closes LF-613
qa risk: low
test plan:
-have a module with some module items
-open the tray via assign to and switch to settings
-scroll down to requirements and change the count
and some of the content settings
>click submit and confirm the page updates
>open the tray again and confirm it parses the
requirements properly
-refresh the page
>make sure the requirements match what you had
previously entered
-open the tray and clear our the requirements
>click submit and confirm the requirements are
removed in the UI
Change-Id: I5e20eb430d250db00e1c9609e2dd4d51dbe25c3f
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Robin Kuss <>
QA-Review: Robin Kuss <>
Product-Review: Jake Oeding <>
we want to display the drop rules
in the assignment group modal when
there are no assignment
fixes EVAL-2851
flag= none
test plan:
- go to assignment and create a new group
- The drop rules should not appear
- After creating the group edit the group
- The drop rules should appear
- Move all assignments in the group and reload
- The drop rules should appear
Change-Id: I2cc14f853270cb2ea38e283ea87f75425d9b99a1
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Derek Williams <>
Reviewed-by: Kai Bjorkman <>
QA-Review: Samuel Lee <>
Product-Review: Ravi Koll <>
Was using unsafe html injection before. Display as plain text, and clean
up API interaction.
test plan:
- Create large wiki page entry with html embedded
- Open smart search and run query to find page above
- Note that only text is displayed in search results
closes ADV-44
Change-Id: I90bbe2198aaf8be151fd9dbbd3689e9e431a3469
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
QA-Review: Jonathan Featherstone <>
Product-Review: Jonathan Featherstone <>
Does not implement responsive rendering. That is deferred
to LF-824
closes LF-748
test plan:
- on the modules page, with an assignment or quiz
- click on the item's kabob menu
> expect the tray to open
> expect the tray to have 1 card
> expect no trash can button
> expect an Add button
- click the Add button
> expect a 2nd card to be added
> expect the cards each to have a trash can button
- add more if you want
- click a trash can
> expect the card to be deleted
(you can confirm the correct card was deleted by
keeping an eye on the cardId currently being
shown in the UI)
- delete cards until there's only 1 left
> expect the remaining card not to have the trash can
Change-Id: Ide13c30cb82989a479ade1076b0f32bf3f8eb0b2
Reviewed-by: Jackson Howe <>
QA-Review: Jackson Howe <>
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Product-Review: Ed Schiebel <>
This should not be deployed to prod; beta only then revert.
refs INTEROP-8134
Change-Id: Idc29d9d7eb6ca5674df87b893691eaf3f7a20f7b
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Xander Moffatt <>
QA-Review: Tucker Mcknight <>
Product-Review: Tucker Mcknight <>
InstUI does not provide a way to handle the scrollbar behavior
on the Select component, this PS fixes the problem by finding the
scrollable wrapper and adding it the "overscroll-behavior-y: contain"
attribute. To do this, the way of showing/hiding options needs to be
managed by the selector since the listRef is removed every time the
Select hides the options.
fixes LF-799
flag= differentiated_modules
Test plan:
1-In a course with several sections, students and modules
2- Go to the course modules page.
3- Open the module menu.
4- Click on the “Assign to” option.
5- Click on the “Custom Access” option.
6- Scroll over the dropdown options.
7- Expect the scroll to only affect the "Assign to" dropdown
scrollbar and the external scrollbar not to move
Change-Id: Ia8c5313748e684b5a7d9704b7523f9d395bd765a
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Product-Review: Jonathan Guardado <>
Reviewed-by: Robin Kuss <>
QA-Review: Robin Kuss <>
closes VICE-3793
test plan:
- Specs pass.
- Have an entry that has a quoted reply
that is long enough to show the
Read More/Less button. (>170 chars)
- Tab to it using VoiceOver.
- Should read "Read More/Less, Reply from
qa risk: low
Change-Id: Ia8825f9b1fb9ef188ea19dba4ba710eca8754a1f
Reviewed-by: Caleb Guanzon <>
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Product-Review: Allison Pittler <>
QA-Review: Drake Harper <>
closes VICE-3795
test plan:
- Specs pass.
- In inline view, click on the XX Replies.
- Screen reader should read expanded or
collapsed depending on the state of
the thread.
