fix race condition generating submissions zip

fixes CNVS-6283

test plan:
 * use S3 files
 * download a submissions zip for an assignment (the larger
   the resultant zip the more likely to hit the race condition)
 * it should only zip up the files once

Change-Id: I01920e726d9cfff429a5b23440da1f6794ee9d14
Reviewed-by: Brian Palmer <>
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Jacob Fugal <>
QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <>
Product-Review: Cody Cutrer <>
This commit is contained in:
Cody Cutrer 2013-06-11 15:08:53 -06:00
parent e64be3d55b
commit fb1165f500
4 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ class EportfoliosController < ApplicationController
zip_filename = ""
@portfolio = Eportfolio.find(params[:eportfolio_id])
if authorized_action(@portfolio, @current_user, :update)
@attachments = @portfolio.attachments.find_all_by_display_name(zip_filename).select{|a| ['to_be_zipped', 'zipping', 'zipped'].include?(a.workflow_state) }.sort_by{|a| a.created_at }
@attachments = @portfolio.attachments.find_all_by_display_name(zip_filename).select{|a| ['to_be_zipped', 'zipping', 'zipped', 'unattached'].include?(a.workflow_state) }.sort_by{|a| a.created_at }
@attachment = @attachments.pop
@attachments.each{|a| a.destroy! }
if @attachment && (@attachment.created_at < 1.hour.ago || @attachment.created_at < ({|s| s.updated_at}.compact.max || @attachment.created_at))

View File

@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class FoldersController < ApplicationController
folder_filename = "#{t :folder_filename, "folder"}.zip"
@attachments = Attachment.find_all_by_context_id_and_context_type_and_display_name_and_user_id(, @folder.class.to_s, folder_filename, user_id).
select{|a| ['to_be_zipped', 'zipping', 'zipped'].include?(a.workflow_state) && !a.deleted? }.
select{|a| ['to_be_zipped', 'zipping', 'zipped', 'unattached'].include?(a.workflow_state) && !a.deleted? }.
sort_by{|a| a.created_at }
@attachment = @attachments.pop
@attachments.each{|a| a.destroy! }

View File

@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ class QuizSubmissionsController < ApplicationController
# TODO: this is mostly copied and pasted from submission_controller.rb. pull
# out common code
def submission_zip
@attachments = @quiz.attachments.where(:display_name => '', :workflow_state => ['to_be_zipped', 'zipping', 'zipped', 'errored'], :user_id => @current_user).order(:created_at).all
@attachments = @quiz.attachments.where(:display_name => '', :workflow_state => ['to_be_zipped', 'zipping', 'zipped', 'errored', 'unattached'], :user_id => @current_user).order(:created_at).all
@attachment = @attachments.pop
@attachments.each{|a| a.destroy! }
if @attachment && (@attachment.created_at < 1.hour.ago || @attachment.created_at < ({|s| s.finished_at}.compact.max || @attachment.created_at))

View File

@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ class SubmissionsController < ApplicationController
def submission_zip
@attachments = @assignment.attachments.where(:display_name => '', :workflow_state => ['to_be_zipped', 'zipping', 'zipped', 'errored'], :user_id => @current_user).order(:created_at).all
@attachments = @assignment.attachments.where(:display_name => '', :workflow_state => ['to_be_zipped', 'zipping', 'zipped', 'errored', 'unattached'], :user_id => @current_user).order(:created_at).all
@attachment = @attachments.pop
@attachments.each{|a| a.destroy! }
if @attachment && (@attachment.created_at < 1.hour.ago || @attachment.created_at < ({|s| s.submitted_at}.compact.max || @attachment.created_at))