const gulp = require('gulp') const gulpPlugins = require('gulp-load-plugins')() const DIST = 'public/dist' const STUFF_TO_REV = [ 'public/fonts/**/*', 'public/images/**/*', // We javascript_include_tag('require.js') directly from rails 'public/javascripts/vendor/require.js', 'public/optimized/vendor/require.js', // But for all other javascript, we only load stuff using js_bundle. // Meaning that we only include stuff in the "bundles" dir from rails. // In prod, the 'optimized' versions of these bundles will include all their deps 'public/javascripts/compiled/bundles/**/*', 'public/optimized/compiled/bundles/**/*', 'public/javascripts/plugins/*/compiled/bundles/**/*', 'public/optimized/plugins/*/compiled/bundles/**/*', // Special Cases: // These guys have links in their css to images from their own dir 'public/javascripts/vendor/slickgrid/**/*', 'public/javascripts/bower/jquery.smartbanner/**/*', 'public/javascripts/bower/tinymce/skins/lightgray/**/*', // Include *everything* from plugins & client_apps // so we don't have to worry about their internals 'public/plugins/**/*', 'public/javascripts/client_apps**/*' ] gulp.task('rev', () => { gulp.src(STUFF_TO_REV, { base: 'public', // tell it to use the 'public' folder as the base of all paths follow: true // follow symlinks, so it picks up on images inside plugins and stuff }) .pipe(gulpPlugins.rev()) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST)) .pipe(gulpPlugins.rev.manifest()) .pipe(gulp.dest(DIST)) }) gulp.task('watch', () => {, ['rev']) }) gulp.task('default', ['rev', 'watch'])