closes: CORE-2699 CORE-2700 UIDEV-99
This commit gets canvas-lms itself upgraded to babel 7. To do that we
also had to upgrade jest to v24. We had already got canvas-rce and
canvas-planner on jest24/babel7 but now this gets everything to babel 7.
so you will see a lot of things removed from yarn.lock since we don’t
don’t have to have different versions of everything for babel and jest
The other major thing this does is make it so any JS file in canvas
can become an @instructure/ui-themeable themeable component. This means
you no longer should have to put your css in app/stylesheets for any new
react components that you are writing.
Test plan:
1. Make sure that the perf of `yarn build:js` is on-par with what it was
before. We pass everything through the themeable babel transform now
so there is a chance it is slower. If it is majorly slower, we’ll have
to figure something out.
2. run a production weback build. The common (or any bundle for that
matter should get output exactly the same as it did before)
things to manually qa check:
* in a NODE_ENV=production enviornment, go to
* click the "+ Developer Key" button, it should open the modal.
(there are selenium tests that do this, but it was one thing that had
to be fixed to get jenkins to pass)
* on a course that is set up as a master course, click on the thing that
opens the blueprint courses tray.
* verify that when you click "Associations" and "Sync History" links in
that tray, that they dynamically load the webpack chunk for the
modal contents for that thing and then the modal is shown
(again, there are selenium specs that test that exact thing but it
is always good to manually test it too)
Change-Id: I802584228962b54480a500f8fe422f45c2dcac4c
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Clay Diffrient <>
QA-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <>