Change-Id: I60ec3b519219fcb5256a132c05f63538600df73f
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
QA-Review: James Williams <>
refs PLAT-2708
Test Plan:
- Create a developer key through the Canvas UI and
verify that a new vendor code text input is
available and optional.
- Verify each of the following:
* If a vendor is associated with a devloper key they
must use one of the associated developer keys
when registering.
* If a vendor is associated with a developer key
they may not register without using a
developer key.
* If a vendor is associated with a developer key
they may not use a developer key other than
one they are associated with to register.
* If a vendor is not associated with a developer key
they must register without a developer key.
Change-Id: I9c9974706f542c1442988634790656da1c407cb8
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Reviewed-by: Nathan Mills <>
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Jesse Poulos <>
fixes CNVS-38231
test plan
- delete an admin
- admin should be gone from every where
- admin should not have permissions to do stuff
Change-Id: I56c90a12b2be879c5d646c1ab6980693ff161673
Reviewed-by: Tyler Pickett <>
Tested-by: Rob Orton <>
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <>
Product-Review: Rob Orton <>
fixes CNVS-38309
when the batch is saved it will write the messages to file, but
if it has more work to do, it will skip future messages for the
error file.
test plan
- run an import that has errors and warnings
- it should report all of them to the file
Change-Id: I2891651febdf2b16270ea62d623e143c30e59cbc
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Product-Review: Rob Orton <>
QA-Review: Rob Orton <>
closes CNVS-38367
test plan: send a message, it should work
Change-Id: Ic1b99120ee0c93155a4a4475f4d1dfb3d373be37
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Reviewed-by: Matt Smith <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>
QA-Review: Simon Williams <>
Change-Id: Ic6e4f64874021639f5e8950e2fe42f714ae31250
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
QA-Review: James Williams <>
we had some communication channels that were valid except for leading or
trailing whitespace, making them invalid. we try to keep these around
and make them valid email addresses.
closes CNVS-38303
test plan:
- create valid and invalid communication channels, including one that is
valid except for leading whitespace
- run migrations
- invalid channels should be cleaned up
Change-Id: I848ef57deb3549b2ec56cd16b7471c35b3e4eb70
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>
QA-Review: Simon Williams <>
and populate it; shouldn't do anything yet but
next release we can switch over to direct associations
refs #CNVS-38247
Change-Id: I23e0983d5be61d45db8087738f658b63dc0aeb48
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
QA-Review: James Williams <>
Change-Id: I8661dac6ef472e564f18483c79973c911720f8f9
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Keith T. Garner <>
Reviewed-by: Neil Gupta <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
QA-Review: James Williams <>
closes CNVS-38243
test plan:
* In your environment, run the following rake commands:
bundle exec rake db:drop db:create
bundle exec rake db:initial_setup
* Verify that the db:initial_setup command successfully completes
all migrations and begins to ask your site administrator
account details
Change-Id: I8e814cc5e7e10ac0e6686aed2e3f8eba065c1f5e
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Reviewed-by: Keith T. Garner <>
QA-Review: Matt Taylor <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
closes CNVS-38143
this commit aligns the collation schemes for postgres, ruby and
javascript to the same level. this means that when sorting an
array of strings in any of the three environments, the result
will be identical.
this also stops relying on default collation strengths in ruby
and postgres and explicitly specifies the default collation
strengths to avoid surprises later.
test plan:
* Verify migrations pass with multiple shards
* Verify migrations rollback properly individually
Change-Id: I6023b364c260c35b85a8d6364ccc346e2ef7d159
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Derek Bender <>
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
QA-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
This reverts commit 0a1711b618.
