations.keys + Array(dependencies[table])
prereqs_ready = all_dependencies.all? do |a|
assoc_reflection = table.reflections[a.to_s]
class_name = assoc_reflection&.class_name&.constantize || a.to_s.classify.safe_constantize
if (complete_tables + DONE_TABLES).include?(class_name)
elsif incomplete_tables.include?(class_name) || tables_in_progress.include?(class_name)
elsif table == CommunicationChannel
# For single-sharded (OSS) Canvas, if any users have been filled in
# and User jobs are complete, we are good to fill in comm channels
User.where.not(root_account_ids: nil).any?
check_if_association_has_root_account(table, assoc_reflection) ? (complete_tables << table) && true : (incomplete_tables << table) && false
memo[table] = direct_relation_associations if prereqs_ready
def self.in_progress_tables
Delayed::Job.where(strand: "root_account_id_backfill/#{}",
shard_id: Shard.current).map do |job|
def self.hash_association(association)
# we want a hash of tables with their associated column names
case association
when Hash
when Array
association.reduce({}) { |memo, assoc| memo.merge(hash_association(assoc)) }
when String, Symbol
{ association.to_sym => :root_account_id }
raise "Unexpected association type for root_account association: #{association.class}"
# Replaces polymorphic associations in the association_hash with their component associations
# Eg: ContentTag with association of {context: :root_account_id} becomes
# {
# :course=>:root_account_id,
# :learning_outcome_group=>:root_account_id,
# :assignment=>:root_account_id,
# :account=>[:root_account_id, :id],
# :quiz=>:root_account_id
# }
# Also accounts for polymorphic associations that have a prefix, since the usual associations
# aren't present
# Eg: CalendarEvent with association of {context: :root_account_id} becomes
# {
# :context_course=>:root_account_id,
# :context_learning_outcome_group=>:root_account_id,
# :context_assignment=>:root_account_id,
# :context_account=>[:root_account_id, :id],
# :context_quiz=>:root_account_id
# }
# Accounts are a special case, since subaccounts will have a root_account_id but root accounts
# have a 0 root_account_id and will just use their id instead
# Eg: ContextExternalTool with association of {context: :root_account_id} becomes
# {
# :account=>[:root_account_id, :id],
# :course=>:root_account_id
# }
def self.replace_polymorphic_associations(table, association_hash)
association_hash.each_with_object({}) do |(assoc, columns), memo|
# ignore non-association dependencies
next unless table.reflections[assoc.to_s]
assoc_options = table.reflections[assoc.to_s].options
prefix = assoc_options[:polymorphic_prefix] ? "#{assoc}_" : ""
if assoc_options[:polymorphic].present?
assoc_options[:polymorphic].each do |poly_a|
poly_a = poly_a.keys.first if poly_a.is_a? Hash
account_columns = Account.resolved_root_account_id_sql if poly_a == :account
memo[:"#{prefix}#{poly_a}"] = account_columns || columns
columns = Account.resolved_root_account_id_sql if assoc == :account
memo[assoc] = columns
# if you provide a list of associations to this method, it will only check on the
# tables items that have that association, so an attachment may be associated to a User
# and not have a root account ID, but if you provide a list of associations like
# [:course, :assignment], it will not check Attachments with a user as the context
# and return true (assuming the course and assignment attachments have root account ids)
# thus allowing us to pretend the Attachments table has been backfilled where necessary
def self.check_if_table_has_root_account(table, associations)
return false if table.column_names.exclude?(get_column_name(table))
return empty_root_account_column_scope(table).none? if associations.blank? || dependencies.key?(table)
return false unless associations.all? do |a|
reflection = table.reflections[a.to_s]
scope = empty_root_account_column_scope(table)
# when reflection is linked to `context`, it's polymorphic, so:
# - get the polymorphic reflection (i.e. `context`, as opposed to `account`)
# - limit the checking query to just this context type to prevent overlap
# - limit by joining on the `through` association, if present
poly_ref = find_polymorphic_reflection(table, reflection)
if poly_ref
scope = scope.where("#{poly_ref.foreign_type} = '#{reflection.class_name}'")
scope = scope.joins( if poly_ref.through_reflection?
# further refine query based on association type
if reflection.belongs_to? || reflection.through_reflection&.belongs_to?
scope = scope.where("#{reflection.foreign_key} IS NOT NULL")
elsif reflection.has_one?
scope = scope.where(id:
# are there any nil root account ids?
# These rows can be filled with zeros. If they aren't filled, the table isn't filled
if (zeros_criteria = fill_with_zeros_criteria[table]) &&
return false
# An association may have foreign keys for records on other shards, and to
# backfill this table, we need to wait until the the foreign table has been
# filled on all those shards.
# For instance, `favorites` can have a `context_id` that is a course id from
# another shard, so this checks to see if the `courses` tables on all shards
# referenced by cross-shard `context_id`s have been backfilled.
def self.check_if_association_has_root_account(table, assoc_reflection)
class_name = assoc_reflection&.class_name&.constantize
return true if assoc_reflection.nil?
