Commit Graph

56 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Omar Khan 0fdd64e53f Remove karma container from docker-compose.override.yml
Test plan:

- Add docker-compose/js-tests.override.yml to COMPOSE_FILE in .env
- docker-compose build js-tests
- docker-compose run --rm js-tests

Change-Id: I6d43cb2da47c1b6985a9fefd9cc23262e5f56233
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: August Thornton <>
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Product-Review: Omar Khan <>
2017-08-18 20:03:30 +00:00
Omar Khan 399414b3ec Run javascript tests in headless chrome
Test plan: docker-compose run --rm karma yarn test

Change-Id: I316d80e7a1b712b0dda91a390c4dddeb09b3e6fb
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Ryan Shaw <>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
QA-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
2017-08-16 16:11:52 +00:00
Brad Horrocks 624be19596 Add dynamic_settings.yml for docker config
Change-Id: I0c811ba1afcf1509679e5c6ec98ca39aef627dd9
Reviewed-by: Tyler Pickett <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
QA-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
2017-06-29 01:38:13 +00:00
Tyler Pickett 823cda8924 Move MathMan to being configured by Consul
Fixes: CNVS-35833

There is a lot more than just moving to Consul going on here. The whole
PrefixProxy business wouldn't be required for this change, but it will
be really useful as we move to adding cluster awareness.

Test Plan:
- Have MathMan running
- Update config/consul.yml to enable use_for_svg and
  use_for_mml under the math-man init values key
- Start Canvas
- Build an equation with the rich content editor
- The equation should be rendered as usual.

Change-Id: I650527ebaecb6224c6ee6ba26346d27dee33b9d7
QA-Review: Tucker McKnight <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Brent Burgoyne <>
Product-Review: Tyler Pickett <>
2017-06-26 15:54:38 +00:00
gbeckmann 3cbd14fda4 Add chrome to docker-compose config as default
Change-Id: Ie12f15d3093cdbb6c1f60de7eb62d2987250006e
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Product-Review: Gentry Beckmann <>
QA-Review: Gentry Beckmann <>
2017-06-13 17:03:00 +00:00
Jon Jensen ef480cd1c3 docker enhancements/fixes, fixes SD-2499, refs gh-1043
bring the development docker image down from 3.6GB -> 2.4GB

add a production docker image that weighs in at 1.2GB, which should speed
up end-to-end tests

template-ize web Dockerfiles so that common stuff stays consistent, volume
dirs are set up properly, etc.

test plan:
1. docker-based builds should pass
2. docker image should be usable (docker-compose up, etc)

Change-Id: I41ebb155090f66e346bdc285ca5c613ee5793127
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Landon Wilkins <>
Product-Review: Landon Wilkins <>
QA-Review: Landon Wilkins <>
2017-05-26 20:57:24 +00:00
Tyler Pickett 29e1ddec0f Optionally configure live events via Consul
Fixes: CNVS-35832
Refs: CNVS-32864

This was super simple because of the change to using a hash for
configuring LiveEvents instead of a PluginSetting object

Change-Id: Ia34cb905e22a21c822f48b581e3e3cd4f7a738d3
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
QA-Review: Tucker McKnight <>
Product-Review: Tyler Pickett <>
2017-05-10 16:07:41 +00:00
Tyler Pickett f0214f0923 Switch to Imperium gem and update Consul container.
Also, make Consul container accessible from the host.

Fixes: CNVS-35831
Refs: CNVS-34341, CNVS-32864

Test Plan:
- Smoke test RCS and Canvas running together to make sure they still
  play nice.

Change-Id: I418d54a176677b1df8ec42a009752807908a847c
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
QA-Review: Tucker McKnight <>
Product-Review: Tyler Pickett <>
2017-04-07 16:59:01 +00:00
Bryan Petty 3b22577fb4 install ca-certs required for PG extensions
Docker environments now install PG i18n extensions, which require
CA certificates for installation verification.

