ensure js/css build succeeded during health_check
fixes: CNVS-38654 otherwise the health check might happily say canvas is all good, when no front end page will actually work test plan: (Do all of this in RAILS_ENV=production) * go to /health_check; it should work * delete public/dist/webpack-*/webpack-manifest.json * restart your server * go to /health_check; it should give a 500 * compile_assets again * go to /health_check; it should work * delete public/dist/brandable_css * restart your server * go to /health_check; it should give a 500 * compile_assets again * go to /health_check; it should work * rm public/dist/rev-manifest.json * restart your server * go to /health_check; it should give a 500 Change-Id: I0d4c941e71185563ad382d5f91dfce92447fbba6 Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.instructure.com/122326 Reviewed-by: Cody Cutrer <cody@instructure.com> Tested-by: Jenkins QA-Review: Jeremy Putnam <jeremyp@instructure.com> Product-Review: Ryan Shaw <ryan@instructure.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,10 +54,18 @@ class InfoController < ApplicationController
Tempfile.open("heartbeat", ENV['TMPDIR'] || Dir.tmpdir) { |f| f.write("heartbeat"); f.flush }
# javascript/css build process didn't die, right?
asset_urls = {
common_css: css_url_for("common"), # ensures brandable_css_bundles_with_deps exists
common_js: ActionController::Base.helpers.javascript_url("#{js_base_url}/common"), # ensures webpack worked
revved_url: Canvas::Cdn::RevManifest.gulp_manifest.values.first # makes sure `gulp rev` has ran
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render plain: 'canvas ok' }
format.json { render json:
{ status: 'canvas ok',
asset_urls: asset_urls,
revision: Canvas.revision,
installation_uuid: Canvas.installation_uuid } }
@ -30,12 +30,21 @@ describe InfoController do
it "should respond_to json" do
request.accept = "application/json"
allow(Canvas).to receive(:revision).and_return("Test Proc")
allow(Canvas::Cdn::RevManifest).to receive(:gulp_manifest).and_return({test_key: "mock_revved_url"})
get "health_check"
expect(response).to be_success
json = JSON.parse(response.body)
expect(json).to have_key('installation_uuid')
expect(json).to eq({ "status" => "canvas ok", "revision" => "Test Proc" })
expect(json).to eq({
"status" => "canvas ok",
"revision" => "Test Proc",
"asset_urls" => {
"common_css" => "/dist/brandable_css/new_styles_normal_contrast/bundles/common-#{BrandableCSS.cache_for('bundles/common', 'new_styles_normal_contrast')[:combinedChecksum]}.css",
"common_js" => ActionController::Base.helpers.javascript_url("#{ENV['USE_OPTIMIZED_JS'] == 'true' ? '/dist/webpack-production' : '/dist/webpack-dev'}/common"),
"revved_url" => "mock_revved_url"
Reference in New Issue