refs CNVS-13987
what was called CanvasUuid was *not* generating UUIDs. it was generating
slugs. by default, its generate method only creates 4 character slugs.
these should obviously not be used as UUIDs. the misnomer already caused
a bug in EventStream where it used these slugs as UUIDs, causing
collisions. to fix:
(1) rename canvas_uuid gem to canvas_slug, and rename it's primary
class CanvasUuid to CanvasSlug
(2) create new canvas_uuid gem, with class CanvasUUID, extracted from
lib/uuid_singleton for actual UUID generation
(3) fix event stream use CanvasUUID, rather than following the rename
of CanvasUuid to CanvasSlug
- have cassandra set up for audit logs
- create an audit log entry (e.g. change a grade)
- look at the generated audit log entry's id field; it should be a UUID
value, not a 4 character slug
Change-Id: I19758fff4433cd6cb2e21219217dced19ee05c5a
Reviewed-by: Rob Orton <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: August Thornton <>
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <>
Product-Review: Brian Palmer <>
fixes CNVS-10479
test plan:
- in a course with kaltura enabled
- go to a discussion and add media
- upload a video (use right tab, not the webcam)
- save the video/discussion post
- the video should be saved properly and viewable
(this sometimes takes a minute of two)
Change-Id: I40b9174807707dd1fb41125e04705422a8711d5d
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
QA-Review: Nathan Rogowski <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Williams <>
Product-Review: Simon Williams <>