Test Plan:
1. Verify success of: docker-compose build --pull postgres

Change-Id: I3aa771c592f4718495996494976b21e7cf914d6e
Reviewed-by: Neil Gupta <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Michael Hargiss <>
Product-Review: Bryan Petty <>
2017-03-02 18:56:44 +00:00
Andrew Huff e1fc6b60c4 update example config
Change-Id: If40276ec55013de411010a04058f1beaf9635381
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jonathan Featherstone <>
Product-Review: Andrew Huff <>
QA-Review: Andrew Huff <>
2017-02-22 20:21:12 +00:00
Sheldon Leibole e60af33613 add i18n sorting dependencies to docker
fixes CNVS-35005

Test Plan

1. run:  docker-compose build
2. run: docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:migrate:redo VERSION=20120502190901
3. Visit: /accounts/1/users
4. Create users with the names: Jalapeno, Jalapeoo, Jalapeño, JalapeЖo
5. Refresh the page and verify they are sorted:
   Jalapeno, Jalapeño, Jalapeoo, JalapeЖo
6. Create an assignment
7. Give each of the students created above a grade
8. Visit: /courses/1/gradebook/history
9. Click on the assignment name to display the hidden table.
10. Verify the table of students / grades is sorted:
    Jalapeno, Jalapeño, Jalapeoo, JalapeЖo

Change-Id: I9743c559a20a3d50600bcbc7e4a310105ec638cf
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Neil Gupta <>
QA-Review: Anju Reddy <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
2017-02-21 18:24:56 +00:00
Andrew Butterfield 9cc05207ad Add Live Events Publish Service
fixes PLAT-2080 PLAT-2059 PLAT-2061

Test plan:
* Set up canvas
  * To be able to talk to http://les.docker
  * To use an encryption key and signing secret that are 32 bytes long
* Set up live events subscription service
  * To use the same signing secret you used in canvas and a base64
    encoded version of the encryption key you used in canvas
  * Run docker-compose run --rm app npm run seed:dynamo and give it the
    developer key you want to use for testing
* With the subscription service running open up a rails console in Canvas
  and run the following:
    ToolProxy ="ToolProxy", :guid, :product_family)
    Family ="Family", :developer_key)
    f =<a developer key>)
    tp ='hahahah', f)
    res = Services::LiveEventsSubscriptionService.tool_proxy_subscriptions(tp)
* Ensure that you get a response back with the subscriptions for your
  developer key
* Go through this process first with dynamic settings enabled and then
  with consul enabled

Change-Id: I454d5a82d98ce1edb2bd9afd23cb974dc062e04f
Reviewed-by: Tyler Pickett <>
Reviewed-by: Matthew Wheeler <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Product-Review: Andrew Butterfield <>
2017-02-02 19:09:58 +00:00
Andrew Butterfield 3156da1fee Add config for subscription service
This only applies for local development
An OPS ticket will need to be made for configuring production/beta

fixes PLAT-2079 PLAT-2064

Test plan:
* Run the following command
  cp config/dynamic_settings.yml.example config/dynamic_settings.yml
* Open up a rails console and run
  Canvas::DynamicSettings.from_cache('live-events-subscription-service', expires_in: 5.minutes)
* Ensure that a settings hash is returned with the url for a local,
  dockerized subscription service
* Remove the config/dynamic_settings.yml
* Add config/consul.yml either by copying config/consul.yml.example or
* Configure docker compose to use consul
* Open up a rails console and run
  Canvas::DynamicSettings.from_cache('live-events-subscription-service', expires_in: 5.minutes)
* Ensure that a settings hash is returned with the url for a local,
  dockerized subscription service

Change-Id: I495cc73d914cbefd409fed5ec7ad6cebd0f8c200
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Tyler Pickett <>
Reviewed-by: Matthew Wheeler <>
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Product-Review: Andrew Butterfield <>
2017-01-19 19:16:41 +00:00
August Thornton e265d37f01 update lti test tool override
The lti_test_tool_common file is no longer needed as the
selenium test automation work is going to happen in a
separate repo to keep from polluting canvas with external

test plan:
tests should still pass

Change-Id: If657c8ba98bfb54e5ab57faf3b1c016edf908d6a
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Pedro Fajardo <>
Product-Review: August Thornton <>
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
2016-12-05 20:02:13 +00:00
Bryan Petty 616e054fa5 set +x on docker entrypoints that require it
Docker entrypoints can't be executed unless they are set as executable.

