<% define_content :link do -%> <%= dashboard_url %> <% end -%> <% define_content :subject do -%> <%= t :subject, "Recent Canvas Notifications" %> <% end -%> <% m = (delayed_messages || []).find{|m| m.frequency == Notification::FREQ_WEEKLY} || delayed_messages.first %> <% if !m || m.frequency == Notification::FREQ_DAILY %> <%= t :daily_body, "You're signed up to receive a daily report of some notifications from your Canvas account. Below is the report for %{date}:", :date => (date_string(force_zone(m.send_at), :no_words) rescue t("#date.days.today_lower", "today")) %> <% elsif m.frequency == Notification::FREQ_WEEKLY %> <%= t :weekly_body, "You're signed up to receive a weekly report of some notifications from your Canvas account. Below is the report for the week ending %{date}:", :date => (date_string(force_zone(m.send_at), :no_words) rescue t("#date.days.today_lower", "today")) %> <% end %> <% for delayed_message in delayed_messages do %> -------------------------------- <%= delayed_message.name_of_topic %> <%= CanvasTextHelper.indent(html_to_text(delayed_message.summary, :base_url => content(:link)), 4) %> <%= delayed_message.link %> <% end %> <%= t :notifications_link, "You can change your notification settings by visiting the following page:" %> <%= communication_profile_url %>