also adds a feature flag for bulk sis grade export
test plan:
* enable the bulk sis grade export flag
* teachers should be able to mark assignments
as postable to SIS (same as if the
"Post Grades to SIS" flag is enabled)
* should be able to reach the API GET endpoint
(should be documented under the SIS Integration category)
* this should return a list of course and assignment ids
corresponding to the assignments with this checkbox marked
closes #SIS-1058
Change-Id: Ic1017d494ead63f1c9433f1cda93bc3c6ca4580c
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
test plan: new files should be enabled everywhere
and should be locked in the feature settings UI
(can't be turned off)
closes CNVS-20656
Change-Id: I3a5b361deeb90780c899eaa3a84bf1eecfec2bbf
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: James Williams <>
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
Product-Review: Jeremy Stanley <>
fixes PLAT-1022
Test Plan
- Turn on the 'Don't move LTI query params to POST body' feature flag in the root account
- Launch a tool with a query string in the URL
- make sure the query params are not copied to the POST body
Change-Id: Ie3446086d5caa957558e0dafa1cec992934d48e8
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Nathan Mills <>
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Product-Review: Weston Dransfield <>
test plan:
0. enable "better file browsing" and "usage rights required"
in a course
1. upload and expand a zip file and confirm the files are
unpublished initially
2. confirm that a file imported from an imscc package is
(a) unpublished in the new course if no usage rights
were set in the source course, regardless of whether
the file was published in the source course
(b) unpublished in the new course if it was unpublished
in the source course, regardless of whether usage
rights were set in the source course
(c) published in the new course if it was published in
the source course and had usage rights set.
3. repeat step 2, but with course copy instead
fixes CNVS-19620
Change-Id: I9a32adeafb94e4922ba95ad6466c72aca3fd3598
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: James Williams <>
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
Product-Review: Jeremy Stanley <>
make the grading periods feature flag a course level flag, and also
'unlock' the account level grading periods. now, a teacher can edit
account level periods, but when they click 'save' it will create
a new course-level grading period instead of altering the original
account-level period. also added a link to the feature flag settings
page if there is only one grading period on the page. in addition,
if only template periods are being shown on the page and you're
logged in as a teacher, added a message that notifies the user
that the periods were created by an administrator for them.
closes CNVS-18741
closes CNVS-19692
test plan:
this commit makes substantial changes to the way grading periods are
being displayed, deleted, and saved on the
'accounts/:account_id/grading_standards' page and the
'courses/:course_id/grading_standards' page. users should still be able
to create/update/delete grading periods without problems on those pages.
in addition, this commit makes changes to the feature flag settings pages
for admins and teachers. make sure the feature flags are working correctly
(try setting the MGP flag to 'on', 'off', and 'allow' as an admin and see
how it affects the feature flag options for sub-accounts and teachers).
Change-Id: I0b442e708a8049180b55a86098e30a2c64673eda
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Josh Simpson <>
QA-Review: Robert Lamb <>
Product-Review: Spencer Olson <>
closes CNVS-19377
test plan:
- verify that there is a new feature flag named "Quiz LTI plugin"
that must be allowed from the root account, but can be switched
on or off on the course
Change-Id: I42870d920f93667ef9f147a64b0e06990d5f3b90
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Ryan Taylor <>
QA-Review: Robert Lamb <>
Product-Review: Hilary Scharton <>
test plan:
- enable "Require Usage Rights" but disable "Better File Browsing"
and ensure files uploaded to the files page via the upload button,
drag/drop, and wiki sidebar are not locked by default
- enable both features and confirm that the usage rights requirement
is enforced before files can be published (whether they are
uploaded via files page upload button, drag/drop, or wiki sidebar)
fixes CNVS-18979
Change-Id: Iba09c672f6cb7b9e1518942ef95be14170d82fcb
Reviewed-by: Clay Diffrient <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Jahnavi Yetukuri <>
Product-Review: Jeremy Stanley <>
this is an experiment so we can allow customers to
try ie8 instead of immediately redirecting them
to a page that says IE8 is not supported
Change-Id: I883b00316d47bd48c89093c9e5dcdb6e13431fe4
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Rob Orton <>
Product-Review: Rob Orton <>
QA-Review: Rob Orton <>
closes CNVS-17621
This commit removes the 'development' bit on the sortable name feature
for the gradebook.
