remove deprecated datadog / splunk logic

refs DE-150

Change-Id: I07ee65b349e64c6d4279929fbbfb2fa71042330b
Tested-by: Service Cloud Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: James Butters <>
QA-Review: James Butters <>
Product-Review: James Butters <>
This commit is contained in:
Aaron Ogata 2020-07-24 08:34:44 -07:00
parent d0df807673
commit dc039e2567
6 changed files with 85 additions and 257 deletions

Jenkinsfile vendored
View File

@ -37,16 +37,9 @@ def buildParameters = [
library "canvas-builds-library"
def runDatadogMetric(name, body) {
def dd = load('build/new-jenkins/groovy/datadog.groovy')
def skipIfPreviouslySuccessful(name, block) {
runDatadogMetric(name) {
def successes = load('build/new-jenkins/groovy/successes.groovy')
successes.skipIfPreviouslySuccessful(name, true, block)
def successes = load('build/new-jenkins/groovy/successes.groovy')
successes.skipIfPreviouslySuccessful(name, true, block)
def wrapBuildExecution(jobName, parameters, propagate, urlExtra) {
@ -145,47 +138,45 @@ pipeline {
steps {
timeout(time: 5) {
script {
runDatadogMetric("Setup") {
buildParameters += string(name: 'PATCHSET_TAG', value: "${env.PATCHSET_TAG}")
buildParameters += string(name: 'POSTGRES', value: "${env.POSTGRES}")
buildParameters += string(name: 'RUBY', value: "${env.RUBY}")
// the plugin builds require the canvas lms refspec to be different. so only
// set this refspec if the main build is requesting it to be set.
// NOTE: this is only being set in main-from-plugin build. so main-canvas wont run this.
buildParameters += string(name: 'CANVAS_LMS_REFSPEC', value: env.CANVAS_LMS_REFSPEC)
pullGerritRepo('gerrit_builder', 'master', '.')
gems = readFile('gerrit_builder/canvas-lms/config/plugins_list').split()
echo "Plugin list: ${gems}"
// fetch plugins
gems.each { gem ->
if (env.GERRIT_PROJECT == gem) {
/* this is the commit we're testing */
pullGerritRepo(gem, env.GERRIT_REFSPEC, 'gems/plugins')
} else {
pullGerritRepo(gem, 'master', 'gems/plugins')
pullGerritRepo("qti_migration_tool", "master", "vendor")
sh 'mv -v gerrit_builder/canvas-lms/config/* config/'
sh 'rm -v config/cache_store.yml'
sh 'rm -vr gerrit_builder'
sh 'rm -v config/database.yml'
sh 'rm -v config/security.yml'
sh 'rm -v config/selenium.yml'
sh 'rm -v config/file_store.yml'
sh 'cp -v docker-compose/config/selenium.yml config/'
sh 'cp -vR docker-compose/config/new-jenkins/* config/'
sh 'cp -v config/delayed_jobs.yml.example config/delayed_jobs.yml'
sh 'cp -v config/domain.yml.example config/domain.yml'
sh 'cp -v config/external_migration.yml.example config/external_migration.yml'
sh 'cp -v config/outgoing_mail.yml.example config/outgoing_mail.yml'
buildParameters += string(name: 'PATCHSET_TAG', value: "${env.PATCHSET_TAG}")
buildParameters += string(name: 'POSTGRES', value: "${env.POSTGRES}")
buildParameters += string(name: 'RUBY', value: "${env.RUBY}")
// the plugin builds require the canvas lms refspec to be different. so only
// set this refspec if the main build is requesting it to be set.
// NOTE: this is only being set in main-from-plugin build. so main-canvas wont run this.
buildParameters += string(name: 'CANVAS_LMS_REFSPEC', value: env.CANVAS_LMS_REFSPEC)
pullGerritRepo('gerrit_builder', 'master', '.')
gems = readFile('gerrit_builder/canvas-lms/config/plugins_list').split()
echo "Plugin list: ${gems}"
// fetch plugins
gems.each { gem ->
if (env.GERRIT_PROJECT == gem) {
/* this is the commit we're testing */
pullGerritRepo(gem, env.GERRIT_REFSPEC, 'gems/plugins')
} else {
pullGerritRepo(gem, 'master', 'gems/plugins')
pullGerritRepo("qti_migration_tool", "master", "vendor")
sh 'mv -v gerrit_builder/canvas-lms/config/* config/'
sh 'rm -v config/cache_store.yml'
sh 'rm -vr gerrit_builder'
sh 'rm -v config/database.yml'
sh 'rm -v config/security.yml'
sh 'rm -v config/selenium.yml'
sh 'rm -v config/file_store.yml'
sh 'cp -v docker-compose/config/selenium.yml config/'
sh 'cp -vR docker-compose/config/new-jenkins/* config/'
sh 'cp -v config/delayed_jobs.yml.example config/delayed_jobs.yml'
sh 'cp -v config/domain.yml.example config/domain.yml'
