closes CNVS-36146
test plan:
- hit the following api endpoint (id is the course id):
- /api/v1/courses/:id/late_policy
with the following verbs:
- GET (show)
- POST (create)
- PATCH (update)
the following valid params for LatePolicy are available:
- missing_submission_deduction_enabled
- missing_submission_deduction
- late_submission_deduction_enabled
- late_submisison_deduction
- late_submission_interval
- late_submission_minimum_percent_enabled
- late_submission_minimum_percent
example set of valid params:
- missing_submission_deduction_enabled: false
- late_submission_deduction_enabled: true
- late_submisison_deduction: '1'
- late_submission_interval: 'hour'
- late_submission_minimum_percent_enabled: true
- late_submission_minimum_percent: '10'
example set of invalid params:
- late_submisison_deduction: '-1'
the user must be a user with manage_grades permissions such as a
teacher enrolled in the course, otherwise the json response will have
an unauthorized message
- refer to the api docs for late_policy for more details
Change-Id: I9e3b2704680cf4b1f9b789deb1dccb2a1ccaa5d5
Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Javeed <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Keith T. Garner <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
QA-Review: Keith T. Garner <>