diff --git a/app/jsx/developer_keys/ManualConfigurationForm/RequiredValues.js b/app/jsx/developer_keys/ManualConfigurationForm/RequiredValues.js
index 9f34a98d8a5..7b708fe2b9d 100644
--- a/app/jsx/developer_keys/ManualConfigurationForm/RequiredValues.js
+++ b/app/jsx/developer_keys/ManualConfigurationForm/RequiredValues.js
@@ -92,6 +92,11 @@ export default class RequiredValues extends React.Component {
this.setState(state => ({toolConfiguration: {...state.toolConfiguration, public_jwk: value}}))
+ handlePublicJwkUrlChange = e => {
+ const value = e.target.value;
+ this.setState(state => ({toolConfiguration: {...state.toolConfiguration, public_jwk_url: value}}))
+ }
render() {
const { toolConfiguration } = this.state;
const { showMessages } = this.props
@@ -156,6 +161,13 @@ export default class RequiredValues extends React.Component {
messages={showMessages && !toolConfiguration.public_jwk ? validationMessage : []}
diff --git a/app/jsx/developer_keys/NewKeyModal.js b/app/jsx/developer_keys/NewKeyModal.js
index 4a66935e997..c288ddbe0b5 100644
--- a/app/jsx/developer_keys/NewKeyModal.js
+++ b/app/jsx/developer_keys/NewKeyModal.js
@@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ export default class DeveloperKeyModal extends React.Component {
get toolConfiguration () {
const public_jwk = this.developerKey.public_jwk ? { public_jwk: this.developerKey.public_jwk } : {}
- return {...(this.developerKey.tool_configuration || {}), ...this.state.toolConfiguration, ...public_jwk}
+ const public_jwk_url = this.developerKey.public_jwk_url ? { public_jwk_url: this.developerKey.public_jwk_url } : {}
+ return {...(this.developerKey.tool_configuration || {}), ...this.state.toolConfiguration, ...public_jwk, ...public_jwk_url}
get isLtiKey() {
diff --git a/app/models/developer_key.rb b/app/models/developer_key.rb
index ab2f2320bf5..d8af487642d 100644
--- a/app/models/developer_key.rb
+++ b/app/models/developer_key.rb
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ class DeveloperKey < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :tool_configuration, class_name: 'Lti::ToolConfiguration', dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :developer_key
serialize :scopes, Array
+ before_validation :normalize_public_jwk_url
before_validation :validate_scopes!
before_create :generate_api_key
before_create :set_auto_expire_tokens
before_create :set_visible
- before_create :infer_key_type
before_save :nullify_empty_icon_url
before_save :protect_default_key
before_save :set_require_scopes
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ class DeveloperKey < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_as_url :redirect_uri, :oidc_initiation_url, :public_jwk_url, allowed_schemes: nil
validate :validate_redirect_uris
validate :validate_public_jwk
+ validate :validate_lti_fields
attr_reader :private_jwk
@@ -297,8 +298,14 @@ class DeveloperKey < ActiveRecord::Base
- def infer_key_type
- self.is_lti_key = self.public_jwk.present? || self.public_jwk_url.present?
+ def validate_lti_fields
+ return unless self.is_lti_key?
+ return if self.public_jwk.present? || self.public_jwk_url.present?
+ errors.add(:lti_key, "must have public jwk or public jwk url")
+ end
+ def normalize_public_jwk_url
+ self.public_jwk_url = nil if self.public_jwk_url.blank?
def manage_external_tools(enqueue_args, method, affected_account)
diff --git a/app/models/lti/tool_configuration.rb b/app/models/lti/tool_configuration.rb
index 8a5b69caa46..2aac4039297 100644
--- a/app/models/lti/tool_configuration.rb
+++ b/app/models/lti/tool_configuration.rb
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ module Lti
belongs_to :developer_key
- before_validation :store_configuration_from_url, only: :create
before_save :normalize_configuration
after_update :update_external_tools!, if: :update_external_tools?
@@ -55,35 +54,53 @@ module Lti
def self.create_tool_config_and_key!(account, tool_configuration_params)
- self.transaction do
- dk = DeveloperKey.create!(account: (account.site_admin? ? nil : account))
- settings = tool_configuration_params[:settings]&.try(:to_unsafe_hash) || tool_configuration_params[:settings]
+ settings = if tool_configuration_params[:settings_url].present? && tool_configuration_params[:settings].blank?
+ retrieve_and_extract_configuration(tool_configuration_params[:settings_url])
+ elsif tool_configuration_params[:settings].present?
+ tool_configuration_params[:settings]&.try(:to_unsafe_hash) || tool_configuration_params[:settings]
+ end
- if settings.present?
- self.create!(
- developer_key: dk,
- configuration: settings.deep_merge(
- 'custom_fields' => ContextExternalTool.find_custom_fields_from_string(tool_configuration_params[:custom_fields])
- ),
- disabled_placements: tool_configuration_params[:disabled_placements]
- )
- else
- # Creating config via URL
- t = self.create!(
- developer_key: dk,
- configuration_url: tool_configuration_params[:settings_url],
- disabled_placements: tool_configuration_params[:disabled_placements]
- )
- t.update! configuration: t.configuration.deep_merge(
+ raise_error(:configuration, "Configuration must be present") if settings.blank?
+ self.transaction do
+ dk = DeveloperKey.create!(
+ account: (account.site_admin? ? nil : account),
+ is_lti_key: true,
+ public_jwk_url: settings[:public_jwk_url],
+ public_jwk: settings[:public_jwk]
+ )
+ self.create!(
+ developer_key: dk,
+ configuration: settings.deep_merge(
'custom_fields' => ContextExternalTool.find_custom_fields_from_string(tool_configuration_params[:custom_fields])
- )
- t
- end
+ ),
+ configuration_url: tool_configuration_params[:settings_url],
+ disabled_placements: tool_configuration_params[:disabled_placements]
+ )
+ def self.retrieve_and_extract_configuration(url)
+ response = CC::Importer::BLTIConverter.new.fetch(url)
+ raise_error(:configuration_url, 'Content type must be "application/json"') unless response['content-type'].include? 'application/json'
+ raise_error(:configuration_url, response.message) unless response.is_a? Net::HTTPSuccess
+ JSON.parse(response.body).with_indifferent_access
+ rescue Timeout::Error
+ raise_error(:configuration_url, 'Could not retrieve settings, the server response timed out.')
+ end
+ private_class_method :retrieve_and_extract_configuration
+ def self.raise_error(type, message)
+ tool_config_obj = self.new
+ tool_config_obj.errors.add(type, message)
+ raise ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, tool_config_obj
+ end
+ private_class_method :raise_error
def update_external_tools?
@@ -132,22 +149,6 @@ module Lti
- def store_configuration_from_url
- return if configuration_url.blank? || configuration.present?
- response = CC::Importer::BLTIConverter.new.fetch(configuration_url)
- errors.add(:configuration_url, 'Content type must be "application/json"') unless response['content-type'].include? 'application/json'
- return if errors[:configuration_url].present?
- errors.add(:configuration_url, response.message) unless response.is_a? Net::HTTPSuccess
- return if errors[:configuration_url].present?
- self.settings = JSON.parse(response.body)
- rescue Timeout::Error
- errors.add(:configuration_url, 'Could not retrieve settings, the server response timed out.')
