Better "Courses" menu, updated sort, count, etc.

* Doesn't display enrollments with identical
  created_at and updated_at fields (SIS garbage)

* Always displays "See all Courses" link with a
  count of all current enrollments.

* No more duplicate links to /courses, i.e.
  "... and 12 more" "See all enrollments"

* Displays 12 instead of 8

* Sorts alphabetically after sorting by
  rank_sortable and state_sortable

* Moved the logic out of the view into the user
  model and some helpers

Change-Id: Ibcd274cae8e192585ad77f1bad6e0b54da041c8b
Tested-by: Hudson <>
Reviewed-by: Jon Jensen <>
This commit is contained in:
Ryan Florence 2011-09-26 13:08:41 -06:00
parent 16f6757044
commit e85e98cb25
8 changed files with 156 additions and 108 deletions

View File

@ -509,4 +509,55 @@ var I18n = I18n || {};
def menu_enrollments_locals
max = 12
:collection => @current_user.menu_data[:enrollments][0, max].sort_by{|e| e[:enrollment].long_name },
:collection_size => @current_user.menu_data[:enrollments_count],
:partial => "shared/menu_enrollment",
:max_to_show => max,
:more_link_for_over_max => courses_path,
:title => t('#menu.my_courses', "My Courses"),
:course_name_counts => @current_user.menu_data[:course_name_counts],
:link_text => raw(t('', 'View all courses'))
def menu_groups_locals
:collection => @current_user.cached_current_group_memberships,
:partial => "shared/menu_group_membership",
:collection_size => @current_user.cached_current_group_memberships.length,
:max_to_show => 8,
:more_link_for_over_max => groups_path,
:title => t('#menu.current_groups', "Current Groups"),
:course_name_counts => @current_user.menu_data[:course_name_counts],
:link_text => raw(t('', 'View all groups'))
def menu_accounts_locals
:collection => @current_user.accounts,
:partial => "shared/menu_account",
:collection_size => @current_user.accounts.length,
:max_to_show => 8,
:more_link_for_over_max => accounts_path,
:title => t('#menu.managed_accounts', "Managed Accounts"),
:course_name_counts => @current_user.menu_data[:course_name_counts],
:link_text => raw(t('', 'View all accounts'))
def show_home_menu?
].any?{ |e| e.respond_to?(:count) && e.count > 0 }

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include Context
attr_accessible :name, :short_name, :time_zone, :show_user_services, :gender, :visible_inbox_types, :avatar_image, :subscribe_to_emails, :locale
attr_accessor :original_id
attr_accessor :original_id, :menu_data
before_save :infer_defaults
serialize :preferences
@ -1849,4 +1849,58 @@ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# there's better solutions in AR 3.
# See also e.g.,
has_many :submissions_for_given_assignments, :include => [:assignment, :submission_comments], :conditions => 'submissions.assignment_id IN (#{Api.assignment_ids_for_students_api.join(",")})', :class_name => 'Submission'
def set_menu_data(enrollment_uuid)
max_to_show = 8
coalesced_enrollments = []
course_name_counts = {}
has_completed_enrollment = false
cached_enrollments = self.cached_current_enrollments(:include_enrollment_uuid => enrollment_uuid)
cached_enrollments.each do |e|
# SIS "garbage" data, user auto-enrolled but has never done anything with it
next if e.updated_at == e.created_at
next if e.state_based_on_date == :inactive
if e.state_based_on_date == :completed
has_completed_enrollment = true
if !e.course
coalesced_enrollments << {
:enrollment => e,
:sortable => [e.rank_sortable, e.state_sortable, e.long_name],
:types => [ e.readable_type ]
existing_enrollment_info = coalesced_enrollments.find { |en|
# coalesce together enrollments for the same course and the same state
!e.course.nil? && en[:enrollment].course == e.course && en[:enrollment].workflow_state == e.workflow_state
if existing_enrollment_info
existing_enrollment_info[:types] << e.readable_type
existing_enrollment_info[:sortable] = [existing_enrollment_info[:sortable] || [999,999, 999], [e.rank_sortable, e.state_sortable, 0 -]].min
coalesced_enrollments << { :enrollment => e, :sortable => [e.rank_sortable, e.state_sortable, 0 -], :types => [ e.readable_type ] }
course_name_counts[] ||= 0
course_name_counts[] += 1
coalesced_enrollments = coalesced_enrollments.sort_by{|e| e[:sortable] || [999,999, 999] }
@menu_data = {
:enrollments => coalesced_enrollments,
:enrollments_count => cached_enrollments.length,
:course_name_counts => course_name_counts,
:has_completed_enrollment => has_completed_enrollment,
def has_ended_enrollments?
self.enrollments.ended.length || self.menu_data[:has_completed_enrollment]

