Fixes CNVS-17889
Test plan:
- Using the keyboard only, navigate to and play an audio and a video comment.
- Do the same with a screen reader
Change-Id: I1ac3584581b81dadb73f4607a8f683e331c87a39
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Ryan Shaw <>
QA-Review: Nathan Rogowski <>
Product-Review: Cody Cutrer <>
Some quizzes ended up with a set of answers which caused the statistical
calculations to implode. This catches these and sanitizes them. JSON
parsers are happier now.
Closes CNVS-17466
Test Plan:
- Create a quiz which replicates the original problem. Apparently
this can be done by answering the quiz with different answers and
only two students, however I suspect it has more to do with answers
having a standard deviation of zero (i.e. identical answers).
- Visit the quiz statistics page for that quiz and confirm that stats
finish loading and show some data.
Change-Id: I2847a2aa99c34579c926b05b371a7c48242ab618
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Cameron Sutter <>
Product-Review: Matt Fairbourn <>
QA-Review: Sean Lewis <>
fixes CNVS-17162
test plan
- have sharding set up
- have a user with a conversation with global ids in the
root_account_ids field (use console trickery to cause this to
- as an account admin who isn't a site admin, masquerade as the
- navigate to the conversations inbox
- ensure that the conversation is visible in the inbox
console trickery
c = Conversation.find <your conversation id here>
c.root_account_ids |= c.context.root_account.global_id!
c.conversation_participants.each do |cp|
cp.update_attribute(:root_account_ids, c.read_attribute(:root_account_ids))
Change-Id: Ie99c7ad863a74f68ca3b745225076e5b8b0a0ea4
Reviewed-by: Matthew Wheeler <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Steven Shepherd <>
Product-Review: Joel Hough <>
fixed the way nvda was reading the published icon from
reading it as a header to not reading it as a header.
fixes CNVS-13112
test plan:
- go to the assignment edit page as a teacher
and with nvda on
- press h and go through the headers
- notice that the published icon does not read
Change-Id: I00263d2c0ffb3ac86e786fc96b83e83a82518d66
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Adam Stone <>
Product-Review: Hilary Scharton <>
test plan:
* create an account admin role with the ability to
"Add/remove students" but not teachers/ta's/designers
* visit the "People" page and click the "+ People"
button to start adding a person
* the "Designer" role should not appear in the Role
closes #CNVS-1484
Change-Id: I3c2b138b8744db66e897b39b4a1ec625aac8ad34
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Product-Review: Jeremy Stanley <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
Quoting these params causes them to get printed funny in the docs we're
using to generate an api client which causes a syntax error in the
generated code.
Change-Id: Ie083f15ca5c9ff4510befd28083b9c0b3ebefc57
Refs: SIS-757
Reviewed-by: Ethan Vizitei <>
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <>
Reviewed-by: Nick Houle <>
Product-Review: Nick Houle <>
Tested-by: Nick Houle <>
We indicated that the rubric field on an assignment from the API is a
RubricCriteria object, the actual implementation returns an array of
RubricCriteria objects. This caused Pandarus to choke on assignments
with rubrics.
Test Plan:
- Ensure the rubric field is listed as an Array of RubricCriteria
Change-Id: Ib7759e30eac5e5a8dfac9622d8a22d0a176f93cd
Refs: SIS-757
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Tyler Pickett <>
closes: CNVS-16994
this worked before but it broke in
when we tried to get it to work in IE10
Test plan:
- Perform the following without and with a screen
reader, in IE10, IE11, firefox, safari, & chrome
- Navigate to the compose dialog in conversations.
- Using the keyboard, tab to the "Add Attachment" button.
- Using the keyboard, verify that an attachment can in fact be attached to
a message, and that message sent.
- Reverify the above in IE with Jaws, Firefox with NVDA, and Safari with VO.