- You can also confirm the button has
the correct value on the aria-expanded
HTML tag.
qa risk: low
Change-Id: I708adecc0488fdc4d1df470b1d8f646f3dea24f9
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Drake Harper <>
QA-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
Product-Review: Drake Harper <>
fixes VICE-3792
- it was an issue here and not in other places
bacause the actual button that triggers is
wrapped in the span. removing the span
and moving the ref to the menu fixes the a11y
issue while preserving proper focus management
when cancelling out of editing a reply
test plan:
- pull the latest master branch
- in and out of isolated view, edit a reply
- cancel
- verify focus gets sent back to
more options button
- inspect the focus button using
chrome's inspector
- verify that its parent span no
longer has aria attributes
- verify that the button has aria attributes
Change-Id: Ib693efef441d82f5b6fce9447c0790b8419c87f0
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Omar Soto-Fortuño <>
Product-Review: Omar Soto-Fortuño <>
QA-Review: Aaron Suggs <>
closes VICE-3770
test plan:
- Specs pass.
- Following the steps of the ticket,
have a discussion with a root entry
that contains 200 replies.
- Click on XXX Replies button.
- You should see a loading spinner
when the network request is happening
and also while rendering.
- While rendering there is a little slow
down but is much better experience than
the previous one that got stuck.
qa risk: low
Change-Id: I83f5e6f711c45ad01d8f3fd30f7b6e2f5417a3a8
Reviewed-by: Aaron Shafovaloff <>
Reviewed-by: Drake Harper <>
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
Product-Review: Omar Soto-Fortuño <>
closes LF-448
test plan:
> Everything should be under the feature flag.
> Underneath the header, text should be
"Use the Import Content tool to migrate course materials
from other sources into this course."
> Underneath the text, a warning should appear.
> Underneath the warning, should be a separator.
> If a valid import type is chosen, the form should appear
and a separator at the bottom.
> The import table name should be "Import Queue".
Change-Id: I9360e34ab68f04f65d1fdff2823f59b3b90af861
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Jacob DeWar <>
QA-Review: Jacob DeWar <>
Product-Review: Juan Chavez <>
Limited info in it so far
closes LF-747
test plan:
- on the modules page with some assignment and legacy quiz
module items
- from the kabob menu on an assignment or quiz item
choose Assign To...
> expect the tray to open
> expect the tray heading to be the title of the item
> expect the icon to correspond to the item type
> expect the points value to be correct
> expect the tray's footer to have Cancel and Save buttons
- click "Cancel"
> expect the tray to close
- click the 'x' close button
> expect the tray to close
- create an assignment or quiz with no points (not 0, but none)
> expect the tray not to show the "|" in the header
Change-Id: Icdab6c118f2e4416942e41768ce43e07345c7d90
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Robin Kuss <>
QA-Review: Robin Kuss <>
Product-Review: Ed Schiebel <>
refs LF-443
Test Plan:
- import gems/plugins/migration_tool/spec_canvas/fixtures/
- Use the BB Ultra select option for the migration
- Check that you can see the proper source link for that migration row
Change-Id: Ib554ef517fa7b3206ef7aaa354405fff54f04f38
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Juan Chavez <>
QA-Review: Juan Chavez <>
Product-Review: Luis Oliveira <>
Update react to use hooks instead of classes. Also fix some console
errors and fix hard coded strings to use I18n.
test plan:
- Open smart search
- Run search query
- First page of results should be available
- No console errors
closes ADV-31
Change-Id: Ie5eedc88e0786220d7afc14265fe7f2ca540aeab
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
QA-Review: Jonathan Featherstone <>
Product-Review: Jonathan Featherstone <>
fixes VICE-3784
no selenium test since this is just focus
management and all safe nav is used all
test plan:
- have a discussion with replies
- visit the discussion and turn on splitscreen
- view the replies of an entry in splitscreen
- in the SplitScreen parent container,
click reply, then cancel
- verify focus gets sent to the reply button
on the SplitScreenParent container
- still in the parent container, press
more options then edit
- cancel
- verify focus gets sent back to more options
- now click on more options on one
of the children replies below the parent
- edit
- cancel
- verify focus gets sent back to
more options
- clicking on reply on a child reply in split screen
opens it as a perent, so no change in behavior here
Change-Id: Ibf728a08cb914f603cf419bde99d2660b8061dd2
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Omar Soto-Fortuño <>
Product-Review: Omar Soto-Fortuño <>
QA-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
closes EVAL-3530
Makes two changes:
1. Custom statuses can no longer be created, edited, or deleted from a
subaccount page (since custom statuses are only configurable at the root
account level).