View File

@ -80,67 +80,10 @@
<ul role="navigation" id="menu">
<%- cache([@current_user, 'home-menu-15m'], :expires_in => 15.minutes) do -%>
<li class="menu-item">
<%# if any of these have anything in them, then we should show a dropdown on the 'home' menu item %>
<%- if [ @current_user.cached_current_enrollments(:include_enrollment_uuid => session[:enrollment_uuid]),
@current_user.enrollments.ended ].any?{ |e| e.respond_to?(:count) && e.count > 0 } -%>
<a href="<%= dashboard_path %>" class="menu-item-title">
<%= @current_user.cached_current_group_memberships.empty? ? t('', "Courses") : t('links.courses_and_groups', "Courses & Groups") -%>
<span class="menu-item-title-icon"></span></a>
<div class="menu-item-drop">
<table cellspacing="0">
max_to_show = 8 # Need to keep this low for users with limited screen real estate
coalesced_enrollments = []
course_name_counts = {}
found_completed = false
@current_user.cached_current_enrollments(:include_enrollment_uuid => session[:enrollment_uuid]).each do |e|
next if e.state_based_on_date == :inactive
if e.state_based_on_date == :completed
found_completed = true
coalesced_enrollments << { :enrollment => e, :sortable => [e.rank_sortable, e.state_sortable, 0 -], :types => [ e.readable_type ] } if !e.course
existing_enrollment_info = coalesced_enrollments.find { |en|
# coalesce together enrollments for the same course and the same state
!e.course.nil? && en[:enrollment].course == e.course && en[:enrollment].workflow_state == e.workflow_state
if existing_enrollment_info
existing_enrollment_info[:types] << e.readable_type
existing_enrollment_info[:sortable] = [existing_enrollment_info[:sortable] || [999,999, 999], [e.rank_sortable, e.state_sortable, 0 -]].min
coalesced_enrollments << { :enrollment => e, :sortable => [e.rank_sortable, e.state_sortable, 0 -], :types => [ e.readable_type ] }
course_name_counts[] ||= 0
course_name_counts[] += 1
coalesced_enrollments = coalesced_enrollments.sort_by{|e| e[:sortable] || [999,999, 999] }
[coalesced_enrollments, "shared/menu_enrollment", t('menu.my_courses', "My Courses"), courses_path],
[@current_user.cached_current_group_memberships, "shared/menu_group_membership", t('menu.current_groups', "Current Groups"), groups_path],
[@current_user.accounts, "shared/menu_account", t('menu.managed_accounts', "Managed Accounts"), accounts_path]
].each do |triple| %>
<%= render(:partial => "shared/menu_section", :locals => {
:collection => triple.first[0,max_to_show],
:partial => triple[1],
:collection_size => triple.first.length,
:max_to_show => max_to_show,
:more_link_for_over_max => triple[3],
:title => triple[2],
:course_name_counts => course_name_counts }) %>
<% end %>
<% unless @current_user.enrollments.ended.empty? && !found_completed %>
<div class="menu-item-drop-padded">
<%= link_to h(t('menu.all_enrollments', 'See All Enrollments')) + raw(' &raquo;'), courses_path, :class => "menu-item-drop-float-right" %>
<% end %>
<%- else #there is nothing inside the home menu, so dont show it as a drop-down -%>
<a href="<%= dashboard_path %>" class="menu-item-no-drop"><%= t 'links.home', 'Home' %></a>
<%- if show_home_menu? -%>
<%= render(:partial => 'shared/home_menu') %>
<%- else -%>
<a href="<%= dashboard_path %>" class="menu-item-no-drop"><%= t 'links.home', 'Home' %></a>
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<a href="<%= dashboard_path %>" class="menu-item-title">
<%= @current_user.cached_current_group_memberships.empty? ? t('', "Courses") : t('links.courses_and_groups', "Courses & Groups") -%>
<span class="menu-item-title-icon"></span></a>
<div class="menu-item-drop">
<table cellspacing="0">
<%= render(:partial => "shared/menu_section", :locals => menu_enrollments_locals) %>
<%= render(:partial => "shared/menu_section", :locals => menu_groups_locals) %>
<%= render(:partial => "shared/menu_section", :locals => menu_accounts_locals) %>

View File

@ -6,5 +6,5 @@
<span class="subtitle ellipsis enrollment_term" style="float: right"><%= menu_enrollment[:enrollment] %></span>
<% end %>
<span class="subtitle ellipsis"><%= menu_enrollment[:enrollment].workflow_state == "invited" ? content_tag('b', before_label(:invited_as, 'Invited as')) : before_label(:enrolled_as, "Enrolled as") %> <%= raw(menu_enrollment[:types]{|t| content_tag('b', t) }.uniq.to_sentence) %></span>