Also fixes a few other discrepancies:
- adds common docker-compose.local.*.yml to .dockerignore
- updates docs for enabling phantomjs-tests container
- mount common volumes for js-tests and phantomjs-tests containers

Test Plan:
1. Enable phantomjs-tests and js-tests docker containers.
2. docker-compose build --pull
3. Ensure phantomjs-tests and js-tests containers work.

Change-Id: I1ab20575f9936b6cfc2c61501441b1137c9df4cb
Reviewed-by: Brad Horrocks <>
Reviewed-by: Michael Brewer-Davis <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Michael Hargiss <>
Product-Review: Bryan Petty <>
2016-11-28 22:58:58 +00:00
Brad Horrocks 880f36e806 Cleanup Docker Docs, fix invalid version
Change-Id: I7262813593998444896f136e536e8e726ad4fdec
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Javeed <>
Product-Review: Brad Horrocks <>
QA-Review: Brad Horrocks <>
2016-11-16 16:44:58 +00:00
Brad Horrocks 35a6eda075 go back to non wildcard TLD
Change-Id: I7909e0986a2f851bbb06c8c4788a798fcba06410
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Dave Donahue <>
Reviewed-by: Bryan Petty <>
Product-Review: Dave Donahue <>
QA-Review: Dave Donahue <>
2016-11-15 21:29:57 +00:00
Brad Horrocks 3c809153d1 docker-compose.yml v2
If you have a docker-compose.override file you'll want to
move it somewhere else.

mv docker-compose.override.yml docker-compose.`whoami`.yml

Once you've updated your override file to the version 2 syntax, you
should add it to the COMPOSE_FILE environment variable. Probably in a
.env file in the project root.

Test plan:

You'll need to remove your existing canvas containers and volumes to 
fully test this.

to do so run this **BEFORE** you checkout this patchset

docker-compose down
docker-compose ps -q | docker rm
docker volume ls -q | grep canvaslms | xargs docker volume rm 

then you should be able to get up and running using the following

cp docker-compose/config/* config/
dc build
dcr web bundle exec rake db:create db:initial_setup
dc up

You should be able to access canvas like normal

Change-Id: Ia7ff76cfdd4f46278fc1cb2a03969fdadaa4a434
Reviewed-by: Zach Wily <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Product-Review: Brad Horrocks <>
2016-11-15 17:06:37 +00:00
Simon Williams d31e52af55 upgrade canvas dockerfile to ruby 2.3.1
this changes the name of the canvas gem volume, so you'll need to run:
  docker-compose run --rm web bundle install
after applying this change. you may also want to run:
  docker volume rm canvas-gems
to delete the old gem volume, which will no longer be used.

closes CNVS-33086

test plan:
- docker-compose run --rm web bundle install
- docker-compose up
- things should work

Change-Id: Iace97ca723c9e56a5d252a2a5f447f3196487d0a
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Benjamin Christian Nelson <>
QA-Review: Benjamin Christian Nelson <>
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>
2016-11-07 16:06:45 +00:00
brian kirkby 8c2715424e better defaults for consul in the docker container
closes CNVS-33090

test plan:
- start with a fresh dinghy and fresh canvas-lms repo
- follow Canvas Docker Installation Guide in the wiki
- after canvas-compose up , login to your account on your local setup
- navigate to Admin > ACCOUNT > Settings > Feature Options and turn on
  "User Remote Version of Rich Content Editor..." options
- navigate to Dashboard , then navigate back to Admin > ACCOUNT > Settings
- rejoice that you do not get the "key length too short" CipherError