Change-Id: Iad232a019fcb3102bb33def46e147b49d5b03b07
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Andrew Butterfield <>
QA-Review: Steven Shepherd <>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
remove the account model methods, since these don't have
access to the request IP address, which is needed for
international terms of service.
test plan:
0. enable self-enrollment in account settings
1. enable self-enrollment in a course in the account
2. register a new user using the course's self-enrollment URL
3. terms of use and privacy policy links that appear on the
"require acceptance of terms" dialog should function
(and should not take the user to another "require
acceptance of terms" dialog)
4. create a new user via the Accounts page, then click the
link in the email sent to the user to complete the registration.
the terms of use/privacy policy links that appear in the dialog
should work (as in 3). (note that you can go to
/users/<id>/messages as an admin to see this email even if
outbound email is not configured in your portal.)
closes CNVS-18025
Change-Id: Ibf19d2892c587f9e251917f70448212aac0709ad
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Clay Diffrient <>
Reviewed-by: James Williams <>
QA-Review: Jahnavi Yetukuri <>
Product-Review: Jeremy Stanley <>
- fixes CNVS-2436
- In the SpeedGrader view scores are rounded to two points of precision,
and any trailing zeros are trimmed.
Test plan:
1. As a teacher, create a quiz with Multiple Answers.
2. Under the Multiple Answers question, create 4 answer options of which 3 could
be correct.
3. As a student, take the quiz. Answer only 1 of the 3 correct answer options,
submit the quiz.
4. As a teacher, view the attempt in speedgrader - notice ongoing decimals for
the question score. There should only be two numbers after the decimal.
Change-Id: Ic78dc6d99ab65adbd943c55816190b8183363f7c
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Spencer Olson <>
Reviewed-by: Cameron Matheson <>
QA-Review: Sean Lewis <>
Product-Review: Strand McCutchen <>
ref CNVS-16922
This adds a whole new look and feel to our Styleguide!
QA Test Plan:
- Go to /styleguide
- See all the new look and feel!
- I should look similar to this:
(small changes have been made from static to digital guide, ux
is aware of those changes)
- Make sure all navigation items in subnav go their proper places
- See notes
- This only affects /styleguide and does not touch any canvas
- This is purely aesthetic - no functionality had changed
- Right now all the sections are being loaded onto one page; we
know this and plan on making improvements to hide/show per top nav
item in future iterations
- There is a 1px border when you shift between sections on Firefox,
ux is ok with this.
- We are aware that sometimes the automatic scrolling seems "fast"
but will change that in a future iteration
Change-Id: I0ef10c78d3fccc83bb1923970d6fc884298b6775
Reviewed-by: Chris Hart <>
Product-Review: Chris Hart <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Derek Hansen <>
fixes CNVS-18146
Test Plan:
* Enable "Better File Browsing" feature flag
* Go to any course's Files page as an admin
or teacher
* Click the "+ Folder" button, then press enter
on the input (leaving the folder's name blank)
* Repeat the above step 10 or more times
* The folders created should be named "New Folder",
"New Folder 2", "New Folder 3", etc, and should
continue past "New Folder 10", "New Folder 11",
"New Folder 12", up to however many you created
Change-Id: I151c9baa8b6fd6176c434144f10165f23a600a22
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: James Williams <>
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
Product-Review: Dan Minkevitch <>
refs CNVS-17788
so you can easily tell the difference between how long a batch took
vs. how long it took to start
test plan:
* upload an SIS batch and let it run
* when you view it via the API, it should include a started_at
Change-Id: I142024f82260c2ba690a950a09365e90c18cd43d
Reviewed-by: Rob Orton <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Cody Cutrer <>
QA-Review: Cody Cutrer <>
test plan:
* create an assignment with a due date set in the past and
automatic peer reviews set to be assigned in the future
(and a number of peer reviews per user greater than 0)
* save the assignment
* check the list of running delayed jobs ("/jobs")
* should resolve the job and not keep queueing itself 5evr
refs #CNVS-18148
Change-Id: I2ee38ca4725fa7629667348592d7e04329655d8e
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
fixes CNVS-17975
test plan
- create an announcement with a delay post at date
- wait for delay post time
- ensure that announcement notification is sent
Change-Id: Ic6186de76c45622e8af7f33b8059c2262eb03003
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Matthew Wheeler <>
QA-Review: Steven Shepherd <>
Product-Review: Joel Hough <>
In order to take advantage of this, all the nodes of the tree must
have an aria-label.
closes CNVS-17947
Test Plan:
- Go to New Files
- Using VO go to the folder tree structure
- When you follow the directions as read (up/down, etc.) you
should be read the names of the folders.
