couldn't actually get the run_on_deletion method working
but if you start guard and hit enter in that terminal window
it will delete the entire public/javascripts/jst directory
and re compile all
Change-Id: I25df0bc2cc0031c61e32c0141cef7d3f688a1056
Tested-by: Hudson <>
Reviewed-by: Ryan Florence <>
now we can have things like
(also changed to regex watch pattern to get rid
of deprecation warning)
Change-Id: Ia6561dcb57215b2b1b405bcd64c43d7fd2ded85d
Tested-by: Hudson <>
Reviewed-by: Ryan Florence <>
- New rake task `rake jst:compile` to precompile
JavaScript templates into functions.
Add handlebars templates to app/views/jst and
they'll get compiled to public/javascripts/jst
- New rake task `rake jasmine` and `jasmine:ci` to
run JavaScript specs.
Add specs to spec/coffeescripts and they'll get
compiled into spec/javascripts
- Added Guard gem `$ guard` that watches
coffeescript and handlebars files and compiles
them when changes are made.
- Created Handlebars Ruby class that precompiles
the templates into JavaScript functions
- Added JS Template constructor to abstract
our tempting API
Change-Id: Ie993d0fc50d49b161ed94dbc066c4475cefdc427
Tested-by: Hudson <>
Reviewed-by: Ryan Shaw <>