- end
def normalize_configuration
self.configuration = JSON.parse(configuration) if configuration.is_a? String
diff --git a/lib/schemas/lti/tool_configuration.rb b/lib/schemas/lti/tool_configuration.rb
index a782a45a1d0..c2f16767840 100644
--- a/lib/schemas/lti/tool_configuration.rb
+++ b/lib/schemas/lti/tool_configuration.rb
@@ -26,13 +26,18 @@ module Schemas::Lti
# to be reenabled after scopes bug fix
# "scopes",
- "oidc_initiation_url",
- "public_jwk"
+ "oidc_initiation_url"
"properties" => {
"title" => {
"type" => "string"
+ "public_jwk_url" => {
+ "type" => "string"
+ }.freeze,
+ "is_lti_key" => {
+ "type" => "boolean"
+ }.freeze,
"description" => {
"type" => "string"
diff --git a/spec/controllers/lti/tool_configurations_api_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/lti/tool_configurations_api_controller_spec.rb
index 942fc1fe892..f17c5738eb8 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/lti/tool_configurations_api_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/lti/tool_configurations_api_controller_spec.rb
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ RSpec.describe Lti::ToolConfigurationsApiController, type: :controller do
test_cluster_only: true,
scopes: ['https://purl.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-ags/scope/lineitem'],
require_scopes: true,
- redirect_uris: "http://www.test.com\r\nhttp://www.anothertest.com"
+ redirect_uris: "http://www.test.com\r\nhttp://www.anothertest.com",
+ public_jwk_url: "https://www.test.com"
let(:new_url) { 'https://www.new-url.com/test' }
diff --git a/spec/models/developer_key_spec.rb b/spec/models/developer_key_spec.rb
index 9ce8bc3b476..cbd501ab2c6 100644
--- a/spec/models/developer_key_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/developer_key_spec.rb
@@ -47,33 +47,18 @@ describe DeveloperKey do
key_hash['kty'] = key_hash['kty'].to_s
- let(:developer_key_with_jwk) { DeveloperKey.create!(public_jwk: public_jwk) }
- let(:developer_key_with_url) { DeveloperKey.create!(public_jwk_url: "https://hello.world.com") }
- let(:developer_key_with_key_and_url) { DeveloperKey.create!(public_jwk: public_jwk, public_jwk_url: "https://hello.world.com") }
- let(:developer_key_none) { DeveloperKey.create! }
+ let(:public_jwk_url) { "https://hello.world.com" }
- context 'when public jwk is present' do
- it 'is_lti_key should return true' do
- expect(developer_key_with_jwk.is_lti_key).to eq true
- end
+ it 'throws error if public jwk and public jwk are absent' do
+ expect { DeveloperKey.create!(is_lti_key: true) }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
- context 'when public jwk url is present' do
- it 'is_lti_key should return true' do
- expect(developer_key_with_url.is_lti_key).to eq true
- end
+ it 'validates when public jwk is present' do
+ expect { DeveloperKey.create!(is_lti_key: true, public_jwk: public_jwk) }.to_not raise_error
- context 'when public jwk url and public jwk is not present' do
- it 'is_lti_key should return false' do
- expect(developer_key_none.is_lti_key).to eq false
- end
- end
- context 'when public jwk url and public jwk is present' do
- it 'is_lti_key should return true' do
- expect(developer_key_with_key_and_url.is_lti_key).to eq true
- end
+ it 'validates when public jwk url is present' do
+ expect { DeveloperKey.create!(is_lti_key: true, public_jwk_url: public_jwk_url) }.to_not raise_error
diff --git a/spec/models/lti/tool_configuration_spec.rb b/spec/models/lti/tool_configuration_spec.rb
index 87b5ced5743..c7218988e6e 100644
--- a/spec/models/lti/tool_configuration_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/lti/tool_configuration_spec.rb
@@ -133,97 +133,6 @@ module Lti
- describe 'before_validation' do
- subject do
- tool_configuration.validate
- tool_configuration
- end
- context 'when "settings_url" is present' do
- let(:url) { 'https://www.mytool.com/config/json' }
- let(:stubbed_response) do
- double(
- body: settings.to_json,
- '[]' => 'application/json;',
- is_a?: true
- )
- end
- before do
- tool_configuration.settings = nil
- tool_configuration.settings_url = url
- tool_configuration.developer_key = developer_key
- allow_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP).to receive(:request).and_return(stubbed_response)
- end
- it 'fetches JSON from the URL' do
- expect(subject.settings['target_link_uri']).to eq settings['target_link_uri']
- end
- context 'when a timeout occurs' do
- before { allow_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP).to receive(:request).and_raise(Timeout::Error) }
- it 'raises exception if timeout occurs' do
- expect(subject.errors[:configuration_url]).to include 'Could not retrieve settings, the server response timed out.'