When investigating this further, I discovered that this will delete
email addresses like "", with a space at the beginning
or end of an otherwise valid email address. I think it's possible that
the system treats these as valid otherwise, and I'd like to investigate
a little more
test plan: n/a (migration should not run)
Change-Id: Ia95e14c9066dab7544eecc54569ad08468cfcd81
Reviewed-by: Matthew Wheeler <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Tyler Pickett <>
Product-Review: Rob Orton <>
QA-Review: Rob Orton <>
test plan:
- Successfully run migrations on a system without cassandra
Change-Id: I8ae203596d75ab4de9027cbf366bf855bbc0b8d4
Reviewed-by: Gary Mei <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Neander <>
QA-Review: David Tan <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
This adds more search capabilities to the audit endpoint to give
maximum flexibility to support the new gradebook history page. This
adds the ability to search for course AND any combination of the
following: assignment, grader, student. Permissions were not touched
in this patchset, so only admins can access currently.
closes CNVS-37299
test plan:
- Create a course with two teachers, two assignments, and two
- Grade the students for the assignments and change the grades a few
times as each teacher
- Visit the following API endpoints with appropriate ids confirming
that appropriate data is returned:
o /api/v1/audit/grade_change/courses/:course_id/assignments/:assignment_id
o /api/v1/audit/grade_change/courses/:course_id/assignments/:assignment_id/graders/:grader_id
o /api/v1/audit/grade_change/courses/:course_id/assignments/:assignment_id/graders/:grader_id/students/:student_id
o /api/v1/audit/grade_change/courses/:course_id/assignments/:assignment_id/students/:student_id
o /api/v1/audit/grade_change/courses/:course_id/graders/:grader_id
o /api/v1/audit/grade_change/courses/:course_id/graders/:grader_id/students/:student_id
o /api/v1/audit/grade_change/courses/:course_id/students/:student_id
Change-Id: I86648896d49d7228ddce04864e80221da9b5f96d
Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Javeed <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Derek Bender <>
QA-Review: Anju Reddy <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
Closes PLAT-2710
Test Plan:
- Install a plagiarism detection tool, associate it with an
assignment, and create a submission.
- Delete the tool
- Install the tool again in the same context.
- Using the tool proxy guid and secret from the second tool,
request an access token
- Verify you can request the submission for the assignment in
step one and create an originality report for it.
- Verify this is also true for other lti2 services (
subscription api, originality report api, etc).
Change-Id: I006b4a88b105e808dcf0fbbbc8087a83aabe5731
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Reviewed-by: Nathan Mills <>
Product-Review: Weston Dransfield <>
refs FALCOR-453
Test plan
- Ensure that planner overrides can have dismissed
- attributes added both during update and create
- Ensure the dismissed attribute shows up in the
- planner items api
- Ensure the dismissed attribute shows up in the
- missing submissions api, if you include overrides
Change-Id: I28faa856b65ecf6b931761c89eb6ac337848e25c
Reviewed-by: Dan Minkevitch <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Deepeeca Soundarrajan <>
Product-Review: Mysti Sadler <>
Remove accepted_at and add seconds_late_override to the submissions
closes CNVS-37893
Test Plan:
1. Verify running the migrations in this commit removes accepted_at
and adds seconds_late_override to the submissions table.
2. Verify rolling back the migrations in this commit adds accepted_at
and removes seconds_late_override from the submissions table.
3. Run the migration before following the next steps.
4. In a rails console, find a submission and set its late_policy_status
to nil.
s = Submission.find(<submission id>)
s.update!(late_policy_status: nil)
5. Verify you cannot set seconds_late_override.
s.update!(seconds_late_override: 60)
s.seconds_late_override # => nil
6. Set the late_policy_status to "late" and verify you can set the
seconds_late_override. Also verify the seconds_late method now
returns the overridden value.
s.update!(late_policy_status: "late", seconds_late_override: 60)
s.seconds_late_override # => 60
s.seconds_late # => 60
s.update!(seconds_late_override: 20)
s.seconds_late_override # => 20
s.seconds_late # => 20
7. Set the late_policy_status to something other than "late" and verify
the seconds_late_override is set to nil.
s.update!(late_policy_status: "missing")
s.seconds_late_override # nil
8. As a teacher, hit the submissions update API endpoint
(PUT "/api/v1/courses/#{}/assignments/#{}/
and pass:
submission: {
late_policy_status: 'late',
seconds_late_override: 60
a. Make sure the json response includes a late_policy_status of
"late" and a seconds_late of 60.
b. Load the submission in rails console and make sure its
late_policy_status is set to "late" and its seconds_late_override
is set to 60.
9. As a teacher, hit the submissions update API endpoint
(PUT "/api/v1/courses/#{}/assignments/#{}/
and pass:
submission: {
late_policy_status: 'missing',
seconds_late_override: 60
a. Make sure the json response includes a late_policy_status of
"missing" and a seconds_late of 0.
b. Load the submission in rails console and make sure its
late_policy_status is set to "missing" and its
seconds_late_override is set to nil.
