metrics comparing crystalball vs non-crystalball builds

Change-Id: Ief34dade07be9f716d138c909f0f7e60730bcc75
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Aaron Ogata <>
QA-Review: James Butters <>
Product-Review: James Butters <>
This commit is contained in:
James Butters 2022-01-14 08:08:01 -07:00
parent 86122878c6
commit e906f03f5b
1 changed files with 33 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ loadLocalLibrary('local-lib', 'build/new-jenkins/library')
def rspecqNodeTotal = 23
def rspecNodeTotal = 27
def startTime = 0
def endTime = 0
def setupNode() {
sh 'rm -vrf ./tmp'
@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ def computeTestCount() {
def specs = readFile(file: 'tmp/crystalball_spec_list.txt')
def specUnique = specs.replaceAll(/\[.*?\]/, '').tokenize(',').unique()
env.CRYSTAL_BALL_SPECS = specUnique.join(' ')
def totalPrediction = specUnique.join("\n")
def totalPrediction = specUnique.join('\n')
def specCount = 0
// Crystalball predictor returned empty text file
@ -60,28 +62,28 @@ def computeTestCount() {
if (specUnique.size() == 1 && specUnique[0] == '.') {
sendCrystalballSlack('New File Detected! - Complete Suite Re-run!', 'danger')
} else {
sh(script: "docker-compose exec -T canvas bundle exec rspec --dry-run \
--require './spec/formatters/example_count_formatter.rb' \
--format ExampleCountRecorder \
--out spec_count.txt ${specUnique.join(' ')}", label: 'Get Test Count')
specCount = sh(script: "docker-compose exec -T canvas cat spec_count.txt", returnStdout: true).trim().toInteger()
def summary = "$specCount Individual Selenium spec(s) across ${specUnique.size()} file(s)\n$totalPrediction"
def color = 'danger'
if (specCount <= partition) {
color = 'good'
} else if (specCount <= (partition * 4)) {
color = 'warning'
sendCrystalballSlack(summary, color)
sh(script: "docker-compose exec -T canvas bundle exec rspec --dry-run \
--require './spec/formatters/example_count_formatter.rb' \
--format ExampleCountRecorder \
--out spec_count.txt ${specUnique.join(' ')}", label: 'Get Test Count')
specCount = sh(script: 'docker-compose exec -T canvas cat spec_count.txt', returnStdout: true).trim().toInteger()
def summary = "$specCount Individual Selenium spec(s) across ${specUnique.size()} file(s)\n$totalPrediction"
def color = 'danger'
if (specCount <= partition) {
color = 'good'
} else if (specCount <= (partition * 4)) {
color = 'warning'
sendCrystalballSlack(summary, color)
echo "total prediction: \n====\n$totalPrediction\n===="
if (specCount <= partition) {
rspecqNodeTotal = 1
rspecqNodeTotal = ((specCount+partition-1).intdiv(partition) > rspecqNodeTotal) ? rspecqNodeTotal : (specCount+partition-1).intdiv(partition)
rspecqNodeTotal = ((specCount + partition - 1).intdiv(partition) > rspecqNodeTotal) ? rspecqNodeTotal : (specCount + partition - 1).intdiv(partition)
def sendCrystalballSlack(summary, color) {
@ -180,11 +182,13 @@ pipeline {
extendedStage('RSpecQ Reporter for Selenium').timeout(30).queue(rspecqStages) {
try {
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
sh(script: "docker run -e SENTRY_DSN -e RSPECQ_REDIS_URL -t $PATCHSET_TAG bundle exec rspecq \
--build=${JOB_NAME}_build${BUILD_NUMBER}_selenium \
--queue-wait-timeout 120 \
--redis-url $RSPECQ_REDIS_URL \
--report", label: 'Reporter')
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
} catch (org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException e) {
if (e.causes[0] instanceof org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.TimeoutStepExecution.ExceededTimeout) {
/* groovylint-disable-next-line GStringExpressionWithinString, SpaceInsideParentheses */
@ -236,6 +240,19 @@ pipeline {
} //rspecQ
stage('Splunk Metrics') {
def exampleCount = sh(script: "docker run -e TEST_QUEUE_HOST -t --rm $REGISTRY_BASE/redis:alpine /bin/sh -c '\
redis-cli -h $TEST_QUEUE_HOST -p 6379 get ${JOB_NAME}_build${BUILD_NUMBER}_selenium:example_count'", returnStdout: true)
reportToSplunk('selenium_crystalball_data', [
'node_count': rspecqNodeTotal,
'example_count': exampleCount,
'execution_time': (endTime - startTime),
'result': currentBuild.currentResult,
'gerrit_revision': "${env.GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION}"
} //builder
} //runner
} //script