- The same should also be true where this same tree is used
Change-Id: I04b502fb0d86fc17aa3f9c6b4b7c20d8d03f2885
Reviewed-by: Dan Minkevitch <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Nathan Rogowski <>
Product-Review: Clay Diffrient <>
fixes CNVS-16171
fixes CNVS-16888
fixes CNVS-16843
This adds back-end style work to our tours to make them better.
1/14 - We have now taken out the Agenda Tour. This should no longer
Test Plan:
There used to be a notification popup when you log in to Canvas,
nothing should show up now to kickoff any tours.
Change-Id: Ic36d764f54c26d76de2af583cf4f0ef9364060a4
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Nathan Rogowski <>
Reviewed-by: Chris Hart <>
Product-Review: Colleen Palmer <>
Fixes: CNVS-17611
Currently, the default text link color in Canvas is set
to Bootstrap's $linkColor variable that's not our new
This change sets $linkColor to our $canvas-primary variable.
(Deleting it is not possible due to the way some of our app
features pull in their assets. Some stylesheets still need
the $linkColor variable; however, it's now set to the new
blue, so no matter what variable is used, the color will
output the same.)
Q.A. Test Plan:
- In regular UI mode, text links in Canvas should now
be #0088c7 in inspector, instead of #08c.
- In high-contrast mode, text links in Canvas should
now be #006fa2 in inspector, instead of #007ab8
Change-Id: I6ad4cd2e178ae7f1ddf5d17b8e1bc074fe007cdf
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Nathan Rogowski <>
Reviewed-by: Colleen Palmer <>
Product-Review: Colleen Palmer <>
test plan:
* see the documentation for the submissions api
"Grade multiple submissions" action
* should be able to add comment information now
closes #CNVS-18099
Change-Id: Ib3879d7bd208efd902ae0c0045e245500aedb25b
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Product-Review: Jeremy Stanley <>
QA-Review: Jahnavi Yetukuri <>
fixes: CNVS-18040
Changes what fragments are being cached so the form for logout is not
being cached.
Test Plan:
- Login to Canvas
- Click the logout link in the navigation.
- Login to Canvas again.
- Click the logout link in the navigation again.
- Should not see a page asking if you are sure you want to logout.
Change-Id: I9e1a91a11fb074525b3b0227f87c1a0a1bc53663
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <>
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Product-Review: Nick Cloward <>
Fixes: CNVS-18100
- Logo alignment issue. Canvas logo should now be
vertically centered.
- The need of Sales to see Commons logo in main nav.
We are aware this is not a perfect solution, but it
will help Sales with K-12 demos in the short term and
will not affect anything in the regular (non-K-12)
Canvas UI.
QA Test Plan:
Note: Due to Canvas' caching, you might have to wait
15 minutes to see these changes, if you're swithing
over to K-12 from the regular Canvas UI.
- Enable the K-12 UI feature flag.
- Enable Commons/LOR in your Settings (add it as an
App, if you haven't already).
- Confirm Commons is showing up in your main navigation,
complete with a Commons logo.
- Confirm the Canvas logo at the top left is now
vertically centered.
Change-Id: I90a9672e3e855e4c13055fbd8ddb6c80ea9dc226
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Colleen Palmer <>
Product-Review: Colleen Palmer <>
QA-Review: Caleb Guanzon <>
fixes CNVS-14994
test plan:
- as a student try to submit an assignment via google docs
- with the screenreader it is possible
Change-Id: I98e24a024a3cd37074f9bfbc7945a4ac5cbce500
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Steven Burnett <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
QA-Review: Nathan Rogowski <>
Product-Review: Mike Nomitch <>
Can add students to groups via keyboard only. Use of “Move-to” feature is no longer required.
fixes CNVS-14117
fixes CNVS-14121
fixes CNVS-12945
fixes CNVS-14111
test plan:
- Create groups and students, if not already done so.
- Make sure you can add students to group via any method
- Make sure you get warnings if all groups are full (on screenreader)
- Make sure you get warnings if there are no groups (on screenreader)
- Make sure you can still do drag and drop
- Make sure keyboard focus stays consistent while trying to add students to groups.