2. The root account's custom statuses will be shown when viewing from a
subaccount page.
Test Plan:
1. Enable "Custom Status Labels for Submissions and Final Grades".
2. At the root account level, verify you can:
- View and edit Standard Statuses
- View, create, edit, and delete Custom Statuses
3. At the sub-account level (for a sub-account belonging to the root
account from step 1), verify you can:
- View the root account's Standard Statuses. You should not be able to
- View the root account's Custom Statuses. You should not be able to
add, edit, or delete.
Change-Id: I00a600caf58d2a309bc56ec9adb75a86700d4bf5
Reviewed-by: Derek Williams <>
Reviewed-by: Kai Bjorkman <>
Reviewed-by: Christopher Soto <>
QA-Review: Christopher Soto <>
Product-Review: Ravi Koll <>
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
closes FOO-3335
test plan:
- enable temporary_enrollments feature flag on root account
- enable permissions: User - Temporary Enrollments
- create two users on account (user1/user2)
- create course add user1 as teacher
- add module/assignment and publish everything
- go to course/people page
- click the temporary enroll icon for user1
- search for user2
- go to last screen/page of temporary enroll modal
- change date/time and role filters
- save/close modal
- reopen modal
- go to last screen/page of temporary enroll modal
- expect date/time and role filters to be persisted
Change-Id: I26a9f9f95983c8ed9bf15f0630ae83f475e659c2
QA-Review: Michael Hulse <>
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Product-Review: Michael Hulse <>
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: August Thornton <>
closes EVAL-3528
Fixes an issue where "Apply Score to Ungraded" would throw an error when
the Assignment Group columns were being hidden in Gradebook.
Test Plan:
* Prerequisites:
- Enable the ‘Apply Score to Ungraded’ Account level feature flag
- Enable the ‘Enhanced Gradebook Filters’ Course level feature flag
1. Go to the Gradebook in a course, click the settings cog -> View Options.
Check the checkbox for "Hide Assignment Group Totals" and click
"Apply Settings".
2. In the total column header, click the 3-dots menu and click
"Apply Score to Ungraded". Enter a "0" in the input, check the checkbox
for "Apply missing status", and then click "Apply Score". Notice
that no error is thrown in the JS console and the score is applied as
3. Click the settings cog -> View Options. Uncheck the checkbox for
"Hide Assignment Group Totals" and click "Apply Settings".
4. In the total column header, click the 3-dots menu and click
"Apply Score to Ungraded". Enter a "0" in the input, check the checkbox
for "Apply missing status", and then click "Apply Score". Notice
that no error is thrown in the JS console and the score is applied as
Change-Id: I3b5c313498db603676dca46d8b7f99f4e0a5cda7
Reviewed-by: Rohan Chugh <>
Reviewed-by: Christopher Soto <>
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Kai Bjorkman <>
Product-Review: Ravi Koll <>
refs VICE-3778
Test Plan:
- add a rubric to an assignment
- grade a student using the rubric
- as a student go to the grades page
- should be able to view rubric
Change-Id: I58c79504750927a273133924ad5e2ca1ccb57e47
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Cameron Ray <>
Reviewed-by: Derek Williams <>
QA-Review: Kai Bjorkman <>
Product-Review: Sam Garza <>
this patch adds all the components and interactions.
it stops short of integrating into the api call and
ui update callback. that will be addressed in the
next patch
refs LF-613
qa risk: low
test plan:
-pre-req: module(s) with many different types of
resource type items with various requirements
-navigate to the modules page
-open the assign to tray and switch to the settings
>confirm the UI reflects the state of your module
-click the add button
>confirm it adds a new requirement that defaults to
the first module item in your module, and has a
requirement type of view
>change the type and confirm in react dev tools
the reducer's state updates
-click the delete button on a requirement
>confirm it removes the items
>make sure the checkbox only shows if you have
'complete all' selected
Change-Id: I1011d2291865262a103b815ad0ffe0516e928c9e
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Jackson Howe <>
QA-Review: Jackson Howe <>
Product-Review: Jake Oeding <>
closes LF-445
test plan:
- Have a content migrations.