sh 'cp -v config/external_migration.yml.example config/external_migration.yml'
sh 'cp -v config/outgoing_mail.yml.example config/outgoing_mail.yml'
@ -196,36 +187,34 @@ pipeline {
steps {
timeout(time: 2) {
script {
runDatadogMetric("Rebase") {
credentials.withGerritCredentials({ ->
sh '''#!/bin/bash
set -o errexit -o errtrace -o nounset -o pipefail -o xtrace
credentials.withGerritCredentials({ ->
sh '''#!/bin/bash
set -o errexit -o errtrace -o nounset -o pipefail -o xtrace
git fetch origin $GERRIT_BRANCH:origin/$GERRIT_BRANCH
git fetch origin $GERRIT_BRANCH:origin/$GERRIT_BRANCH
# this helps current build issues where cleanup is needed before proceeding.
# however the later git rebase --abort should be enough once this has
# been on jenkins for long enough to hit all nodes, maybe a couple days?
if [ -d .git/rebase-merge ]; then
echo "A previous build's rebase failed and the build exited without cleaning up. Aborting the previous rebase now..."
git rebase --abort
git checkout $GERRIT_REFSPEC
# this helps current build issues where cleanup is needed before proceeding.
# however the later git rebase --abort should be enough once this has
# been on jenkins for long enough to hit all nodes, maybe a couple days?
if [ -d .git/rebase-merge ]; then
echo "A previous build's rebase failed and the build exited without cleaning up. Aborting the previous rebase now..."
git rebase --abort
git checkout $GERRIT_REFSPEC
# store exit_status inline to ensures the script doesn't exit here on failures
git rebase --preserve-merges origin/$GERRIT_BRANCH; exit_status=$?
if [ $exit_status != 0 ]; then
echo "Warning: Rebase couldn't resolve changes automatically, please resolve these conflicts locally."
git rebase --abort
exit $exit_status
# store exit_status inline to ensures the script doesn't exit here on failures
git rebase --preserve-merges origin/$GERRIT_BRANCH; exit_status=$?
if [ $exit_status != 0 ]; then
echo "Warning: Rebase couldn't resolve changes automatically, please resolve these conflicts locally."
git rebase --abort
exit $exit_status
@ -376,25 +365,23 @@ pipeline {
steps {
timeout(time: 10) {
script {
runDatadogMetric("publishImageOnMerge") {
// Retriggers won't have an image to tag/push, pull that
// image if doesn't exist. If image is not found it will
// return NULL
if (!sh (script: 'docker images -q $RUBY_PATCHSET_IMAGE')) {
sh './build/new-jenkins/ pull $RUBY_PATCHSET_IMAGE'
if (!sh (script: 'docker images -q $PATCHSET_TAG')) {
sh './build/new-jenkins/ pull $PATCHSET_TAG'
// publish canvas-lms:$GERRIT_BRANCH (i.e. canvas-lms:master)
// push *all* canvas-lms images (i.e. all canvas-lms prefixed tags)
sh './build/new-jenkins/ push $MERGE_TAG'
sh './build/new-jenkins/ push $RUBY_MERGE_IMAGE'
// Retriggers won't have an image to tag/push, pull that
// image if doesn't exist. If image is not found it will
// return NULL
if (!sh (script: 'docker images -q $RUBY_PATCHSET_IMAGE')) {
sh './build/new-jenkins/ pull $RUBY_PATCHSET_IMAGE'
if (!sh (script: 'docker images -q $PATCHSET_TAG')) {
sh './build/new-jenkins/ pull $PATCHSET_TAG'
// publish canvas-lms:$GERRIT_BRANCH (i.e. canvas-lms:master)
// push *all* canvas-lms images (i.e. all canvas-lms prefixed tags)
sh './build/new-jenkins/ push $MERGE_TAG'
sh './build/new-jenkins/ push $RUBY_MERGE_IMAGE'
@ -404,10 +391,8 @@ pipeline {
when { expression { env.GERRIT_EVENT_TYPE == 'change-merged' } }
steps {
script {
runDatadogMetric("dependencyCheck") {
def reports = load 'build/new-jenkins/groovy/reports.groovy'
reports.snykCheckDependencies("$PATCHSET_TAG", "/usr/src/app/")
def reports = load 'build/new-jenkins/groovy/reports.groovy'
reports.snykCheckDependencies("$PATCHSET_TAG", "/usr/src/app/")
@ -415,10 +400,8 @@ pipeline {
stage('Mark Build as Successful') {
steps {
script {
runDatadogMetric("markBuildAsSuccessful") {
def successes = load 'build/new-jenkins/groovy/successes.groovy'
def successes = load 'build/new-jenkins/groovy/successes.groovy'
@ -448,8 +431,6 @@ pipeline {
def splunk = load 'build/new-jenkins/groovy/splunk.groovy'

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2020 - present Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <>.
import groovy.time.*
// Datadog metric format is the following:
// We are just allowing counts for now to be simple.
// Source
def hackyMetricSend(metric, value, tags) {
def metric_string = "${metric}:${value}|d|1|#${tags.join(',')}"
echo "sending metric: $metric_string"
def script = """#!/bin/bash
echo -n "$metric_string" > /dev/udp/localhost/8125
// exit code is captured in case we want upstream caller status correction
return sh(script: script, returnStatus: true)
def runDataDogForMetric(name, block) {
def timeStart = new Date()
try {
finally {
def duration = TimeCategory.minus(new Date(), timeStart).toMilliseconds()
hackyMetricSend("jenkins.stage.elapsedTimeDist", duration, ["stage:${name}"])
def splunk = load 'build/new-jenkins/groovy/splunk.groovy'
splunk.upload([splunk.eventForStageDuration(name, duration)])
def runDataDogForMetricWithExtraTags(name, extraTags, block) {
def timeStart = new Date()
try {
finally {
def duration = TimeCategory.minus(new Date(), timeStart).toMilliseconds()
hackyMetricSend("jenkins.stage.elapsedTimeDist", duration, ["stage:${name}", extraTags].flatten())
def splunk = load 'build/new-jenkins/groovy/splunk.groovy'
splunk.upload([splunk.eventForStageDuration(name, duration)])
return this

View File

@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
import groovy.time.*
def runDatadogMetric(name, extraTags, body) {
def dd = load('build/new-jenkins/groovy/datadog.groovy')
* appends stages to the nodes based on the count passed into
* the closure.
@ -51,12 +46,7 @@ def appendStagesAsBuildNodes(nodes,
// make sure to unstash
unstash name: "build-dir"
unstash name: "build-docker-compose"
def splunk = load 'build/new-jenkins/groovy/splunk.groovy'
splunk.upload([splunk.eventForNodeWait(stage_name, duration)])
def extraTags = ["parallelStageName:${stage_name}"]
runDatadogMetric(test_label,extraTags) {
// mark with instance index.

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def publishSpecCoverageToS3(prefix, ci_node_total, coverage_type) {
sh "mv coverage ${prefix}_coverage"
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: "${prefix}_coverage_nodes/**")
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: "${prefix}_coverage/**")
@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ def publishSpecFailuresAsHTML(prefix, ci_node_total, report_title) {
htmlFiles = findFiles glob: '**/index.html'
def report_name = "spec-failure-$prefix"
def report_url = "${BUILD_URL}${report_name}"
@ -186,18 +185,6 @@ def buildIndexPage(failureCategories) {
writeFile file: "index.html", text: indexHtml
def uploadSplunkFailures(failureCategories) {
def splunk = load 'build/new-jenkins/groovy/splunk.groovy'
def splunkFailureEvents = []
failureCategories.each {category, failures ->
failures.each { failure ->
def spec = (failure =~ /.*spec_failures\/(.*)\/index/)[0][1]
splunkFailureEvents.add(splunk.eventForTestFailure(spec, category))
def snykCheckDependencies(projectImage, projectDirectory) {
def projectContainer = sh(script: "docker run -d -it -v snyk_volume:${projectDirectory} ${projectImage}", returnStdout: true).trim()

View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2020 - present Instructure, Inc.
* This file is part of Canvas.
* Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <>.
import groovy.json.*
// Splunk can take one or more events:
// the json objects are simply concatenated if there are multiple (no [] and no commas)
def upload(events) {
sh "build/new-jenkins/ '${new JsonBuilder(events).toString()}'"
def event(name, fields) {
return [
"sourcetype": "jenkins",
"event": name,
"fields": fields
// Rerun category is a string describing which rerun retry this test failure was
def eventForTestFailure(test, rerun_category) {
return event('jenkins.test.failure', ['test': test, 'rerun_category': rerun_category])
def eventForBuildDuration(duration) {
return event('', ['duration': duration])
def eventForStageDuration(name, duration) {
return event('jenkins.stage.duration', ['stage': name, 'duration': duration])
def eventForNodeWait(node, duration) {
return event('jenkins.node.wait', ['node': node, 'duration': duration])
def logEvents(events) {
def displaySize = 10
def displayEventsString = new JsonBuilder(events.take(displaySize)).toPrettyString()
println("Uploading ${events.size()} events to splunk (showing ${displaySize} events): ${displayEventsString}")
return this

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
set -o errexit -o nounset -o xtrace -o errtrace -o pipefail
curl -k "$SPLUNK_URL" -H "Authorization: Splunk $SPLUNK_HEC_KEY" -d "$1"