<% define_content :link do %> <%= polymorphic_url([asset.context, asset]) %> <% end %> <% define_content :subject do %> <%= t :subject, "New Discussion - %{discussion_topic}: %{course}", :discussion_topic => asset.title, :course => asset.context.name %> <% end %> <%= t :body, "A new discussion has been started that may be interesting to you:" %> <%= asset.title %> <% if !asset.available_for?(user, :check_policies => true) %> <%= t("Discussion content is locked or not yet available") %> <% else %> <%= html_to_text(asset.message, :base_url => dashboard_url) %> <% end %> <% if asset.attachment %><%= before_label :file_included, "File Included" %> <%= asset.attachment.display_name %> - <%= asset.attachment.readable_size %> <%= polymorphic_url([asset.context, :file_download], file_id: asset.attachment) %> <% end %> <%= t :details, "Join the conversation here:" %> <%= content :link %>