> Verify that a progress bar appears if it is not finished or failed.
> Verify if for some reason the API returns null or error the
progress bar does not appear.
- Upload a large zip file or a large course.
- Refresh the page.
> Check how the progress bar is being updated every second.
> Using network tools, check that after finish/fail the request calls
Change-Id: I8a274dc9953330d94bd30b0869b70fc131846720
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Luis Oliveira <>
QA-Review: Luis Oliveira <>
Product-Review: Juan Chavez <>
fixes LF-802
Test Plan:
-Upload media with attachments_iframe url in an RCE
-Delete the media object associated with attachment
-View the media
*No console error regarding ENV.media_object being undefined
Change-Id: I8e7be058108c40bc7f21a45a45abc6d0bb211f3a
Product-Review: Jacob DeWar <>
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Eric Saupe <>
QA-Review: Eric Saupe <>
closes VICE-3786
test plan:
- Specs pass.
- Go to a Discussion Topic with multiple threads
and Split Screen enabled.
- Open one of the threads using the mouse.
- Notice that the focus goes to the X button
on the Drawer.
- Using keyboard, navigate back to the replies.
You can do that by using Shift + Tab.
- Click on replies for other thread.
- The focus should go back to the X button on
the Drawer.
qa risk: low
Change-Id: Iecc0fe2fb3ccb70e546187aa6a92523c87f1fd02
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Aaron Suggs <>
QA-Review: Aaron Suggs <>
QA-Review: Chawn Neal <>
Product-Review: Aaron Suggs <>
this commit traps focus within the edit status popover when it is open.
it also adds a screen reader label to the popover.
closes EVAL-3508
test plan:
- with both ff on, navigate to /accounts/<id>/grading_settings/statuses
- open the edit popover for both a standard and custom status
- reverse tab (shift+tab) in the popover and verify that focus is
trapped within the popover
Change-Id: Ic337280df9de95b810a5f86df430d0da80b04ada
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Kai Bjorkman <>
QA-Review: Carlos Del Cueto <>
Product-Review: Ravi Koll <>
may help with stability of discussion_duplications_spec
test plan:
- build passes
Change-Id: I239c515d3e9d9fda64078ad6ba6c21ac4933ea83
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Andrea Cirulli <>
QA-Review: Aaron Shafovaloff <>
Product-Review: Aaron Shafovaloff <>
refs VICE-3770
test plan:
- Specs pass.
- Follow the steps on the ticket to create
a topic that contains a root topic reply
with 200 replies.
- The ticket also explains how to turn on:
"Highlight updates when components render."
- It shouldn't re-render other entries when doing
a a reply or opening the RCE as it was before.
qa risk: low
Change-Id: Ibf0cd45609bdafc6862e5355b754690bc76b3ca4
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Chawn Neal <>
Product-Review: Chawn Neal <>
QA-Review: Aaron Suggs <>
test plan:
- verify that teachers can switch between student groups
- verify that a teacher can masquerade as another user
closes FOO-3856
Change-Id: I008496ac60ee0fcf512ba9aa31472afe25065f17
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Christopher Soto <>
Reviewed-by: Michael Hulse <>
Reviewed-by: Derek Williams <>
QA-Review: Aaron Shafovaloff <>
Product-Review: Aaron Shafovaloff <>
closes LF-645
flag= differentiated_modules
Test plan:
1- In a course with several sections and students, create a module.
2- Create some assignment overrides for the created module ( see
module_assignment_overrides_controller_spec lines 29-34)
3- Go to the course modules page.
4- Open the module menu.
5- Click on the “Assign to” option.
6- Click on the “Custom Access” option.