Test plan
- Navigate to course feature flags in a production environment
- The sortable name feature should be visible
Change-Id: I8fe5d340767a97852db272d7bd9509f9b2fe35bf
Product-Review: Bryan Madsen <>
Reviewed-by: Bryan Madsen <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Amber Taniuchi <>
Delete some tests around old groups
Fixes CNVS-17547
Test plan:
1) As an admin, visit the account settings page, click on the
'Feature Options' tab, and see that the ' New Student Groups Page'
feature is 'ENABLED' and does not have the 'beta' label
2) As a student, visit the groups page for a course, and see that
you are shown the new groups page.
Change-Id: I0a809fb1fedba020112d4214ab0859418283f023
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Brad Horrocks <>
Reviewed-by: Mark Severson <>
QA-Review: Steven Shepherd <>
Product-Review: Matthew Wheeler <>
fixes #CNVS-17490
* go to the feature options tab on an accounts settings
* verify the beta tag is gone from "Prefer HTML5 for video playback"
Change-Id: If1cdc695df94513271751ced4edbc3cf55a47c6b
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Nathan Rogowski <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Product-Review: Bryan Madsen <>
test plan:
- as site admin, set feature to 'allowed' in a root account
- as a teacher in a course under this account, see that feature
becomes available to be allowed in course settings
closes CNVS-15864
Change-Id: I569e6febf44bcf75a46bcbbbc25d15a99571cc46
Reviewed-by: Clay Diffrient <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Jahnavi Yetukuri <>
Product-Review: Cosme Salazar <>
this makes it so the 'better_file_browsing' feature
is no longer 'hidden' in prodcution
Change-Id: I138c9c1ee77d53b91e2fac2244c7c91e298a2b26
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Product-Review: Cosme Salazar <>
QA-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Minkevitch <>
when the feature flag is turned on, student names will be
displayed as their sortable name in the Gradebook. The default
sortable name is 'Last, First' - so 99% of the time this change will
flip the displayed names from 'First, Last' to 'Last, First' in the
Gradebook (unless the sortable name has been explicitly changed in
test plan:
1. As a teacher, view the Gradebook for a course that has at least 2-3 students in it.
2. Notice the student names are displayed as 'First-Name Last-Name'
3. Go into the course's Settings --> Feature Options, and turn the
'Gradebook - List Students by Sortable Name' feature on.
4. Visit the Default Gradebook, and notice the student names are displayed
as their sortable names (sortable name is "Last-Name, First-Name" by default)
5. Visit the Individual View Gradebook, and click the dropdown to select a student
in the 'Content Selection' section. Notice the student names are displayed by
their sortable names ('Last-Name, First-Name' by default).
Note: In the Individual View Gradebook, in the 'Student Information' section, the
student name will always appear as 'First-Name Last-Name'. I figured we would only
want to show 'Last, First' when the name appears in a list. If we want to display
the name as 'Last, First' in the 'Student Information' section when the feature
is toggled on, I can certainly make that change.
closes CNVS-8947
Change-Id: Ia3c6ae39b53d3762a8847445c90c9c16195bf336
Product-Review: Hilary Scharton <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Josh Simpson <>
QA-Review: Amber Taniuchi <>
this was flipped to "on" for every root account with the notorious
rollout, so it should be the default going forward
Change-Id: I7c56e18ebe24560a1d23944a2530844415e01c00
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Product-Review: Matt Fairbourn <>
test plan:
* open a course's settings page
* enable listing the course in the public index but not
making the course content public
* open the course home page as an unregistered user
* verify that only the course's title and description are accessible
* open root account feature flags page
* enable Course Catalog
* open your "My Courses" page
* verify that the right pane includes a "Browse more courses" link
* click the link
* verify that you can browse courses allowed in the public index
* log out
* verify that the homepage includes a "Browse courses" link
Change-Id: I44f96396859283d76bfe527672612ff71ca4ae67
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Product-Review: Braden Anderson <>
QA-Review: Trevor deHaan <>
Reviewed-by: Jon Jensen <>
- The "New Quiz Statistics" feature flag now converts the regular
statistics page into the new one that uses the React/CQS client app
- All Ember quizzes code gone
- canvas_ember_urls gem gone
- quiz_moderate feature flag gone
- quiz_stats feature flag is now allowed in prod
- statistics_cqs explicit/hidden route gone, but the statistics_cqs ERB
and coffee bundle are still there to help ease the transition later
Closes CNVS-16330
---- ----
- go to /courses/:course_id/quizzes/:quiz_id/statistics
+ verify you get the old/regular stats page
- enable the "New Quiz Statistics" feature flag
+ refresh that page, verify you see the new app
Now turn the flag on and off and play around the quizzes pages, verify
everything looks OK.