Change-Id: Ia4503fcfcafed00aab5616428d86fb41955d7ab3
Reviewed-by: Rob Orton <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: brian kirkby <>
QA-Review: Simon Williams <>
2016-11-04 16:28:06 +00:00
Cemal Aktas 74b72bb5a1 spec: Add docker chrome container
Test Plan:

open vnc://secret:secret@seleniumff.docker          (firefox)
open vnc://secret:secret@seleniumch.docker:5901     (chrome)

Change-Id: Ic23bc0d13fa9fe3745fbf9835b5d20e128be3d91
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jayce Higgins <>
Product-Review: Cemal Aktas <>
QA-Review: Cemal Aktas <>
2016-11-02 17:58:19 +00:00
Simon Williams 3bb96be019 update docker reference to woff tools
test plan:
- rebuild a docker container based on the canvas Dockerfile from scratch
- it should work

Change-Id: I096d33a73a5d2679a4e6d3c64ba2264d8274ed1d
Reviewed-by: Benjamin Christian Nelson <>
Reviewed-by: Alex Ortiz-Rosado <>
QA-Review: Benjamin Christian Nelson <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>
2016-10-31 18:00:07 +00:00
Neil Gupta 9f84275bac Fix consul init values when running docker
Fixes CNVS-31618

Test plan:
1. copy the updated config/consul.yml into your config directory
2. make sure api specs pass in docker
(eg docker-compose run --rm web rspec spec/apis/v1/grading_periods_api_spec.rb)

Change-Id: Ib80c01d2770c216aa846362e3ea2efbfde5f5e63
Reviewed-by: Derek Bender <>
Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Javeed <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Derek Bender <>
Product-Review: Neil Gupta <>
2016-09-07 17:09:32 +00:00
Derek Bender 98966acaef update phantomjs-tests dockerfile to node 6
test plan:
 - rebuild phantomjs-tests dockerfile
 - `docker-compose run --rm phantomjs-tests`

Change-Id: I20dcca72c89c1647b7b3b4fee8fb5ede1a9e2511
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Clay Diffrient <>
Product-Review: Derek Bender <>
QA-Review: Derek Bender <>
2016-08-12 16:42:44 +00:00
Ryan Shaw f02b43f574 upgrade to node 6
closes: CNVS-29725

this gets everything working on node 6.

As far as our build process goes, it cannot support
running on both node 6 at the same time as 0.12
since our i18nliner handlebars stuff uses jsdom and
one version of it only works on node <4 and the
next only works on 4+.

But the stuff in the production dependencies in
package.json, aka the stuff that runs on the job
servers (brandable_css), can work on both. we just
need to run npm rebuild on the job servers if the stuff
that was npm installed into ./node_modules was compiled
against a different version of node. that is done here:
that commit needs to be committed to caturday before
we commit and deploy this to beta

as far as managing node, there are 2 "official"
ways that will make you life easier, you can either
just use docker or use nvm (

if you use nvm and if you use ZSH:
Put this into your $HOME/.zshrc to call nvm use automatically
whenever you enter a directory that contains an
.nvmrc file with a string telling nvm which node to use:

  # place this after nvm initialization!
  autoload -U add-zsh-hook
  load-nvmrc() {
    if [[ -f .nvmrc && -r .nvmrc ]]; then
      nvm use
    elif [[ $(nvm version) != $(nvm version default)  ]]; then
      echo "Reverting to nvm default version"
      nvm use default
  add-zsh-hook chpwd load-nvmrc

but however you do it, as long as you have node 6.2
installed it should work

test plan:
* install nvm
* check this patchset out
* run bundle exec rake canvas:compile_assets
* it should work
* use theme editor to preview a change to a theme
* it should work

Change-Id: I1cc9faed361938afc713c4b921042386b956db70
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Clay Diffrient <>
QA-Review: Benjamin Christian Nelson <>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
2016-08-09 23:37:07 +00:00
Colleen Palmer 4b13d3e2b5 add python-lxml library to Dockerfile
This is required by the QTI import tool.

Change-Id: I2092ef99f86b05d29856ed19e1f0c703406c999e
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <>
Product-Review: Brian Palmer <>
QA-Review: Brian Palmer <>
2016-07-19 21:02:47 +00:00
Colleen Palmer 603e4c8786 allow large file uploads in the docker env
Change-Id: If53615ebaa607e67a9528f0f6dc52d65034bf4e5
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <>
Product-Review: Brian Palmer <>
QA-Review: Brian Palmer <>
2016-07-19 21:02:02 +00:00
Cody Cutrer 0cc82ca5ab allow bundler up to 1.12.5
also stop using the undocumented eval_gemfile - apparently its
implementation changed

Change-Id: I5db6c98cb06baa5da2573ba15a4764cf4822aae1
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Product-Review: Cody Cutrer <>
QA-Review: Cody Cutrer <>
2016-07-11 18:03:47 +00:00
Benjamin Porter fd0f5cfddc Fix volume creation permissions issues on linux
When the gem volume gets created on linux, it gets created with root
permissions.  This causes issues on linux because the docker user (id
9999) cannot write to it when it installs gems.

By creating the directory that the volume gets mounted to in the
Dockerfile, the volume will assume the same permissions/ownership and
thus will get ownership on the host system as user 9999

Change-Id: I61a04c38dd7f4f6f526746a0d3ddab2a15549f1c
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Zach Wily <>
Product-Review: Benjamin Porter <>
QA-Review: Benjamin Porter <>
2016-07-06 21:02:26 +00:00
Bryan Petty 7b2bd67424 fix local docker selenium configuration
- Uses standalone selenium node (meant for use without hub).
- Selenium node upgraded from 2.45.0 to 2.53.0.
- Upgrades Firefox from 34.0 to 45.0 (uses upstream version now).
- Clarify docker docs for running selenium specs a bit.
- Enable use of selenium container on checkout without changes.
- No longer requires link in web container.
  - Requires dinghy/dory though for proxy, but it already did.
- Fixes /tmp/.X99-lock issue on container re-use.

Change-Id: I31793103e62022dea227b181a738383788660f6d
Reviewed-by: Jon Jensen <>
Product-Review: Jon Jensen <>
QA-Review: Jon Jensen <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
2016-06-21 21:21:45 +00:00
Bryan Petty 0cdf11b94f add mailcatcher for docker dev
Test Plan:
1. Ensure that the `jobs` docker container is running.
2. Trigger any kind of email notification.
3. Verify email shows up here: http://mail.canvas.docker/

Change-Id: I94074d5601bb1817444fb85220aada2ba2fef82f
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Ethan Vizitei <>
Reviewed-by: Tyler Pickett <>
QA-Review: Michael Hargiss <>
Product-Review: Bryan Petty <>
2016-06-15 20:59:07 +00:00
Neil Gupta d611168314 Don't make containerized phantomjs karma tests single-run
Change-Id: I6c3162b5e414a4ce9e814fb847153db8ddd87ab4
Reviewed-by: Clay Diffrient <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Neil Gupta <>
QA-Review: Neil Gupta <>
2016-06-09 23:40:42 +00:00
Mark Severson d2a767d235 handle bundler being installed to system gems
because we control what version of bundler is installed, we uninstall
the version provided by the base image and install the version we
expect to be there. however, if the base image installs bundler to a
system gem directory, an extra option must be provided to the
uninstall command. this is an issue as we are attempting to have the
base image install bundler system-wide.

Change-Id: I0b21e557315ed4ce7382efe3d740b602b016054d
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Tyler Pickett <>
Product-Review: Mark Severson <>
QA-Review: Mark Severson <>
2016-03-28 18:34:42 +00:00
Sterling Cobb e5a5cc0d3c hide assignment cog menu for non manage roles
fixes CNVS-9516

For account level roles that don't have the manage permission, you
should not be able to change the weight etc via the cog menu on the
assignments page. This commit ensures only users that have the manage
permission can see the cog.

Test Plan
Setting Up a User -----
1. Create a new account role (something like TestAdmin)
2. Set permissions on that role to manage and view assignments but NOT
manage a course
3. Create a new user from the admin section with that role
4. Become that user to test this

Given you are an account level user with the mangage_courses permission
set to true
When you go to the assignments page
Then you should see a cog menu with the weight form in it

Given you are an account level user with the mangage_courses permission
set to false
When you go to the assignments page
Then you should NOT see an admin cog menu with the weight form in it

Change-Id: I64179f247e83647b11f7f1d34358d9d31023f2e8
QA-Review: Michael Hargiss <>
Reviewed-by: Mike Nomitch <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Sterling Cobb <>
2016-03-09 08:39:18 +00:00
Ethan Vizitei ff9633ffac add phantom js support as an avenue for js test runs
keep it commented for now to be optional

Change-Id: I2b64b11aac72b6da74401e9c8391a844a620c387
Reviewed-by: Clay Diffrient <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Ethan Vizitei <>
QA-Review: Ethan Vizitei <>
2016-03-02 16:58:32 +00:00
Tyler Pickett 9bb9a55f49 Move development image to instructure/ruby-passenger
Change-Id: I81272405edf9078cc5016840216b60964a08e201
Reviewed-by: Tyler Pickett <>
Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Tyler Pickett <>
QA-Review: Tyler Pickett <>
2016-03-02 14:41:01 +00:00
Brian Palmer 3cfeb24072 use our pre-built kinesalite docker image
This image is an appliance more in line with the postgres or redis
images, so it manages its own data volume. Thus the docker-compose and
doc file changes.

Change-Id: I8f435400bd8427313d0bc290c84cd44639ead074
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Product-Review: Brian Palmer <>
QA-Review: Brian Palmer <>
2016-02-09 18:47:11 +00:00
Nathan Mills cdc4ca37ce update docker file for ruby 2.1 image changes
fixes PLAT-1330

test plan:
you should be able to build and run the docker image

Change-Id: I4620cba9f6b4378d0677e1e500c367422187a27d
Reviewed-by: Benjamin Porter <>
Product-Review: August Thornton <>
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
2016-02-08 21:18:18 +00:00
Brian Palmer ef9cd3f6fc replace our custom consul dev container
This removes our custom-built consul docker container (only used in
development) and replaces it with a popular public image from the docker

Change-Id: I7d42117e704f60b99f8e7f2895e9fb1b029c15f2
Reviewed-by: Ethan Vizitei <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Brian Palmer <>
QA-Review: Brian Palmer <>
2016-02-04 22:54:02 +00:00
Jon Willesen d0364ce2d7 add optional docker config for cassandra
Change-Id: I2e24741a2cfbd6d2a3ba16739fc68a6a807c601c
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Product-Review: Jon Willesen <>
QA-Review: Jon Willesen <>
2016-01-18 17:37:30 +00:00
Ethan Vizitei 088527af6b add consul entry for docker users
our docs say that you just copy over your config files and you're
ready to start docker-ing, so we should make sure there's a consul
config file entry

  1) no production changes (does not touch app code)
  2) clean install, clean config directory
  3) copy docker-compose/config/ files to your config directory
  4) you shouldn't be missing any config files when you start your
     compose file up

Change-Id: I5c3fc2ec1e537355bd9a4c5a8b36640349b822cf
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Ethan Vizitei <>
QA-Review: Ethan Vizitei <>
2016-01-15 15:56:48 +00:00
Ethan Vizitei d2e9b12035 update bundler in dockerfile
closes CNVS-26216

canvas requires a later bundler version than before

 1) should be able to start a rails console without bombing due to
bundler version

Change-Id: I93f94f6e1afbd153668a2d9b5bbbc672840a065d
Reviewed-by: Benjamin Porter <>
Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <>
Product-Review: Ethan Vizitei <>
QA-Review: Ethan Vizitei <>
Tested-by: Ethan Vizitei <>
2016-01-05 22:29:38 +00:00
Benjamin Porter 434a0a3f59 Dockerfile: add utility required for building fonts
Building of fonts fails unless we have sfnt2woff

Test Plan:

  - Make sure image is built successfully
  - Make sure the following command succeeds:
    - docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec fontcustom compile --force

Change-Id: Ie7fa7e701584894ee5fd6d1eea7d4144c512b5bf
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <>
QA-Review: Michael Hargiss <>
Product-Review: Benjamin Porter <>
2015-12-18 17:32:55 +00:00
Benjamin Porter a39a2c0fc4 Simplify locale setting in Dockerfile
There is a simpler (and faster) way to set the locale properly inside
the ruby:2.1 image.

