set boolean values to false before saving if nil

closes CNVS-35932
closes CNVS-35931

test plan:

1. Create an announcement.
2. Go to the announcements index page at
3. Click the settings cog and select 'Close for Comments'.
4. Verify there is no error.
5. Refresh the page and verify the announcement has been closed for
   comments (there should be a lock icon to the left of the settings

Change-Id: Ide9559622460e59dc089291345b4c1da8f0e12d2
Reviewed-by: Neil Gupta <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Neander <>
QA-Review: Anju Reddy <>
Product-Review: Neil Gupta <>
This commit is contained in:
Spencer Olson 2017-03-28 11:04:33 -05:00
parent 24a0353072
commit b219df063b
6 changed files with 299 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -521,6 +521,13 @@ class Assignment < ActiveRecord::Base
# have to use peer_reviews_due_at here because it's the column name
self.peer_reviews_assigned = false if peer_reviews_due_at_changed?
self.points_possible = nil unless self.graded?
:all_day, :could_be_locked, :grade_group_students_individually,
:anonymous_peer_reviews, :turnitin_enabled, :vericite_enabled,
:moderated_grading, :omit_from_final_grade, :freeze_on_copy,
:copied, :only_visible_to_overrides, :post_to_sis, :peer_reviews_assigned,
:peer_reviews, :automatic_peer_reviews, :muted, :intra_group_peer_reviews
].each { |attr| self[attr] = false if self[attr].nil? }
protected :default_values

View File

@ -120,6 +120,12 @@ class DiscussionTopic < ActiveRecord::Base
if self.has_group_category?
self.subtopics_refreshed_at ||= Time.parse("Jan 1 2000")
:could_be_locked, :podcast_enabled, :podcast_has_student_posts,
:require_initial_post, :pinned, :locked, :allow_rating,
:only_graders_can_rate, :sort_by_rating
].each { |attr| self[attr] = false if self[attr].nil? }
protected :default_values

View File

@ -139,6 +139,14 @@ class Quizzes::Quiz < ActiveRecord::Base
self.question_count = self.question_count(true)
@update_existing_submissions = true if self.for_assignment? && self.quiz_type_changed?
@stored_questions = nil
:shuffle_answers, :could_be_locked, :anonymous_submissions,
:require_lockdown_browser, :require_lockdown_browser_for_results,
:one_question_at_a_time, :cant_go_back, :require_lockdown_browser_monitor,
:only_visible_to_overrides, :one_time_results, :show_correct_answers_last_attempt
].each { |attr| self[attr] = false if self[attr].nil? }
self[:show_correct_answers] = true if self[:show_correct_answers].nil?
# quizzes differ from other publishable objects in that they require we

View File

@ -96,6 +96,121 @@ describe Assignment do
expect(@assignment.errors[:grading_type]).not_to be_nil
describe "default values for boolean attributes" do
before(:once) do
@assignment = @course.assignments.create!
let(:values) do
Assignment.where(id: @assignment).pluck(
it "saves boolean attributes as false if they are set to nil" do
could_be_locked: nil,
grade_group_students_individually: nil,
anonymous_peer_reviews: nil,
turnitin_enabled: nil,
vericite_enabled: nil,
moderated_grading: nil,
omit_from_final_grade: nil,
freeze_on_copy: nil,
copied: nil,
only_visible_to_overrides: nil,
post_to_sis: nil,
peer_reviews_assigned: nil,
peer_reviews: nil,
automatic_peer_reviews: nil,
muted: nil,
intra_group_peer_reviews: nil
expect(values).to eq([false] * values.length)
it "saves boolean attributes as false if they are set to false" do
could_be_locked: false,
grade_group_students_individually: false,
anonymous_peer_reviews: false,
turnitin_enabled: false,
vericite_enabled: false,
moderated_grading: false,
omit_from_final_grade: false,
freeze_on_copy: false,
copied: false,
only_visible_to_overrides: false,
post_to_sis: false,
peer_reviews_assigned: false,
peer_reviews: false,
automatic_peer_reviews: false,
muted: false,
intra_group_peer_reviews: false
expect(values).to eq([false] * values.length)
it "saves boolean attributes as true if they are set to true" do
# exluding the moderated_grading attribute because it cannot be
# true when peer_reviews is true
could_be_locked: true,
grade_group_students_individually: true,
anonymous_peer_reviews: true,
turnitin_enabled: true,
vericite_enabled: true,
omit_from_final_grade: true,
freeze_on_copy: true,
copied: true,
only_visible_to_overrides: true,
post_to_sis: true,
peer_reviews_assigned: true,
peer_reviews: true,
automatic_peer_reviews: true,
muted: true,
intra_group_peer_reviews: true
values = Assignment.where(id: @assignment).pluck(
expect(values).to eq([true] * values.length)
describe '#tool_settings_tool=' do
let(:stub_response){ double(code: 200, body: {}.to_json, parsed_response: {'Id' => 'test-id'}, ok?: true) }
let(:subscription_helper){ class_double(Lti::AssignmentSubscriptionsHelper).as_stubbed_const }

