New Gradebook no longer uses this anywhere.
refs GRADE-932
test plan:
* ensure Jenkins passes
Change-Id: I73ecccfd031a352863fa69e70c3a5963cf081089
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Spencer Olson <>
Reviewed-by: Derek Bender <>
Reviewed-by: Keith T. Garner <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
QA-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
Spec is creating 5 students when 2 is probably enough for this
test. Hopefully this speeds things up enough to result in
lower run times.
Fixes COMMS-955
Test Plan:
* Test still passes.
Change-Id: I1e4ef980a910275b865966add4c80af60ce392a0
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Steven Burnett <>
Product-Review: Venk Natarajan <>
QA-Review: Venk Natarajan <>
test plan: passes Jenkins
see for how and where to build the pact files
Change-Id: Ia0f27a1edce21e2bd467fb8d56f037a96cbdf1e2
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Robert Lamb <>
Product-Review: Robert Lamb <>
QA-Review: Robert Lamb <>
closes GRADE-927
test plan:
* Create a course with an assignment and a quiz
* Enroll three students in the course
* For the assignment
- Add two overrides with one student in each and ensure the
"Everyone Else" group isn't present in any overrides
- Observe the Rails logs while saving this to ensure DueDateCacher
runs only once
- Verify DueDateCacher only runs for the assignment and recalculates
grades at the same time
- Edit the assignment and submit without any changes
- Verify DueDateCacher does not run
* For the quiz
- Add two overrides with one student in each and ensure the
"Everyone Else" group isn't present in any overrides
- Observe the Rails logs while saving this to ensure DueDateCacher
runs only once
- Verify DueDateCacher only runs for the assignment and recalculates
grades at the same time
- Edit the assignment and submit without any changes
- Verify DueDateCacher does not run
* For the Course
- From the Course settings page, Copy the course with the following
> Change the start date to one year out
> Choose "Shift dates" for the Date adjustment
- Observe the Rails logs while saving this to ensure DueDateCacher
runs only once
- Verify DueDateCacher only runs for the course
Change-Id: Ia97620132f3f1ccc42668610deb125e67c45bd9a
Reviewed-by: Spencer Olson <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Keith T. Garner <>
QA-Review: Indira Pai <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
closes GRADE-210
QA Notes:
* New load order should be generally top-to-bottom. Depending on
where testing occurs, the server might occasionally respond out of
order. This is not a bug, just the way of the world.
* To verify actual requests, open the Network tab in the browser's
developer tools and observe the requests as they are created and
processed. When students and submissions are requested, there will
be a series of groups of requests like the following:
This means that for each "chunk" of users (50 per page, typically),
their submissions are being requested immediately after and before
additional requests for users.
test plan:
1. Create a large Course
a. 100+ Students
b. 20+ Assignments
c. assign everything to everybody
2. Load New Gradebook
3. Verify students and submissions load in groups
* refer to QA Notes
4. Verify everything loads
Change-Id: Iddab038a71ce4163472db7ba5b67f6dc30d70f50
Reviewed-by: Keith T. Garner <>
Reviewed-by: Derek Bender <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Anju Reddy <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
fixes OUT-2026
Test plan:
* Generate API docs: `bundle exec rake doc:api`
* View outcomes page. There should be a link to the outcomes csv doc
* Click Import to open the import modal. Oh, look there's a link!