Change-Id: I9a8070445482b7029454cdfbbcc266aaab5a3e4b
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Matt Taylor <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Neander <>
Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Javeed <>
QA-Review: Anju Reddy <>
Reviewed-by: Rob Orton <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
fixes CNVS-37751
test plan
- set change_threshold to 10
- upload an empty file or one that is more than
10% different from the diffing master
- it should not delete all items, or not use
- run rake doc:api and verify documentation
Change-Id: Ifced7e4b76b747b37a7c0b0d5dd065da4a8d68dc
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <>
Product-Review: Rob Orton <>
Fixes CNVS-37395
Test plan:
* Create a course with 2 students
* Create an assignment with a due date for everyone
* Create a differentiated assignment with a due date for only 1 student
* In rails console:
* Run `DueDateCacher.for_course(course_id)
* Make sure `Submission.count` is 3
* Make sure the first assignment has 2 placeholder submissions
* Make sure the second assignment only has one placeholder submission
Change-Id: I5c8084d4fb0138f65e4c117dcc97638cf8d4f49d
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Javeed <>
Product-Review: Neil Gupta <>
QA-Review: Neil Gupta <>
refs CNVS-37717
test plan
- run sis import that would generate errors
- in console it should have an errors_attachment
- the attachment should contain all the errors
Change-Id: I8e76d29395047b1ee743e42394432baea27d7c3a
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Tyler Pickett <>
QA-Review: Tucker McKnight <>
Product-Review: Rob Orton <>
fixes PLAT-2595
Test plan:
* Install an LTI 2 tool in a course
* Export the course
* Ensure that a json representation of the tool profile is in the
resulting export file
* Repeat this process but this time add a url to the registration_url
field that was added to the Lti::ToolProxy model in this commit
* Ensure that the resulting export includes the registration url
Change-Id: I6d0a4a1d5dce42a48e895601343070d26e9de078
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Nathan Mills <>
Product-Review: Andrew Butterfield <>
refs FALCOR-333
Test plan
- Create a planner override with the plannable_type as
- 'assignment' or 'discussion_topic' etc and ensure it creates
- Ensure visible has been replaced everwhere with marked_complete
Change-Id: Id56ceeb36e45a732f3afa5968da1fadc7724f86f
Reviewed-by: Dan Minkevitch <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Dan Sasaki <>
Product-Review: Dan Minkevitch <>
fixes MC-260
test plan
- run migrations
- if you could manage courses you should have the new permission
Change-Id: If1f200f443696592eecc27f99c52ffedf82a8b5e
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: James Williams <>
Product-Review: Rob Orton <>
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <>
whoops, forgot to actually queue it in a migration in
refs CNVS-36145
test plan:
- same as previous commit, but should be run by migrations
Change-Id: I8d2f2ac69f485d74dca14961b10af6ccc9d371b8
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Rob Orton <>
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>
QA-Review: Simon Williams <>
closes PLAT-2020
Test Plan:
0. Install an LTI 2 tool and associate it with an
assignment. As a student create a submission
for the assignment.
1. Create an originality report via the api. Specify
the `tool_setting[resource_type_code]` param
with a value set to the `resoure_type` code of
a valid resource handler for your tool proxy.
The resource handler should have at least one
message handler. The message handler type
should be 'basic-lti-launch-request'
2. Verify the OriginalityReport created has
a `link_id` set to the resource link id
of a new Lti::ToolSetting.
3. From each of the following locations click the
originality report colored bubble and
verify your tool launches to the message
in the resource handler specified in step 1:
- submission details modal from gradebook page
- submission details page
- student grades page
- speed grader
4. Update the originality report via api and
repeat steps 2 and 3.
Change-Id: Ie40ea9e3423b8f8198dd3fdc3f5f4da76800998f
Reviewed-by: Brad Humphrey <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Product-Review: Weston Dransfield <>
closes CNVS-36308
test plan
a = Attachment.find(id)
# a should have new content
p = Purgatory.take
# the content should be restored
p.reload #workflow_state should be ‘restored’
Change-Id: I560e8ca31c22d894322d7951562371730a8abdfc
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
QA-Review: Tucker McKnight <>
Product-Review: Rob Orton <>
Closes PLAT-2609
Test Plan:
- Create an Lti::ToolSetting object with vendor_code,
product_code, and resource_type_code set to
valid values of an installed LTI2 tool. The
resource_link_id of the object should also be set.
