fixes CNVS-13715
test plan:
- create a student who is in one group and not another
- create an assignment only visible to each group
- grade the student for both assignments
- turn DA on
- as the student and teacher, go to the student grades page
- both of the assignments should be visible
- final grade should be correct (factoring in both)
* final grade = ungraded assignments count too
- delete one of the grades and return
- only one of the assignments should be visible
- final grade should be correct (using just one assignment)
- turn DA off
- as the student and teacher, go to the student grades page
- both assignments are visible
- final grade should factor in both assignments
- with DA on and off, ensure that the following work:
- drop rules
- never drop rules
- assignment stats (mean median etc)
- what if scores
Change-Id: I727aff943b14c91089ccffa6d3b63ba026abbeec
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Cameron Sutter <>
QA-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
Product-Review: Mike Nomitch <>
fixes CNVS-13708
test plan:
- create a student who is in one section and not another
- create an assignment only visible to each section
(1 section => 1 assignment)
- grade the student for both assignments
- turn DA on
- as the student, go to the assignment index page
- both assignments should be visible initially
- delete the grades for both assignments and return
- only the overridden assignment should be visible
- only one of the assignments should be visible
- as the student, go to the grades page
- only the overridden assignment should be visible
- regrade the assignment whose grade you had deleted
- both assignments should be visible now
- (fyi: final grade wont be correct)
- turn DA off
- as the student, go to the assignment index page
- both assignments are visible
- as the student, go to the grades page
- both assignments are visible
- final grade should factor in both assignments
Change-Id: I32e3fea4d6fd3db9a512e0d170779b48418f90cf
Reviewed-by: Liz Abinante <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
Product-Review: Mike Nomitch <>
fixes CNVS-12336
Test Plan:
- As a teacher create a course with an assignment of each online
submission type
- Log in as a student and submit each assignment
- Select the student grade book
- The icons should be updated to match the style guide
- As a teacher grade some of the assignments
- As the student refresh the grades page (this requires a server
restart if done locally because of CNVS-12995)
- The grades should still be displayed correctly (we're checking
this because there were significant refactors of this display)
Change-Id: I7aa61643eae86a98b735a18414d9f3a58eddde62
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Amber Taniuchi <>
Reviewed-by: Liz Abinante <>
Product-Review: Hilary Scharton <>
fixes CNVS-9933
test plan:
- basic regression on the following:
- teacher activity pages
- gradebook pages
- grades page
- gradebook upload
- changing due dates on assignments
- submissions api
- assignments api
- sorry
Change-Id: I7bb4c32a74b159565772da8ee1d5a43e27369ca0
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Mike Nomitch <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
QA-Review: Amber Taniuchi <>
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>
Change-Id: Ie3cbe5a8b89aec8b2d5fa6eb889aea4971bd1299
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
QA-Review: James Williams <>
fixes CNVS-10570
fixes CNVS-11104
test plan:
- as a teacher enter in scores for students and a test student
- make test student grade the hightest (not tied)
- on the grades page, in assingment stats, the test student score shouldnt show up
- make test student grade the lowest (not tied)
- on the grades page, in assingment stats, the test student score shouldnt show up
- on the grades page, test student score shouldnt change the average
Change-Id: I9916a999cf7db4872b09d03e8e14883503025d96
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
Reviewed-by: Matthew Irish <>
Reviewed-by: Cameron Sutter <>
Product-Review: Mike Nomitch <>
Change-Id: I0bc5b04d6210c90aa607e23714e7e78a2964e8ff
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
QA-Review: James Williams <>
fixes CNVS-1869
test plan:
- as a teacher, go to a student's grade summary page
- in the url, replace the student's id with 'banana' or 'lqw'
(e.g. /courses/1/grades/banana)
- you should get a Page Not Found error page
- navigate to /courses/:id/grades and the page should
redirect you to gradebook
Change-Id: Ic7d2b3de463615957a8d4178544ab19b7e651f60
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>
fixes CNVS-10564
test plan:
- basic regression test of the student course grades page. basically it should
load and the avg/min/max graphs should still work.
