maybe this is totally overkill but whatever
it'll put my mind at ease about conflicts in the future
also we can hack this later if we want to make
content exports for future courses shard-aware too
Change-Id: I1568e47ec1037d6e7554e7ccb0ea80965842db49
Reviewed-by: Dan Minkevitch <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
QA-Review: James Williams <>
external feeds have three columns that really aren't adding any value
* body_match: never used anywhere in the code, always nil in the
* feed_type: always 'rss/atom' (built to handle ical, but never used)
* feed_purpose: always 'announcements' (build to handle calendar_events,
but never used)
closes CNVS-17581
test plan:
- create an external feed on the announcements page
- wait for the rss feed to post a new story and the aggregator to run,
OR, in a rails console:
* set the created_at date on the external feed to before the last
posted entry, something like
ef = ExternalFeed.last
ef.created_at = 5.days.ago!
* run the external feed aggregator, like so:
- it should create an announcement for the blog post from that feed
Change-Id: I74deffbdaaa1e217f8eefbdfd1000d50c2406cb1
Reviewed-by: Joel Hough <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Steven Shepherd <>
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>
test plan:
- create a course with an external feed (announcements page)
and an assignment
- copy the course. the copy should contain both.
- copy the course, but select only the assignment. the copy
should not contain the external feed.
fixes CNVS-14773
Change-Id: I321522c143e84a50d6a570967cb98505a8011800
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: James Williams <>
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
Product-Review: Jeremy Stanley <>