# frozen_string_literal: true # # Copyright (C) 2020 - present Instructure, Inc. # # This file is part of Canvas. # # Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # # Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along # with this program. If not, see . # module QuizMathDataFixup def fixup_quiz_questions_with_bad_math(quiz_or_bank, check_date: nil, question_bank: false) changed = false questions = if question_bank quiz_or_bank.assessment_questions else quiz_or_bank.quiz_questions end questions = questions.where("updated_at>?", check_date) if check_date questions.find_each do |quiz_question| old_data = quiz_question.question_data.to_hash new_data = fixup_question_data(quiz_question.question_data.to_hash.symbolize_keys) quiz_question.write_attribute(:question_data, new_data) if new_data != old_data if quiz_question.changed? stat = question_bank ? "updated_math_qb_question" : "updated_math_question" InstStatsd::Statsd.increment(stat) changed = true quiz_question.save! end rescue => e Canvas::Errors.capture(e) end qstat = question_bank ? "updated_math_question_bank" : "updated_math_quiz" InstStatsd::Statsd.increment(qstat) if changed quiz_or_bank end def fixup_submission_questions_with_bad_math(submission) submission.questions&.each_with_index do |question, index| data = fixup_question_data(question) submission.questions[index] = data rescue => e Canvas::Errors.capture(e) end begin submission.save! if submission.changed? rescue => e Canvas::Errors.capture(e) end end def fixup_question_data(data) %i[neutral_comments_html correct_comments_html incorrect_comments_html].each do |key| data[key] = fixup_html(data[key]) if data[key].present? end data[:question_text] = fixup_html(data[:question_text]) if data[:question_text].present? data[:answers].map(&:symbolize_keys).each_with_index do |answer, index| %i[html comments_html].each do |key| # if there's html, the text field is used as the title attribute/tooltip # clear it out if we updated the html because it's probably hosed. next unless answer[key].present? answer[key] = fixup_html(answer[key]) text_key = key.to_s.sub(/html/, "text") answer[text_key] = "" if answer[text_key].present? end data[:answers][index] = answer end data end def fixup_html(html_str) return html_str unless html_str html = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(html_str) if html.children.length == 1 && html.children[0].node_type == Nokogiri::XML::Node::TEXT_NODE # look for an equation_images URL in the text and extract the latex m = %r{equation_images/([^\s]+)}.match(html.content) if m && m[1] code = URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.unescape(URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.unescape(m[1])) html = "LaTeX: #{code}" else # look for \(inline latex\) and extract it m = html.content.match(/\\\(((?!\\\)).+)\\\)/) if m && m[1] code = URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.unescape(URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.unescape(m[1])) html = "LaTeX: #{
            }" end end html.search('[id^="MathJax"]').each(&:remove) return html.to_s end html.search(".math_equation_latex").each do |latex| # find MathJax generated children, extract the eq's mathml # incase we need it later, then remove them mjnodes = html.search('[class^="MathJax"]') unless mjnodes.empty? n = mjnodes.filter("[data-mathml]")[0] mml = n.attribute("data-mathml") if n mjnodes.each(&:remove) end if !latex.content.empty? if latex.content !~ /^(:?\\\(|\$\$).+(:?\\\)|\$\$)$/ && latex.content !~ /[\\+-^=<>]|{.+}/ # the content is not delimineted latex, # and doesn't even _look like_ latex # remove math_equation_latex from the class then leave it alone latex.attribute("class").value = latex.attribute("class").value.sub("math_equation_latex", "").strip else code = latex.content.gsub(/(^\\\(|\\\)$)/, "") escaped = URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.escape(URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.escape(code)) latex.replace( "LaTeX: #{
            }" ) end elsif mml latex.replace( "#{ mml }" ) end end html.search('[id^="MathJax"]').each(&:remove) html.search("span.hidden-readable").each(&:remove) return html_str if html.content.empty? && html.search("img.equation_image").empty? html.to_s end def check_or_fix_quizzes(batch_of_ids) Quizzes::Quiz.where(id: batch_of_ids).find_each { |q| fixup_quiz_questions_with_bad_math(q) } end def check_or_fix_question_banks(batch_of_ids) AssessmentQuestionBank.where(id: batch_of_ids).find_each do |q| fixup_quiz_questions_with_bad_math(q, question_bank: true) end end end