Change-Id: I01fc5da80fd206df08338823ffb446a1e3a06ed0
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Ryan Taylor <>
Reviewed-by: Derek DeVries <>
QA-Review: Trevor deHaan <>
Product-Review: Ahmad Amireh <>
this is 'hidden' in production environments and 'allowed' elsewhere
test plan:
- The 'better_file_browsing' feature should be hidden in production
environments (such as a portal with config/testcluster.yml
fixes CNVS-16352
Change-Id: Ic8eefcb53122d27fbf9094cbc010efdbd40e2a59
Reviewed-by: Jon Willesen <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Product-Review: Cosme Salazar <>
QA-Review: Jahnavi Yetukuri <>
closes CNVS-15959
Add a feature flag (development / beta only) to use with the multiple
grading periods feature.
Test Plan
- In a development or beta environment (to include QA portals), you
should see the feature flag for 'multiple grading periods'. It should
default to 'Allowed', and be tagged as 'development'.
Change-Id: I559e278c37d297c68e6c5e4262969839a038bafa
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Cameron Matheson <>
QA-Review: Amber Taniuchi <>
Product-Review: Josh Simpson <>
also remove the 'development' tag on existing features, other
than those that manually made themselves invisible in prod.
we'll let 'beta' suffice for the purpose of informing the user
that a feature is not fully baked.
test plan:
- Deploy normally to your QA portal. The 'quiz stats'
feature flag should be available and operational.
- Remove the testcluster.yml file from your config/
directory (or move / back it up to a safe place)
- Restart your QA portal.
- The quiz stats feature flag should not be available
or visible.
fixes CNVS-15724
Change-Id: I9e4e46f8cc4f54ac62f5226dbca09ae4885c93a9
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Josh Simpson <>
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
Product-Review: Cosme Salazar <>
fixes CNVS-14095
fixes CNVS-15157
test plan:
- with DA on and off
- go to modules page
- only the right assignments show
- completion requirements ignore
assignments that cant be seen by a user
- modules page works with changing sections
- complete/incomplete updates properly
- as does locked/unlocked
- modules page shows correct content when
a students grade is deleted and this makes
them lose assignment visibility
- modules api doesnt return any content that
a student cannot see
Change-Id: Ia1acfd919214823cdfc3b45e974876b4529bb14d
Product-Review: Hilary Scharton <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Mike Nomitch <>
Since the work we are doing here is still very much
WIP, this makes sure no one has the new styles feature
flag turned on
this is a different approach than previous patchsets
since, because of caching or whatever, it was not
working correctly on test portals.
this just renames the feature so if anything was cached
for the previous feature, it won't matter.
and finally, just to clean up, we clear out the db
of any people that had set the old, now meaningless,
feature flag of 'new_styles'
fixes: CNVS-13571 CNVS-14903
test plan:
a) enable the feature flag before checking out the
patch set
b) check out the patch set and run migrations
c) verify that the feature is no longer set and
is hidden from non-site-admins
Change-Id: I6230064fe965c80128b047786c393043292114d5
Reviewed-by: Colleen Palmer <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Product-Review: Matt Fairbourn <>
QA-Review: Matt Fairbourn <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
fixes CNVS-14763
test plan:
- Navigate to your profile page
- Click the down arrow on "Use High Contrast Styles"
- Confirm the spelling of 'difficulty' is now correct and no longer 'dificulty'.