- Make sure you can enter “Add user to group” popup via “enter” on the keyboard
Change-Id: I65228cfbf1893a2d641204b19a0686c9fc67a73f
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Andrew Butterfield <>
QA-Review: Nathan Rogowski <>
Product-Review: Aaron Cannon <>
need to include role_id in cached enrollments
closes #CNVS-18072
Change-Id: Iac7cdf7c5285162cee3ab1103d007f006efd034f
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Dan Minkevitch <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
QA-Review: James Williams <>
Since int is not technically a word
Fixes CNVS-18061
Test Plan:
- Through the api, attempt to change the calculation_int of an
outcome that has already been used to assess a student
- Ensure that it is rejected with an error message that uses the
word 'integer' instead of 'int'
Change-Id: I68a6ae2de437354a4abe6faecf231bd7b356f5e3
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: John Corrigan <>
QA-Review: Adam Stone <>
Product-Review: Benjamin Porter <>
test plan:
* create a course
* create a wiki page with the old default front page title
"Front Page"
* replicate the legacy wiki state in the console with the
following command:
course = Course.find <COURSE_ID>, false)
* "Front Page" should be the front page
closes #CNVS-18060
Change-Id: Ieabf84d5c601bab4f5a2d898af847b933aa1e5eb
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Product-Review: Jeremy Stanley <>
Reviewed-by: Mark Severson <>
QA-Review: Jahnavi Yetukuri <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
fixes CNVS-17987
Test Plan:
- Go to the modules page
- Click to add content
- Select the "Content Page" dropdown
- The field that appears for the name below
should have a label for "Page Name"
Change-Id: I576f0eca5de07687b62aea1ac8c5239cb906e79f
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Dan Minkevitch <>
QA-Review: Jahnavi Yetukuri <>
Product-Review: Clay Diffrient <>
fixed the error message showing on assignment edit screens
that had no submissions
fixes CNVS-17800
test plan:
- create an assignment with an amount of points possible
- have a student submit an assignment
- go and change the points possible notice error message
-create an assignment
-change points possible notice error message doesn't show
Change-Id: Ia2b6b1ee27d268a88372f401df67ca49dadd025b
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Matt Berns <>
QA-Review: Adam Stone <>
Product-Review: Hilary Scharton <>
fixes CNVS-18045
test plan:
- go to outcomes page
- click on an outcome group
- the buttons are evenly spaced
(move, edit, delete)
Change-Id: Icdc7114aa371e59bf5aa9a366908e9c11125aafd
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Steven Burnett <>
QA-Review: Adam Stone <>
Product-Review: Hilary Scharton <>
test plan:
* invite a user an active course
* confirm that an invitation shows on their "/courses" page
* complete the course
* confirm that the invitation is no longer shown
(rather than remaining and then causing a page error on
attempted acceptance)
closes #CNVS-1736
Change-Id: I91f7d96188ec518eda2c50f9436d5a4fef5a423a
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Minkevitch <>
QA-Review: Jahnavi Yetukuri <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
fixes CNVS-18055
Test plan:
* As a teacher create a few groups within a few group sets that have
self signup enabled
* As a student, go to the groups page and join/switch to/leave some of
these groups
* Ensure that the joinability of the groups in the group set update
* Ensure that this works when a group does not have a student leader
Change-Id: Ia1f52beb5dd97afc5f43ee7eb161e4ebd6f2b979
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Joel Hough <>
QA-Review: Steven Shepherd <>
Product-Review: Andrew Butterfield <>
Change-Id: I02937b59dcddee5667a4ebb8dda1fb9f4919c673
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Clay Diffrient <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
QA-Review: James Williams <>
Fixes: SIS-630
--With a post-grades-status generated for a section--
1.) Navigate to gradebook
2.) Open drop down
3.) Verify that "last sync: 'some-date'" is displaying
next to the relevant sections
Change-Id: I861c1075862e5eaf2917719a2718d1fb237e2e17
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <>
QA-Review: Kausty Saxena <>
Reviewed-by: Nick Houle <>
Product-Review: Nick Houle <>
fixes CNVS-17193
Test Plan:
- Set to a different language
- Go to the syllabus page
- The "due by" should be translated.
- The same should be true of the "to" between dates when you
are seeing a range.