* Import an invalid csv file and check your email. The failure
notification should have a link to the docs
* All of the links should take you to the outcomes CSV formatting doc
Change-Id: I380ab2c36be27ec1260179a02eb629bf91cfc748
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Augusto Callejas <>
Product-Review: Neil Gupta <>
QA-Review: Neil Gupta <>
fixes OUT-2024
Test plan:
* Enable mailcatcher docker service:
add `docker-compose/mailcatcher.override.yml` to your COMPOSE_FILE var
* Perform an outcomes import with a CSV file with 200 rows, make sure
none of them have a vendor_guiid
* The import should fail
* Check mail.canvas.docker
You should see an import failure email with the first 100 rows listed
Change-Id: I7ea00e7a428d78c55492e48270b2a127aace1ef0
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Frank Murphy <>
Reviewed-by: Matt Berns <>
QA-Review: Leo Abner <>
Product-Review: Sidharth Oberoi <>
Refs: PLAT-3185
Test Plan: Verify only shows in site-admin. Not shown in root accounts
or sub accounts
Change-Id: I95d867abb603013e0bef32710b2692ba1cb1a4cf
Reviewed-by: Nathan Mills <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
Product-Review: Stewie aka Nicholas Stewart <>
fixes COMMS-939
Test Plan:
- send any email in canvas
- notice the footer image is there
- inspect the html source, and notice that the host is
your local Canvas install
- enable CDN config, run `node_modules/.bin/gulp rev`,
and `rake canvas:cdn:upload_to_s3`
- send another enable
- notice the footer image is still there
- inspect the html source, and notice that the host
is the CDN
Change-Id: Ieaed838dee02168a2aa67f3448d8d68fb6f5b701
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Reviewed-by: Landon Gilbert-Bland <>
QA-Review: Gentry Beckmann <>
Product-Review: Gentry Beckmann <>
When a gradebook filter is hidden it should reset to its default value
so teachers don't see a filtered view without realizing it
closes GRADE-735
test plan:
* Create a course with two sections, S1 and S2; two grading periods, GP1
and GP2; two assignment groups AG1 and AG2; and two modules, M1 and M2
* Create an assignment A1 in assignment group AG1 and module M1 and due
in grading period GP1
* Create an assignment A2 in assignment group AG2 and module M2 and due
in grading period GP2
* Enroll two students, U1 and U2 into sections S1 and S2 respectively
* Go to New Gradebook
* Enable filters for Sections, Modules, Assignment Groups and Grading
* Filter by grading period GP2
* Verify you only see assignment A2 in the gradebook
* Hide the grading period filter using the View menu
* Verify you only see assignment A1 (in the current grading period) in
the gradebook
* Filter by assignment group AG1
* Verify you only see assignment A1 in the gradebook
* Hide the assignment group filter using the View menu
* Verify you see both assignments A1 and A2 in the gradebook
* Filter by section S2
* Verify you only see student U2 in the gradebook
* Hide the section filter using the View menu
* Verify you see both users U1 and U2 in the gradebook
* Filter by module M1
* Verify you only see assignment A1 in the gradebook
* Hide the module filter using the View menu
* Verify you see both assignments A1 and A2 in the gradebook
Change-Id: I462164f23cfd866d7d99f9416415bbf0cff743f7
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Spencer Olson <>
Reviewed-by: Adrian Packel <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Neander <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
QA-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
This uses a meta cache key so we can limit the cache invalidation to
just the planner items instead of invalidating the whole user cache.
fixes ADMIN-791
test plan:
- Refreshing the list view should use the Redis cache. One way to see
this is to look at the redis activity in the server log:
`bundle exec rails server | egrep 'Redis.*planner_items'
When refreshing the page, you should only see gets. If you flush your
redis cache, you will also see setex.
- In list view, if you create, complete, edit, or delete a todo item,
refreshes should persist these changes.
- In list view, completing other items (like an assignment), should also
persist on refresh.
- In card view, on the to do sidebar, dismissing items should persist
across refreshes.
Change-Id: I9e0e028346974b46ab5750c285b4e2c332906c84
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Mysti Sadler <>
QA-Review: Deepeeca Soundarrajan <>
Product-Review: Jon Willesen <>
test plan: passes Jenkins
see for how and where to build the pact files
added copyright and fixed gergich formatting
Change-Id: I570ab23152f50f8b04994c4e1ed59a5ed63b42fa
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Anju Reddy <>
Product-Review: Robert Lamb <>
QA-Review: Robert Lamb <>
Fixes: CORE-1056
Test plan:
* go to accounts/x/users
* hover over the “edit” pencil
* a tooltip should appear
Change-Id: Ic1d6b0a4ff2196549a1578bc596f39c965d0fe2f
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Rob Orton <>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
QA-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
closes GRADE-932
test plan:
1. full test of Complete/Incomplete assignment cells
* no functional changes
* things just look prettier (display only)
2. smoke test other cells (display only)
Change-Id: Ibc5b829d46865b518813ef6b32c358f388885132
Reviewed-by: Spencer Olson <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Indira Pai <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
It turns out our the webpack IgnorePlugin we set up stopped working
so this fixes it and adds a spec that will catch it if it ever breaks
again in the future
Test plan:
* the webpack vendor should be smaller
* date strings in other languages should still work
Change-Id: I3a23c358eec73309f97bac119c7028e25d52e448
Reviewed-by: Clay Diffrient <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
QA-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
don't let UI restrictions on 'wiki' type be bypassed via API
test plan:
* use the courses update API endpoint to
update the 'default_view' value
* should only be able to set to 'wiki' if a wiki front
page exists
* should not be able to set to values other
than those specified in the API documentation
closes #ADMIN-828
Change-Id: Ib18e8cc1df4cda7de3b8b639589a6d46a6e7c031
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
QA-Review: Deepeeca Soundarrajan <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
Vendor/md5.js doesn’t exist anymore, we get it from npm directly
So we don’t need this config line
Change-Id: Ib6de829e7d708d07d9a3bd5bc666ab8dc4e99a4a
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Clay Diffrient <>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
QA-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
Closes: CORE-1096
These files don’t actually use i18n but import it
this will reduce our js bundle sizes in production because:
when a file says `import I18n from 'i18n!some_bundle', what it does in
production is make a file in pub/javscripts/translations/some_bundle.js
and imports that before importing this file. but that means you get ALL
the strings for all the languages of any other file that also imports
from 'i18n!some_bundle'. That's bad enough, because, for example, since
we require one module to pick the usage rights for a file in the wiki
sidebar and that file imports from 'i18n!react_files' and since the
wiki sidebar code is included in the common bundle,
all of the other strings from 'i18n!react_files' are also included in
the common bundle.