- Navigate to context/:id/lti/resource_link_id
- Verify the message handler specified by the tool setting
- Test using both course and accounts as contexts. The
tool should not be launched if it is not installed in the context
or the context's account.
Change-Id: I676b11d28c5ba2db9ae68cd4e7bbf2de82f4eb81
Reviewed-by: Tyler Pickett <>
Reviewed-by: Brad Humphrey <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Product-Review: Weston Dransfield <>
closes CNVS-33804
Test Plan
before checking out the change, create a quiz with enough fractional
point questions to create rounding error. Here's one: 29 questions at
3.3 points each. Or 20 at 4.02 points each.
The quiz show page should have a points value that isn't precisely right.
As a student, create a submission to the quiz.
Check out this change. Run migrations.
Ensure the quiz no longer has imprecise points_possible.
Ensure the submission does not need regrading.
Ensure editing or creating quizzes with fractional points no longer
creates rounding error. Ensure submissions no longer need regrading
after editing quiz fields unrelated to score.
Change-Id: I6d761a6ceb8dae47b72e9454912c14aa94b6e50b
Reviewed-by: Ryan Taylor <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Michael Hargiss <>
Product-Review: Kevin Dougherty <>
test plan:
- render API documentation
- ensure links between blueprint and associated endpoints
work properly in API documentation
- ensure the link from "Set or remove restrictions" to the
"Course API Update" link works properly in API docs
- ensure teachers in associated courses who are not
enrolled in the blueprint and not account admins
can use the three endpoints in "Associated Course History"
and that these work as expected
- the notification links for teachers should be as follows:
where X is the BlueprintSubscription ID
and Y is the ContentMigration ID
- the notification links for admins should be as follows:
where X is the MasterTemplate ID
and Y is the MasterMigration ID
(note that making these links work is MC-217)
closes MC-215
Change-Id: I3b0462faf888f8df91cfbd0acb1566da3d60bebc
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: James Williams <>
QA-Review: Heath Hales <>
Product-Review: Jeremy Stanley <>
this includes a data fixup for existing google account auth configs
fixes CNVS-37146
test plan:
- create or edit a google authentication config for an account
- try to log in as a google user
- you should be able to login successfully
Change-Id: I5b8fd1c6df22c64dad6d10329d3cd5e3a34a40dd
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Tucker McKnight <>
Product-Review: Brent Burgoyne <>
test plan:
* create a master course
* in the course settings, 'navigation' tab, create
a custom navigation configuration
* add an associated course
* the initial sync should bring over the tab navigation
* subsequent syncs should not
* use the api to queue a migration (sync), setting the
optional parameter "copy_settings"
* it should copy over the navigation
closes #MC-205
Change-Id: Ia6501af6bb0fdeea58803a08bcf17a13a480658a
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
QA-Review: David Tan <>
Product-Review: Matt Goodwin <>
Closes PLAT-2565
Test Plan:
- Create an unsigned JWT with the following values
in the body:
- vendor_code
- product_code
- resource_type_code
The values for each of these should be a valid
code of an Lti::ProductFamily and
Lti::ResourceHandler existing in Canvas
- Navigate to `http://canvas.docker/<tool context>/:id/
- Verify that doing a launch in this way finds
tools up the context's account chain. (i.e.
doing this with the context in the URL set
to a course should find a tool in the course,
or any account up the chain).
- Verify that the closest context to the
current context is used.
Change-Id: I397dbcadc5ed8bcdfd7cd7993c0ed997a0814bc9
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Brad Humphrey <>
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Product-Review: Brad Humphrey <>
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
fixes FALCOR-246
Test Plan:
- Go to Rails Console
- Create some NoteToSelf
- Tests pass
Change-Id: Ieb5808017f5d498eda5a3fed1581f713f89d503d
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
QA-Review: Deepeeca Soundarrajan <>
Product-Review: Steven Burnett <>
Closes CNVS-36864
Runs a fixup to clean up any LatePolicies that have the same course
id, keeping only the newest one. Adds a unique constraint on the db
and activerecord.
Test Plan
- Before pulling code, create some LatePolicies in the console all
with the same course.
- Verify that you have multiple LatePolicies with the same course_id
- Pull this code and run migrations
- Check in the console to see if you still have LatePolicies that
share a course_id with another LatePolicy
- Attempt to create a LatePolicy that shares a course_id with
another LatePolicy
Change-Id: I78fd49789dc7f235a399d261a6b6a1a30c42bb8e
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Neil Gupta <>
Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Javeed <>
QA-Review: Spencer Olson <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
test plan: enable Blueprint Sync in notification preferences,
perform syncs, and ensure admins and teachers get appropriate
notifications in /users/id/messages.
also test twitter, sms, and summary notifications.
to test summary notifications:
1. configure an email address to receive daily or weekly
summaries (doesn't matter which; we will override the time)
2. perform a sync
3. in a console, force the messages to come due for delivery,
and then queue them up (make sure jobs are running):
DelayedMessage.where(workflow_state: 'pending').update_all(send_at:
4. the summary message should then be visible in
closes MC-102
Change-Id: I5e259e55f0684a05de27ec0a80ec59679d6cd5a6
Reviewed-by: James Williams <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Heath Hales <>
Product-Review: Jeremy Stanley <>
refs CNVS-35978
test plan
- run report
- it should have current_line
Change-Id: Ic60b1421e38a2b2d66604fbb14c1063925965dc6
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Tyler Pickett <>
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <>
Product-Review: Rob Orton <>
closes FALCOR-223
Test plan
- As a teacher, edit a course discussion or
- a group discussion (account or course) and
- verify the checkbox shows up
- Verify that you can select the checkbox to
- make the date input field show up
- Verify that if you do not input a date, it
- gives you an error message on save
- Verify that if you do input a date and save
- that you can still see that date on reload
- Verify that you can remove the date by unchecking
- the box
- Verify that you can't set the assignment to graded
- and set a todo date (set the date and then check
- the graded checkbox and see if it saves)
- Verify that you can't see the checkbox as a student
- Verify that you can't use the API to set the date
- on either a new or updated discussion as a student
- Verify that you can use the API to set the date
- Verify that you can't use the API to have a graded
- discussion with a todo date
Change-Id: I5ee7a41244444ac4cc7ca54f8de37cdfbf39f722
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Steven Burnett <>
QA-Review: Dan Sasaki <>
Product-Review: Christi Wruck
Closes FALCOR-183
Closes FALCOR-184
Closes FALCOR-255
Closes FALCOR-186
Closes FALCOR-187
Closes FALCOR-188
Closes FALCOR-189
Closes FALCOR-147
Closes FALCOR-148
Test Plan:
* As a student in an account with the Student Planner
feature flag enabled
* In a course with multiple upcoming due assignments
in the current and following weeks
* Test that the following API endpoints provide you
with the data described:
get '/api/v1/planner/items'
* Should return a list matching that of the todo
list endpoint, while adding an additional key
named `visible_in_planner`
get '/api/v1/planner/overrides'
* Should return a list of previously created
get '/api/v1/planner/overrides/:override_id'
* Should return the specific override for the
passed in id
put '/api/v1/planner/overrides/:override_id'
* Should update an existing override's `visible`
value to match what was passed in the request. No
other values should be updated
post '/api/v1/planner/overrides'
* Should create a new PlannerOverride with the specified
`plannable_type`, `plannable_id`, and `visible` values.