# find all cross-shard foreign keys for this association
scope = table.where("#{assoc_reflection.foreign_key} > ?", Shard::IDS_PER_SHARD)
# is this a polymorphic reflection like `context`? If so, limit the query
# for shard ids to just the context type of this association
poly_ref = find_polymorphic_reflection(table, assoc_reflection)
scope = scope.where("#{poly_ref.foreign_type} = '#{assoc_reflection.class_name}'") if poly_ref
shard_ids = [, *"(#{assoc_reflection.foreign_key}/#{Shard::IDS_PER_SHARD}) as shard_id")]
# check associated table on all possible shards for any nil root account ids
Shard.where(id: shard_ids).all? do |shard|
shard.activate { empty_root_account_column_scope(class_name).none? }
def self.empty_root_account_column_scope(table)
if unfillable_criteria[table]
table = table.where.not(*unfillable_criteria[table])
if multiple_root_account_ids_tables.include?(table)
# takes care of nil and empty arrays
table.where("ARRAY_LENGTH(#{table.quoted_table_name}.root_account_ids, 1) IS NULL")
table.where(root_account_id: nil)
# some reflections are related to polymorphic reflections like `context`,
# which can help limit queries to the context type.
# this method finds a polymorphic reflection for the given reflection,
# if there is one
def self.find_polymorphic_reflection(table, reflection)
table.reflections.values.find { |values| values.foreign_key == reflection.foreign_key && values.foreign_type }
def self.get_column_name(table)
multiple_root_account_ids_tables.include?(table) ? "root_account_ids" : "root_account_id"
def self.populate_root_account_ids(table, associations, min, max)
primary_key_field = table.primary_key
table.find_ids_in_ranges(start_at: min, end_at: max) do |batch_min, batch_max|
associations.each do |assoc, columns|
reflection = table.reflections[assoc.to_s]
account_id_column = create_column_names(reflection, columns)
scope = table.where(primary_key_field => batch_min..batch_max, :root_account_id => nil)
scope.joins(assoc).update_all("root_account_id = #{account_id_column}")
unless ignore_cross_shard_associations_tables.include?(table)
fill_cross_shard_associations(table, scope, reflection, account_id_column)
def self.fill_with_zeros(table, min, max)
if (criteria = fill_with_zeros_criteria[table])
table.find_ids_in_ranges(start_at: min, end_at: max) do |batch_min, batch_max|
.where(table.primary_key => batch_min..batch_max)
.where(root_account_id: nil)
.update_all("root_account_id = 0")
# Returns a scope for records in the table where the foreign record doesn't exist.
# Assoc can be a simple association, or a specific polymorphic association
# (e.g. "course" where "context" is a polymorphic association that includes
# source). It cannot be a general polymorphic association ("context")
def self.scope_for_association_does_not_exist(table, assoc)
reflection = table.reflections[assoc.to_s]
foreign_table = reflection.options[:class_name].constantize
# Polymorphic associations: add scope, e.g. "context_type = Course":
scope = reflection.scope ? table.class_eval(&reflection.scope) : table
# cross-shard could actually exist so ignore:
scope = scope.where("#{reflection.join_foreign_key} < #{Shard::IDS_PER_SHARD}")
def self.fill_nonexistent_associations_with_zeros(table, min, max)
assoc_names = nonexistent_associations_to_fill_with_zeros[table] or return
return unless assoc_names
table.find_ids_in_ranges(start_at: min, end_at: max) do |batch_min, batch_max|
assoc_names.each do |assoc_name|
scope_for_association_does_not_exist(table, assoc_name)
.where(id: batch_min..batch_max)
.where(root_account_id: nil)
.update_all("root_account_id = 0")
def self.populate_root_account_ids_override(table, override_module, min, max)
override_module.populate(min, max)
def self.populate_root_account_ids_override_table(table, override_module)
def self.create_column_names(assoc, columns)
return columns if columns.is_a?(String)
names = Array(columns).map { |column| "#{assoc.klass.table_name}.#{column}" }
(names.count == 1) ? names.first : "COALESCE(#{names.join(", ")})"
def self.fill_cross_shard_associations(table, scope, reflection, column)
reflection = reflection.through_reflection if reflection.through_reflection?
foreign_key = reflection.foreign_key
# is this a polymorphic reflection like `context`? If so, limit the query
# and updates to just the context type of this association
poly_ref = find_polymorphic_reflection(table, reflection)
scope = scope.where("#{poly_ref.foreign_type} = '#{reflection.class_name}'") if poly_ref
min = scope.where("#{foreign_key} > ?", Shard::IDS_PER_SHARD).minimum(foreign_key)
while min
# one shard at a time
foreign_shard = Shard.shard_for(min)
if foreign_shard
# scope for developer key ids within the current foreign_shard:
subscope = scope.where("#{foreign_key} >= ? AND #{foreign_key} < ?", min, ( + 1) * Shard::IDS_PER_SHARD)
associated_ids = subscope.pluck(foreign_key)
root_ids_with_foreign_keys = foreign_shard.activate do
.select("#{column} AS root_id, array_agg(#{reflection.table_name}.#{reflection.klass.primary_key}) AS foreign_keys")
.where(id: associated_ids)
root_ids_with_foreign_keys.each do |attributes|
foreign_keys = { |fk| Shard.global_id_for(fk, foreign_shard) }
subscope.where("#{foreign_key} IN (#{foreign_keys.join(",")})")
.update_all("root_account_id = #{Shard.global_id_for(attributes.root_id, foreign_shard) || "null"}")
min = scope.where("#{foreign_key} > ?", ((min / Shard::IDS_PER_SHARD) + 1) * Shard::IDS_PER_SHARD).minimum(foreign_key)
def self.unlock_next_backfill_job(table)
# when the current table has been fully backfilled, restart the backfill job
# so it can check to see if any new tables can begin working based off of this table
if empty_root_account_column_scope(table).none?
delay_if_production(priority: Delayed::LOWER_PRIORITY,
singleton: "root_account_id_backfill_strand_#{}").run