but these files were even worse: they were forcing all the strings
from different scopes to be included in a bundle, even though the didn't
actually use ANY of them.
there was also few that I found that were not importing it correctly
(using lowercase i18n instead of I18n) and since our i18nliner extract
command only looks for capital I18n, we were never sending those strings
to translators.
and there were a few files that imported a scoped I18n object that just
did I18n.n, whose behavior doesn't differ in scoped vs non-scoped
versions, so they could safely import the unscoped 'i18nObj' instead and
not force whatever bundle they are into include all the strings for
that scope.
test plan:
* prod webpack bundles should be smaller
* no actual behavior should change
Change-Id: I9173d8ac7c6074ba43e04a7c5e7c74fed37e6c0e
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Clay Diffrient <>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
QA-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
Closes COMMS-728
Test Plan:
* Have a course (and group) with discussions.
* Go to the course and group discussions pages and:
* Close and open discussions.
* A pinned discussion should stay pinned.
* Unpinned ones should move back and forth between the
* Try to break this against other combinations of actions.
Change-Id: Ic556adc606ba5c9a4d7973604307a098bb202905
Reviewed-by: Landon Gilbert-Bland <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Aaron Kc Hsu <>
Product-Review: Steven Burnett <>
QA-Review: Steven Burnett <>
Refs COMMS-727
Test Plan:
* Make section-specific discussions enabled.
* Have closed, unpinned, and pinned discussions.
* Anything not in the "pinned" section should have a working
"pin" element in the menu.
* A discussion in the "pinned" section should have an "unpin"
item in the menu; triggering this should move to the
"unpinned" or "closed for comments" section depending on
whether it was locked.
* Make sure this works in concert with duplicating.
Change-Id: I4dcd74541a764a93d643522b33d6f603b3685b18
Reviewed-by: Landon Gilbert-Bland <>
Reviewed-by: Steven Burnett <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Aaron Kc Hsu <>
Product-Review: Venk Natarajan <>
test plan:
- make sure the index is created on
postgres 9.5+
refs PFS-10106
Change-Id: I93fdcdb796813324d3ee93f47157b1a76f995895
Reviewed-by: Rob Orton <>
Product-Review: Rob Orton <>
QA-Review: Rob Orton <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
fixes CORE-1025
test plan:
* configure SAML with an IdP that supports SLO, and enable
message signing with an algorithm of your choice
* configure Canvas to have a private key for use with SAML
* sign out _at the IdP_
* observe in your browser request logs that Canvas gets a SAMLRequest,
and then generates a redirect back with a SAMLResponse; that
SAMLResponse should also have a Signature and SigAlg query
* sign in, then sign out at Canvas
* observe in your browser request logs that Canvas generates a
SAMLRequest param taht has Signature and SigAlg query params
Change-Id: Ie2ce89ad8b937f00576bf63ad29732a001251947
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Rob Orton <>
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <>
Product-Review: Cody Cutrer <>
fixes COMMS-724
Test Plan
* Turn on new discussions feature flag
* navigate to the menu of a dicussion
* notice the moe to option
* use the move to tray
* make sure that all move to cases are working as
* be creative
Change-Id: Id557e5db5e8d56ca1eb25ab6802c4b2023190672
Reviewed-by: Venk Natarajan <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Landon Gilbert-Bland <>
Product-Review: Steven Burnett <>
QA-Review: Steven Burnett <>
This reverts commit 789e37c932.
