fixes CNVS-14095
fixes CNVS-15157
test plan:
- with DA on and off
- go to modules page
- only the right assignments show
- completion requirements ignore
assignments that cant be seen by a user
- modules page works with changing sections
- complete/incomplete updates properly
- as does locked/unlocked
- modules page shows correct content when
a students grade is deleted and this makes
them lose assignment visibility
- modules api doesnt return any content that
a student cannot see
Change-Id: Ia1acfd919214823cdfc3b45e974876b4529bb14d
Product-Review: Hilary Scharton <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Mike Nomitch <>
test plan:
- a site admin user should be able to see the hidden
lor_for_user feature in User settings
- a non-site admin user should not be able to see it,
unless a site admin user has already set it for the user
fixes CNVS-14779
Change-Id: If9a42546b209607b8728ecdb682ad0aeefe99136
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: James Williams <>
Product-Review: Bracken Mosbacker <>
QA-Review: Clare Strong <>
* properly cache nil per context
* cache the full lookup in-proc only
test plan:
* quick regression test of feature flags
Change-Id: I0d2435777bcc82d01301af96df81f179366b2fdc
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Matt Fairbourn <>
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <>
Product-Review: Cody Cutrer <>
prevents Marshall.dump errors that may occur
when trying to cache the Accounts with their
associations intact
fixes #CNVS-10055
Change-Id: I71195869feaf58ac2f8beeb5fc830d23d5f98bbd
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Product-Review: Jeremy Stanley <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Matt Fairbourn <>
test plan:
- install the test_features plugin (since no real features exist yet)
- render and consult the feature flags documentation
- have a test environment with a root account,
sub-account, course in sub-account, and user
- Use the "list features" endpoint as a root account admin
(with no site admin privileges), on the root account context, and
confirm that hidden features do not show up
- Use the "list features" endpoint as a site admin user,
on the root account context, and confirm that hidden features
show up
- Use the "list features" endpoint on the site admin account
and confirm the hidden features show up
- Use the "set feature flag" endpoint on a hidden feature on site
admin and ensure the feature becomes visible in all root accounts
- Use the "set feature flag endpoint" on a hidden feature on a
single root account, and ensure the feature becomes visible to
that root account and not others
- Confirm that root_opt_in features appear "Off" by default
in root accounts, after being "Allowed" in code or site admin
- Confirm a feature flag that is set to "on" or "off" (vs. "allowed")
cannot be overridden in a lower context (and the API returns
locked=true for them)
- Confirm that setting locking_account_id requires admin rights
in the locking account
- Confirm that a feature flag with locking_account_id cannot be
changed without admin rights in the locking account (e.g.,
set a feature flag on a course, locked with the root account's id,
and make sure a teacher who is not an account admin can't change it)
- Confirm feature flags can be deleted with the "remove feature flag"
endpoint (and they are only deleted where they are defined, not
when called on an object that inherits a flag)
Change-Id: I3e12e23b4454889b6e8b263f1315e82d8f2ada52
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Matt Fairbourn <>
Product-Review: Matt Goodwin <>
Reviewed-by: Zach Pendleton <>