Change-Id: Ife3bf310b5dc45fa609dfaa362814631f2e9e6f4
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Bryan Madsen <>
Product-Review: Bryan Madsen <>
QA-Review: Bryan Madsen <>
closes CNVS-14678
This commit allows the quiz stats feature flag to be registered only when
within the beta environment (or development or test). It should not be available in production.
Test plan
- Deploy normally to your QA portal. The 'quiz stats' feature flag should
be available and operational.
- Remove the testcluster.yml file from your config/ directory (or move
/ back it up to a safe place)
- Restart your QA portal.
- The quiz stats feature flag should not be available or visible.
Change-Id: If51af6bae18b31fed8f7b2d666f59562ad0fb18e
Reviewed-by: Derek DeVries <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Product-Review: Josh Simpson <>
test plan:
* add an external tool configured for the extensions
going to be used by LOR (:course_settings_sub_navigation,
:course_home_sub_navigation, :migration_selection)
* confirm that it is not shown to a user unless either
the account-level feature flag is enabled or the
user-level flag is enabled
closes #CNVS-14626
Change-Id: I06e189fc1f2d745613353ea1b3f98b4f4b2c87b6
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
Product-Review: Bracken Mosbacker <>
Closes CNVS-11854
Test Plan:
1) Restart your server after checking out this code (there is new feature flag)
2) As a user, visit /profile/settings and see that there is no option
for disabling the inbox
3) As an instructure employee viewing settings for the root account,
turn "on" the inbox opt out feature flag. If the button says "allow"
instead of "on", you are in the wrong place and want to be on the
account's settings, not the site admin settings.
4) As a user, visit your settings again: /profile/settings
5) See that you can now disable the inbox.
6) Do so.
7) Check the that conversations notification settings no longer appear
at /profile/communication
8) Check that when you have new conversation messages, the unread
messages badging doesn't display on the inbox link in the main nav
9) Visit your settings a 3rd time, and un-disable the inbox
10) check that the inverse of 7 & 8 are now true
Change-Id: I061e2d3ab9052a7809fb43f80d8e2e92d99316ee
Reviewed-by: Joel Hough <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Product-Review: Matthew Wheeler <>
QA-Review: David Josse <>
closes: CNVS-14347
Yay, we finally have a way to tell if someone is a K-12
or higher ed account!
All new features that are K-12 specific should be behind
this feature flag.
test plan:
this should be hidden from accounts but you should
be able to turn it on manually by doing
Account.find(<id>).enable_feature! 'k12'
this feature flag doesn't actually turn anything
on yet, so no visual changes should happen.
Change-Id: I567e13928607acc941708f3505c31e3af47fda14
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Colleen Palmer <>
Product-Review: Hilary Scharton <>
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
closes #CNVS-14324
Change-Id: I492c8aaae22556f3f332eb3c924db28b08ccfef3
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Product-Review: Jeremy Stanley <>
QA-Review: James Williams <>
closes CNVS-14001
test plan:
- quiz stats feature should be available in beta
- quiz stats feature should not be available in prod
Change-Id: If094589558b44b11b989b0b0e38b36359a1edfb3
Reviewed-by: Derek DeVries <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
Product-Review: Jason Madsen <>
fixes CNVS-13612
test plan:
- go to the feature flags page
- quiz stats should no longer have a 'hidden' badge
Change-Id: I55bb4fa493701e2bce99ec2a8b8d586a76088ea2
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Jason Madsen <>
QA-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
Product-Review: Derek DeVries <>
fixes CNVS-13293
test plan:
- regression on gb2 and srgb
to make sure they both still work properly
Change-Id: I4ec554589b6a77a113d2faf46e7b530faa2d535f
Product-Review: Dana Danger <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Amber Taniuchi <>
this commit is meant to be a way to commit some of
the progress I have been making on this. everything
new is behind a hidden feature flag so it should
not do anything any different for any existing users
if you want to test it out, open a console
and do:
Course.find(<your course id>).enable_feature! :better_file_browsing
then browse to the 'files' part of your course.
the main thing to QA right now is that we did not
break anything for people that don't have that
feature flag turned on. I know there are a ton of
things that are either broken or still need to be
implemented on the new app.