View File

@ -24,6 +24,74 @@ describe DiscussionTopic do
student_in_course(:active_all => true)
describe "default values for boolean attributes" do
before(:once) do
@topic = @course.discussion_topics.create!
let(:values) do
DiscussionTopic.where(id: @topic).pluck(
it "saves boolean attributes as false if they are set to nil" do
could_be_locked: nil,
podcast_enabled: nil,
podcast_has_student_posts: nil,
require_initial_post: nil,
pinned: nil,
locked: nil,
allow_rating: nil,
only_graders_can_rate: nil,
sort_by_rating: nil
expect(values).to eq([false] * values.length)
it "saves boolean attributes as false if they are set to false" do
could_be_locked: false,
podcast_enabled: false,
podcast_has_student_posts: false,
require_initial_post: false,
pinned: false,
locked: false,
allow_rating: false,
only_graders_can_rate: false,
sort_by_rating: false
expect(values).to eq([false] * values.length)
it "saves boolean attributes as true if they are set to true" do
could_be_locked: true,
podcast_enabled: true,
podcast_has_student_posts: true,
require_initial_post: true,
pinned: true,
locked: true,
allow_rating: true,
only_graders_can_rate: true,
sort_by_rating: true
expect(values).to eq([true] * values.length)
it "should santize message" do
@course.discussion_topics.create!(:message => "<a href='#' onclick='alert(12);'>only this should stay</a>")
expect(@course.discussion_topics.first.message).to eql("<a href=\"#\">only this should stay</a>")

View File

@ -25,6 +25,101 @@ describe Quizzes::Quiz do
describe "default values for boolean attributes" do
before(:once) do
@quiz = @course.quizzes.create!(title: "hello")
let(:default_false_values) do
Quizzes::Quiz.where(id: @quiz).pluck(
it "saves boolean attributes as false if they are set to nil" do
shuffle_answers: nil,
could_be_locked: nil,
anonymous_submissions: nil,
require_lockdown_browser: nil,
require_lockdown_browser_for_results: nil,
one_question_at_a_time: nil,
cant_go_back: nil,
require_lockdown_browser_monitor: nil,
only_visible_to_overrides: nil,
one_time_results: nil,
show_correct_answers_last_attempt: nil
expect(default_false_values).to eq([false] * default_false_values.length)
it "saves show_correct_answers as true if it is set to nil" do
@quiz.update!(show_correct_answers: nil)
expect(@quiz.show_correct_answers).to eq(true)
it "saves boolean attributes as false if they are set to false" do
shuffle_answers: false,
could_be_locked: false,
anonymous_submissions: false,
require_lockdown_browser: false,
require_lockdown_browser_for_results: false,
one_question_at_a_time: false,
cant_go_back: false,
require_lockdown_browser_monitor: false,
only_visible_to_overrides: false,
one_time_results: false,
show_correct_answers_last_attempt: false
expect(default_false_values).to eq([false] * default_false_values.length)
it "saves show_correct_answers as false if it is set to false" do
@quiz.update!(show_correct_answers: false)
expect(@quiz.show_correct_answers).to eq(false)
it "saves boolean attributes as true if they are set to true" do
shuffle_answers: true,
could_be_locked: true,
anonymous_submissions: true,
require_lockdown_browser: true,
require_lockdown_browser_for_results: true,
one_question_at_a_time: true,
cant_go_back: true,
require_lockdown_browser_monitor: true,
only_visible_to_overrides: true,
one_time_results: true,
show_correct_answers_last_attempt: true,
# if allowed_attempts is <= 1, show_correct_answers_last_attempt
# cannot be set to true
allowed_attempts: 2
expect(default_false_values).to eq([true] * default_false_values.length)
it "saves show_correct_answers as true if it is set to true" do
@quiz.update!(show_correct_answers: true)
expect(@quiz.show_correct_answers).to eq(true)
describe ".mark_quiz_edited" do
it "should mark a quiz as having unpublished changes" do
quiz = nil