7- Expect the assignment overrides you added in step 2 to be selected
as default values on the Assign to selector
Change-Id: I1cd6e59dc922f2fc79efb01e9c4bc021cc52ce58
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Product-Review: Jonathan Guardado <>
Reviewed-by: Robin Kuss <>
QA-Review: Robin Kuss <>
closes OUT-5878
test plan:
- Turn off the "Accounts and Course
Level Outcome Mastery scales" flag
from the account level
- Go to outcomes
- Open up dev tools
- Expand/collapse one of the Outcomes buttons
- Validate that aria-expanded attribute
switch between true and false
Change-Id: Id2ce155f3540c1b43b86c62135429b1fee844c6a
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Jason Anderson <>
QA-Review: Jason Anderson <>
Product-Review: Kyle Rosenbaum <>
closes LF-695
test plan:
- have a module with a variety of module item types
- click on the kabob menu for each module item
> expect to never see "Assign To..."
- turn on the site admin differentiated_modules flag
- repeat
> expect to see Assign To... only for assignments and
legacy quizzes
- add a new module item from the Modules page
> expect assignments and quizzes to get the
Assign To... menu item. Others do not.
- repeat as a user in a role w/o manage_assignments_edit
permission (Assignmens and Quizzes - add/edit/delete)
> expecte Assign To... not to be in any module item menu
Change-Id: I967cc152479b5d28a75528461d3c775cc82584d0
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Jake Oeding <>
QA-Review: Jake Oeding <>
Product-Review: Ed Schiebel <>
fix reappearing flash messages when default grades are submitted and
the user toggles between different students in the Content Selection
section of the enhanced screen reader gradebook
closes EVAL-3463
test plan:
- have a course with an assignment and students
- as the teacher go to the enhanced screen reader gradebook
- select an assignment in the Content Selection section
- in the Assignment Information section, click default grade and submit
a grade
- see that a flash message appears saying '0 student scores updated'
- select different students in the Content Selection and see that the
same flash message does not keep appearing
Change-Id: Ia95988d0b00bdd8fd8035b73e2d1a0f37ecf4488
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Christopher Soto <>
Reviewed-by: Kai Bjorkman <>
QA-Review: Christopher Soto <>
Product-Review: Ravi Koll <>
fixes VICE-3753
test plan:
- make sure studentplanner is enabled
in your account settings
- as a teacher create a discussion
- verify that you can add a TODO date
- save and publish
- verify that your todo date saves
Change-Id: I7e517a5c451f35727ade975c54890f62d7e0c98e
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Omar Soto-Fortuño <>
Product-Review: Omar Soto-Fortuño <>
QA-Review: Chawn Neal <>
fixes VICE-3785
test plan:
- visit a discussion with replies
- start voiceover
- in inline view, navigate to
the button that expands a single thread
- verify voice over reads:
"Expand discussion thread from (the author's name)"
- it should do the equivalent for collapsing
- navigate to the kebab menu of an inline view reply
- verify it also has the author name
- repeat the same for split screen view
Change-Id: Ie199b42bb043348f34827c7e5a66060db8d06919
Reviewed-by: Omar Soto-Fortuño <>
Product-Review: Omar Soto-Fortuño <>
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Chawn Neal <>
refs VICE-3784
- splitscreenveiw cancel focus
will be done in a separate commit
- attempted to write selenium tests,
but detecting focus is too finicky
with selenium when you are watching
tests run yourself
- no selenium tests, change is
pretty low risk with all the
safe navs anyway
test plan:
- visit a discussion with replies
- click reply on the topic
- click cancel
- verify that focus ring goes to reply button
in topic container
- in inline view, click reply on an entry
- click cancel
- verify focus goes to the entry's reply button
- in inline view, edit an entry
- click cancel
- verify focus goes the the kebab menu icon button
for the entry
Change-Id: I7cd9a0b9b39738df5a7139b4aaeda1c424906b9d
QA-Review: Chawn Neal <>
Reviewed-by: Omar Soto-Fortuño <>
Product-Review: Omar Soto-Fortuño <>
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
The design says to remove the missing item dot, since we already
have a missing badge in the item's entry, but that also removes
the screenreader message at the beginning of the course's day's
items. I solved this by continuing to render the Incidator, but
not rendering the instui Badge that draws the dot.
closes LF-711
test plan:
- have a student with some new activity in the past
and some missing items
- create a couple assignments due in the past
- have the student submit one, and the teacher grade
and comment on it
- as the student load the planner
> expect the submitted late assignment to have the new activity
dot in the theme's primary color (default is blue)
> expect the unsubmitted assignment to have no red dot, but still
have the Missing badge
> if you uss a screenreader to read the planner, expect to hear
that there are missing item(s) when you get to the course on
the day with the missing assignment.