Change-Id: I65faed464df212ffa05474fe3f2407c5334958c6
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Minkevitch <>
Product-Review: Dan Minkevitch <>
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
fixes CNVS-17919
fixes CNVS-18018
test plan
- on the account's permissions page, disable the "Send messages to
individual course members" permission for students
- as a student in a course, send a conversation message to a
teacher in the course
- ensure that the message is sent
- conclude the course
- send another message from the student to the teacher
- ensure the message is sent
Change-Id: I3987d568fe8406cefea318f26a4efd5156c86fd6
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Andrew Butterfield <>
QA-Review: Steven Shepherd <>
Product-Review: Joel Hough <>
this commit adds terms_of_use_url and privacy_policy_url helpers
that can be customized by plugins. it also provides controller
actions to redirect to these, so that custom URLs can be
computed on demand instead of on every page load
closes CNVS-17882
test plan:
- without any authentication, /terms_of_use and /privacy_policy
should redirect to the default documents on
(custom documents based on geographic location and account
license type will come later.)
Change-Id: I72654168d244b5196f841e1a159c14c4c4b29cb3
Reviewed-by: James Williams <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
QA-Review: Jahnavi Yetukuri <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
fixes CNVS-7709
test plan:
- in a course with no outcomes or outcome groups
- go to the rubrics page
- add a rubric and hit find outcome
- you should see a message with a link to
the outcomes page
- go to the outcomes page
- the message from above isnt displayed
- add an outcomes
- the rubrics find-outcome dialog no longer
displays the message to the user
- check anywhere else where you can add an outcome
- things work as expected here
- account level outcomes would be one such instance
Change-Id: Ied67a84513a9d7b1b497450caa8f341f95f87c65
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Adam Stone <>
Reviewed-by: Matt Berns <>
Product-Review: Hilary Scharton <>
fixes CNVS-17966
This issue occurs when a user who does not have an association
with the course's shard tries to hit the enrollments API. The long-
winded test plan below is the shortest way I know of to recreate this
edge case.
Test plan:
1. Create a new root account through your site admin account, which
should be at /accounts/2 (this is important because we want to ensure
your site admin user does not have an association with the shard via
any enrollments). Name it (and add an entry for it in
your hosts file first).
2. Create a new account admin user on the new account and set them
up with a password.
3. In a different session, sign in as the account admin user, and
create a course.
4. As the account admin, visit the course settings page.
5. Click into Sections, and then click the course name to view the
default section's current enrollments. You should see them.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 as your site admin user in the other session.
You should see the list of enrollments (1 teacher), rather than an empty list.
Change-Id: I15abb58d86ae771252b94a0d9ad29231dad72365
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Product-Review: Dan Minkevitch <>
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
test plan:
* re-create your test db using
RAILS_ENV=test rake db:initial_setup
* should work
Change-Id: Iec245880490a43f1749c68bd2cc8869c6aba4d96
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Product-Review: Jeremy Stanley <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Jahnavi Yetukuri <>
fixes PLAT-834
Test steps:
- The best app to test the form (has the most fields) is
Blackboard Collaborate
Change-Id: I28ea6866fea7af357aac2958ec44f74f93f0eeb4
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Brad Humphrey <>
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Product-Review: Eric Berry <>
fixes PLAT-787
*register the lti2 tool with custom tool setting data set
*launch the lti2 tool
*the tool settings should have the custom tool setting data you set at the tool proxy level
Change-Id: Ia3b45b34f6f1a621993c4cab9fb7cb2625e438e7
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Brad Humphrey <>
Product-Review: Nathan Mills <>
QA-Review: Nathan Mills <>
This commit modifies the wording shown on the restricted access dialog.
It also makes it so that the restricted access dialog is able to be submitted
without specifying a copyright holder. It makes a small styling
change to fix spacing between the warning icon and the message text as
fixes CNVS-18021
refs CNVS-18015
Test Plan:
- Enable Usage Rights
- Upload a file
- Click to publish it.
- The warning should say "Before publishing, you must set usage rights on your files."
- The warning icon should be spaced away from the "B" in Before.
- You should be able to publish the file without filling in the Copyright Holder field.
Change-Id: I0b0c7e97d13c05459516a34de7a4ad86818178d6
Reviewed-by: Dan Minkevitch <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Jahnavi Yetukuri <>
Product-Review: Cosme Salazar <>
fixes PLAT-830
you shouldn't be able to access the redirect page unless you are logged in
Change-Id: Ifdd4961d779de7d6d02419c37864cf817f3414ba
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Brad Humphrey <>
Product-Review: Nathan Mills <>
QA-Review: Nathan Mills <>