`user_id` should match that of the user making the request
delete '/api/v1/planner/overrides/:override_id'
* Should set the PlannerOverride's `deleted_at` to when
the request was made, as well as updating the `workflow_state`
to `deleted`
Change-Id: I03890a525f8201a8df1d2f1290cdcd549ba548d7
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Steven Burnett <>
QA-Review: Deepeeca Soundarrajan <>
Product-Review: Dan Minkevitch <>
fixes FALCOR-157
Test Plan:
- Go to Pages with the student planner FF on
- Notice the add to student todo checkbox
- add the todo date and save
- remove the todo date and save
- check validations with checkbox and not saving
- update the todo date and save
Change-Id: I30d3996549f3e6c780603f7668e707e3b3ba8ca0
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Dan Minkevitch <>
QA-Review: David Mirabile <>
Product-Review: Steven Burnett <>
just a small cahnge
Change-Id: Ie90a3e548916dd0effbab184ed024904c5bc237f
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Product-Review: Rob Orton <>
QA-Review: Rob Orton <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
fixes CNVS-33651
Test plan:
* Create a course
* Enroll 3 students
* Create 2 assignments with different due dates
* In rails console:
* Submission.pluck(:assignment_id, :cached_due_date) should return
an array of 6 tuples of (assignment id, its due date)
* Create an override for one student on one assignment
* In rails console:
* Submission.where(
assignment_id: <assignment picked above>,
user_id: <user picked above>
).cached_due_date should equal the override date
* Smoke test grading and viewing students in different places to make
sure the new dummy submissions aren't breaking anything
Change-Id: Idc2721fd3f05214555db780b452ddf53e67ff404
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Keith T. Garner <>
QA-Review: Anju Reddy <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
Closes PLAT-2572
Test Plan:
- Run migrations and verify any resouce_handlers
in your DB now have a `lookup_id` that takes
the following form:
- Verify Lti::ResourceHandler now validates the
presence of a 'lookup_id'
- Verify creating an Lti::ResourceHandler without
specifying a 'lookup_id' generates a lookup_id
for the resource handler.
Change-Id: Ie2271a7356be4101b011bb22d4a7c04d5b3dbe44
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Andrew Butterfield <>
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Product-Review: Weston Dransfield <>
closes #MC-186
Change-Id: I71ef6c255319f63ce20b47b98dee1b08e33acbb8
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
QA-Review: Heath Hales <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
closes: CNVS-32365
Test Plan:
1. As a student, submit to an assignment late.
2. In rails console, observe that the submission created in step 1
returns `minutes_late` that accurately represents the number of
minutes late the submission was. This value should be 0 for
not-late submissions.
3. As the student, resubmit to the assignment. In a rails console,
verify the minutes_late has been updated.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 with a quiz instead of an assignment. To get the
submission for a quiz, it will look like:
quiz = Quizzes::Quiz.find_by(title: "My Quiz")
s = quiz.quiz_submissions.find_by(user_id: 173).submission
For quiz submissions, the student should be given one minute of
leeway, meaning if you submit a minute or less after the quiz is
due, minutes_late should be 0. A way you can test it via rails
# make the student's submitted at exactly 1 minute after it was due
irb(main):103:0> s.submitted_at = 1.minute.from_now(s.cached_due_date)
=> Thu, 04 May 2017 06:00:59 UTC +00:00
# verify minutes_late is 0, since quiz submissions get 1 minute of leeway
irb(main):105:0> s.minutes_late
=> 0.0
# make the student's submitted at exactly 2 minutes after it was due
irb(main):106:0> s.submitted_at = 2.minutes.from_now(s.cached_due_date)
=> Thu, 04 May 2017 06:01:59 UTC +00:00
# verify minutes late is 1, since quiz submissions get 1 minute of leeway
irb(main):108:0> s.minutes_late
=> 1.0
Change-Id: I170f798a38d827a0699682cb557c1aa81c73201e
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Neander <>
Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Javeed <>
QA-Review: Matt Taylor <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
fixes CNVS-35623
test plan:
* disable redis
* configure MFA; do not remember this computer
* on your profile, there should be a link to MFA backup codes
* follow it; it should show 10 codes
* log out and log back in, using one of those codes
* go back to your backup code list; the one you used should be
crossed out
* log out and log back in, attempting to use the same code;
it should not allow you to
* log in with another code
* make note of one of the unused backup codes
* regenerate your backup codes; it should give you 10 new codes,
all unused
* log out, and attempt to log in with one of the old unused codes;
it should not allow you to
* log in with one of the new backup codes; it should work
* make note of backup codes
* reconfigure MFA
* look at your backup codes again; they should be different
* make note of them again
* disable MFA, and then configure it again
* your backup codes should be different again
Change-Id: I20b1da102ef4cb757c80e1f46e276f88fdfb21b4
QA-Review: Tucker McKnight <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Product-Review: McCall Smith <>