this is a few commits squashed into one and
closes multiple tickets:
create rails routes for new files UI
closes: CNVS-12140
for the new files UI we are going to use pushState
urls so we had to find a url namespace that we
could completely take over. the thing we chose was
(assuming you were looking at the foo/bar/baz folder)
example urls:
/groups/2/files/folder/lectures/1 Cell Mitosis/handouts/takehome work/
acceptance criteria:
the following NEW urls SHOULD be routed to new
ember files page:
the following urls already exist and if the
:new_files feature is enabled SHOULD be routed
also to the new ember files page instead of where
they go now (but if the :new_files feature is not
enabled, they should still go where they go now):
style mockups for the new files page
fixes CNVS-11216
Enable feature flag for new files page, closes #CNVS-11215
closes: CNVS-12730
closes: CNVS-12659
closes: CNVS-12663
Change-Id: I3868fcf8efd6b517f38f56e88c7bb1e56cf564e8
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
fixes CNVS-13228
the old way of enabling fabulous quizzes is no more. Now we're using proper
course based feature flags, and we have two different feature flags for
the new statistics page and moderate pages. You can enable these flags from
your account settings page.
In the code we now check these using:
In ember we have a new environment attribute to check if moderate is enabled:
This also moves "take quiz" to the top item in the list, and changes its icon
to be a play icon to not have so many circles as icons in the menu
test plan:
- feature flag changes
- as a site admin
- disable both quiz stats and quiz moderate
- visit the quiz index/show/moderate/statistics pages
- they should all be the non-ember versions of the pages
- enable the quiz stats feature
- as a teacher
- visit the quiz index/show/statistics pages
- this should be the ember version of these pages
- visit a quiz page
- this should enable the ember version of these pages
- there should be a link to moderate the quiz in the dropdown menu
- try to visit the moderate page (quizzes/123/moderate)
- this page should render correctly as the old moderate page
- the moderate tab should not be there
- enable the quiz moderate feature
- as a teacher
- visit the quiz page
- the moderate link in the drop down menu should be gone
- this should enable the moderate tab in ember
- visit the quiz moderate page, this should be the ember version
- if you try to visit quizzes/123/moderate directly it should
redirect you to the moderate page
- api changes
- as a teacher
- request the quizzes api endpoint for a single quiz
- you should see a new "moderate_url" property in the payload
- as a student
- request the quizzes api endpoint for a single quiz
- you should NOT see the "moderate_url" property in the payload
- other changes
- with stats enables, the take quiz should be at the top of the dropdown
- the take quiz icon has been changed
Change-Id: I04639890b425b1c5abf3305892e4b5b9d804b525
Reviewed-by: Jason Madsen <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
Product-Review: Derek DeVries <>
fixes CNVS-11832
fixes CNVS-11836
fixes CNVS-13327
test plan
- enable feature student_groups_next for course
- regression test groups page student view
- regression test instructor groups page
- as an instructor have multiple groups in a group set
- visit one of the groups
- the instructor can switch between the groups in the group set
- as a student you should be able to create a group
Change-Id: Iacf1eaf4467b57f307d45245b53dfc93f14154ff
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Ethan Vizitei <>
QA-Review: Trevor deHaan <>
Product-Review: Drew Bowman <>
the "Allowed" state means a feature is off in an account, but
sub-accounts or courses below it are allowed to enable it.
the 'allowed' state does not, however, make a lot of sense for
features that apply to RootAccount. since the feature cannot
be controlled in sub-accounts or courses, the 'allowed' state
is equivalent to 'off' here.
so to make this less confusing, remove the "allowed" state
for RootAccount features.
