#!/usr/bin/env groovy /* * Copyright (C) 2022 - present Instructure, Inc. * * This file is part of Canvas. * * Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ library "canvas-builds-library@${env.CANVAS_BUILDS_REFSPEC}" loadLocalLibrary('local-lib', 'build/new-jenkins/library') @groovy.transform.Field def rspecqNodeTotal = 23 @groovy.transform.Field def rspecNodeTotal = 27 def startTime = 0 def endTime = 0 def setupNode() { sh 'rm -vrf ./tmp' checkout scm distribution.stashBuildScripts() if (env.ENABLE_CRYSTALBALL == '1') { copyArtifacts filter: 'tmp/crystalball_spec_list.txt', projectName: "${env.UPSTREAM}", selector: upstream() } credentials.withStarlordCredentials { -> sh(script: 'build/new-jenkins/docker-compose-pull.sh', label: 'Pull Images') } sh(script: 'build/new-jenkins/docker-compose-build-up.sh', label: 'Start Containers') } def computeTestCount() { def partition = (env.RSPEC_PROCESSES.toInteger() * 30) // 30 tests per process def specs = readFile(file: 'tmp/crystalball_spec_list.txt') def specUnique = specs.replaceAll(/\[.*?\]/, '').tokenize(',').unique() env.CRYSTAL_BALL_SPECS = specUnique.join(' ') def totalPrediction = specUnique.join('\n') def specCount = 0 // Crystalball predictor returned empty text file if (specUnique.size() == 0) { sendCrystalballSlack('No App Code Detected! - Running everything!', 'danger') return } // Crystalball predictor returned "." if (specUnique.size() == 1 && specUnique[0] == '.') { sendCrystalballSlack('New File Detected! - Complete Suite Re-run!', 'danger') return } sh(script: "docker-compose exec -T canvas bundle exec rspec --dry-run \ --require './spec/formatters/example_count_formatter.rb' \ --format ExampleCountRecorder \ --out spec_count.txt ${specUnique.join(' ')}", label: 'Get Test Count') specCount = sh(script: 'docker-compose exec -T canvas cat spec_count.txt', returnStdout: true).trim().toInteger() def summary = "$specCount Individual Selenium spec(s) across ${specUnique.size()} file(s)\n$totalPrediction" def color = 'danger' if (specCount <= partition) { color = 'good' } else if (specCount <= (partition * 4)) { color = 'warning' } sendCrystalballSlack(summary, color) echo "total prediction: \n====\n$totalPrediction\n====" if (specCount <= partition) { rspecqNodeTotal = 1 return } rspecqNodeTotal = ((specCount + partition - 1).intdiv(partition) > rspecqNodeTotal) ? rspecqNodeTotal : (specCount + partition - 1).intdiv(partition) } def sendCrystalballSlack(summary, color) { def jobInfo = " | <$env.BUILD_URL|Jenkins>" def message = "$jobInfo\n$summary" slackSend channel: '#crystalball-noisy', color: color, message: message } def redisUrl() { return "redis://${TEST_QUEUE_HOST}:6379" } pipeline { agent none options { ansiColor('xterm') timeout(60) timestamps() } environment { COMPOSE_FILE = 'docker-compose.new-jenkins.yml:docker-compose.new-jenkins-selenium.yml' FORCE_FAILURE = "${configuration.isForceFailureSelenium() ? '1' : ''}" RERUNS_RETRY = "${configuration.getInteger('rspecq-max-requeues')}" RSPEC_PROCESSES = "${configuration.getInteger('rspecq-processes')}" RSPECQ_FILE_SPLIT_THRESHOLD = "${configuration.fileSplitThreshold()}" RSPECQ_MAX_REQUEUES = "${configuration.getInteger('rspecq-max-requeues')}" SELENIUM_TEST_PATTERN = '^./(spec|gems/plugins/.*/spec_canvas)/selenium' TEST_PATTERN = '^./(spec|gems/plugins/.*/spec_canvas)/' EXCLUDE_TESTS = '.*/(selenium|contracts)' RSPECQ_UPDATE_TIMINGS = "${env.GERRIT_EVENT_TYPE == 'change-merged' ? '1' : '0'}" ENABLE_AXE_SELENIUM = "${env.ENABLE_AXE_SELENIUM}" POSTGRES_PASSWORD = 'sekret' SELENIUM_VERSION = '3.141.59-20210929' RSPECQ_REDIS_URL = redisUrl() CANVAS_ZEITWERK = '1' } stages { stage('Environment') { steps { script { def rspecNodeRequirements = [label: 'canvas-docker'] env.CRYSTAL_BALL_SPECS = '.' def postBuildHandler = [ onStageEnded: { stageName, stageConfig, result -> node('master') { buildSummaryReport.saveRunManifest() } } ] def postStageHandler = [ onStageEnded: { stageName, stageConfig, result -> buildSummaryReport.setStageTimings(stageName, stageConfig.timingValues()) } ] extendedStage('Runner').hooks(postBuildHandler).obeysAllowStages(false).execute { extendedStage('Builder').obeysAllowStages(false).nodeRequirements(rspecNodeRequirements).execute { stage('Setup') { setupNode() } if (env.ENABLE_CRYSTALBALL == '1') { stage('Compute Build Distribution') { computeTestCount() } } extendedStage('Parallel Run Tests').obeysAllowStages(false).execute { stageConfig, buildConfig -> def rspecqStages = [:] extendedStage('RSpecQ Reporter for Rspec').required(env.ENABLE_CRYSTALBALL != '1').timeout(30).queue(rspecqStages) { try { sh(script: "docker run -e SENTRY_DSN -e RSPECQ_REDIS_URL -t $PATCHSET_TAG bundle exec rspecq \ --build=${JOB_NAME}_build${BUILD_NUMBER}_rspec \ --queue-wait-timeout 240 \ --redis-url $RSPECQ_REDIS_URL \ --report", label: 'Reporter') } catch (org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException e) { if (e.causes[0] instanceof org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.TimeoutStepExecution.ExceededTimeout) { /* groovylint-disable-next-line GStringExpressionWithinString, SpaceInsideParentheses */ sh '''#!/bin/bash ids=( $(docker ps -aq --filter "name=canvas_") ) for i in "${ids[@]}" do docker exec $i bash -c "cat /usr/src/app/log/cmd_output/*.log" done ''' } throw e } } extendedStage('RSpecQ Reporter for Selenium').timeout(30).queue(rspecqStages) { try { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() sh(script: "docker run -e SENTRY_DSN -e RSPECQ_REDIS_URL -t $PATCHSET_TAG bundle exec rspecq \ --build=${JOB_NAME}_build${BUILD_NUMBER}_selenium \ --queue-wait-timeout 120 \ --redis-url $RSPECQ_REDIS_URL \ --report", label: 'Reporter') endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() } catch (org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException e) { if (e.causes[0] instanceof org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.TimeoutStepExecution.ExceededTimeout) { /* groovylint-disable-next-line GStringExpressionWithinString, SpaceInsideParentheses */ sh '''#!/bin/bash ids=($(docker ps -aq --filter "name=canvas_")) for i in "${ids[@]}" do docker exec $i bash -c "cat /usr/src/app/log/cmd_output/*.log" done ''' } throw e } } extendedStage('RSpecQ Selenium Set 00') .envVars(['CI_NODE_INDEX=0', "CRYSTAL_BALL_SPECS=${env.CRYSTAL_BALL_SPECS}", "BUILD_NAME=${env.JOB_NAME}_build${env.BUILD_NUMBER}_selenium", "TEST_PATTERN=${env.SELENIUM_TEST_PATTERN}", 'EXCLUDE_TESTS=.*/(selenium/performance|instfs/selenium|contracts)']) .hooks(postStageHandler + [onNodeAcquired: { rspecStage.setupNode() }, onNodeReleasing: { rspecStage.tearDownNode('selenium') }]) .timeout(30) .queue(rspecqStages) { rspecStage.runRspecqSuite() } for (int i = 1; i < rspecqNodeTotal; i++) { def index = i extendedStage("RSpecQ Selenium Set ${(index).toString().padLeft(2, '0')}") .envVars(["CI_NODE_INDEX=$index", "CRYSTAL_BALL_SPECS=${env.CRYSTAL_BALL_SPECS}", "BUILD_NAME=${env.JOB_NAME}_build${env.BUILD_NUMBER}_selenium", "TEST_PATTERN=${env.SELENIUM_TEST_PATTERN}", 'EXCLUDE_TESTS=.*/(selenium/performance|instfs/selenium|contracts)']) .hooks(postStageHandler + [onNodeAcquired: { rspecStage.setupNode() }, onNodeReleasing: { rspecStage.tearDownNode('selenium') }]) .nodeRequirements(rspecNodeRequirements) .timeout(30) .queue(rspecqStages) { rspecStage.runRspecqSuite() } } rspecNodeTotal.times { index -> extendedStage("RSpecQ Rspec Set ${(index + 1).toString().padLeft(2, '0')}") .envVars(["CI_NODE_INDEX=$index", 'CRYSTAL_BALL_SPECS=.', "BUILD_NAME=${env.JOB_NAME}_build${env.BUILD_NUMBER}_rspec"]) .hooks(postStageHandler + [onNodeAcquired: { rspecStage.setupNode() }, onNodeReleasing: { rspecStage.tearDownNode('rspec') }]) .required(env.ENABLE_CRYSTALBALL != '1') /* don't run again, already running in regular build */ .nodeRequirements(rspecNodeRequirements) .timeout(30) .queue(rspecqStages) { rspecStage.runRspecqSuite() } } parallel(rspecqStages) } //rspecQ stage('Splunk Metrics') { def exampleCount = sh(script: "docker run -e TEST_QUEUE_HOST -t --rm $REGISTRY_BASE/redis:alpine /bin/sh -c '\ redis-cli -h $TEST_QUEUE_HOST -p 6379 get ${JOB_NAME}_build${BUILD_NUMBER}_selenium:example_count'", returnStdout: true) reportToSplunk('selenium_crystalball_data', [ 'node_count': rspecqNodeTotal, 'example_count': exampleCount, 'execution_time': (endTime - startTime), 'result': currentBuild.currentResult, 'gerrit_revision': "${env.GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION}" ]) } } //builder } //runner } //script } //steps } //environment } //stages } //pipeline