refs #CNVS-21596
Change-Id: I5dedaab90a2abe6bf288ff30401c9b31629b45b2
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
QA-Review: James Williams <>
fixes CNVS-21979
particularly, if an assignment is already unmuted, don't trigger "just
unmuted" broadcast events when "unmute!" is called
- have your account configured to receive unmute notification
- edit an unmuted assignment in a published course you're enrolled in
- save it with the "Mute" checkbox still off
- don't receive an unmute notification
Change-Id: I948b5f1b2176e574ecf43fcde187019d7eadb50d
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Ben Bolton <>
Product-Review: Matt Fairbourn <>
also random spec file tweak
refs #CNVS-21596
Change-Id: Ia009265af517e7902cd915b48eb8d08d75ee1d74
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: James Williams <>
QA-Review: James Williams <>
fixes CNVS-12330, CNVS-9234, CNVS-8099
before you check out
- configure a user to use old conversations
test plan
- ensure that everyone get new conversations, always, even if
they explicitly told us that they really like old conversations
- as a student with an existing conversation with a teacher,
make an assignment submission and a submission comment
- as the teacher, ensure that your unread message count did not
increase because of the submission comment
Change-Id: If5ae7143abbc5cf5e035f5ed9ea2e5728f70cd45
Reviewed-by: Braden Anderson <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Steven Shepherd <>
Product-Review: Joel Hough <>
this was removed from the UI in Mar 2011 but was never completely ripped out.
we'd like to remove it now since it was adding extra complexity for no benefit.
closes CNVS-5929
refs #3974
test plan:
- create/update/delete an assignment from the index page, and the show page
- grade an assignment (with and without muting)
- test assignment notifications (with and without muting)
- creating an assignment
- editing an assignment
- changing a due date (after 3 hours of being edited)
- grading an assignment
Change-Id: Ie455bed41154018b5bd2c9c0e69e1e3285a0ac09
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>
QA-Review: Simon Williams <>
fixes CNVS-1171
test plan:
* full conversations regression test
* initiate a conversation with a user from another shard
* reply to that conversation from both the sender and the
* repeat for a group conversation involving two or more
* repeat for huge batch conversations with hundreds of
users and two or more shards
* known NOT working yet:
* re-using the correct cross-shard private conversation
* probably the tagging of messages with Course x,
Group y, etc.
Change-Id: I52549039875941cd518077cea4e28bfd2bc10dbf
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
QA-Review: Clare Hetherington <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
two major pieces:
* use context_type/context_id instead of context_code for
three relations so that sharding extensions will
automatically work
* deserialize stream item data as actual AR objects instead
of OpenObject (for similar reasons)
test plan:
* run the predeploy migration, but not the postdeploy one
* view your dashboard on a shard other than your home shard;
it should be identical to your home shard
* view courses that you are enrolled in with the same id but on
different shards. the activity stream should have the correct
data for the course in that shard, for both courses (i.e.
no mixing of data from the two shards)
* do actions that generate new stream items, and verify the new
items appear correctly for the above two steps
* run the postdeploy migration, wait for the job to finish, then
repeat the test plan
Change-Id: I8d5fcadb8d971acf7388a12e9151a3e927751f44
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
this commit makes submission first-class citizens in conversations. this
means that when submission comments are added/deleted, or assignments are
unmuted, conversations and messages will be updated accordingly
the main impacts in the ui are:
1. submissions can be deleted from conversations. if a new comment is
added, they will reappear
2. submissions factor into the message total for the conversation. each
submission counts as a single message, even if there are multiple
3. submission messages affect unread-ness, and are reflected in the
timestamp and text in the conversation preview
test plan:
1. confirm submissions appear in the appropriate conversations, i.e.
* submissions with no comments should not appear in any conversations
* submissions where there are comments but not by instructors:
* should appear in each instructor's private conversation with the
* should not appear in the submitter's private conversations with
* submissions where there are comments by instructors:
* should appear in each commenting instructor's private conversation
with the submitter
* should appear in submitter's private conversations with each
commenting instructor
adding or removing submission comments should update private
conversations accordingly (e.g. when one teacher comments on a
submission, it should be removed from the other teachers' private
conversations with the submitter).
2. for each scenario above where the submission comments are added and
appear in conversations, ensure that the submission as a whole behaves
like a single conversation message, i.e.
* the unread conversations count is incremented and the private
conversation is marked as unread (if it didn't exist or was already
* the latest submission comment and timestamp should be reflected in
the conversation pane on the left side
* you can delete the submission from the conversation. if new comments
are posted on the submission, the submission should reappear in the
conversation (provided it still matches the criteria in 1.). note
that submission can not be forwarded to other conversations.
3. submissions should differ from traditional conversation messages in
* they should not trigger conversation notifications
* they should not create/bump conversation stream items. if a
conversation has non-submission messages, the submission and its
comments should appear in the stream item, but they should not
cause it to jump to the top
existing submissions/comments will be migrated in, but not necessarily
through a traditional rails migration. to bring in those messages, run
the following from the rails console:
Submission.find_each{ |s| s.create_or_update_conversations!(:migrate) }
Change-Id: I06dcb8728402a6c4c613d445b80432a1f2973b73
Tested-by: Hudson <>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <>
test plan:
* As a teacher, create a graded assignment. Grade a student.
* As the student, see that the notification is in your dashboard stream
* As the teacher, mute the assignment
* As the student, see that the notification is no longer in your stream
* As the teacher, unmute the assignment
* As the student, see tha the notification is back in your stream
Change-Id: I70484f0c7b7ffb6e2deb4014e3ecf4f2eec4f96c
Tested-by: Hudson <>
Reviewed-by: Zach Wily <>
"Mute Assignment" links in gradebook and speedgrader
stop all announcements, emails, and stream items for grades
and comments from appearing until the teacher unmutes the
Change-Id: Id74b305b568ff86e2a0e6f9319cfa40bb98b1bcd
Reviewed-by: Jon Jensen <>
Tested-by: Zach Pendleton <>