View File

@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
<% max_to_show ||= nil; course_name_counts ||= nil %>
<% max_to_show ||= nil; course_name_counts ||= nil; link_text ||= nil %>
<% if collection && !collection.empty? %>
<td class="menu-item-drop-column">
<h2><%= title %></h2>
<ul class="menu-item-drop-column-list">
<%= render :partial => partial, :collection => max_to_show ? collection.first(max_to_show) : collection, :locals => {:title => title, :course_name_counts => course_name_counts} %>
<% if collection_size > 0 && collection.size == 0 %>
<li><%= link_to("#{collection_size} more", more_link_for_over_max, :class => "menu-item-drop-float-right" ) %></li>
<% elsif max_to_show && (collection_size || collection.size) > max_to_show %>
<li><%= link_to(raw("&hellip; and #{(collection_size || collection.size) - max_to_show} more"), more_link_for_over_max, :class => "menu-item-drop-float-right" ) %></li>
<% if link_text %>
<li><%= link_to("#{link_text} (#{(collection_size || collection.size)})", more_link_for_over_max, :class => "menu-item-drop-float-right" ) %></li>
<% end %>

View File

@ -21,9 +21,11 @@ require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper')
describe "enrollment_date_restrictions" do
it "should not list inactive enrollments in the menu" do
@student = user_with_pseudonym
course(:course_name => "Course 1", :active_all => 1)
@enrollment1 = course(:course_name => "Course 1", :active_all => 1)
e1 = student_in_course(:user => @student, :active_all => 1)
course(:course_name => "Course 2", :active_all => 1)
@enrollment2 = course(:course_name => "Course 2", :active_all => 1)
@course.update_attributes(:start_at => 2.days.from_now, :conclude_at => 4.days.from_now, :restrict_enrollments_to_course_dates => true)
e2 = student_in_course(:user => @student, :active_all => 1)
e1.state.should == :active
@ -31,12 +33,14 @@ describe "enrollment_date_restrictions" do
e2.state.should == :active
e2.state_based_on_date.should == :inactive
Enrollment.update_all(["created_at = ?", 1.minute.ago]) # need to make created_at and updated_at different
user_session(@student, @pseudonym)
get "/"
page = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body)
list = page.css(".menu-item-drop-column-list li")
list.length.should == 1
list.length.should == 2 # view all courses should always show up
list[0].text.should match /Course 1/
list[0].text.should_not match /Course 2/
page.css(".menu-item-drop-padded").should be_empty
@ -50,39 +54,6 @@ describe "enrollment_date_restrictions" do
page.css(".past_enrollments li").should be_empty
it "should include see all enrollments link in menu for date completed courses" do
@student = user_with_pseudonym
course(:course_name => "Course 1", :active_all => 1)
e1 = student_in_course(:user => @student, :active_all => 1)
course(:course_name => "Course 2", :active_all => 1)
@course.update_attributes(:start_at => 4.days.ago, :conclude_at => 2.days.ago, :restrict_enrollments_to_course_dates => true)
e2 = student_in_course(:user => @student, :active_all => 1)
e1.state.should == :active
e1.state_based_on_date.should == :active
e2.state.should == :active
e2.state_based_on_date.should == :completed
user_session(@student, @pseudonym)
get "/"
page = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body)
list = page.css(".menu-item-drop-column-list li")
list.length.should == 1
list[0].text.should match /Course 1/
list[0].text.should_not match /Course 2/
page.css(".menu-item-drop-padded").should_not be_empty
get "/courses"
page = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body)
active_enrollments = page.css(".current_enrollments li")
active_enrollments.length.should == 1
active_enrollments[0]['class'].should match /active/
past_enrollments = page.css(".past_enrollments li")
past_enrollments.length.should == 1
past_enrollments[0]['class'].should match /completed/
it "should not show date inactive/completed courses in grades" do
@course1 = course(:active_all => 1)
@course2 = course(:active_all => 1)

View File

@ -35,11 +35,30 @@ describe "navigation" do
get "/"
page = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body)
list = page.css(".menu-item-drop-column-list li")
list[0].text.should match /Summer Term/m # course 3, Summer Term
list[1].text.should match /Spring Term/m # course 3, Spring Term
# order of tests assumes alphabetical order of list
list[4].text.should match /Summer Term/m # course 3, Summer Term
list[3].text.should match /Spring Term/m # course 3, Spring Term
list[2].text.should_not match /Term/ # don't show term cause it doesn't have a name collision
list[3].text.should_not match /Term/ # don't show term cause it's the default term
list[4].text.should_not match /Term/ # "
list[1].text.should_not match /Term/ # don't show term cause it's the default term
list[0].text.should_not match /Term/ # "
it "should not show enrollments with identical created_at and updated_at dates (bad SIS data)" do
@account = Account.default
course_with_teacher(:course_name => "Course 1", :user => @user)
@enrollment = course_with_teacher(:course_name => "Course 2", :user => @user)
Enrollment.update_all(["updated_at = ?", @enrollment.created_at], :id =>
user_session(@user, @pseudonym)
get "/"
page = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body)
list = page.css(".menu-item-drop-column-list li")
list.length.should == 2