fixes: GRADE-243
Allow cassandra's data to persist after using `docker-compose down
cassandra` where before this command would effectively wipe your database
This is in line with how the pg_data volumes work.
test plan:
- setup cassandra
- create a keyspace
- run `docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d` (-d for daemon)
- the previously create keyspace still exists
Change-Id: Ib58bec022eda79ad45352419e4fd33b07af7cf21
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Javeed <>
Reviewed-by: Matt Taylor <>
QA-Review: KC Naegle <>
Product-Review: Derek Bender <>
If you have a docker-compose.override file you'll want to
move it somewhere else.
mv docker-compose.override.yml docker-compose.`whoami`.yml
Once you've updated your override file to the version 2 syntax, you
should add it to the COMPOSE_FILE environment variable. Probably in a
.env file in the project root.
Test plan:
You'll need to remove your existing canvas containers and volumes to
fully test this.
to do so run this **BEFORE** you checkout this patchset
docker-compose down
docker-compose ps -q | docker rm
docker volume ls -q | grep canvaslms | xargs docker volume rm
then you should be able to get up and running using the following
cp docker-compose/config/* config/
dc build
dcr web bundle exec rake db:create db:initial_setup
dc up
You should be able to access canvas like normal
Change-Id: Ia7ff76cfdd4f46278fc1cb2a03969fdadaa4a434
Reviewed-by: Zach Wily <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Product-Review: Brad Horrocks <>