- end
- end
- context 'when the response is not a success' do
- let(:stubbed_response) { double() }
- before do
- allow(stubbed_response).to receive(:is_a?).with(Net::HTTPSuccess).and_return false
- allow(stubbed_response).to receive('[]').and_return('application/json')
- allow_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP).to receive(:request).and_return(stubbed_response)
- end
- context 'when the response is "not found"' do
- before do
- allow(stubbed_response).to receive(:message).and_return('Not found')
- allow(stubbed_response).to receive(:code).and_return('404')
- end
- it 'adds a "not found error to the model' do
- expect(subject.errors[:configuration_url]).to include 'Not found'
- end
- end
- context 'when the response is "unauthorized"' do
- before do
- allow(stubbed_response).to receive(:message).and_return('Unauthorized')
- allow(stubbed_response).to receive(:code).and_return('401')
- end
- it 'adds a "unauthorized error to the model' do
- expect(subject.errors[:configuration_url]).to include 'Unauthorized'
- end
- end
- context 'when the response is "internal server error"' do
- before do
- allow(stubbed_response).to receive(:message).and_return('Internal server error')
- allow(stubbed_response).to receive(:code).and_return('500')
- end
- it 'adds a "internal server error to the model' do
- expect(subject.errors[:configuration_url]).to include 'Internal server error'
- end
- end
- context 'when the response is not JSON' do
- before do
- allow(stubbed_response).to receive('[]').and_return('text/html')
- allow(stubbed_response).to receive(:is_a?).with(Net::HTTPSuccess).and_return true
- end
- it 'adds an error to the model' do
- expect(subject.errors[:configuration_url]).to include 'Content type must be "application/json"'
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
describe 'after_update' do
subject { tool_configuration.update!(changes) }
@@ -425,7 +334,7 @@ module Lti
let_once(:account) { Account.create! }
let(:params) do
- settings: settings
+ settings: settings.with_indifferent_access
let(:tool_configuration) { described_class.create_tool_config_and_key!(account, params) }
@@ -456,6 +365,92 @@ module Lti
expect(DeveloperKey.where(account: account).count).to eq 0
+ context 'when settings_url is present' do
+ let(:params) do
+ {
+ settings_url: url
+ }
+ end
+ let(:url) { 'https://www.mytool.com/config/json' }
+ let(:stubbed_response) do
+ double(
+ body: settings.to_json,
+ '[]' => 'application/json;',
+ is_a?: true
+ )
+ end
+ before do
+ allow_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP).to receive(:request).and_return(stubbed_response)
+ end
+ it 'fetches JSON from the URL' do
+ expect(tool_configuration.settings['target_link_uri']).to eq settings['target_link_uri']
+ end
+ context 'when a timeout occurs' do
+ before { allow_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP).to receive(:request).and_raise(Timeout::Error) }
+ it 'raises exception if timeout occurs' do
+ expect{ tool_configuration }.to raise_error /Could not retrieve settings, the server response timed out./
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when the response is not a success' do
+ let(:stubbed_response) { double() }
+ before do
+ allow(stubbed_response).to receive(:is_a?).with(Net::HTTPSuccess).and_return false
+ allow(stubbed_response).to receive('[]').and_return('application/json')
+ allow_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP).to receive(:request).and_return(stubbed_response)
+ end
+ context 'when the response is "not found"' do
+ before do
+ allow(stubbed_response).to receive(:message).and_return('Not found')
+ allow(stubbed_response).to receive(:code).and_return('404')
+ end
+ it 'adds a "not found error to the model' do
+ expect{ tool_configuration }.to raise_error /Not found/
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when the response is "unauthorized"' do
+ before do
+ allow(stubbed_response).to receive(:message).and_return('Unauthorized')
+ allow(stubbed_response).to receive(:code).and_return('401')
+ end
+ it 'adds a "unauthorized error to the model' do
+ expect{ tool_configuration }.to raise_error /Unauthorized/
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when the response is "internal server error"' do
+ before do
+ allow(stubbed_response).to receive(:message).and_return('Internal server error')
+ allow(stubbed_response).to receive(:code).and_return('500')
+ end
+ it 'adds a "internal server error to the model' do
+ expect{ tool_configuration }.to raise_error /Internal server error/
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when the response is not JSON' do
+ before do
+ allow(stubbed_response).to receive('[]').and_return('text/html')
+ allow(stubbed_response).to receive(:is_a?).with(Net::HTTPSuccess).and_return true
+ end
+ it 'adds an error to the model' do
+ expect{ tool_configuration }.to raise_error /Content type must be \"application\/json\"/
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end