Change-Id: Iddf79c419ffee694719f11b7d7c229efeadea594
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Product-Review: Steven Burnett <>
QA-Review: Steven Burnett <>
Set the flex-basis of .Grid__AssignmentRowCell__StartContainer and
EndContainer explicitly, with appropriate values for grading
scheme-configured assignments, instead of trusting the browser to
come up with the right width. This fixes some alignment issues in IE11.
fixes GRADE-911
Test plan:
* Setup a course with at least one assignment with a grading scheme and
one without, and assign them to at least one student.
* In a VM running IE11, open new Gradebook.
* For both assignment types, check that the assignment row cells have their
content centered (i.e., the scores do not appear pushed to the right) as
they do in non-delinquent browsers. Also check that the content is
properly aligned/centered when the cell is in edit mode.
* Finally, make sure the appearance in other browsers has not changed.
Change-Id: I7277828cd246f854368a9696f4b343047f137851
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Neander <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Derek Bender <>
QA-Review: Derek Bender <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
even if they're in the future
test plan:
* enroll a student in a course set to begin
in the future
* deactivate the student's enrollment
* the course shouldn't show up in the
student's list of future courses (/courses)
closes #ADMIN-401
Change-Id: I5fad047abbd285733cceb7f5d452916c71bec161
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
QA-Review: Deepeeca Soundarrajan <>
Product-Review: James Williams <>
refs QO-319
test plan:
- create a quiz with 5+ MC questions all in the same question group
which pulls 3 of those questions
- allow multiple attempts (3 attempts)
- take the average score of the attempts (probably not significant)
- take the quiz all 3 times as 2+ students
- regrade a question which was part of the final attempt for at
least one student, but which was not in the final attempt for
at least one other student, but which was in a previous attempt
for that other student. (sorry if that's confusing)
- example: studentA had question2 in his first attempt, but not
in the third. studentB had question 2 in her third attempt.
So question2 is ready for the regrade
- regrade that question by changing the correct answer and only
awarding points for the correct answer
- moderate/view the submission attempts for the students
- all attempts should accurately report the regrade, regardless
of whether or not that question was in the final attempt for
that student
- sanity check: create a regular quiz without a question group
and without multiple attempts. Regrading should work as expected
Change-Id: I0a66473d1ee63a464ad02c93d938af58b337114f
Reviewed-by: Steve Kacsmark <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Michael Hargiss <>
Product-Review: Michael Hargiss <>
This is to improve some very slow queries
that are filtering on huge numbers of
test plan:
- make sure the index exists
refs PFS-10106
Change-Id: I1b21ac3db2ec59f8a83144d263e20003550698ea
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Rob Orton <>
Product-Review: Rob Orton <>
QA-Review: Rob Orton <>
closes RECNVS-43
This datafixup finds attachments which do not have an instfs_uuid,
creates `references` for them, posts them to instfs /references
endpoint. The endpoint imports them into instfs and returns an array
of the references with their new uuids. The attachments are updated
to include the uuids from instfs
Test plan
- turn on s3 storage for files in canvas
- with inst-fs off in canvas (deactivate the plugin), upload a file
- Enable the inst-fs plugin
- in the rails console, run
(or whatever your account id is)
- verify using instfs /debug/attachments/ls route that the attachment
was posted
to instfs
- verify using the rails console that the attachment has an instfs_uuid
Change-Id: I26720c2324b7302a3a843f04932785518ac699e7
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <>
QA-Review: Collin Parrish <>
Product-Review: Michael Jasper <>
Reviewed-by: Michael Jasper <>
closes: QUIZ-3861, QUIZ-4113
- QA-CR because it's not hooked up yet
Change-Id: I9028c91f485b63bc8ca8d2c70567c78945c2a848
Reviewed-by: James Williams <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Robin Kuss <>
Product-Review: Jayce Higgins <>
closes GRADE-76
Test Plan:
* Note: this commit only covers the functionality of the cell when it
is in 'editing' mode. There is a separate ticket which handles the
view/functionality of the cell when it is in 'read-only' mode.
A. Setup
1. Select or create a Course
2. Ensure at least one Student exists for the Course
3. Create a Complete/Incomplete Assignment worth 10 points
4. Visit New Gradebook
B. Verification for Clicking Menu Options
1. Click to edit a submission for the Complete/Incomplete Assignment
2. Click on the Complete/Incomplete Menu Button
3. Verify "Complete" (green checkmark), "Incomplete" (black X),
"Ungraded", and "Excused" are options.
4. Verify "Excused" is the last item
5. Verify clicking the green checkmark causes the value to the left
of the menu button to populate with a green checkmark.
6. Verify clicking the black X causes the value to the left of the
menu button to populate with a black X.