- scroll the new item off the top of the page, then click
the New Activity button
> expect the new activity item to scroll into view
Change-Id: Ibf406c62880fe03af92233622b97e7e7c171ef9c
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Robin Kuss <>
QA-Review: Robin Kuss <>
Product-Review: Ed Schiebel <>
test plan:
- the search box is disabled while searching
- the search term is preserved after the search
- the search box is focused after the search
closes ADV-39
Change-Id: Iad31278c2b248cc9c28b3823d8e5a131f9bb8fe9
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Jonathan Featherstone <>
QA-Review: Jonathan Featherstone <>
Product-Review: Jeremy Stanley <>
fixes VICE-3752
test plan:
- as a teacher or student, create a discussion,
click allow liking, save and publish
- verify that you can like discussion replies
- now create an allow liking discussion and also
check only graders can like, then save and publish
- verify only tas, teachers, and the like can like
- optional: (this takes a while to set up,
but is fully tested in selenium)
- - verify you do not see allow liking
checkbox in discussions created in homeroom courses
Change-Id: Ib309ab122d1602d550c00a3ff50f82efb8209150
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Chawn Neal <>
QA-Review: Omar Soto-Fortuño <>
Product-Review: Omar Soto-Fortuño <>
closes LF-443
test plan:
- Have a content migrations for:
> Copy Canvas Course
>> Verify that renders course name + link
> Canvas Cartrige
>> Verify that renders course name + link
>> Verify that renders file name + link (if uncompleted)
>> Verify that renders "File not available" (if file is null)
> .zip File
>> Verify that renders file name + link
>> Verify that renders "File not available" (if file is null)
> Common Cartrige
>> Verify that renders file name + link
>> Verify that renders "File not available" (if file is null)
> Moodle
>> Verify that renders file name + link
>> Verify that renders "File not available" (if file is null)
> QTI .zip file
>> Verify that renders file name + link
>> Verify that renders "File not available" (if file is null)
Change-Id: Ifcaad826e7da59a29c8834dc564085296e038509
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Luis Oliveira <>
QA-Review: Luis Oliveira <>
Product-Review: Juan Chavez <>
Fetch sections and students and display them as options when choosing
Custom access.
closes LF-641, LF-642
flag= differentiated_modules
Test plan
- In a course with several sections and students, go to the modules
- Open the module menu.
- Click on the “Assign to” option.
- Click on the “Custom Access” option.
- Click on the “Assign to” multi-select.
- Expect to see course sections and students as available options.
- Try to filter options that are not listed.
- Expect the results to be searched in both endpoints (sections
and students)
- Select some options.
- Expect multiple selection to be allowed without duplicate values.
- Click on “Clear All”.
- Expect the selection to reset.
Change-Id: I285d2b9159878544764da783aed803c633122328
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Product-Review: Jonathan Guardado <>
Reviewed-by: Sarah Gerard <>
QA-Review: Sarah Gerard <>
QA-Review: Robin Kuss <>
The layout of the table gets a little wonky when the
browser width is narrowed until canvas flips to
mobile layout. This issue existed before the changes
introduced by this ticket.
closes LF-733
test plan:
- create a couple wiki pages, one with a ridiculously long title
- go to the pages index page
- size the browser so the long page title gets truncated
- tab until page titles get focus
> expect to see the primary theme color box around the page
title link, even around the long title
Change-Id: I9f115ead9f2e998c8d6e235ec204b9abfcc3ff07
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Robin Kuss <>
QA-Review: Robin Kuss <>
Product-Review: Ed Schiebel <>
closes LF-725
test plan:
- on the course settings page, add an image
> expect a 1px white border on the course image
selector button (the round kabob button)
- move focus to the image selector button
> expect the primary theme color focus ring to be
surrounded buy white both on the inner and outer edges
(see images in the ticket)
Change-Id: I23b0ff08f01641364e08f971986ee233f5f71308
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Jackson Howe <>
QA-Review: Jackson Howe <>
Product-Review: Ed Schiebel <>