Test Plan:

    - Make sure the build succeeds and the locale is set properly

Change-Id: I1f1b7fb8f723f1c46b3f44e357789ae313513c2d
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <>
QA-Review: Ryan Taylor <>
Product-Review: Benjamin Porter <>
2015-12-12 04:34:09 +00:00
Ethan Vizitei be9244a47c add feature flag and dynamic config for RCE service
refs CNVS-24816

create the feature flag and expose it in
the Eportfolios controller

Add a consul docker container to docker-compose.yml,
and a class for consuming settings in consul.

Also, add the ability to init config values
into consul from the consul.yml file

1) edit your consul.yml to look kinda like this:

  host: consul
  port: 8500
  ssl: false
      app-host: rce.docker
      cdn-host: rce.docker

2) go to edit an eportfolio as a logged in user
3) check in js console "ENV.RICH_CONTENT_SERVICE_ENABLED"
4) should be "true" or "false" depending on the feature
flag state for that user's root account
5) with the feature flag on, refresh and check the env
6) should have values in the env for

Change-Id: Ic138e24416b2aadd965ce4811d3c56538de391bc
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Product-Review: Ethan Vizitei <>
2015-12-02 20:32:42 +00:00
Benjamin Porter 0a12543fe2 Dockerfile: Bump version of bundler
Test Plan:  Make sure that bundle install in the web container succeeds

Change-Id: I67af24cab8948e367e513068ec4d434b7388e883
Reviewed-by: Alex Kovshovik <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Benjamin Porter <>
Tested-by: Benjamin Porter <>
Product-Review: Benjamin Porter <>
2015-11-12 03:52:41 +00:00
Ethan Vizitei d7f61d1820 use web pack
closes CNVS-24124

makes working with web pack possible in canvas
instead of require-js.  See doc/
for instructions.

Nothing should change in non-webpack'd behavior
Things should mostly work when you use the
USE_WEBPACK environment variable, but make sure to document
and ticket things that don't

Change-Id: I493a259a609e9e183950bc57aa5876df70108547
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Clay Diffrient <>
Product-Review: Ethan Vizitei <>
QA-Review: Ethan Vizitei <>
2015-11-02 16:27:14 +00:00
Zach Wily 21329a09f1 switch docker dev env to use node 0.12
Canvas requires node 0.12 now.

Change-Id: I6ef4159c481ae1d2b2b2dc4eb962d07d5fe83025
Reviewed-by: Ryan Shaw <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Jason Madsen <>
QA-Review: Jason Madsen <>
2015-09-14 18:54:14 +00:00
Tyler Pickett 381ff13617 Add gulp to the image used by grunt
Change-Id: I60d14059d9f6831263e031835c6757a599c1d958
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Zach Wily <>
Product-Review: Tyler Pickett <>
QA-Review: Tyler Pickett <>
2015-08-13 02:16:06 +00:00
Ethan Vizitei 8c48fad850 my kinesis won't start without this
closes RC-70

I was continuing to error with this:

kinesis_1 | LevelUPError: Failed to require LevelDOWN (Cannot find module 'leveldown/package'). Try `npm install leveldown` if it's missing

Adding the npm install command to the Dockerfile for
kinesis seemed to solve the problem.

Change-Id: I963e97761c966492fca8b3d8eec607d628902af9
Reviewed-by: Zach Wily <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Ethan Vizitei <>
QA-Review: Ethan Vizitei <>
2015-08-04 22:31:01 +00:00