7. Verify clicking "Ungraded" causes the value to the left of the
menu button to populate with "–".
8. Verify clicking "Excused" causes the value to the left of the menu
button to populate with "Excused".
9. Verify tabbing away from the cell commits the grade change (reload
the page to make sure the grade is saved).
C. Verification of Keyboard Navigation
1. Navigate to the cell using the keyboard
2. Verify that the menu button receives focus by default
4. Verify you can tab to the tray button, and can shift-tab back to
the menu button
5. Verify that "Enter" opens the complete/incomplete menu
6. Verify that "ESC" dismisses the complete/incomplete menu
D. Smoke test grade entry for other:
1. Assignment types
2. "Enter Grades as" settings
Change-Id: I8f1651c5ca12d0368988ed4aef86442f8351b6a2
Reviewed-by: Keith T. Garner <>
Reviewed-by: Shahbaz Javeed <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
QA-Review: Indira Pai <>
Product-Review: Keith T. Garner <>
Change-Id: I8840602958d3b1a3df76a6f4b599b1a45b634d54
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Ryan Shaw <>
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>
QA-Review: Simon Williams <>
I couldn’t find anywhere this is used, can you?
test plan:
* there should not be a hidden part of the calendar page
that stops working when this is deleted
Change-Id: Idb5b6901d907817b8555ff37def4345bdc066bbc
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Clay Diffrient <>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
QA-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
I couldn’t find anywhere this is used, can you?
test plan:
* there should not be a hidden part of the app
that stops working when this is deleted
Change-Id: I9928c4f21a9fa37c1248ccd9e0033685e75f8f16
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Clay Diffrient <>
Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
QA-Review: Ryan Shaw <>
closes GRADE-767
test plan:
* Create a sub-account 2 levels deep
* Create a course for this sub-account
* Go to the root account and look for the "New Gradebook" feature flag
* Verify visually that you're allowed to turn the flag off
* Enable the "New Gradebook" feature flag on the course
* Go to the root account and look for the "New Gradebook" feature flag
* Verify visually that you're no longer allowed to turn the flag off
* Disable the "New Gradebook" feature flag on the course
* Enable the "New Gradebook" feature flag on the sub-account
* Go to the root account and look for the "New Gradebook" feature flag
* Verify visually that you're no longer allowed to turn the flag off
* Disable the "New Gradebook" feature flag on the sub-account
* Go to the root account and look for the "New Gradebook" feature flag
* Verify visually that you're allowed to turn the flag off
Change-Id: Ifc7444ff114d8fb3b297ea20f5e2891a450497c5
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Keith T. Garner <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Neander <>
QA-Review: Adrian Packel <>
Product-Review: Pert Eilers <>
and rename that suite of methods to make more sense
test-plan: N/A
Change-Id: Iffc520ea55141ac47da669663838a4d3c3d8712c
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <>
Product-Review: Jacob Fugal <>
QA-Review: Jacob Fugal <>
closes RECNVS-339
test plan:
run this test in e2e instfs environment
Change-Id: I1edb781bc32d3d11a384410056d88adf4b370f73
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Michael Jasper <>
Product-Review: Collin Parrish <>
QA-Review: Collin Parrish <>
fixes ???
Test Plan:
- With SSD on go to the discussions index page
- notice the text content that says
"Ordered by Recent Activity" on only the
unpinned and closed for comments containers
- make sure this text content doesn't need to be
a header for accessibility.
Change-Id: I64ffc6c825d31fa2eae7dd975ed5b0f0272d4f00
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Venk Natarajan <>
Reviewed-by: Landon Gilbert-Bland <>
Product-Review: Steven Burnett <>
QA-Review: Steven Burnett <>
Fixes COMMS-851
Test Plan
* Create more then 40 discussions in a course. Ex with rails console:
c = Course.find <id>
t = c.teachers[0]
1.upto(100) do |n|
c.discussion_topics.create!(title: n.to_s, message: 'm', user: t).save!
* Enable the section specific discussions feature flag
* Go to the discussions index page for the course
* Verify that all the discussions are loaded
* Go to the javascript console and verify that `GET_DISCUSSIONS_START`
and `GET_DISCUSSIONS_SUCCESS` are only dispatched once.
* Make sure the announcement pages still loaded (with and without
section specific announcements enabled)
Change-Id: I4b7d0a26d6bdbf1d2416080333da93b58c85dc7f
Reviewed-by: Aaron Kc Hsu <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Steven Burnett <>
QA-Review: Venk Natarajan <>
Product-Review: Steven Burnett <>