Prevents late and missing policies from adjusting grades for concluded
closes GRADE-728
Test Plan:
1. In a course with New Gradebook enabled and at least one student,
create 2 assignments worth 10 points (I will refer to these as
Assignment 1 and Assignment 2).
2. Go to the Gradebook. Make sure there are no late or missing policies
3. For Assignment 1, give the student 10/10 and open the Grade Details
Tray and mark the student as "Late" by 2 days.
4. For Assignment 2, open the Grade Details Tray and mark the student
as "Missing".
5. Conclude the student.
6. Go to the Gradebook. Click on the settings cog to bring up the
Late Policies modal.
7. Enable a missing policy that awards a 50% grade for missing
8. Enable a late policy that deducts 10% per day, with a minimum grade
of 0%.
9. Click 'Apply'.
10. Verify the missing submission for the concluded student still does
not have a grade.
11. Verify the late submission for the concluded student still has
12. Refresh the Gradebook and follow steps 10 & 11 again.
Change-Id: Icd34bc611c09f15db1f6a5f01531293869ed8eb8
Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Javeed <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Neander <>
QA-Review: Anju Reddy <>
Product-Review: Matt Goodwin <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
fixes CNVS-37415
Test Plan
1. Create a course with some students.
2. Create a late policy for both missing and late assignments
3. Add assignments
a) Due in the last 24 hours
b) Some that expect submissions (online text, url, etc.)
c) Some that don't expect submissions (no submission, paper)
4. Immediately after creation verify the missing policy has been
applied to submissions for assignments expecting a submissions,
but not for those not expecting one.
5. Wait for the MissingPolicyApplicator job to run
65. Verify submissions for the assignments not expecting
a submission have not had the late policy applied.
7. As a student make submissions for the assignments
expecting a submission.
8. As a teacher grade the assignments with submissions
9. Verify the late policy is applied to your grade.
10. As a teacher grade the assignments not expecting a submission.
11. Verify the late policy is not applied to your grade.
Change-Id: I12c26195bbd8ab6310a628fce38a073e5332df3f
Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Javeed <>
Reviewed-by: Keith T. Garner <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: KC Naegle <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
fixes CNVS-36866
test plan:
* Create a course with a student
* Create an assignment with a past due date
* Add a missing policy on the course
* The student's score for the missing submission should reflect your
Change-Id: I005cd64945e882c1ca9ebfc8cb70360640f24876
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Matt Taylor <>
Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Javeed <>
QA-Review: Anju Reddy <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
fixes CNVS-37332
Test Plan
1. Create a course with one assignment and a student, Gary.
Set a due date in the past for the assignment.
2. Enable new gradebook feature flags on the course and
create a late policy that deducts 10% per day.
3. Masquerade as Gary, submit the assignment, and end the
4. Grade Gary's submission and verify that late points are
deducted from the score.
5. Change the assignment due date to a date in the future,
because we like Gary.
6. Return to the gradebook and verify that late policy
deduction has been reversed.
7. Change the assignment due date back to a date in the past.
We still like Gary, but we have to test this.
8. Return to the gradebook and verify that late points
are deducted from the score.
Change-Id: I8351c6dec55655ebf33d632f1411ba3da7e2e38c
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Gary Mei <>
Reviewed-by: Spencer Olson <>
Reviewed-by: Derek Bender <>
QA-Review: Anju Reddy <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
This fixes a small logic error in LatePolicyApplicato that would cause
an undefined method error for NilClass when an assignment was assigned
to some students in a closed grading period and some students in an
open grading period.
fixes CNVS-37774
test plan:
- Have a course in a term with a closed grading period and an open
grading period and three students.
- Attempt to create an assignment. Set the due dates for one student
in the closed grading period and two students in the open grading
- Observe that the assignment was created successfully.
Change-Id: If8e593302c96b7399214cbdf606ea929ff57ad15
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Javeed <>
Reviewed-by: Derek Bender <>
QA-Review: Anju Reddy <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
closes CNVS-36867
Test Plan
1. Create a course with "New Gradebook" enabled
2. Create three students in the course
a. Alice always submits assignments early
b. Bob always submits assignments late
c. Chad never submits anything
3. Make sure all users and courses are set to the same time
zone as your Mac. If your Mac is on Mountain Time this
will probably happen by default anyway)
4. Create a late policy for the course
a. deducts 10% every hour late, down to 50% score
b. grants 30% score for missing submissions
5. Create assignments in the course, due in a few minutes
A. 10 points, grade as complete/incomplete
B. 10 points, grade as points, submit on paper
C. 10 points, grade as points, online text
D. 10 points, online quiz
7. Immediately enter Alice's submissions
a. Masquerade as Alice, take quiz D (100%), submit C
b. Mark Alice complete on A, 10 points on B and C
8. Wait until 6 minutes after the assignments' due time
a. Masquerade as Bob, take quiz D (100%), submit C
b. Mark Bob complete on A, 10 points on B and C
9. Verify grades and status indicators on the assignments
Alice: A(OK) B(10) C(10) D(10)
Bob: B(OK) B(9) C(9) D(9) [late]
Chad: C(X) B(3) C(3) D(3) [missing]
10. Change the due time on all assignments to 2 hours earlier
than it was. Refresh the gradebook and verify
Alice: A(OK) B(8) C(8) D(8) [late]
Bob: B(OK) B(7) C(7) D(7) [late]
Chad: C(X) B(3) C(3) D(3) [missing]
Change-Id: I7b81c907b678997ebecab7342012ba4678f7c94f
Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Javeed <>
Reviewed-by: Derek Bender <>
QA-Review: Anju Reddy <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Christi Wruck
the "as needed" refers to two cases:
* when late policy changes
* when an assignment's points_possible changes
closes CNVS-36656
test plan:
* Create a course with two assignments, two grading periods and
two students enrolled
* Ensure one assignment is due in a closed grading period and the
other in an open grading period
* Submit homework from both students so for each assignment one
student submits the homework on time and the other submits it
* Go to gradebook and grade the students
* Add a late policy to the course using the Rails console:
course = Course.find(my_course_id)
late_policy = LatePolicy.create(
course: course,
late_submission_deduction_enabled: true,
late_submission_deduction: 50.0
* Reload the gradebook and you should see the score of the late
submission for the assignment in the open grading period to
have changed (lowered)
* Verify that none of the other submissions had their scores
* Now edit the assignment in the open grading period and change
its points possible to a higher number and save this change
* Reload the gradebook and you should see the score of the late
submission for the assignment in the open grading period to
have changed again
* Verify that none of the other submissions had their scores
* Now try this using three quiz submissions (early and late and
just 45 seconds past the deadline).
* Verify in the gradebook that late policy deductions are applied
only to quiz submissions that are later than 60 seconds after
the quiz due date
Change-Id: I58ed3e3d0665870cf46d1b1e3ddf00f5f2f7008c
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Neander <>
Reviewed-by: Derek Bender <>
QA-Review: KC Naegle <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>