(specifically, lock the transition in the API, and make the
UI hide buttons for locked transitions that don't have
messages to display when the user tries to perform them)
test plan:
- set the Use New Styles feature to "Allowed" in Site Admin
account settings
- in a root account settings page, ensure the 'Allowed'
option is not selectable for this feature
- ensure that the API reports the new_styles feature is "off"
and its "allowed" transition is locked
i.e., GET /api/v1/accounts/1/features/flags/new_styles
includes state: 'off' and transitions: {allowed: {locked: true}}
- ensure the API refuses to set the new_styles feature to "allowed"
in the root account
i.e., PUT /api/v1/accounts/1/features/flags/new_styles?state=allowed
should return a 403 error and not change the state
- regression test: in a sub-account, ensure the 'Use New Styles'
feature does not appear
- regression test: verify that when a (non-site-admin)
root account admin attempts to disable Draft State in
an account, the Off button is still there, and a message appears
when you click it, and the feature remains enabled
fixes CNVS-13220
Change-Id: I4d41076c10696b02d0c482a778d2555714487f17
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Bracken Mosbacker <>
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
Product-Review: Bracken Mosbacker <>
Product-Review: Hilary Scharton <>
this commit forces on the new, accessible, individual gradebook view and forces
of the old GB1
closes CNVS-12327
test plan:
- make sure that individual gradebook view is on and GB1 is off and that you
can't change it from the UI as a teacher or site admin
- now run the following (to simulate not already having the flag set to on):
FeatureFlag.where(feature: "screenreader_gradebook").destroy_all
- check again to make sure it is on and can't be turned off
Change-Id: I23cb476d051b4e7697de47432dbe4a408b9800ef
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Cameron Matheson <>
QA-Review: Amber Taniuchi <>
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>
this is a simple feature flag that will let us
toggle between:
a. trying html5 first then falling back to flash
if not enabled or trying flash first.
b. trying flash first, then falling back to html5
if unavailable.
test plan:
1. with feature flag not turned on, watch a video.
it should use flash to play it.
2. turn on the feature flag for domain_root_account
3. watch a video, it should use html5
Change-Id: I08aab043f89d049863dcbbd49aa1c4fcd8dc2895
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: David Julia <>
Reviewed-by: Paul Hinze <>
Product-Review: Ben Hutchings <>
QA-Review: Steven Shepherd <>
fixes SIS-226
- verify Post Grades is now available from the root account settings
- verify Post Grades is off by default and shows hidden and development
- verify Post grades is viewable from a course once it is enabled from the root account
- verify that once turned on in a course post grades button is now visible
Change-Id: I58ad6145bda8a1da11d240cf878ff378ce5fac36
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Duane Johnson <>
Product-Review: Eric Adams <>
QA-Review: Eric Adams <>
fixes CNVS-11426
The UI/UX team *really* wants to start doing some major style changes
to the canvas interface. Because it is a very visual change and especially
because we've let people hack the crap out of canvas styles with
their own css override file, any changes we do need to be behind a
feature flag so an institution can opt-in when they are ready.
This commit does some trickery so we actually create 4 different versions
of every stylesheet. one for each variant in:
legacy_normal_contrast legacy_high_contrast
new_styles_normal_contrast new_styles_high_contrast
and then sets the $use_new_styles and $use_high_contrast sass variables
accordingly in each.
now, in any sass file, you can do things like:
@if $use_new_styles {
background-color: red;
} @else {
background-color: blue;
@if not $use_high_contrast{
font-size: 12px;
test plan:
* in a production (minified assets) environment, ensure you see:
<link href="/assets/common_legacy_normal_contrast.css... in the <head> of the page
* go to the account settings page for the domain_root_account you are on
* turn on the "Use New Styles" feature
* now verify that <link href="/assets/common_new_styles_normal_contrast.css...
is in the <head>. There should not be any visible differences because we do
not have any styles that target specifically $use_new_styles yet.
* now, go to /settings and turn on the user feature for "Use High Contrast Styles"
* verify that <link href="/assets/common_new_styles_high_contrast.css..
is in the <head>
* again, turning that on will not actually change the way anything looks,
the next commit (g/32863) will take care of that
Change-Id: I45ba4ddfe780c5c819fb995b61ebfc0a5325d418
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Ryan Shaw <>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
QA-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
Reviewed-by: Bracken Mosbacker <>
fixes CNVS-12253
test plan:
- on the course Feature Options settings page
- the srgb feature flag should now read:
'Individual Gradebook View'
- check the description as well
- that wasn't so bad, right?
Change-Id: I312fbe0a833fb49aa71d35ab5bec74d655574f9d
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Amber Taniuchi <>
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>