Change-Id: I3eb3b60b4b2f0165497d8ecc5512712133cc9803
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>
fixes CNVS-10244
test plan:
- create a new course with a teacher and student
- create two assignments, and publish them
- grade them both
- unpublish one of them
- look at all the places you can see grades, and make sure they all
consistently show only the grades for the published assignment (the
unpublished assignment should be completely ignored)
* GB2 with and without 'treat ungraded as 0'
* GB1 with and without 'incluce ungraded'
* GB csv download
* student grades summary page with and without what-if scores
* /grades page as a student and as a teacher
Change-Id: I32aca28fe377e59cb2e0c6278b59eb74c87c73b4
Reviewed-by: Cameron Matheson <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>
Test plan:
The grades summary page should still work
Change-Id: I5cb3a32c76d7d81a70f50782ec4634c8a347e90e
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
QA-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
Product-Review: Cameron Matheson <>
fixes CNVS-9948
calls for active_published_assignments thru assignment group
rather than just active_assignments
test plan:
add multiple unpublished assignments as a teacher
as a student go to the grades page
unpublished assignments should not be visible
Change-Id: I0d1d1d8f46b9a3447a134b8bd8f40627a0bfb370
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>
QA-Review: Amber Taniuchi <>
fixes CNVS-9557
test plan:
- create an assignment, and give a student a grade
- change the assignment to 'not graded'
- go to the students grade page
- it should work
Change-Id: I364e28169d302976fa64745152dc642d5fbe48e2
Product-Review: Bryan Madsen <>
QA-Review: Bryan Madsen <>
Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <>
Tested-by: Bryan Madsen <>
fixes CNVS-9309
Test plan:
* make an assignment
* submit homework for that assignment as a student (or give the
student a grade on it)
* delete the assignment
* go the grade summary page for that student (as the student)
* you should see grades instead of an error page
Change-Id: I4e51b0cf35b42c18d9ca662c7aa95589a120e8b1
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Amber Taniuchi <>
Product-Review: Cameron Matheson <>
refs CNVS-8940
Test plan:
see plan for I2f989c0b0dba9a17c904ba516154adb18ceaaad5
Change-Id: Ia71651062d1327ab2285dc4082a49bb21fba1315
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
QA-Review: Amber Taniuchi <>
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>
fixes CNVS-8940
Test plan:
* load the grades page as a student
* everything should work
* repeat as a teacher visiting the student grades page
Change-Id: I2f989c0b0dba9a17c904ba516154adb18ceaaad5
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
QA-Review: Amber Taniuchi <>
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>
now that we have SIGHUP, we were changing everything to it anyway,
so just let caching in-proc be the default
Change-Id: Id1b44722522ac9693b17695da7107c99a359d5ac
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Product-Review: Cody Cutrer <>
QA-Review: Cody Cutrer <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
we can SIGHUP if we ever change them
Change-Id: I0e7d0fa63ce0e368e890eb7ea8d5e657fa3820a1
Reviewed-by: Zach Wily <>
Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <>
QA-Review: Rob Orton <>
Product-Review: Cody Cutrer <>
Tested-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Simple "with_each_shard" fix for the
actual enrollment loading code.
I also pushed the data transformations down into
a presenter since there were so many
instance variables, and added some focused
specs around the presenter. (and updated
the view to reference all collections
from the presenter, memoizing to ensure
nothing gets transformed more than once)
Finally, to make the grade book summary work,
had to branch off of Jacob's fix for foreign
keys across shards and make use of
'relative_id_for' in the gradebooks_controller
fixes CNVS-2201
1) login as a user who has enrollments
in 2 courses on different shards.
2) navigate to "/grades"
3) you should see all your courses, not just
the ones on your current shard.
Change-Id: I385bd94cce71bf2aee03b1ae7679157c08910924
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <>
QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <>